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创新人才的培养,有赖于创新教育,而学校实施教育的主要途径是教学.因此,改进教学方法,是培养创新人才的重要环节.本文论述了改进教学方法的重要意义,阐述了改进教学方法的指导原则,构建了改进教学方法的理性模式,探讨了改进教学方法的具体措施.  相似文献   

单从某些局部因素出发去改进薄弱学校的尝试往往是很难成功的.为此,本文选取了H中学作为个案,以学校作为改进单元运用质的研究方法进行了深入的研究.研究发现:学校改进是外驱力和内驱力共同作用的结果,在学校改进的不同时期内外驱力所起的作用是不同的;影响学校改进的主要因素包括学校制度的改进、关爱共同体的形成、校长的领导力、教师专业成长、环境建设、教育资源的共享等.薄弱学校改进的过程为学校自身发展、外部合作者和决策者提供了多方面启示.  相似文献   

中央领导同志一再严肃地指出:要"切实加强和改进思想政治工作",强调说.这样做"事关重大","十分重要".并要求"凡是这几年忽视了思想政治工作的地方和单位.一定要限期切实加强."思想政治工作要"加强和改进",在加强和改进时,要"限期而切实".这就为我们当前的思想政治工作指明了方向.提出了任务.在新的历史时期,加强思想政治工作必须改进思想政治工作,只有改进,才能加强,这里改进是个关键,但是,改进的目的完全是为了加强;其次,要弄清楚限期和切实的关系.限期,说的是加强思想政治工作的急迫性和严肃性,而切实,说的是加强思想政治工作要切合实际,扎扎实实,实事求是,不脱离实际,不搞形式主义,不搞假大空.限期和切实,二者是辩证统一的.那么,怎样才能加强和改进思想政治工作呢?我认为,把思想政治工作深入到教学和科研领域去,这是高等学校思想政治工作改进的方向.  相似文献   

教学改进:艾尔默对学校改进理论的深化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校改进是指把精力集中于教学变革和它所需的支持条件上以提高学生成绩的努力,这是变革期间为提高教育质量而改进学校能力的战略手段.美国学者艾尔默教授的学校改进思想直指教学改进,明确了学校改进的终极目的--学生学习的进步、成就和发展,而不是其他.艾尔默这一思想越过了一些学校改进模糊不清的观点和种种外部因素及对学校组织文化的泛泛而论,直接指向学校发展的根本--学生的成长.艾尔默的学校改进思想值得我们思考,对我国当前的学校改革也具有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

2004年10月中共中央、国务院颁发了<关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见>,2005年1月中央召开了全国加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作会议.这标志着加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,已成为一项重大而紧迫的战略任务.大学生班集体建设是改进和加强大学生思想政治教育的重要内容.文章提出了具有前瞻性的理论观点,通过大学班集体建设的理论分析,进行学生教育和管理的制度创新.  相似文献   

网格资源调度策略是网格计算领域中的关键研究方向之一.网格模拟器是资源调度策略优化和改进研究的重要平台.本文阐述了GridSim模拟器的整个框架结构和运行机制.分析了其不足,并加以改进形成新的模拟器DSSim.还对基于市场经济模型的DBC:优化调度算法进行了改进,并通过新模拟器DSSim进行了相应的模拟.模拟结果表明,改进后的算法无论在任务平均完成时间还是任务的完成率上都优于以前的优化调度算法.  相似文献   

江恒源农村改进思想系统辨析了农村改进与农村教育的区别与联系,指出农村改进要由专门的乡村改进人才来促动,做好农村改进的关键是农民的自动参与,并提出了农村改进的一条总的原则和三条基本标准.江恒源的农村改进思想为中华职业教育社的乡村建设活动提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

持续质量改进是现代质量管理的精髓和核心.本文从三个方面持续质量改进的原则、持续质量改进的程序、持续质量改进的方法,对持续质量改进在研究生培养质量管理中的应用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

"以人为本"是科学发展观的前提和重要内容,是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的指导思想.文章着重从以人为本的内涵和要求入手,分析了当前大学生思想政治教育中人本缺失所造成的问题,提出了加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的新途径.  相似文献   

研究表明,教师是决定学生成绩和学校改进的关键因素.纽约市以教师为切入点来改进低绩效学校引人瞩目.在改进学校过程中,纽约市采取了教师替换策略、教师激励策略、教师专业发展策略和教师赋权策略;其教师策略虽取得了一定的成效,但仍存在着一些问题.  相似文献   


