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传播政治经济学理论泰斗达拉斯·斯麦兹   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
达拉斯·斯麦兹不仅是一位倾向于马克思主义的学者 ,而且是一位将理论研究成果运用于社会实践的身体力行者。他开辟了传播政治经济学研究领域 ,建立了传播政治经济学研究的批判学派。他是将学术分析、政策研究和行为参与结合为一体的典范。其代表性的理论观点有“受众商品论”、“依附理论”等 ;其实践贡献体现在积极参与并影响了建立世界信息传播新秩序的运动 ,并始终关注传播领域的公共利益和公共控制。  相似文献   

本文通过文献研究,梳理并分析当前国内学者们对传播政治经济学派的理论探讨、研究方向以及对该学派领域研究的热点问题,以求全景展现在当前国内传播学界重要学术期刊以及相关研究专著中对传播政治经济学理论研究的思路和格局。参照当前西方学者们对传播政治经济学理论的研究情况,可以进一步发现在理论研究、研究方法论、主要观点等方面国内外学者有着明显的研究差异,这对考察传播政治经济学派在中国传播学界的研究情况有一定的启示作用,促进对西方传播学批判学派相关理论研究的推进。  相似文献   

传播政治经济学诞生于20世纪40年代末,对上个世纪初以来的媒体改革运动的关注和主张是传播政治经济学社会实践性的表征,表明传播政治经济学非一般性的学术自足性研究。面对新的实践背景,需要对传播政治经济学的社会实践性做出评价。  相似文献   

传播政治经济学领军人物麦切斯尼是批判学派中少有的批判与建构并行的学者。他运用政治经济学的路径揭示了美国商业化传播体制的种种真相,提出了传播拐点和传播研究革命的论断,并提出了各项媒介改革策略,对我们认识美国式商业化媒介体制多有裨益,对中国传播业和传播研究多有启示。  相似文献   

本文通过考察传播政治经济学先驱--达拉斯·斯迈兹的社会实践,重新认识批判学者对更公正、合理的替代性社会秩序的建设.本文不仅试图表明批判学者的确有一个替代性的愿景,并致力于改变现有社会秩序中的结构性不公,同时也试图展示现有的传播通信政策已经是斯迈兹这一代批判学者在寻找替代资本主义现代性道路的实践过程中持续抗争的结果.  相似文献   

西方传播政治经济学的发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以马克思主义政治经济学、唯物史观为主要理论渊源的西方传播政治经济学,以加拿大学者达拉斯·斯迈思于1948——1949年间在美国伊力诺伊大学传播研究学院开设传播政治经济学课程为标志,诞生至今已有近60年的历史。这一领域以北美与西欧的研究成果最为突出,代表了西方传播政治经济学的发展。从整体上看,可以从初创时期、蓬勃发展期和反思与拓展时期来描述其历史发展。  相似文献   

在传播研究中,起源于20世纪后期的传播政治经济学(PEC)的路径通常被认为是马克思主义学者的专利。本文追溯了传播政治经济学(PEC)的"史前史",认为在马克思主义介入之前,欧洲和北美学者所塑造的更古老的、跨大西洋的政治经济学传统就已经开始关注传播问题了。本文进一步对当代马克思主义与非马克思主义的政治经济学研究成果进行总结,并提出制度主义与文化产业学派(Cultural Industries schools)(法兰克福学派的"文化工业"概念在20世纪70年代被法国学者重新阐释为复数意义的"文化产业"—译者注)中还存在大量未被充分利用的资源,可以帮助我们重新构想和重建我们今天所说的PEC传统。这些思想资源启示我们,媒体并不是一个统一的结构,研究者需要聚焦媒体的经济基础和基础设施的差异与变化,如当直接付费媒体开始超越广告支持的媒体时,受众商品理论就需要被修正了。此外,鉴于监管机构的增长和各国政府对宽带互联网基础设施的巨大投入,"国家"也需要被重新纳入分析的视野。因此,本文认为,传播政治经济学需要做出改变,将其概念性工具建立在与时代相协调的经验基础之上。  相似文献   

胡林艳 《新闻世界》2010,(8):174-175
哈罗德·伊尼斯是加拿大经济学的开创者。他在经济学的研究中发现了传播技术对政治和经济的革命性意义,其晚期的两本著作——《帝国与传播》(1950年)和《传播的偏向》(1951年)为传播学的研究开启了一扇新的大门,也使他成为所谓的"媒介决定论"学派的开山鼻祖。大多数学者只看到了伊尼斯的传播媒介理论,却鲜有看到其传播政治经济学思想。  相似文献   

出于对人性的终极关怀,赵月枝老师连同她的后来者们仍然执著地在所谓的"中心"中审视"盲点",在所谓的"边缘"中寻找"亮点"……华人学者赵月枝是从中国大陆走出的第一位传播政治经济学批判学者。2011年8月,其第一部中文专著《传播与社会:政治经济与文化分析》被中国传媒大学纳入"新闻学与传播学名家论丛书系"得以出版。该专著通过讨论"帝国时代"世界传播的新自由主义逻辑和中国媒介商业转型的历史困境,以批判的眼光审视"权力"与"社会"、"自  相似文献   

