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Revisioning models of instructional development   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Instructional development (ID) models are almost as numerous as the practitioners of instructional development. The role of models in instructional development is to provide conceptual and communication tools that can be used to visualize, direct, and manage processes for generating episodes of guided learning. Instructional development can be practiced in a variety of settings and various models have been created that reflect this variation. This article presents some of the early history of instructional development models, reviews some of the more influential ID models, and discusses the possible impact of selected trends on futgure models of instructional development.  相似文献   

Mental models are one way that humans represent knowledge (Markman, 1999). Instructional design (ID) is a conceptual model for developing instruction and typically includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (i.e., ADDIE model). ID, however, has been viewed differently by practicing teachers and instructional designers (Kennedy, 1994). In a graduate ID course students constructed their own ID models. This study analyzed student models for (a) what ADDIE components were included (by teacher, nonteacher), and (b) model structural characteristics (by teacher, nonteacher). Participants included 178 students in 12 deliveries of a master's level ID course (115 teachers, 63 nonteachers). Our conceptual ID model is presented, and the ID model task is described. Students most frequently represented design, followed by program evaluation, needs assessment, development, and implementation. In terms of structural characteristics, 76 models were characterized as metaphoric, 61 dynamic, and 35 sequential. Three interrelated conclusions and implications for ID learning are offered. Susan G. Magliaro [sumags@vt.edu] is Director of the School of Education and the Center for Teacher Education at Virginia Tech. Neal Shambaugh is Assistant Professor of Instructional Design & Technology in the College of Human Resources & Education at West Virginia University. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Conclusion It should be clear that television has much to contribute to education both in extending educational opportunity more widely and in raising the level of quality of what is offered. But to use it effectively it is essential that its characteristics be understood, its potentials be utilized, and its limitations be overcome. Wisely used, television can prove to be a twentieth century answer to some of the century’s most pressing educational problems. On leave from Ohio State University, the husband and wife American specialist team of I. Keith Tyler (long-time director of the Institute for Education by Radio-Television and consultant in educational broadcasting) and Margaret C. Tyler (supervisor of the Ohio School of the Air) spent six and one-half months in the United Arab Republic working with UAR-Television and the Ministry of Education developing an instructional TV series in Arabic literacy and laying the foundations for the extensive use of television in formal education. They followed this with short-term assignments in Manila, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan, lecturing and consulting with leaders in education and television. Educational Implications of the Television Medium was originally presented by Mr. Tyler to representatives of the Ministry of Education in Cairo as basic orientation, and, with minor changes, to educators and broadcasters at Ateneo University in Manila.  相似文献   

企业项目教学法把校内学习与实际工作项目结合起来,能有效地提高学生的职业技能和综合素质。企业项目教学法适用于影视动画专业课程的教学改革,福建信息职业技术学院影视动画专业《快乐成长》企业动画项目教学改革是影视动画专业教学改革实践的初步探索。  相似文献   

Summary The argument is advanced in this paper that the pattern of educational investigation wherein comparisons are made between so-called “ experimental” and “ conventional” instructional procedures tends to be defective on three counts: the criteria are often inappropriate or contaminated; the assumptions of homogeneity within and independence between “ experimental” and “ control” conditions are met only when these conditions are very grossly conceived; and the results reflect masking and cancellation effects, thereby revealing relatively little about what transpires in an instructional setting. The Instructional Gestalt is proposed as a methodological framework for educational research focusing upon the interactive nature of learner, instructor, and environmental and course variables constituting the instructional setting. Data generated by explorations within this framework can lead to the formulation of hypotheses which, if subsequently supported empirically, can become principles for inclusion in a theory of classroom learning. The nature of investigations proceeding from the Instructional Gestalt framework was clarified by presentation and discussion of an illustrative study. Since this illustration was only a representation in miniature of the larger investigation, the generalizations about teaching-learning suggested by it are of limited scope and subject to change. Nevertheless, these generalizations do indicate the kinds of hypotheses resulting from studies within the Instructional Gestalt framework. This paper summarizes the rationale underlying research on the Instructional Gestalt proceeding under a grant from the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Portions of this rationale have been presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association in 1961 and 1962.  相似文献   

