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随着经济的发展,国家大力倡导全民阅读,提升公民综合素质。在建设阅读型社会的背景下,高校图书馆需承担起文化建设的重任,从提高阅读率做起。本文通过引入阅读营销理念,分析进行阅读营销的必要性,提出开展阅读营销的相关策略,为提升高校和全民阅读率提供参考意见。  相似文献   

全民阅读推广活动是我国精神文明建设的重要举措之一。开展全民阅读活动有利于提高国民阅读意愿,培养国民阅读习惯,营造积极的阅读文化氛围。当前,公共图书馆作为我国开展全民阅读推广活动的主体,还存在着推广活动效果不佳、宣传不足、品牌意识淡薄等问题。对此,我们应充分借鉴国外发达国家经验,并结合我国现状,探索出一条全新的全民阅读推广道路。  相似文献   

为了更好的进行阅读推广,各个国家和地区都根据自身特点做出阅读推广的实践,取得一些成效。而阅读推广不仅仅是政府的责任,也不仅仅是图书馆的责任,它是一项系统工程,需要社会各方共同努力。因此,要让全民阅读成为每个公民的自觉行动。阅读推广是重要路径选择,要通过健全机构、整合资源、应用新媒体工具、建立评估体系和加强图书馆建设等来实现。  相似文献   

<正>李克强总理在回答人民日报记者有关书的问题时说,我希望全民阅读能够形成一种氛围,无处不在。我们国家全民的阅读量能够逐年增加,这也是我们社会进步、文明程度提高的十分重要的标志。而且把阅读作为一种生活方式,把它与工作方式相结合,不仅会增加发展的创新力量,而且会增强社会的道德力量。这也就是为什么我两次愿意把"全民阅读"这几个字写入《政府工作报告》的原因,明年还会继续。(3月15日人民网)政府工作报告两次写入"全民阅读",并且明  相似文献   

阅读对于芸芸众生,是一种生活的组成。无论是知识的获取,还是道德的完善,始终离不开阅读。本文通过对我国全民阅读现状的分析,找到了全民阅读率走低的原因,提出了图书馆作为人类阅读活动的基本场所,应在倡导全民阅读、推进全民阅读方面肩负起重任,以推动全民阅读的发展。  相似文献   

<正>书籍和阅读可以说是人类文明传承的主要载体。就我个人的经历来说,用闲暇时间来阅读是一种享受,也是拥有一种财富,可以说终身受益。李克强总理在十二届全国人大三次会议闭幕后会见中外记者时,谈及"全民阅读"连续两年被写入《政府工作报告》的原因。他还指出,全民的阅读量逐年增加,也是中国社会进步、文明程度提高的  相似文献   

对我国全民阅读现状进行分析,思考形成这一现状的原因,提出相应的对策,推动全民阅读。家庭、学校、社会形成合力,共同引领全民阅读,形成一种良好的阅读习惯。全民阅读应得到应有的重视。  相似文献   

1.1倡导与推广大众阅读是公共图书馆的职责。文化部1982年颁布的《省(自治区、市)图书馆工作条例》指出,省(自治区、市)图书馆是向社会公众提供图书阅读和知识咨询服务的学术性机构。我国《图书馆服务宣言》也规定:图书馆以公益性服务为基本原则,以实现和保障公民基本阅读权利为天职,努力促进全民阅读。因此,推动阅读活动、促进社会阅读风气,是公共图书馆固有的职责。  相似文献   

我国"十三五"的规划当中明确要求大力推进全民阅读,作为全民阅读主要阵地的图书馆不仅要行使书籍、读者管理的职能,还需要积极引导读者的阅读兴趣,培养读者阅读习惯.  相似文献   

刘瑞瑞 《学周刊C版》2014,(9):218-219
图书馆是全民阅读的重要阵地与服务者,是促进全民阅读的有生力量。本文论述了全民阅读中高校图书馆的社会责任,提出了高校图书馆进入全民阅读的模式。  相似文献   

推动一个城市发展的因素中市民的素质起着决定性作用,而阅读是提升市民素质的重要途径。笔者通过对丽水600名市民的调查,用数据呈现丽水市民阅读的基本情况,揭示当前丽水市民阅读存在的主要问题,进而提出相关的对策。  相似文献   

图书馆是公民终身读书和继续教育的学校,每个人都有平等享有公共图书馆服务的权利,图书馆是构建阅读社会的基础,同时,阅读社会的建立需要每一位公民和每一个家庭的共同参与.在现在与未来的信息社会中,图书馆将通过各类阅读推广活动致力读者良好阅读行为的培养,让广大民众学会了解、存储、鉴别、加工、利用并管理信息的能力.图书馆特别是公共图书馆在阅读社会建设中发挥着重要的作用.  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来,人们生产、生活以及思维等方式发生了较大变化,社会要求公民要有良好的人文素养和科学素养,要有开放的视野、创新的思维和合作的意识,以及更高的阅读、表达与交流实践能力。因此,新课程改革提出开展"语文综合性学习",帮助学生提升语文素养,发展综合实践能力。我们必须以现代教育科学思想和方法为指导,构建起"大语文观",切实更新思想,突破僵化的思维模式,深入探索语文综合性学习的本质规律与特点,改进与优化指导策略。  相似文献   

