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厘清职业和职业教育之间的相互作用关系,从国际标准职业分类与国际教育标准分类的框架出发,分析我国职业与职业教育对应关系中的问题并提出对策,以期对我国职业和职业教育的进一步研究起到抛砖引玉之作用。  相似文献   

无边界职业生涯时代,高校辅导员职业发展的外部环境和内部动力发生了变化。辅导员是其职业发展的主体,辅导员与高校之间传统的保障承诺被发展承诺所取代,辅导员的职业成功必须超越主客观评价标准的不足,建立起与知识创造相联系的评价标准。辅导员必须在职业规划中明确责任,加强职业自我管理;在职业流动中抓住根本,提升边界突破能力;在职业实践中瞄准目标,坚定专业发展路径。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了职前教师教育实习中个体与情境变量之间的相互作用,并进一步探究了这一相互作用对职前教师个体发展和职业社会化的影响。研究旨在调查实习教师职业角色意识的形成过程,并阐释个体教学风格和社会职业特性的养成方式。本研究为非实验性调查研究,包含部分定量数据,使用一项改编自凯雷斯和阿尔梅达的"教育实习经历与认识调查量表"采集数据,采用平均得分排名进行统计分析以评估数据。调查结果表明实习教师在职业社会化、学习发展以及职业认同三个维度的成功水平较高;而在支持和指导维度、社会—情感维度方面成功水平较低。本文提出以拉尔夫的情境指导模式解决教师成长过程中以上两个维度中存在的问题。  相似文献   

以化学检验工职业能力为主线,以国家职业标准为依据,从总体构架、教学内容的选择、课程项目设置、教师的岗位经理人作用、学生的职业行为及成绩评定等方面,对化学检验技术课程项目教学过程进行了研究。采用项目教学法,能使学生主动地掌握知识与技能,有效提升学生的职业能力和综合能力,为学生今后的职业发展奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

主观幸福感的新近研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主观幸福感是对幸福的主观感受,是个体依据自己的标准对其生活质量整体评价后做出来的判断,它受主客观条件的制约。新近研究主要关注主观幸福感与自尊、社会支持、人格特质和人际关系等的相互作用,以及影响主观幸福感的内外因素。  相似文献   

朱亚娟 《成人教育》2021,41(4):88-93
英国是最早建立职业教育资格证书制度的国家。其“两个证书”制度、统一证书体系、国家资格框架、C&G资格证书制度、职业能力等级标准、职业能力评定依据、职业能力评定方式等值得肯定,但存在职业资格证书等同于低水平技术技能、摇摆于两种职业资格鉴定模式之间、职业资格证书设计理想远胜现实等问题。建立我国职业教育资格证书制度必须强化法律保障作用、建立资格证书制度、注重能力认定公允、企业必须高度参与。  相似文献   

职业技术教育对一个国家的经济建设和现代化水平有十分重要的作用。本文分析了新形势下职业技术教育主客观方面的弊端,着重分析主观方面怎样通过建构新的课程观和改革教学来提高教学质量,发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

为探究中小学教师的组织支持感、工作重塑与主观职业成功之间的关系,随机选取安徽、河南、重庆三省市的359名中小学教师进行问卷调查的结果发现:(1)中小学教师在组织支持感、工作重塑与主观职业成功上的自评得分较低,均有较大的提升空间;(2)在工作重塑、组织支持感与主观职业成功上,城市教师的得分优于农村教师,女教师较男教师更倾向于进行工作重塑,小学教师在组织支持感与主观职业成功上的得分优于中学教师;(3)中小学教师的组织支持感、工作重塑与主观职业成功之间均呈显著正相关,组织支持感、工作重塑之增加挑战性要求与增加结构性资源可正向预测主观职业成功;(4)增加挑战性要求、增加结构性资源在组织支持感与主观职业成功之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

