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众所周知,名词具有空间性,动词具有时间性,这种特性在人类的语言里都是共通的。不过,一部分名词也具有时间性。比如,"明日·6時·今月"等就具有明显的时间性,这很容易得以判断。与此相对",事故·食事·宴会"等名词又是否具有时间性呢?它在具体运用的时候又具有何种特性呢?本文旨在通过语义及其表达形式对其进行简要分析。  相似文献   

吴宦熙 《科教文汇》2012,(13):147-148
当谈及日语"上"的方位表达方式时,中文用"名词+上"来表达,而日语却用"名词+上+に、で…"来表达。比如将"桌子上有书"这个句子翻译成日语时,一般可以这样翻译:"机の上に本がある"。用同样的方法将"黑板上有字"翻译成日语,就会翻译成"黒板の上に字がある",但这个日语句子却变成了"黑板的上方有字"的意思了。也就是说中国的"名词+上"和日语的"名词+上+に、で…"并非一对一的关系。那么这两者到底是怎样的关系呢?同时,二外日语学习者对这一语言现象的习得状况又如何呢?本文以将日语作为第二外语的英语专业的二外日语学习者为对象,对其习得状况进行实证调查,并究其问题所在,然后从中日对照的角度对二外日语学习者的日语方位表达方式"上"的教学方略进行探讨。  相似文献   

赵艳霞 《科教文汇》2010,(3):208-208
在我国,一级心理咨询师尚未开始资格鉴定时,具有二级心理咨询师资格可以接诊。与二级心理咨询师相关的词汇有"铂金职业"、"钻石职业"等,与此相关的二级心理咨询师证书也是号称含金量最高的证书。然而,在证书的背后,又有多少合格的二级心理咨询师呢?  相似文献   

刘伟星 《金秋科苑》2009,(23):170-170
缺乏美感的教学,便成了没有色彩、没有生气、没有情趣的单纯的符号活动。那必然是枯燥无味的。孩子生来具有的审美需求没有得到满足,从何产生愉悦的情绪,产生主动地投入教学过程的"力"呢!没有主动投入教学过程的"力",教学的主体性又如何体现呢?那么,语文课堂教学中有那些实施美育的途径呢?以下就此问题进一步阐释。  相似文献   

刘伟星 《今日科苑》2009,(23):170-170
缺乏美感的教学,便成了没有色彩、没有生气、没有情趣的单纯的符号活动。那必然是枯燥无味的。孩子生来具有的审美需求没有得到满足,从何产生愉悦的情绪,产生主动地投入教学过程的"力"呢!没有主动投入教学过程的"力",教学的主体性又如何体现呢?那么,语文课堂教学中有那些实施美育的途径呢?以下就此问题进一步阐释。  相似文献   

如今,很多新鲜的科学名词都走近了日常生活。“自由基”就属于百姓耳熟能详的一类科学名词。在‘“对抗自由基”、“清除自由基”等广告宣传的轰炸下,大家很难对自由基有什么好印象。那么,究竟什么是自由基,它与我们人类的健康有什么关系呢?到底该不该对抗自由基呢?  相似文献   

牛奶实在是让国人爱恨交加。一方面,人们希望通过喝奶来补充营养。尤其是孩子,父母们总是希望给他们"最好的奶",以至于各种通过炒作名词来忽悠的"高端牛奶"能大行其道。另一方面,层出不穷的牛奶事件以及"牛奶有害说"又让人们忧心忡忡;牛奶,到底喝还是不喝?  相似文献   

刘仁庆 《百科知识》2011,(12):34-35
"洛阳纸贵"是一句成语,形容优秀作品风行一时,深受读者欢迎。那么,是什么作品造成了洛阳纸贵?它和纸的发展与普及又有什么关系呢?  相似文献   

不同语言或者同一语言的不同时期,概念化的方式可能存在着系统的差别.概念化的方式不同,会影响到有关词语的语法表现形式.名词、动词是人类社会发展中人们首先进行概念化的词语,名词概念以实体为主,体现为一定的空间性,动词概念以动作行为为主,体现为一定的时间性.本文试以名词概念化过程中的空间性与时间性合一到空间性与时间性逐渐分离的情况为考察重点,说明一种语言的概念化的历史变迁是如何影响其语法结构的变化的.  相似文献   

杨桃华  林金花 《知识窗》2013,(12):46-46
"唉,吴斌,这道题老师教了三遍,你怎么还不会?""老师,刘婉青今天又没有做完作业。""老师,我家小孩又考那么几分,您说这可怎么好呢?"……是呀,一个班总有那么几个学生,因为各种原因而导致成绩不理想。经过仔细分析,笔者归纳出三个具有普遍性的原因,即家庭教育的原因、学生自身的原因及教师教育的原因。  相似文献   

曹向东 《科教文汇》2012,(11):133-134
根据词汇学基础理论,英语词汇中名词复数的拼法由于历史原因以及拼读体系与拼写体系的差异,使得名词复数形式的拼读与拼写不尽相同,这给学习名词单复数形式转换带来了一定的困难。本文拟介绍一些可以借鉴的常见复数拼法规则,以便有助于大家学习与实践。  相似文献   

副名结构自20世纪60年代以来,经历了一个由非法语言现象到逐渐被学者研究、关注,并获得合法性的过程。关于它的实质,历来学者众说纷纭,莫衷一是。笔者在前人学者基础上,从副名关系角度入手,提出副名组合的实质是副词修饰准形容词,即突显着特征义的名词,整个结构是一个静中有动的结构。  相似文献   

