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An intense relationship may develop in supervision that is similar in important ways to the treatment relationship. The supervisory relationship provides a model for ethical behavior for the supervisee in addition to being an important adjunct of counseling. Thus, the nature of supervision may have either positive or negative consequences in terms of treatment outcome. The supervisor is accountable for this delicate and complex relationship without the benefit of specific ethical guidelines. The supervisee is in a potentially vulnerable and powerless position without the protection of standards for behavior articulated. Ethical issues involved in supervision are raised in this article for potential resolution by the profession in an effort to protect the supervisor and supervisee and to enhance the quality of supervision.  相似文献   

我国现行的政府监督系统包括政党监督、人大监督、行政系统内部监督、司法监督、群众监督及舆论监督,其特点表现为:硬约束与软约束相结合、实质性监督与形式性监督相结合,宏观监督与微观监督相结合、直接监督和间接监督相结合。  相似文献   

重视和加强党内监督一直是我党的一项优良传统,党内监督在党的建设中的地位是不可取代的。邓小平历来重视党内监督,提出以制度建设来保证党内监督的理论,并从建立健全党内法规、制定完善党内监督制度、专门监督机构的建设等三个方面阐述了这一理论,对于全党提高对党内监督的理解和认识起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,监理行业的竞争日益激烈。但是,由于市场不规范,监理事业始终处于一种低水平发展趋势,监理工作大多维持在成本线以下运转,给监理“三控”(质量控制、工期控制、投资控制)工作带来很多不便,大大削弱了“控制”,“协调”等职能,长期下去必将产生恶性循环,影响工程质量,影响工程投资效益,影响工程的按时完成,进而防碍监理事业的健康发展。本文就规范监理市场行为、提高监理成效方面谈几点看法并提出解决问题的途径和方法,以期提高建设管理水平,完善建设项目管理体制,推进监理事业向着健康和规范化方向发展。  相似文献   

论我国第三方支付监管的完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国第三方支付监管存在着监管法律依据不足,监管体系尚未构建,沉淀资金缺乏有效监管,第三方支付交易过程监管操作性差等问题,可以采取以下措施进行应对:一是健全第三方支付监管法律法规;二是构建以人民银行为主、银监会及信息产业部门等为辅的监管体系;三是完善沉淀资金的结算时间和利息分配;四是利用现代科学技术监控第三方支付交易过程。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between supervisor perceptions of their supervisory style and elements of the supervision process, including the supervisory working alliance and supervisor self‐disclosure. Data from 137 counselor supervisors demonstrated a significant positive relationship between attractive, interpersonally sensitive, and task‐oriented supervisory styles and the (a) goals, tasks, and bond components of the supervisory working alliance and (b) frequency of supervisor self‐disclosure. Limitations and implications for counselor supervision theory, research, and practice are addressed.  相似文献   

高校环境的巨大变化,给高校的监督工作带来严峻的挑战。高校应积极整合内部、外部监督资源,以强化对高校权力运行的监督。高校监督资源的整合可以通过保持政府对高校的合理控制、加强党内监督、引进社会力量监督、发挥教职工民主监督作用、建立监督委员会、加强审计监督、加大监督意见的整改落实力度等途径展开。  相似文献   

The authors present a case example and evaluation of group counselor supervision. Experiential client-centered and didactic techniques were used to achieve supervision goals within a developmental framework.  相似文献   

监察制度是政治制度的一个重要组层部分,在政治体制中占据着重要地位。国民党执政时期,专门设立了监察机构,在一定程度上加强了中央对地方的监察和联系。通过对南京国民政府时期监察制度产生的理论渊源和制度设计的分析,总结南京国民政府时期监察制度存在的不足,为我国监察制度的建设提供一个新的研究视角。  相似文献   


Examination of the efficacy of clinical supervision has accrued limited evidence, partially due to lack of a clarity or consensus on what constitutes supervision outcomes. This not only leads to inconsistency across studies evaluating supervision outcomes but also falls short of providing guidance for clinical supervisors to systematically evaluate the efficacy of their work. We present a practitioner-oriented, evidence-informed, and pan-theoretical framework that connects a broad range of outcomes to the supervision process, including proximal, intermediate, and distal outcomes. We discuss how several practitioner-friendly instruments related to these outcomes can be incorporated into supervision practice and contribute to a more holistic assessment of supervision outcomes. We also discussed supervisory strategies, such as strategically attending to and balancing multiple levels of outcomes and incorporating a theoretical lens to our framework.