We examine the coverage of court cases in 23 introductory criminal justice textbooks published from 1986 to 1995. The 30 cases receiving the most coverage (in inches of print) in the textbooks are identified and ranked by the amount of attention each receives. Collectively these cases can be considered the “landmark” decisions in the textbooks. We then evaluate the criminal justice textbooks by how extensively they cover (1) court cases in general and (2) the landmark cases in particular. We conclude with some recommendations of textbooks for course adoption.  相似文献   

Since inquiry was first introduced to science education, a lot of inquiry-based tasks have appeared in textbooks for supporting an inquiry-based approach. These tasks have great potential to direct the implementation of an inquiry-based approach, as teachers rely heavily on the use of existing instructional materials in most K-12 classrooms. However, these tasks would not actually take effect unless they could accomplish the mission of assisting in the achievement of the educational goals of an inquiry-based approach, for which it is necessary to assess the design quality of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks. Content analysis is an effective way to evaluate the design quality of textbooks. This study adopted the instrument – the Inquiry-based Tasks Analysis Inventory (ITAI), which fits the purpose and has strong reliability and validity – to analyse the inquiry-based tasks in current high school biology textbooks in Mainland China. The results show that (1) some of the inquiry-based tasks separate the inquiry process from scientific content, (2) current textbooks do not present balanced dispositions to use inquiry process skills, and (3) inquiry-based tasks in current textbooks do not reflect a proper understanding about scientific inquiry. The findings call for revisions of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks and indicate the ambiguous understanding about inquiry that may be held by the textbook authors. What is more, the problems revealed by this study are very similar to those found in previous studies in other regions, which highlights the need for continuous attention to the evaluation of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks.  相似文献   

语文课程标准实验教科书识字教材的发展与问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》颁布后,已经有12套小学语文课程标准实验教科书相继面世。这些教材低段识字内容的编排思路主要有:以汉语拼音学习为基础的拼音识字;从汉字自身的造字用字规律出发的韵语识字、看图识字和随文识字几种。12套教材一轮实验下来成绩斐然,但也有几方面问题需要探讨:一是趋同与创新,二是汉字与拼音,三是优秀与平庸,四是新假说与新实验。实验教育学认为,识字教学实验研究应该提倡假说的多元与创新,避免各种各样的"独子恋"情结。课标实验教材采取韵语识字、看图识字、随课文识字诸方面虽取得了长足进步,但汉字的学习有难有易,要探讨化难为易策略。同时,要避免趋同、坚持创新,争取优秀减少平庸,多方假设,再行实验,期望通过新一轮的教科书修订,识字教材有更大进步。  相似文献   

The presentations of evolutionary theory in 13 prominent, secondary-school biology textbooks—3 Chinese, 8 American, and 2 Soviet—were examined using the methods of content analysis. For each book, the amount of text devoted to each of 80 evolutionary topics was assessed. Such word counts were enumerated not only for the main narrative, but also for eight supplemental components (illustrations, marginal information, appendixes, etc.). Pronounced differences in topic emphasis among the 13 textbooks and systematic trends between countries are discussed. The strong emphasis on evolution in the USSR textbooks is impressive, but these textbooks also neglect some major themes, and they devote considerable text to certain concepts of an erroneous or dubious nature. The PRC (People's Republic of China) textbooks fail to introduce a considerable number of topics that are prominent in the other two systems. The eight USA textbooks exhibit great diversity in terms of total evolutionary content, number of themes treated, and which topics are emphasized. Unlike the USSR and PRC textbooks, the USA books position a vast amount of evolutionary content (26.5%-55.8%) within components outside the main narrative. The evolutionary text of USA editions is dispersed throughout and is presented surprisingly early. Several individual themes that proved particularly revealing are examined, including human evolution, law of recapitulation, evolution and religion, evidences of evolution, punctuated equilibria, and artificial selection.  相似文献   