我国高等教育的迅速发展,导致地方高校青年教师的数量急剧增加,这些青年教师在发展的过程中面临巨大的职业压力,严重影响其身心健康和地方高校的生存与发展。文章在地方高校与部属高校的比较视野下,分析当前研究地方高校青年教师职业压力的特殊性,着重从主客观方面分析其职业压力形成的原因,并提出缓解地方高校青年教师职业压力的措施。  相似文献   

师德既影响教师素质的发展,也影响学生的学习和发展。而师德的形成受到主客观两大因素的影响,在主客观因素的互动中师德得以形成与发展,但客观因素通过主观因素发挥其作用。其中,客观因素既包括社会期望、职业声望、现实地位等宏观因素,也包括学校管理体制、人际关系、群体观念、集体目标等微观因素。而主观因素主要包括职业社会知觉、职业角色意识与个人特质三个方面,其中,角色意识对师德的发展起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

毕业生职业发展状况直接反应了学生就业后服务社会需求质量,对研究生教育培养改革意义重大。通过对重庆某高校的学术型硕士毕业生进行问卷调查,依据人力资源价值评价,深入分析在校培养各因素对研究生毕业后职业发展状况的影响。实证研究发现,在校培养因素可包括实训实践、课程教学、挑战性研究、成效关注和职业导向五项因子,并且这五类在校培养因素分别对反映职业发展状况的收入、职称、职位、职业发展前景、社会贡献度等指标具有影响。最后,笔者基于此,提出"提高培养质量,提升人力资源价值"的研究生培养改革相关建议。  相似文献   

Leah Shagrir 《Compare》2015,45(2):206-225
The objective of this research study was to identify the factors affecting the professional characteristics of teacher educators by comparing two models of teacher education. The research findings revealed four major focal points that have an impact on professional characteristics: the operational model adopted by the institution where teacher educators work; the breadth and depth of teacher educators’ research and scholarship and the degree to which such scholarship is required as part of the assessment criteria; the cooperation between the training institution and the practical field (i.e., the schools where the students do their practice teaching); and the informal relationships between teacher educators and their students. The novelty of the study resides in the fact that these points affect teacher educators’ professional characteristics and that focusing on these characteristics facilitates a comprehensive view of methods, tools and directions that may expedite the professional development of teacher educators.  相似文献   

A career dilemma is a hypothetical or real situation in which a character is confronted with several career options each of which has advantages and disadvantages. The main purpose of presenting and discussing a dilemma in career counseling groups is to confront several appraisals of the situation in order to promote more complex thinking about career choices. Another important aim of this technique is to enhance interaction between group members and to analyze similar career dilemmas that the group participants have experienced in the past. The use of the discussion of career dilemmas is described, especially the role of the career counselor, and some suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Estimates vary, but statistics indicate that anywhere between one and six million children will be abused and/or neglected this year in the United States. In the process of investigating reports of abuse and neglect, child protective service workers are called upon to make numerous case decisions. Critical to much of this decision making is the assessment by the worker of the potential risk of harm that exists to the child regarding further abuse or neglect. This paper, based on two separate research studies, identifies the criteria child protective service workers use to assess this potential risk of harm to the child. The research also shows that the criteria are not used as individual factors that indicate the presence or absence of risk. Instead the criteria form a constellation of factors that function for the worker in assessing the degree of potential risk to the child. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of research findings for child welfare practice.  相似文献   

Two decades of research into early career researchers has highlighted the interaction of a constellation of influences in making sense of their experiences. Such research largely draws on either quantitative or qualitative traditions. While both traditions explore similar phenomena, research questions are often framed differently and use different methods. Interestingly, there are few studies in which design integrates quantitative and qualitative processes. In this paper, we describe such a design in which we examined post-PhD researcher agency, social support and intention to remain in or leave the academy. The quantitative analysis highlighted two profiles representing variation in intention to remain based on the interaction of community and supervisory support. The qualitative analysis, while supporting this finding, suggested other influences as well. Examining these other influences in-depth led to a more robust representation of the interplay of personal life and work in relation to intention to remain. We concluded work-related factors are insufficient to explain intention to remain. We suggest future research in this area should explore what other factors may be overlooked in understanding (a) intention to remain and (b) early career researcher experience more broadly. Finally, we propose research designs integrating both quantitative and qualitative processes may prove fruitful in future research, not just in this area but more broadly.  相似文献   