Neo-pragmatism focuses on communication as a democratic form of life. It therefore creates new visions for the relationship between democracy and education. Models for deliberative democracy inspired by neo-pragmatism are explicitly based on the need for education of citizens in deliberative capabilities and attitudes. The idea of deliberative democracy as an educational process is one where individuals bring different perspectives to on-going communication, which is here presented as an important way to interpret John Dewey, specifically his Democracy and Education. This approach to reading his work is compared initially with other and earlier ways of reading his work, i.e., the educational philosophies and movements of progressivism and reconstructionism.  相似文献   

中小城市图书馆联盟建设是我国城镇化建设的必然要求,城镇化建设提出了对各类专业知识的需求,提出了满足市民的各种阅读和继续教育的需求,提出了加强精神文明建设、践行社会主义核心价值观的需求.在城镇化建设的大背景下,对中小城市图书馆联盟建设必须予以再认识.在城镇化建设中,中小城市的政府应主动牵头搞好图书馆联盟建设工作。  相似文献   

Because citizens continue to demand educational accountability, it is unlikely that basic skills testing in the high schools will dissipate over the next few years. However, changes will be made in testing methodology and content. Educators and citizens will debate whether to raise minimum competency requirements as students' scores increase over time. Tests will be revised to include more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic. Advances will be seen in the collection and transmission of test data through new computer technology. Statewide student data bases will be developed. High-school course testing and state-by-state achievement testing will be introduced. The worth and financial cost of mandated testing programs will continue to be discussed.  相似文献   

“图书漂流”与社区图书馆的比较与启示——以桂林为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展和科技的进步,单一的图书馆模式越来越不能满足广大群众的需求。越来越多的图书馆模式在形成,其中“图书漂流”正在中国蓬勃发展,而在桂林,连续两年的读书月伴随着“图书漂流”走进了广大市民的生活,与社区图书馆一起为读书爱好者服务。  相似文献   

李善华 《海外英语》2011,(9):162-165
Higher Vocational Education(HVE) is an important component of higher education in our country.The English Curriculum Standard of HVE considers promoting the students’ reading comprehension as one of the most important goals in English teaching.Task-based CL emphasizes the importance of education as a vehicle for teaching citizens to live cooperatively in a social democracy and teachers are not the only sources of knowledge and students should be able to help each other and learn in an interdependent way.The heart of cooperative learning is student-centered.Therefore,task-based CL can overcome the shortcomings in traditional teaching models,and the goal of improving reading comprehension can be achieved for the teachers of reading by realizing the mental process of reading comprehension and how prior knowledge can enhance a reader’s interaction with the text through CL.This thesis consists of five parts.Part one,two and three briefly introduces the background and significance of the study,definitions and models of cooperative learning and reading comprehension.Part four and five are the key sections of the thesis,which introduces the hypotheses,subjects,instrument,procedure of the study and the analysis of the results of the study.Part five draws the conclusion of the study.  相似文献   

深圳积极倡导全民阅读和全民学习,探索具有深圳特色的学习型城市发展道路,被联合国教科文组织誉为“全球全民阅读典范城市”。从社会管理的角度来看,深圳从公共政策支持、学习基础设施、品牌学习活动、企业大学建设和关注弱势群体五个方面探索学习型城市建设经验,走出了具有深圳特色的学习型城市建设道路。但是,目前深圳还没有建成真正意义上的终身学习立交桥。未来,深圳必须以学分银行建设为抓手,建立方便实用的终身学习服务体系。  相似文献   


This essay explores how homeless women produce advocacy to gain full and substantive citizenship. Homeless women's attempts to gain recognition as full members of the society require them to transform lived experiences of trauma, exclusion, and loss into public arguments. Facing the intersection of civic exclusion by class and gender, homeless women are commonly viewed as welfare-dependent, irrational, and present-oriented, and are, therefore, considered the opposite of “good citizens.” Despite their legal citizenship, homeless women are essentially liminal citizens—their citizenship is lacking substantial political power and is thus barren. This essay explores how liminal citizens attempt to secure full citizenship by looking behind-the-scenes at their self-advocacy production process. Employing rhetorical field methods, the essay offers an interpretive reading of in-depth interviews with homeless women self-advocates and illuminates three aspects of the advocacy production process: recognizing the worth of the story; deciding to tell traumatic stories; and crafting the story. By unpacking the self-advocacy production process this essay animates the discussion about the mechanisms required to foster a deep and inclusive democracy from a rhetorical perspective.  相似文献   

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