明初司法监察制度由独立监察机构的监察、中央行政的监察以及司法体系内部监察三道监察网构成。其对合理司法、提高效率起过一定积极作用,但观其具体实施则弊端重重:司法职能和其他监察职能相混;行政对司法的监察使得司法监察沦为行政的奴婢;宦官、厂卫特务组织干预司法,造成人人自危的社会气氛。而这一切最终症结在于封建专制,它使监察走向了自己的反面。  相似文献   

监督过失是处于监督管理地位的人违反监督、管理义务,对其应当防止的危害结果因疏忽大意或者因过于自信没有防止的心理态度.监督过失在主观上须预见到被监督者的过失行为,客观上须违反监督管理义务,正确认定监督过失,对惩治、预防职务犯罪有重要意义.  相似文献   

This study compared the process of supervision with that of counseling by examining the behavior of five professional therapists in both situations. Counselors recorded their counseling sessions with 10 clients and their supervisory sessions with 10 trainees. A total of 180 three-minute samples were selected for study. The level of facultative conditions (empathy, respect, genuineness, and specificity) was assessed. The Hill Interaction Matrix was also used to compare the verbal interactions in both counseling and supervising situations. Results indicated that the level of respect and genuineness were equal in the two situations. Contrary to the assumptions made by researchers in the area, the levels of empathy and specificity were significantly lower in supervision than in counseling. When interactions were rated with the Hill Matrix, supervision was significantly less therapeutic than was counseling. The differences found were discussed in terms of their implications for the teaching and learning of psychotherapy, as it related to both the theoretical literature and in terms of its effect on trainees and clients.  相似文献   

本文从高等院校办公室督查职能的主要表现人手,论述了高等院校办公室督查工作应遵循的原则,并试从督查的队伍、机制、网络、方法等方面提出提升高等院校办公室督查工作水平的措施。  相似文献   

文章简单的介绍了高职院校督导工作的内涵、特征、职能以及价值取向,并就在国家示范院校建设期间,督导机构应起发挥的职能作用,要扮演的独特角色,提出了自己的见解与看法,为如何保质保量的建设国家示范性高职院校建设工作,提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

针对电力监控系统现场对各种监控参数在线检测的实际需要和施工约束,设计了基于无线传感器网络的电力在线监控系统,在电力系统的高压和超高压母线、高压开关接点及人员无法接近的其他危险或恶劣环境中,对其电力参数进行实时在线检测,在中心监控室内就可以监视其运行状态,实现远距遥测监控。  相似文献   

Directors of early childhood programs wear many hats in the performance of their job responsibilities. One of the most important is that of providing leadership through effective supervision of staff. Promoting positive and helping relationships among the staff yields confident, motivated caregivers who want to provide quality care and education for young children.Diane M. Kohl is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Family Development at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.  相似文献   

我国独立董事与监事会职权出现重叠主要表现在财务监督权权力分配不明;对董事、经理的违法行为的监督权力分配不明和提议召开临时股东大会的条件和权力分配不明。由于我国独立董事的引进主要是制衡控股大股东,防止内部人控制和保护中小股东的利益,因此财务监督的主要职责主张由监事会执行,为避免监事会与独立董事的权力重合,在对董事、经理的违法行为进行监督和提议召开临时股东大会时,要对两者的权力进行合理分配。  相似文献   

This article is a discourse analysis of weekly computer‐mediated communications between 8 school counseling interns and their e‐mail supervisor over a 16‐week semester. Course‐required e‐mail supervision was provided as an adjunct to traditional face‐to‐face individual and group supervision. School counselor supervisees and supervisor enacted 3 discursive strategies (repetition, labeling, and plural pronoun usage), which were observed to contribute to supervisee professional identity development. Findings are discussed in light of both the counselor education and discourse analysis literatures. Implications for practice and future research are provided.  相似文献   

The relationship between supervisory identity development and supervisory experience, counseling experience, and training in supervision was examined for Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) members. Analyses indicated that supervisory experience and training were related to supervisory identity development, whilst counseling experience was not. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the importance of supervisor credentials.  相似文献   

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