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社会性别分析方法要求充分考虑女性和男性面对的不同的社会现实,分析法律规定对女性和男性的不同影响,尤其是可能给女性带来的负面影响,进而修改法律,以期实现男女之间的真正平等。我国现行婚姻法规定夫妻在家庭中地位平等,但从社会性别视角观察,夫妻人身关系法中有些规定未能充分体现社会性别平等的要求,其实施结果并不能真正使女性获得与男性完全平等的法律保护。  相似文献   

女性经过几个世纪的不懈努力和斗争,在政治、经济、文化等各个领域不断争取与男性平等的权利,人们的性别平等意识逐渐增强,女性的社会地位从附属于男性和家庭,转变为在社会各个领域占有重要地位。女性的社会地位有了很大的提高,但是不平等依然存在。在高等教育领域,尽管政策层面是平等的,女性在高等教育各项工作中也占有一定比例,但是在性别结构和意识层面依然存在许多不平等因素,实现真正意义上的男女平等,依然需要不懈努力。  相似文献   

对女性参政的新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然女性参政权在法律上得到普遍认可,但女性并未能真正获得与男性平等的政治权力。本文通过分析制约女性参政的因素,提出了一些扭转女性参政不利处境的策略,即充分认识女性参政的重性;在干部选拔任用上保证一定的女性比例和名额;解放传统性别观念;调整以男性为中心的干部选拔标准;培育女性大众和女领导干部的性别意识。  相似文献   

传统的性别文化观念影响着男女两性数学能力的培养和形成过程.女性和男性的不同心理、生理特征和数学本身的学科特征,并没有造成两性数学能力差异.促进数学能力性别平等的对策有:继续扫荡“传统性别观”的残余,加强女性的数学教育,建构性别平等的社会性别文化.  相似文献   

女性酗酒是英国维多利亚时期一个较为突出的社会现象。女性酗酒者不仅违背了当时的法律规定,同时也违背了社会性别规范。这致使她们遭受了比男性酗酒者更为严厉地对待。本文试图从这一时期女性酗酒的事实、社会对女性酗酒的谴责和刑罚处置出发,展现社会性别在女性酗酒问题上所起的建构作用。  相似文献   

人的性别意识和性别行为不是生来就有的,而是家庭环境和社会文化制约中形成的.本文将知识女性成长环境置于社会性别概念范畴之中,分析性别概念对知识女性成才所造成的影响.社会性别分析是锐利的批判武器,从理论上解构两性关系不平等的根源.社会性别问题的传统思维必须得到改变,知识女性的自信度和自身价值必须得到提高、欣赏和认同,才能取得与男性平等的权利和地位.  相似文献   

目前我国女大学生就业过程中的性别歧视现象普遍存在。从社会性别的视角透视这一现象可以得出这样的结论:传统社会性别观念的困扰、现行法律规定的缺失以及经济因素的制约是女大学生平等就业的三大障碍。运用社会性别分析的方法为女大学生的平等就业搭建平台需要重构平等的社会性别意识、修正现行法律规定的缺失和利用经济的杠杆作用进行调节。简而言之,社会性别主流化是改变我国目前就业过程中的性别歧视现象,促进女大学生平等就业的可行性路径选择。  相似文献   

全球化背景下劳动世界的工作与家庭冲突导致妇女在教育、劳动力市场和公共生活领域的机会受到限制,对女性职业发展及家庭产生不利影响。从国家法律政策、雇主组织和企业、工会角度总结梳理世界各国近年的实践经验及政策导向,对中国性别分工的不平等及国家政策背后父权制的性别歧视与性别盲点进行分析,期待为有家庭责任的男性和女性提供就业机会平等和待遇平等的社会环境和条件,以消除劳动力市场的歧视,提高劳动者的就业能力和生活质量。  相似文献   

社会性别作为一种法律分析方法是国际女权运动尤其是女权主义法学运动的产物。在联合国的大力倡导下,社会性别被纳入立法和决策的主流,在人权公约和国际妇女运动中发挥着重要作用。社会性别的视角要求对国际人权概念和平等原则进行解析与重构,以使其能够真正反映男女两性的经历和需要,最终有利于保障两性实质平等的实现,使平等在妇女生活中真正具有意义。  相似文献   

女性长期来,包围在被自然化、合理化的社会性别文化语境中,为“自然”的女性,要低于为“文化”的男性。在这样一种社会群塑下,女性社会性别的弱势地位决定了女性以丢失“自我”为代价的必然归宿。因此,在现代社会中,女性的性别意识面临着一种新的启蒙,在“弱化”和“强化”的辩证互补下,将女性的性别自觉达到一个新高度,实现现代女性与男性同样“内外双修”的和谐的社会性别文化的平等理想。  相似文献   

