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关注学生是教师专业发展的必然要求之一,也是教师的职业行为特征之一.学生行为观察是学生关注的直接体现,学生的直接行为、间接行为以及行为环境都是观察的重要对象;教师对于学生行为的观察以意义单元为单位进行,意义单元与特定的教育目标相关联,科学的行为观察要求将行为划分成多个维度的意义单元后进行.  相似文献   

教师观察行为是一个专业的行为系统,其发展是促进教师专业发展的重要途径之一。良好的观察行为被视为有效教师教学行为的一大重要特征,教师成为研究者的一条主要途径,教师趋向成熟、趋向专业化的一个重要标志。教师观察行为发展是一个复杂的过程,教师应该提升观察意识,遵循观察原则,培养观察技能,形成良好的观察行为,以便为改进教育教学、促进教师专业发展寻觅曙光。  相似文献   

观察学生行为是教师专业发展的必然要求,是教师职业活动的专业性体现.它是教师通过对学生行为的主动关注和建构,捕捉教育信息、解决教育问题、提升自身专业素养的高效之路.观察学生行为不仅对教师的专业发展有着重大的意义,也有利于改善学生的学习与发展.  相似文献   

《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》指出:教师应从多种渠道获得信息,不断提高教学水平。而课堂观察是教师获得实践知识的重要来源,也是教师用以搜集学生资料、分析教学方法的有效性、了解教学与学习行为的基本途径,是提高课堂效果的重要手段之一,那么,如何进行观察,要重点观察哪些内容呢?  相似文献   

借助于观察量表这一评价手段,在生物实验教学过程中,观察者通过对课堂的记录、分析与研究,最终得到生物实验课堂教学过程中的真实的反馈信息。本文研究了如何将量表用于生物实验课堂的改进中,并通过不同的量表进行不同维度的课堂观察,达到提高学生实验技能,提升教师专业水平的目的。  相似文献   

正现场观察指的是教师凭借自身感官及必要的辅助工具(观察表、录音录像设备等),在组织教学活动过程中对活动现场的运行状况,特别是幼儿在活动中的语言、表情和行为表现进行有目的的直接观察。教师通过现场观察获取信息并对信息进行判断分析,以及时调整自身教学行为,提高教学活动质量。一、教师做好活动现场观察的基本前提1.掌握现场观察的基本方法。教师在日常教学活动中的现场观察应该与作为旁观者的研究人员有区别,教师更多的是依赖自己的专业敏感性以及自身专业素养,对现场活动情况  相似文献   

课堂观察不仅仅是为了研究或评估,更是教师专业发展的一条重要途径。本文论述了课堂观察的维度、过程与技巧以及如何培养教师具有课堂观察的能力。  相似文献   

提问行为是反映教师专业素养的一个重要指标,了解幼儿教师的提问行为特点有助于改进教师的教育行为,促进师幼互动,提高教育效果。对沈阳市某幼儿园30次集中教学活动进行观察,共收集359次教师提问行为案例,并将教师提问按照认知层级和提问结构方式两个维度进行编码分析,教师提问行为的不足表现为:封闭式问题和低层次问题过多,提问忽视幼儿的探究思维,对问题缺少精心设计。改进对策为:提问应适合幼儿年龄发展特点,应针对问题情境进行设问。  相似文献   

苏倍 《海外英语》2012,(24):114-116
个案研究是一种适合于中小学教师的研究方法,对于促进学生发展,提高中小学教师专业水平具有重要的意义和价值。该文在探讨什么是个案研究的基础上,阐述了进行个案研究的—般步骤,就如何选择研究对象和搜集数据进行了介绍,并简要指出在个案研究过程中应注意的几方面的问题。  相似文献   

课堂观察是教师获得实践知识的重要来源,也是教师用以搜集学生资料、分析教学方法的有效性、以及了解教与学行为的基本途径。近年来,课堂观察问题在国外的相关研究和教师教育课程中越来越受重视,把课堂观察的能力与技巧有机的结合在一起被视为教师必备的一种重要的专业素养,以及教师进行有效教学的一种不可或缺的影响因素。  相似文献   

教师专业化是现代教育发展的必然结果,是进一步完善教师资格制度的主要依据。作为教师专业化的重要维度,教师资格制度对于优化教师队伍、提高教师综合素养、促进教师专业发展具有极为重要而深远的意义。但是,随着教师专业化时代的到来,目前我国中小学教师资格制度在专业知识、专业技能、专业情意的规定上还存有诸多隐忧,无以满足教师专业化发展的时代诉求。为此,确立非师范生教育理论知识的课程标准或学分要求、规定教育实习的时间及其评价标准、实行教师资格定期认证制度、就成为完善教师资格制度,促进教师专业化发展的必由路径。  相似文献   

Teacher Evaluation, Leadership and Learning Organizations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents the argument that meaningful teacher evaluation in schools can be an important catalyst for organizational learning and school improvement when it is linked to broader conceptions of leadership in schools. A state-of-the-art teacher evaluation, assessment and professional growth system is described and the manner in which this system is linked to leadership density, organizational learning, and school improvement is detailed. Findings from two contrasting case studies of schools implementing this new system are presented and implications of the findings for linking teacher evaluation systems, newer conceptions of school leadership, and school improvement are described.  相似文献   

