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韩凤仪 《考试周刊》2009,(38):209-210
欺负行为对于身心尚未成熟的中小学生有着严重的危害。个人的心理素质、家庭、学校和社会均存在导致欺负行为发生的不利因素,我们应多方面采取措施,预防和控制学生的欺负行为发生。  相似文献   

校园欺负行为的干预与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在校园里欺负人是中小学生经常发生的一种侵犯行为,包括对他人恶意推搡、打骂等身体侵犯行为以及取侮辱性的绰号、散布谣言等名誉侵犯行为。学校中的欺负行为非常普遍,严重影响着中小学生的校园生活质量,妨碍他们的成长发展。对校园欺负行为进行及时有效的干预、控制,对保障中小学生身心健康发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

鞠玉翠  张文新 《中学教育》2003,(8):14-16,31
一、欺负行为及其危害欺负是力量相对较强的一方对力量相对弱小的一方进行的攻击 ,也就是说 ,欺负是一种特殊的攻击 ,它与一般攻击最根本的区别在于欺负者与受欺负者之间力量的不均衡性。这里的不均衡包括客观存在的欺负者体力或社会关系的优势 ,也包括其主观上的优势感 ,因而通常表现为以大欺小、以众欺寡、以强凌弱。通常情况下 ,欺负还有比较稳定的特点。挪威、英国、日本等国以及我国的已有研究表明 ,约 1 0 %—2 5%的中小学生卷入欺负 /受欺负问题。欺负问题在中小学生中经常发生 ,对学生身心造成严重危害。挪威学者奥维尤斯等研究发现…  相似文献   

校园欺负行为干预研究的新视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
校园欺负行为作为一种低水平的暴力形式,严重危害着学生的身心发展,因此历来受到教育者的关注。该文从心理学和社会学角度出发,对近期国内外校园欺负问题的危害及干预策略的研究进展作了回顾。首先系统分析了校园欺负行为对欺负者、受欺负者、旁观学生以及整个校园的危害;其次从社会、学校、班级、家庭、个体等不同角度讨论了校园欺负行为的主要干预策略;最后提出了未来研究应该思考的若干问题。  相似文献   

学校欺负行为干预研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欺负行为是中小学生之间经常发生的一种特殊类型的攻击性行为,它对儿童及青少年的身心健康发展具有很大的伤害性。因此,受到许多国家研究者的广泛关注,并开展了相应的干预研究,也取得了一定的效果。了解国内外学者所做的有关学校欺负行为的干预研究,对我们开展学校欺负行为干预研究,促进学生健康成长有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

欺负行为是中小学生之间经常发生的一种特殊类型的攻击性行为,它对儿童及青少年的身心健康发展具有很大的伤害性。因此,受到许多国家研究者的广泛关注,并开展了相应的干预研究,也取得了一定的效果。了解国内外学者所做的有关学校欺负行为的相关研究,对我们开展学校欺负行为干预研究,促进学生健康成长有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

学校欺负是指针对某个学生反复出现的间接或直接的消极行为,由于学生之间的力量失衡,使得欺负者的认知扭曲,而那些受害者则由于无助,屈从于长期的身心折磨。学校欺负不仅对欺负者和受害者的身心发展十分不利,也破坏了整个校园的学习环境。学校欺负有多种形式,包括口头的胁迫、威胁和嘲弄;身体的虐待,如推搡、踢打等;冷漠和孤立;武力威胁、勒索和故意破坏等等。全世界大部分国家和地区的学校都存在或多或少的欺负现象。意大利的中小学校里有高达37%的孩子被欺负或欺负过别人,澳大利亚28%的中小学生被欺负过,日本的这一数据则是27%。挪威的孩子欺负发生率最低,只有7.5%,这是因为挪威早在1983年就开始在全国范围内实施“反欺负预防体系”。截至2000年,全世界已经有包括英国、美国在内的19个国家对学校欺负展开了研究,并发起了各种各样的反欺负运动,如1996年挪威的“预防和控制学校欺负计划”、1991年至1993年英国的“设菲尔德(苏格兰北部城市)反欺负计划”以及1998年欧盟(芬兰、瑞典、英国、荷兰等国)发起的“安全和人道的校园”等活动,掀起了一股反欺负的  相似文献   

受欺负儿童的人格特征及其教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
受欺负儿童是指那些经常或频繁地遭受他人欺负的儿童,是欺负行为(bullying)中的受害者。如欺负行为一样,儿童受欺负的发生也具有普遍性的特点。国内外的研究表明,10—20%的中小学生经常受到直接或间接欺负。无论是何种欺负形式,都可能使儿童产生焦虑、孤独、抑郁、退缩、自尊降低、学习成绩下降、逃学等一系列的心理及适应问题,使其身心健康受到严重的伤害。因此,近年来,研究的焦点逐渐突破了攻击者一方的局限,受欺负儿童引起了研究者的关注和重视。以受欺负儿童为对象进行研究,不仅可以帮助儿童减少自身受欺负的可能性,而…  相似文献   