"全球化"主要指经济全球化,其作为一种现代性的趋势或者传播后果引发的思考不绝如缕,但传统的政治经济学者和传播学者注意到其所带来的问题却无法给出具有阐释力的解决方案。习近平总书记提出的"人类命运共同体"论述不仅在规避民族主义困境下给出了应对全球化浪潮的新思维,也在很大程度上指明了全球政治经济秩序以及国际传播的发展方向。研究发现,"人类命运共同体"论述是一种极富超越性的构想,具有极强的阐释力、实践力、弹性和张力,它致力于建构的不再是貌合神离的"地球村"和乌托邦式的世界主义,而是一种"既能手拉手又能心连心"的"新世界主义"。我们认为,以人类命运共同体系统论述为代表的新世界主义建构了迥异于传统全球化和传统世界主义的一种崭新的世界观,为维护世界不同民族文化的多样性及异中求同的传播理想提供了充分的理论自洽性和实践可行性。  相似文献   

朱强先生作为国际图联管理委员会委员、信息自由获取和自由表达委员会委员,用他的数字图书馆理论践行着信息自由获取。文章从国际交流与借鉴、北京大学图书馆实践、中国高等教育文献保障体系实践三个角度入手,对朱强先生的数字图书馆建设成果进行研究,从其学术研究中探寻他对图书馆事业现代化的推动作用。  相似文献   

Practices of news selection, presentation and distribution have been transposed to the domain of audiences communicating through network media. Media practices of journalists and “media-oriented practices” of audiences (Couldry) make use of the network as a common resource, merging into a new form of “news-based communication.” This new situation of public communication questions institutional approaches to journalism and the crisis it currently experiences. The paper proposes to regard journalism as a structure of public communication which is mutually enacted by journalists and audiences alike. Practice is outlined as a conceptual tool to study how social structures such as journalism can innovate. In practice, cultural schemas value resources of communication and endow actors with agency. As media of public communication are de-differentiated in digital contexts, practice offers a way to understand innovation as the gradual transposition of such schemas to new resources.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study that examines naturalistic communication as concertive control. The paper argues that, while the theoretical perspective considers communication in the powerful role of controlling organizational decision making, research efforts have not, for the most part, examined communication practices. Results of an interpretation of communication interaction observed during organizational meetings identify several communicative practices that are interpreted as unobtrusive control practices. First, premises are articulated and reiterated during meetings. Second, leaders simultaneously reinforce and appeal to organizational premises. Third, as premises are articulated and reiterated, leaders' metacommunication suggests that the premises are being drawn from the members. Fourth, members participate in this process through interactive decision‐making rituals. A more complex interpretation is offered to enrich the understanding of concertive control. Specifically, instances of concertive control also operate as bureaucratic control and simple control. Limitations of concertive control are discussed. Results indicate that premises may be negotiated or not accepted. Finally, in one example, the success of concertive control creates a reversal in control roles.  相似文献   

Scale development involves numerous theoretical, methodological, and statistical competencies. Despite the central role that scales play in our predictions, scholars often apply measurement building procedures that are inconsistent with best practices. The defaults in statistical programs, inadequate training, and numerous evaluation points can lead to improper practices. Based on a quantitative content analysis of communication journal articles, scholars have improved very little in the communication of their scale development decisions and practices. To address these reoccurring issues, this article breaks down and recommends 10 steps to follow in the scale development process for researchers unfamiliar with the process. Furthermore, the present research makes a unique contribution by overviewing procedures scholars should employ to develop their dimensions and corresponding items. The overarching objective is to encourage the adoption of scale development best practices that yield stronger concepts, and in the long run, a more stable foundation of knowledge.  相似文献   

The debate about the American influence on political communication practices worldwide has raised a range of issues about how such a process might work. Much of the research in the field, however, has examined possible influences on practices in the last quarter of the twentieth century. By then, it could be argued, common global practices had become established in many Western Democracies. The aim of this paper is to explore a period before these changes had taken place, namely the 1950s and the 1960s, when television was still in its infancy in both Britain and the US, when new and different practices were being tried out and a period in which it might still be possible to look at influences at the dawn of political broadcasting. By focusing on the emergence and development of a specific form of political communication, namely, dedicated, unmediated, paid-for or free party election communication, in the US and in Britain in this early period, it might be possible to examine if, and how, American practices might have influenced British ones. Using unpublished work drawing on a range of archives and personal interviews that focus on interactions across the Atlantic, this paper argues that in this period, the two countries developed a range of different practices that cannot easily lend support to the idea of Americanisation. The paper concludes with a discussion of the need for more research into the domestic negotiations of transatlantic interactions.  相似文献   


Crisis communication research establishes the importance of relationships between organizations and their publics. While theoretical treatments and case studies support this relationship, limited empirical investigations have examined how organizational responses to crisis influence public responses. This study sought to determine if grocery shoppers responded differently to organizations engaging in crisis communication practices and those that do not. Results indicate that respondents express stronger intention to continue purchasing from an organization and see the organization as concerned and respectful of the consumer when it engages in crisis communication practices. The discussion section addresses implications of these findings for future research and public relations practice.  相似文献   

20世纪20年代,中美图书馆交流史上发生了一个大事件,那就是美国图书馆学专家鲍士伟博士来华。本文介绍了鲍士伟博士其人,其来华经过,来华交流的内容,以及此次来华的影响,最后指出了鲍士伟的来华,促进了中国的"新图书馆运动",推动了建设"中国的图书馆学"理念的发展,从而极大程度上具备了20世纪中美图书馆交流史上的里程碑意义。  相似文献   

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