女大学教师与工作相关的压力源研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
中国正处在急剧的社会转型期,在此过程中,大学教师面对更高的发展要求和现实挑战。研究性大学中,教师的压力更为明显。本研究在七所研究性大学中发放了500多份问卷,结果显示,总的来看,男女大学教师在工作和生活上面对较大压力,最主要的压力源来自外在的职业回报和内在的职业发展与研究需要。研究还证明女教师在事业与生活的冲突、职业发展和性别障碍三个方面比男教师遇到更大的压力和挑战。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined potential two-way interaction effects of the Big Five personality traits extraversion and openness to experience on career commitment measured in terms of three components of career identity, career resilience, and career planning. Participants included 450 managers from public and private sector organizations in North India. The results indicated significant positive impacts of extraversion and openness interactions on the career resilience dimension of career commitment. Implications for practice and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The article examines the role of career counsellors in secondary education in Cyprus, with emphasis on their effect on students' career decisions. Survey research was used to collect information from 611 students and 36 career counsellors in Cyprus. Students were asked to rate the importance of several factors as influences on their career decisions. This allowed for the assessment of the importance of career counsellors relative to other influencing factors. In a separate survey, career counsellors provided information on their job satisfaction and their effectiveness in providing guidance and information to students. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. According to the findings, students consider counsellors to be of little or no importance as sources of guidance and information in the decision‐making process which precedes the choice between higher education and employment. Moreover, counsellors point to serious problems at the workplace which limit their effectiveness. The article discusses ways of addressing the problems faced by career counsellors and enhancing their role as significant reference individuals in further education and career decisions.  相似文献   

From apprentice to colleague: The metamorphosis of Early Career Researchers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While the studies of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) have contributed politically important insights into factors hindering ECRs, they have not yet achieved a theoretical understanding of the causal mechanisms that are at work in the transition from dependent to independent research. This paper positions the early career phase in a theoretical framework that combines approaches from the sociology of science and organisational sociology and emphasises the transitional process. In this framework, the early career phase is considered as containing a status passage from the apprentice to the colleague state of their career in their scientific communities. In order to capture the mechanisms underlying this transition, it is important to analyse the interactions of these careers as they unfold over time. The usefulness of this approach is demonstrated with a pilot study of Australian ECRs. We show (a) that misalignments of the three careers stretch the transition phase; (b) that the two major factors affecting the transition are a successful PhD and a research-intensive phase prior to normal academic employment; and (c) that the most important condition hindering the transition is the lack of time for research. It can be concluded that as a result of a ‘market failure’ of the university system, the transition from dependent to independent research is currently being relocated to a phase between the PhD and the first academic position.  相似文献   

Classroom assessment has become a cornerstone of today’s standards-based system of education. However, recent policy developments, professional standards, and variable assessment education have led to significant variability in teachers’ approaches to assessment. The primary purpose of this research was to use a new instrument predicated on recently published classroom assessment standards – the Approaches to Classroom Assessment Inventory – to measure teachers’ (a) approaches to assessment, (b) perceived skill in current assessment tasks and responsibilities, and (c) professional learning preferences and priorities. Based on 404 teachers from across North America, this study contributes initial evidence of how teachers approach classroom assessment with respect to four dimensions: Assessment Purposes, Assessment Processes, Assessment Fairness and Measurement Theory. Results from this study point to significant differences based on career stage and previous assessment education. The study concludes with four key implications for assessment research and practice.  相似文献   

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