The gender wage gap persists in the workplace in part because women major in fields that lead them into lower-paid occupations than fields associated with majors men choose. An open question is why women are more likely than men to switch towards majors that lead to lower-paying careers. Drawing on research suggesting that women are affected more by negative feedback than men, we use unique administrative data from a large private university on the East Coast from 2008 to 2016 to test whether women are more likely than men to switch majors in response to low grades in major-related classes. We also test whether the prevalence of men in a major or a major’s reputation for being stereotypically male-oriented induces women to switch out of that major more readily than men. We control for other factors that may affect a student’s final major, including high school performance, gender composition of faculty and peers, and economic returns of majors. The results show that overall women and men are equally likely to change their majors in response to poor grades in major-related courses. We also find no evidence that women in male-dominated majors are more likely than men to switch out, but we find that men with very low grades in female-dominated majors are more likely to switch out of these majors than women. In addition, we find that women are more likely to switch out of majors that are both male-dominated and STEM in response to poor performance compared to men. Thus, our results suggest that only when women students experience multiple signals suggesting their lack of fit in a field (i.e., low grades combined with gender peer composition, and external stereotyping signals) they tend to switch out of the major more often than male students. We find that men exhibit this tendency in response to even fewer overlapping signals about misfit than women.  相似文献   

中国女子高等教育是中国男性思想启蒙和身体力行的产物,它由男性倡导,极具功利性。针对我国女子高等教育先天不足的弱点和男女地位差异的现状,导引积极的社会性别文化,建立男女两性和谐的教育是21世纪高等教育努力的方向。为此,应将基本国策和性别意识真正纳入高等教育发展政策和教育实践中;大学要促进妇女研究学科化建设,并积极引导社会舆论;在大学课堂中应引入女性主义视角,努力构建男女两性和谐发展的校园文化。  相似文献   

性别因素对人的语言选择和使用具有重要影响,非对称语言、语言交流中的打断现象和不同性别会话策略的运用,都从不同的理论角度阐述了性别因素对语言使用的重要影响。通过对电影《泰坦尼克号》几个主人公的对话片段的分析,会发现以下特点:性别会影响人的语言选择,会出现男性刚毅和女性温柔、男性好战和女性含情、男性直白和女性感性。男女因不同性别而导致的各具特色的语言使用特点,对我们认识社会生活规律,具有较强的启发意义,特别是女性追求和谐、韬光养晦的语言特性及男性强势进攻的语言特性,均赋予我们时代启迪意义。  相似文献   

性别平等是人们关注已久的话题,倡导性别公平不仅应该关注男女两性生理性别上的平等,而且应该关注两性社会性别上的平等。生理性别是先天的,社会性别却是后天的,是文化赋予的。文章通过对俐侎人的生育习俗进行分析,发现"男女有别"、"男尊女卑"的现象从婴儿刚出生就开始体现。当地的生育观和社会性别观是由于文化使然导致的,从而制约了女童的发展。承认差异,关注弱势群体,突破传统文化的枷锁是实现两性平等的必经之路。  相似文献   

In recent years the pendulum has certainly swung towards women in higher education participation, but variations in the way these statistics have been calculated account for some of this swing. More importantly, women still receive less vocational and economic benefit than males from this increased participation. Despite over twenty years of gender equity policies and strategies in education, women still lag behind men on important indicators. Until women gain a greater share of higher degrees, labour force participation and earnings from income, their levels of participation in higher education should be maintained in order to preserve the gains that women have made and to ensure that they continue to improve their position relative to men. Far from removing women’s equity status, their equity status should be reconfirmed and efforts to break down sex-differentiated participation in education and the work force should be renewed.  相似文献   

The correlates and predictors of suicidal ideation were examined in 303 male and 691 female undergraduates. Results indicated that hopelessness predicted suicidal ideation in both samples; however, depression was found to be a significant suicide risk factor only in women. In contrast, alcohol-related problems and social support from family predicted suicidal ideation in men, but not in women. In addition, for both men and women perceived burdensomeness was a suicide risk factor and reasons for living a protective factor. When assessing risk for suicide, our results suggest that practitioners may need to focus more on depressive symptoms in women and more on alcohol-related problems in men, while considering hopelessness, perceived burdensomeness, and reasons for living regardless of gender. Prevention programs which target these identified risk and protective factors for suicidality should be developed specifically for college men and women.  相似文献   

This mixed methods study investigates how perceptions of gender inequality can positively predict credentialist attitudes and beliefs for women based on a survey of 488 college students from six universities with an approximately equal proportion of men and women, and follow-up interviews with 18 of these respondents in 2018-19. 11 men and 7 women were interviewed. The findings suggest that women are more likely to value credentials in the face of discrimination at work because they believed credentials could help them overcome their gender disadvantage, catch up with men, and minimize their risk of failure, as education was perceived to provide equal opportunities for men and women.  相似文献   

Computer science, like technology in general, is seen as a masculine field and the under-representation of women an intransigent problem. In this paper, we argue that the cultural belief in Australia that computer science is a domain for men results in many girls and women being chased away from that field as part of a border protection campaign by some males – secondary school teachers, boys and men playing games online and young men on campus at university. We draw on American feminist philosopher, Iris Marion Young’s analysis of the ‘five faces’ of oppression to suggest strategies whereby Australian universities could support women in computer science and educate men about respectful behaviour and gender equity.  相似文献   

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