刘磊 《科教文汇》2020,(15):159-160
文章主要对《搜神记》中形容词兼类和活用进行了列举考察,分析认为,《搜神记》形容词兼类和活用的对象主要是动词和名词,对其他类的词没有兼类现象。同时,我们认为《搜神记》中形容词的兼类现象在使用上多于活用现象。  相似文献   

This study tackles the problem of extracting health claims from health research news headlines, in order to carry out veracity check. A health claim can be formally defined as a triplet consisting of an independent variable (IV – namely, what is being manipulated), a dependent variable (DV – namely, what is being measured), and the relation between the two. In this study, we develop HClaimE, an information extraction tool for identifying health claims in news headlines. Unlike the existing open information extraction (OpenIE) systems that rely on verbs as relation indicators, HClaimE focuses on finding relations between nouns, and draws on the linguistic characteristics of news headlines. HClaimE uses a Naïve Bayes classifier that combines syntactic and lexical features for identifying IV and DV nouns, and recognizes relations between IV and DV through a rule-based method. We conducted an evaluation on a set of health news headlines from ScienceDaily.com, and the results show that HClaimE outperforms current OpenIE systems: the F-measures for identifying headlines without health claims is 0.60 and that for extracting IV-relation-DV is 0.69. Our study shows that nouns can provide more clues than verbs for identifying health claims in news headlines. Furthermore, it also shows that dependency relations and bag-of-words can distinguish IV-DV noun pairs from other noun pairs. In practice, HClaimE can be used as a helpful tool to identifying health claims in news headlines, which can then be further compared against authoritative health claims for veracity. Given the linguistic similarity between health claims and other causal claims, e.g., impacts of pollution on the environment, HClaimE may also be applicable for extracting claims in other domains.  相似文献   

In every text, some words have frequency appearance and are considered as keywords because they have a strong relationship with the subjects of their texts, these words' frequencies change with time-series variation in a given period. However, in traditional text dealing methods and text search techniques, the importance of frequency change with time-series variation is not considered. Therefore, traditional methods could not correctly determine the index of word's popularity in a given period. In this paper, a new method is proposed to estimate automatically the stability classes (increasing, relatively constant, and decreasing) that indicate word's popularity with time-series variation based on the frequency change in past text data. At first, learning data were produced by defining five attributes to measure the frequency change of a word quantitatively. These five attributes were extracted automatically from electronic texts. These learning data were manual (human) classified into three stability classes. Then, these data were subjected to a decision tree to determine automatically stability classes of analysis data (test data). For learning data, we obtained the attribute values of 443 proper nouns that were extracted from 2216 articles of CNN newspapers (1997–1999) that discussed professional baseball. For testing data, 472 proper nouns that were extracted from 972 articles of CNN newspaper (1997–2000) then classified them automatically using decision tree. According to the comparison between the evaluation of the decision tree results and manually (human) results, F-measures of increasing, relatively constant and decreasing classes were 0.847, 0.851, and 0.768, respectively, and the effectiveness of this method is achieved.  相似文献   

企业成长与公司创业精神的培育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
创业型企业在现代经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,关于创业和公司创业精神的研究热潮正悄然兴起。本文从公司创业精神(corporate entrepreneurship)这个概念出发,对公司创业精神及其维度做了一个界定,指出影响公司创业精神的内外环境因素、个体特质及培育公司创业精神的策略,最后,提出培育创业精神对我国企业发展的实践意义。  相似文献   

刘燕华 《科教文汇》2012,(31):130-131
在各种口译中数字信息相对于一般的信息而言具有相对独立的性质,对数字的口译也只能同单一意义的专有名词一样进行转码.日汉数字口译既是日语学习者的一个难点,又是口译教学中必不可少的一个环节.在大学日语专业的口译教学工作中,教师应注重对学生进行数字口译各种相关形式的训练,丰富教学手段,提高学生日汉数字转换的能力.  相似文献   

This paper presents a strategy for building a morphological machine dictionary of English that infers meaning of derivations by considering morphological affixes and their semantic classification. Derivations are grouped into a frame that is accessible to semantic stem and knowledge base. This paper also proposes an efficient method for selecting compound Field Association (FA) terms from a large pool of single FA terms for some specialized fields. For single FA terms, five levels of association are defined and two ranks are defined, based on stability and inheritance. About 85% of redundant compound FA terms can be removed effectively by using levels and ranks proposed in this paper. Recall averages of 60–80% are achieved, depending on the type of text. The proposed methods are applied to 22,000 relationships between verbs and nouns extracted from the large tagged corpus.  相似文献   

蚂蚁算法是一种元启发式优化算法,研究表明其具有较强鲁棒性、优良的分布式计算机制、易于与其他方法相结合等特点,但是也存在一些不足。针对蚁群算法的不足,许多的学者提出了诸多的改进算法,通过对改进算法的研究发现对改进策略的研究是非常必要的。文中对改进策略进行总结,为算法改进发展提供必要的参考。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅猛发展,P2P技术在很大程度上颠覆了人们对互联网的传统观念,而成为在流量上占据统治地位的新型应用,极大地满足了用户的需求,与此同时P2P蠕虫也成为目前P2P应用面临的最严重的威胁之一。在P2P蠕虫的特点、分类、传播模型、检测及其防御机制等方面做了综述性的分析,并分析了一些典型仿真软件的优缺点,对开发起到了一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

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