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This article describes the unique characteristics of internationalization in teacher education in the Republic of Belarus, by asking how the creation of a national system of teacher education after the USSR??s disintegration has both enhanced and hindered internationalization. The question is answered by providing an overview of the specific challenges in establishing a national teacher education system after the Republic of Belarus became independent in 1991, by introducing a concept of internationalization, and by analysing three components of the internationalization of teacher education in Belarus. The authors conclude that internationalization in teacher education is still weak; it has been hindered mainly by the frequently changing, indecisive, and incoherent national policies that have left little academic freedom for those higher education institutions specializing in the initial education of teachers. The new nation??s various and changing contacts with other countries, in both east and west, call into question the term ??internationalization?? for Belarus, where former national contacts have quickly embraced internationalization.  相似文献   

Nationalism’s rise represents a potential harbinger of doom for the internationalization of higher education (IoHE). Space exists for research to amplify our understanding of the interplay between internationalization and nationalism from a public policy theory perspective. The study identified and classified policies and policy ideas pertinent to IoHE, and furthermore, explored how political rivalries in Taiwan have influenced IoHE’s development under globalization. Analysis of documentary data from an online national database reveals how IoHE policy changes reflect the machinations of political actors to advance domestic political agendas and provoke controversy. The advocacy coalition framework informs our explanation of how the aforementioned changes reflect Taiwan’s inward-looking political climate, unique geopolitical circumstances, and longstanding controversy over national identity. The paper discusses the implications of context for IoHE development across three consecutive government regimes to provide insights for further comparisons with other localities and contexts.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, South Korea has made remarkable achievements in education despite many obstacles. Education, in turn, has played an important role in Korea??s achieving both economic development and political democracy. This article examines how South Korea expanded access to education and improved its quality. The article also identifies several tasks Korean education faces in the context of the new challenges of globalization and social polarization, and some of the broader policy implications that the Korean model of educational development has beyond South Korea.  相似文献   

To date, much of the research on internationalization and globalization of higher education has focused on the institution or higher education system as the unit of analysis. Institution based studies have focused on the analysis of institutional practices and policies designed to further internationalization. System-level studies focus on state policy initiatives or approaches. In this paper we explore the inter-relationships among multiple levels of authority within a higher education system through an analysis of research policies and activities related to internationalization. While we are interested in the internationalization of university research, our primary objective is to explore the relationships between policy initiatives and approaches at different levels. Using the “Global Higher Education Matrix” as a framework, we discuss the policy emphasis on the internationalization of research at the federal, provincial (Ontario), and institutional levels of authority, as well as the international research activities associated with two large professional schools operating at the understructure level. By focusing on the inter-relationships among initiatives at different levels of authority, this study explores the complexity of policy perspectives within the internationalization of research in the context of multi-level governance.  相似文献   

With the advance of economic globalization and internationalization, the internationalization of education has become the inevitable trend of development for each country. By comparing higher education internationalization policies, the relationship between the education internationalization and localization, higher education internationalized school-running models and other issues in Korea and China(Hainan)。  相似文献   

韩国永进专门大学作为韩国专科大学综合评价排名第一的高等职业院校,首创韩国专业化、特性化的订单式教育,实施全球化人才培养战略,重视学生国际化能力养成和职业道德教育,是韩国高等职业教育的优秀代表。永进秉持“创新、诚信、奉献”校训理念,构建三位一体式教学体系,最大化发挥高等职业教育对地区经济的辐射与服务能力,以培养国际化复合型专业人才为己任,走出一条产学结合特色鲜明的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育国际化问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等职业教育国际化具有重要的战略意义,可以积极应对经济全球化趋势、深化高等职业教育体制改革、培养国际化人才满足市场需求、充分发挥我国高等职业教育的比较优势.在高等职业教育国际化过程中,应该坚持原则性与灵活性相结合的原则、国际化与本土化相结合的原则、引进来与走出去相结合的原则.为此,国家需要制定方针政策,进行统一管理;各级地方政府应该积极提供优质服务;高等职业教育机构应该更新观念,精心组织,有效实施,积极参与国际化进程.  相似文献   

新世纪以来,韩国高等教育发展迅速,出台了许多重大的改革政策,从中可以看出,韩国高等教育的改革趋势主要体现在四个方面:推动高等教育体系的创新改革;提高大学的学术与专业研究能力;加大对产业一学界联盟的支持力度;推动高等教育的国际化发展。  相似文献   

大学国际化发展战略是高等教育领域的重要课题。世界著名大学都在思考如何在全球化时代有效地实施大学国际化发展战略。本文对北京大学、东京大学、首尔大学这三所东亚地区著名高等学府的国际化发展战略进行述评和比较,分析它们积极应对全球化时代的挑战,推进自身国际化进程,从而实现各自发展目标的措施,希冀为其他国家和地区大学的发展提供可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

经济全球化始于 15世纪 ,至今已经历了三个阶段 ,并出现了三次大的浪潮。从经济全球化的历史进程可见 ,经济全球化的实质是资本的国际化 ,它表现为生产的国际化、贸易的自由化、金融一体化、跨国公司全球化以及科学技术世界化 ,经济全球化虽源于资本主义 ,但必将终于社会主义  相似文献   

经济全球化是经济学国际化的宏观背景。面向全球经济一体化大潮,应加快我国经济学教学体系创新;运用生命周期理论,对传统经济学课程结构进行调整;以政治经济学和西方经济学为龙头,加快课程内容改革;加强现代经济学与自然科学的融合,改革教学方法与手段。  相似文献   