The Educational Testing Service/University of Delaware Science Education project has addressed the challenge of promoting systemic change in science education through the use of instructional assessments. Instructional assessments integrate performance-based assessments with curriculum and instruction at the classroom level. Instructional assessment provides a promising lever for promoting professional development and improving middle school science curriculum, instruction, and assessment.  相似文献   

国际教学设计研究自20世纪90年代起开始转型,其中心也不再仅仅局限于教学设计研究的发源地美国。本访谈将要介绍的就是来自荷兰的当代国际著名教学设计专家和教育技术专家范梅里恩伯尔和基尔希纳,着重了解他们团队提出并持续20余年不断完善的"综合学习设计及其十个步骤",具体体现在《综合学习设计:四元素十步骤系统方法》一书中。两位作者曾经非常深刻地概括过这一理论的特质是:聚焦综合学习,以学习理论为厚实基础并采用高度灵活的设计方法,以有效解决当前教育培训领域的三大痼疾:学习任务分割化、学习内容碎片化和学习迁移悖论,并以此为教学设计的复兴作出贡献,回应瞬息万变知识社会的教育需求。综合学习设计代表了一种新的教学设计方法论,值得注意的是,梅里尔的"五星教学设计(首要教学原理)"和范梅里恩伯尔等的"综合学习设计(四元教学设计)"不约而同地于2002年发表在国际教育技术权威刊物《教育技术研究与发展》上。严格地说,它们不是一两个个别的理论或者模型,而是一股有着共同旨趣和追求、前景广阔的教学设计新潮流。由盛群力主持翻译的《综合学习设计:四元素十步骤系统方法》(下文简称《综合学习设计》)已经由福建教育出版社正式出版(当代前沿教学设计译丛,2012年7月)。正像梅里尔对这一理论做出的评价那样:"《综合学习设计》一书是设计有效教学的绝佳宝典,综合学习设计有助于教学达到有效果、有效率和有学习参与热诚的境界。"十个步骤融合了"问题教学"与"直导教学"的各自优势,对当前不尚空谈、务实探索的各种已有成果进行了绝妙综合。美国南加州大学洛杉矶分校认知技术研究中心教授、著名教育技术专家理查德.克拉克曾经这样感叹道:"《综合学习设计》代表了一种非常综合的方法,即既有最佳实践的依据,又有可靠研究的支撑,体现了有关学习、培训与迁移研究的现有水准,任何涉足教学、公司培训或者培训系统管理的人士阅读本书都是明智的选择。"我们则认为,《综合学习设计》系统反映了当代国际教学设计一流研发团队的最新应用成果,是将教育技术先进生产力转化为教学实践效益的可贵尝试。如果您立志为面向完整任务、聚焦解决问题与实现学习迁移而开展教学;如果您希冀了解教学设计潮流,开发创生性人力资源,探索促进专业成长的道路,那么,就请和我们一起"浸入"!杰罗姆.J.G.范梅里恩伯尔(Jeroen J.G.Van Merrinboer,1959-)现任荷兰马斯特里赫特大学教育发展与研究系学习与教学方向教授,曾多年担任荷兰开放大学教育技术研究中心主任和荷兰十所大学联校教育研究中心主任。范梅里恩伯尔在特温特大学获得教学技术学方向的哲学博士学位,在认知架构与教学、综合学习的教学设计、教学设计的整体化方法和适应性数字学习应用等方面颇有专长。他已经发表了150余篇学术论文,且担任《学习与教学》等数家学术刊物的编委。他因出版代表作《掌握综合认知能力》(1997)和提出"综合学习设计"(或称"四元教学设计")被公认是世界教育技术研究领域的一位领军人物,并曾获得美国教育传播与技术协会颁发的"国际贡献奖"。保罗.A.基尔希纳(Paul A.Kirschner,1951-)系荷兰开放大学学习科学与技术中心(CELSTEC)教育心理学教授,同时也是学习与认知研究项目负责人、荷兰国家终身学习实验室(NeLLL)科研主任。他在荷兰开放大学获得哲学博士学位。作为一位国际知名的学者,基尔希纳的研究擅长领域包括终身学习、计算机支持的协作学习、数字化或其他创新性学习环境的设计、开放教育资源、教育媒体应用、教师远程学习材料开发、认知能力的实际应用、设计与开发电子学习环境和工作环境以及信息技术教育系统的创新与应用等。  相似文献   