观察是作者凭借感官知觉自然和社会现象以获取写作材料的过程。观察能力是写作能力的重要组成部分。在写作教学过程中,教师应指导学生观察,注意观察的顺序,观察时全面细致,抓住被观察对象的特点,五官并用,将情感融入观察的全过程。有计划、有步骤地培养学生的观察能力,提高作文教学质量。  相似文献   

Using a set of data derived from 42 schools at two points in time and a widely accepted definition of organizational climate, a number of methodological and substantive issues relating to school climate were explored. Via principal component analysis, four dimensions of school climate were identified. In approaching the key issue, under what conditions it is meaningful to speak of a climate dimension as a characteristic of the school (and not some lower‐level unit), it is tentatively proposed that a climate dimension has a ‘unit reliability’ of .15 or more and an ‘aggregate reliability’ of at least .35 in order to be considered a school characteristic. Furthermore, the “longitudinal relative consistency” or stability of the dimensions was examined. It was found that at least three of the dimensions were relatively enduring over time, as they should be according to the definition of school climate. Multilevel analyses suggested that the teacher reports of school climate were fairly robust and generalizable. The thinking and findings in this article are related to recent work in the school improvement and effectiveness field.  相似文献   

The use of teacher peer groups is a prevalent strategy for school-based professional development and instructional improvement. Facilitation of such groups is an increasingly vital dimension of teacher leadership as a component of school improvement efforts. Drawing on a qualitative study of facilitation of teacher peer groups, the article investigates how teacher leaders integrate experiences from different domains of life in constructing a unique facilitator identity. Focusing on portraits of three teacher leaders, it demonstrates how teachers relate experiences outside of teaching, including academic experiences, other professional experiences, and social experiences, to the skills and orientation necessary for effective facilitation. The article argues for attention to reflexive practices of identity formation in the preparation of teacher leaders as facilitators and in the ongoing development of teacher leaders who already function as facilitators.  相似文献   

高等师范教育是教师专业成长重要的奠基阶段,"小学数学教学论"课程则是高师培养小学数学教师的重要专业课程。我国师范教育体系层次结构的调整及基础教育课程改革的发展都迫切要求高师"小学数学教学论"课程从目标、内容、实施策略、评价方式等方面加大改革力度,为师范生专业技能成长夯实基础。  相似文献   

通过对班主任队伍的组织架构、管理模式、培养方法进行调查分析,为建设一支规范化、专业化、精细化的班主任队伍提供理论支撑,并对存在的问题提供解决方案与建议。文章以浙江大学继续教育学院的班主任队伍为样本,通过对继续教育学院班主任、培训学员、任课教师及关联部门的问卷调查,广泛搜集信息、资料和建议。通过研究分析,建议进一步提高对班主任工作重要性的认识,提高站位,明确角色定位,理清工作边界,对班主任进行统一管理,分层级培养,通过合理有效的激励机制,推进班主任队伍高质量建设。  相似文献   

Teachers are encouraged to be active professionals in their work. Consequently, the development of professional agency in student teachers is an important dimension in teacher education. This paper reports on a study where the practice of six early childhood student teachers enrolled in a Bachelor of Education (Teaching) course was analysed, using Giddens' concept of agency, and each was found to have operated with agency. However, when additional criteria pertaining to early childhood professional practice were applied by means of a triadic viewpoint only three of the student teachers were deemed to have operated with ‘professional’ agency. Factors that were perceived to have contributed to or detracted from the student teachers' capacity to operate with professional agency were identified. Arising from these factors, this paper argues for in‐depth student teacher preparation for the practicum in order to develop professional agency.  相似文献   

Teacher identity development and change is shaped by the interrelationship between personal biography and experience and professional knowledge linked to the teaching environment, students, subject matter, and culture of the school. Working from this framework, this study examines how beginning teacher interns who are part of an alternative route to teacher certification construct a professional identity as science educators in response to the needs and interests of urban youth. From the teacher interns, we learn that crafting a professional identity as a middle‐level science teacher involves creating a culture around science instruction driven by imagining “what can be,” essentially a vision for a quality and inclusive science curriculum implicating science content, teaching methods, and relationships with their students. The study has important implications for the preparation of a stronger and more diverse teaching force able to provide effective and inclusive science education for all youth. It also suggests the need for greater attention to personal and professional experience and perceptions as critical to the development of a meaningful teacher practice in science. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 41: 1044–1062, 2004  相似文献   

对教师行为研究的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师行为是教师素质的外在表现,是教师专业发展水平的重要标志。本文通过分析教师行为与时代发展、教育改革发展对人才素质培养的目的要求的关系;教师行为与教师专业发展水平的关系;教师行为与学生行为发展的关系;教师行为研究与教育研究的关系,提出了教师行为研究的合目的性、促发展性、向学生性、趋实践性等特性。  相似文献   

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