ICT for and in Internationalization Processes: A Business School Case Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is assumed that information and communication technologies (ICTs) are pivotal for globalization of higher education and in internationalization processes. Moreover, it is claimed that globalization and new technologies have opened up a global market for education, in which new providers of higher education operate, and that this competition poses significant threats to traditional campus-based universities and colleges. This article we will shed light on these assumptions, by focusing on the following problem statement: To what extent is ICT seen as a means to internationalize higher education and how are ICTs employed in internationalization processes? This study reports findings from a case study of the Norwegian School of Management, a private business school, which in Norway is often seen as a stereotype of a ‘new provider’ operating in a global market, and a theoretically relevant case for, at a micro level, study the intersection between internationalization and ICT. The case study indicates that although information and communication technologies are seen as central in internationalization processes, and for supporting and coordinating international activities, they are not seen as driving forces for internationalization of higher education. The data indicates five main ways through which ICTs are used as support tools in internationalization processes.  相似文献   

文部科学省发布的最新版《资格证更新课程认定》依据教育振兴计划政策、学习指导要领理论、学校教育信息化法规、校园安全所面临的现实问题,将更新课程模块划分为学校教育动态、教育与心理咨询、全球化与国际化教育、教学与课程管理、校园安全教育五个部分,体现更新课程顺应全球化和跨文化潮流、瞄准新时代和实践性的需求、以道德教育和校园安全为目标、致力服务社区和学生的特征,对我国教师资格证定期注册制度和培训课程开设具有借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

论高等教育全球化的指标体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育从国际化到全球化是一个过程,是一个渐进、量变的过程,更是一个量变引起质变的过程。高等教育由国际化演变为全球化的"度"可以从三个方面考察:一是高等教育从国际化到全球化的组织临界标准,即高等教育市场全球化指标;二是高等教育从国际化到全球化的留学生临界标准,即留学生市场全球化指标;三是高等教育认证从国际化到全球化的临界标准,即高等教育质量全球化指标。  相似文献   

The idea of cosmopolitanism is emerging as an explicit aim of the Korean educational system. Over the course of its 5,000-year history, Korea has been characterized by a largely homogeneous population. In recent years, however, it has begun to face the challenges of a multicultural society, and thus the notion of cosmopolitanism plays an important role in providing a vision for the reinterpretation of Korean identity. The purpose of this study is to explore how cosmopolitan perspectives have been reflected in recent changes to the Korean national curriculum. To achieve this aim, the study analyses national curriculum documents put in place after the mid-1990s, when great debates over educational reform emerged in the wake of globalization. In particular, the study focuses on two aspects of the manifestation of cosmopolitan perspectives: the policies associated with the Korean national curriculum, and the contents of the social studies and moral education curricula. The study concludes with a discussion of the conflicts surrounding the idea of cosmopolitanism in the Korean national curriculum.  相似文献   

经济全球化带来了高等教育和人才竞争的国际化,高校人事管理呈现出国际化与本土化并存、手段和方式多样化、人才引进高层次化、教师培训职业化等新的趋势。为此高校人事管理必须实施人才战略,构筑必要的人才政策平台,建立行之有效的制度体系,实施高层次创造性人才工程。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化作为从院校和政府层面出发应对全球一体化挑战的积极主动过程,其实施的路径主要分为国内国际化(本土国际化)和国外国际化。不同国家(地区)的高等院校在进行转型过程中的国际化路径选择和具体举措受到政府政策和资金投入导向、院校自身发展定位、国际化起点水平等因素的影响。台湾地区师范院校在面临着转型的关键时期,不约而同地选择了国际化作为突破点,其过程曲折反复而又具鲜明特点,其经验值得大陆师范院校在实施国际化发展时借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

企业国际化经营已成为当今世界经济运行的主要特征,随着经济全球化程度的不断加深,对我国国民经济发展起重要作用的中小企业也不可避免地要面临国际化发展问题。本文通过对企业国际化理论的梳理,借以阐释发展中国家中小企业国际化经营问题,并对我国中小企业国际化发展问题进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   

非洲高等教育被认为是全球最国际化同时又是最边缘化的系统。非洲高教国际化有着深远的殖民主义影响,体现出组织上的区域化和全球化、性质上的高度依附、与本土化关系尖锐冲突等特点。这种国际化主要不是非洲自身主动追求的结果,而是殖民时期被占领和被控制、冷战时期被利用以及长期对外财政依赖和知识依赖的结果。为了克服这种被动性,非盟等地区组织较好地发挥了非洲高教国际化的组织和领导作用,并推行了促进能力建设的非洲高教国际化政策。不过,非洲高等教育为本土服务的意识和能力比较薄弱,这已成为非洲高等教育国际化的深刻教训。  相似文献   

我国现代高等教育自诞生至今便是一个逐步国际化的过程。在当今经济全球化及高等教育国际竞争日益剧烈的时代背景下,如何提高自身国际化水平,显得至关重要。在深刻理解高等教育国际化本质内涵与特征的基础上,理性面对当今我国高等教育国际化所遭遇的诸如发展水平不平衡、人才流失严重、商业化气息浓厚、学科竞争力薄弱、教育主权遭受弱化等挑战,从五个方面提出进一步加快我国高等教育国际化进程的应对策略:树立全球意识、培养国际化人才,加强制度建设、营造良好人才环境,深化国际交流与合作,加强学科建设、提高学科竞争力,完善我国高等教育国际化的管理体系。  相似文献   

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