Teaching history, compared to other school subjects is characterised from country to country by widely varying content. This has been commented on by both historians (Ferro and Ahonen) and psychologists ( J of Narrative and Life History 4 (1994) 295). In this paper, some of the events that occurred in 1492 and their representation in history textbooks have been selected in order to analyse the content of Mexican and Spanish textbooks. These two countries have been selected because it is anticipated that they will offer very different views about these controversial historical topics and some of the characters involved, such as Columbus. The analysis of textbook content indeed showed two different views of the same event by Mexico and Spain. This paper discusses the influence of these views in the formation of different national identities.  相似文献   

This study assessed the representations of nature of science (NOS) in high school chemistry textbooks and the extent to which these representations have changed during the past four decades. Analyses focused on the empirical, tentative, inferential, creative, theory‐driven, and social NOS, in addition to the myth of “The Scientific Method,” the nature of scientific theories and laws, and the social and cultural embeddedness of science. A total of 14 textbooks, including five “series” spanning one to four decades, were analyzed. The textbooks commanded significant market shares in the United States and were widely used in some of the most populace states. Relevant textbook sections were scored on each of the target NOS aspects on a scale ranging from −3 to +3, which reflected the accuracy, completeness, and manner (explicit versus implicit) in which these aspects were addressed. The textbooks fared poorly in their representations of NOS. Additionally, with a few exceptions, textbook scores either did not change or decreased over the past four decades. These trends are incommensurate with the discourse in national and international science education reform documents, which has witnessed an increasing emphasis on the centrality of NOS to scientific literacy and pre‐college science education during the same time period. Assessment and evaluation strategies, and policies need to be targeted if substantial and desired changes in the ways NOS is addressed in science textbooks are to be effected. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 835–855, 2008  相似文献   

A pedagogical analysis of science textbooks: How can we proceed?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses some of the available frameworks for the pedagogical analysis of school science textbooks. First, it distinguishes between (a) studies which focus on elements of textbooks, such as the content, vocabulary, illustrations used, and the teaching methods promoted; and (b) those which consider the principles that organize the content and the form of presentation. In attempting to consider the sorts of principles that may be used in the studies categorised under (b), two crucial issues are discussed. The first issue refers to the relationship between scientific knowledge and school knowledge, which, as the relevant literature suggests, might not be conceived merely as a simplified “casting” of the scientific structure, but rather should be understood as a complex social process. The second issue explicitly addresses the nature of the pedagogic relationship and the place of the pedagogic text within it. Recent views about the nature of knowledge, it is argued, would suggest a reconceptualisation of the teaching activity, and indicate a model according to which the three elements of the teaching situation-the content, the pupil and the teacher—are seen as being (re)constituted in their articulation within and through the text(book). Thus, for example, what is to be a competent pupil in this approach is a function of the text. On the basis of these considerations, three approaches to the analysis of science textbooks are discussed: the socio-cognitive, the sociolinguistic and the socio-epistemic. The relative merits of the third approach are considered, and some examples are used from Greek science textbooks.  相似文献   

法国数学教育比较优秀,数学教材是数学教育的重要载体,但国内对法国数学教材的研究比较少。首先介绍法国的教育体制,然后通过实例,对使用比较广泛的法国初中数学教材进行剖析。法国初中数学教材对中国教育工作者的启示:注重“低起点,小步子”;讲究直观实验与严谨推理相结合;注重分层教学;合理设计课前准备活动、课后活动。研究对中国初中数学教材的发展及数学教学改革具有一定的参考价值与意义。  相似文献   

以往研究在德育教材编写的理念、德育教材的功能和定位、优秀传统文化与社会主义核心价值观融入德育教材的路径等方面提出了一些富有新意和价值的观点,值得肯定。但是,以往研究也存在一些不足。在研究基础方面,教材编写理念研究成果丰富,教材基础理论研究薄弱;在研究视角方面,侧重教材编写者视角的研究,忽视教材使用者视角的研究;在研究内容方面,教材内容研究分散,基于课程标准的教材研究欠缺;在研究范围方面,注重教材编写研究,忽视教材建设其他方面的研究;在研究深度方面,重视个别国家教材的介绍,缺乏对其深度反思;在研究方法方面,多采用常规方法,较少运用教材研究常用方法。基于以往德育教材研究的问题以及德育教材的时代境遇,未来德育教材研究要加强基本理论研究、关注德育教材的使用研究、侧重基于课程标准的德育教材研究、拓展德育教材的研究范围、增进对国外德育教材研究的深度反思、重视运用教材研究常用方法。  相似文献   

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