欺负对儿童和青少年的身心健康带来严重伤害,尤其表现在他们的学业适应上。结合国内外研究,从学校背景下的学业、行为和情绪等方面,阐述学校欺负对欺负者和受欺负者的适应情况。  相似文献   

张敏 《教育艺术》2007,(8):58-60
欺负行为在我国中小学生中是一种常见的现象,近年来常有因学校欺负行为而造成的恶性事件见诸报端.1999年2月,北京某寄宿学校某学生因被踢伤睾丸而在伤痛和巨大的精神折磨中服毒自杀.2006年6月,北京一些中学生,纠集团伙,对在校学生进行殴打和敲诈,最后被公安机关抓获.在一些中小学生中还存在拉帮结派、抢夺钱物、敲诈、群殴等现象.  相似文献   

The current study investigated whether the quality of school anti-bullying policies allows the drawing of any conclusions about the extent of bullying problems in schools. That is, do schools with a more detailed anti-bullying policy have lower rates of bullying? A total of 2377 children in primary schools (six year olds/year two: 1072; eight year olds/year four: 1305) were individually interviewed using a standard interview about bullying experiences. A detailed content analysis scheme that closely followed the core whole-school intervention approach was carried out on a total of 34 schools: 24.5% of the children reported being directly victimised very frequently and 45.9% reported being relationally victimised frequently or very frequently. No correlation between the content and quality of anti-bullying policies and the prevalence of direct bullying behaviour was found. Conversely, an inverse relationship was found for relational bullying behaviour: schools with the most detailed and comprehensive anti-bullying policies had a higher incidence of relational bullying and victimisation behaviour. Inspection of school anti-bullying policies per se provides little guide to the actual amount of direct bullying behaviour in schools.  相似文献   

Monitoring bullying behaviours is the key aspect of a successful anti-bullying intervention. Questionnaires among pupils and principals of the same schools were utilised to measure the agreement between pupil-reported frequency and principals' estimations of the prevalence of frequent bullying in the same schools and to identify monitoring methods associated with the best agreement. The correlation between the pupil-reported frequency and the principal's estimate of the prevalence was weak. Two-thirds of the principals estimated the prevalence of frequent bullying in their schools to be four percentage points lower than the prevalence, based on pupils' reports. Questionnaires that were developed and administered by the schools themselves and unspecified monitoring methods were associated with the best agreement between pupils' reports and principals' estimates of the prevalence of frequent bullying. There is a clear need to communicate better the nationally collected data back to schools. It seems that despite the monitoring efforts, school principals were not aware of the prevalence of frequent bullying as perceived by their pupils. Awareness of the problem may require more than just available evidence.  相似文献   

The central purpose of this study is to examine approaches for dealing with the problem of bullying (wangtta in Korean) in schools from the Christian educational perspective. There has been much development in both research and practice in the 1990s and 2000s relating to bullying in Korean schools. Most Korean research on bullying, however, has almost exclusively focussed on verification of the facts that bullying or peer rejection is a widespread phenomenon in schools. This study, however, is mainly concerned with how to tackle effectively the bullying problem on the basis of Christian educational philosophy. To do this, this paper suggests a four stage approach to dealing with bullying: namely, clarifying the Christian school ethos, leading to determine the school’s bullying policy. With the bullying policy, school anti-bullying programs could be developed in order to create a bullyingfree school environment.  相似文献   

Surveys were carried out to assess the UK government’s anti‐bullying pack Don’t suffer in silence in 1996 (after the first edition) and 2002 (after the second edition), to investigate what schools are doing about bullying, and the effect of anti‐bullying policies becoming a legal requirement. Schools in England were approached, randomly but within the constraint of having a spread across geographical regions. In 1996 109 schools and in 2002 148 schools were asked about school policy, interventions, and bullying frequency. Most schools moved from having a bullying policy as part of a broader policy on behaviour and discipline, to having a separate anti‐bullying policy. More schools attempted to survey the extent of bullying and there were changes in the use of particular interventions. Most interventions were rated as moderately useful. Some variations in use and satisfaction between different school levels were found. The implications of anti‐bullying work at schools and its success are discussed.  相似文献   

The DFE Sheffield Anti‐Bullying Project showed that schools can reduce the problem of bullying through the use of whole‐school anti‐bullying policies, curriculum exercises, environmental improvements and individual work with bullies and victims. However, the length of time necessary to plan these interventions meant that, in many cases, the work was not completed when the project evaluations ended. This study investigates the continuing progress made in primary schools in the year after the end of the project. Eleven heads took part in interviews; all schools had made some progress with policy development, and all used some curriculum resources. Most had continued with environmental improvements, but few had used the methods for dealing with bullies and victims. Four schools then administered the Olweus bullying questionnaire to all pupils between ages seven and eleven, 657 children taking part. Two schools had a consistent decline in reported bullying, one experienced a consistent rise and the other an initial fall and subsequent rise. Important factors influencing success appeared to be the extent of the consultation exercise and the date of implementation of the anti‐bullying policy. All four schools had reduced bullying among boys, but three experienced a rise in bullying among girls. Anti‐bullying work may have been influenced by a male stereotype of bullying behaviour: efforts are necessary to raise awareness and promote honesty among girls. No school had raised the proportion of victims who had told staff about being bullied.  相似文献   

Background The evidence is now quite clear that bullying in schools is an international problem. Bullying is widely regarded as a particularly destructive form of aggression, with harmful physical, social and emotional outcomes for all involved (bullies, victims and bystanders), and with particular risks for children with special needs. The research of the past 25 years confirms its widespread nature where it is most likely in groups from which the potential victim cannot escape—e.g. schools. In 1994 an Australian Commonwealth Government inquiry, following on from the pioneering work of research documented by Smith and co-workers, heralded a growing awareness of the need to address the issue of school violence, particularly bullying. Internationally, researchers have identified the impact of intervention programmes to reduce school bullying. In Australia a nationally and internationally used, systemically based intervention programme called the PEACE Pack, has previously been shown to be effective in reducing bullying in primary schools.

Purpose The purpose of the present study was to provide further supporting longitudinal evidence regarding the efficacy of the PEACE Pack in markedly reducing bullying among young children of junior primary and primary school age. Further, the study also identified the characteristics of a small group of children who do not appear to benefit from intervention efforts. Finally, in this paper, a computer-based innovation for collecting school-based data regarding student perceptions of bullying is described.

Sample The sample of 954 pupils comprised 458 males and 496 females from four Australian primary schools in Adelaide, a large metropolitan city in Australia. The pupils ranged in age from 5.4 to 13.5 years.

Design and methods The study involved a pre- and post-test design and the administration of a questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the PEACE Pack programme to address the issue of school bullying.

Results The interventions were effective in reducing the level of school bullying in the junior primary and primary schools, although there were variations in the gains achieved across the age range and across the four schools.

Conclusions In the present study the systemic PEACE Pack interventions resulted in approximately one-fifth of pupils in the overall sample reporting that they were being bullied ‘less’ as a result of year-long interventions. This effect was greatest in the primary schools, particularly for boys. Consideration was given to a small group of students who reported being bullied ‘more’ after the interventions, and to the development of a computer-based assessment procedure for assessing the extent of bullying in schools.  相似文献   

Past bullying research has consistently identified common locations (e.g. bathrooms, hallways, playgrounds) on school campuses where bullying occurs, but not specific locations. This limitation does not allow researchers to take into account the unique geography of individual schools and how it contributes to bullying. A random sample of 741 grade 4–6 students from nine different elementary schools identified where bullying occurs on a campus map and this information was analysed in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). While this study offers preliminary findings (e.g. diffusion of bullying, specific locations for bullying) that increase awareness about bullying, the emphasis in this paper is to present a new methodological tool in the analysis of bullying. The use of GIS mapping to analyse bullying offer researchers an advanced instrument to understand the experience of bullying within the physical context of a school. These preliminary findings focus future research.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore experiences of learning, friendships and bullying of boys with autism attending specialist and mainstream schools, and those of their parents. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 11 boys with autism, aged 11 to 17 years, and nine of their mothers. Thematic analysis identified four key themes relating to experiences of friendships and bullying, risk factors, protective factors and outcomes. Overall, the findings indicated that five of the 11 participants had been subjected to bullying, particularly those in mainstream schools (four out of six). Further, if risk factors relating to autism or the school culture were not mediated by protective factors such as self‐esteem or supportive friends, various negative outcomes were identified as more likely, including mental health issues and effects on learning and relationships. Therefore, although not inevitable, mainstream settings may increase the likelihood of negative experiences, as they have fewer resources to protect children against the risk of bullying.  相似文献   

儿童欺负行为主要发生在校园或者以校园为媒介的社交群体内,是一种常见的校园不良行为,并有可能发展为校园暴力。对欺负行为及其动机进行分析,培养儿童健康人格,采取科学教养方式,加强正面教育是对欺负行为进行有效干预的重要途径。  相似文献   

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