Summary The study reported in this article was conducted with a selected group of instructional developers, the members of the Division of Instructional Development of the Association for Educational Communications and Technologoy. While the information seems to represent the most complete set of data now available on this group, it is too limited to permit sweeping generalizations. The intention of the study was to survey instructional developers in order to obtain some information about their demographic, professional, and ideological characteristics. A major thrust of this study dealt with what range of learning theories and instructional guides the developers used in dealing with problems of learning and development.  相似文献   

教学设计的内涵及其应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教学设计的内涵随着社会的发展得到不断的深化,对此不但可以从狭义和广义两方面来理解,还可以从绩效技术的发展、教学设计的科学性和艺术性等角度来认识。通过对教学设计的应用层面、应用模式等基本要素的简要分析,阐述了教学设计应用的两个现实问题。  相似文献   

Instructional design and development models are sometimes criticized for being unnecessarily complex and for requiring an unrealistic amount of precision. To counter this criticism, some will argue that the complexity and precision are necessary to help ensure a quality instructional product. This article offers a solution to the problem of practicality versus precision by introducing a “layers-of-necessity” model of instructional design and development. By recognizing that instruction evolves over time rather than emerges fully developed, the model offers an alternative means of achieving quality instruction.  相似文献   

Instructional models guide designer activity as they attempt to solve instructional problems. Models provide structure to the project, problem solving strategies, evaluation, and feedback. This paper is designed to examine Rapid Prototyping, a model born in the computer age. Rapid Prototyping embraces computer design strategies, constructivist learning theory, and cognitive psychology. This paper will first look at the “classic” forms of instructional design models, which form the foundation of instructional design. A review of the critical elements of these models will provide the framework to understand the concepts behind the Rapid Prototyping model. Next, this paper will examine how researchers define Rapid Prototyping, how the model is used, whether it is successful, and why some consider it a major shift in the way instruction is designed. By clarifying how RP is structured to solve instructional problems and the processes it uses to produce instructional materials, this paper will strive to determine whether it is a viable alternative to traditional design models.  相似文献   

Instructional design (ID) professionals typically employ models that guide their practice. However, it is unclear how a specific model is selected for an instructional situation. Andrews and Goodson (1980) provided a valuable procedure for comparing instructional design models, but because of the proliferation of variations in instructional design applications during the past decade, the introduction of instructional design into new learning contexts and the emergence of alternative approaches to instructional design, there has emerged a need for a new framework which assesses the potential success of any instructional design model. A framework is presented here which is intended to provide a conceptual tool for determining appropriate instructional design applications.  相似文献   

Increased enrollment in online programs and courses has prompted a plethora of research on instructional strategies that impact online students’ learning. Most of these strategies came from instructors, and others were solicited from students. While the literature notes that students who have more university experience tend to provide more substantive responses when solicited, there seems to be limited representation of online master’s students’ preferences on what instructional strategies work for them. There is paucity in the literature on how these preferred instructional strategies inform existing theoretical and practical frameworks that could impact online learning performance. This article discusses the Top Ten Instructional Strategies preferred by master’s students who responded to a dissertation survey question - What specific things would you like your online instructors do to help you learn successfully? - and relates these strategies to the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education and the Quality Matters Rubric.  相似文献   

Instructional development has been a recent innovation in higher education, responding to the needs of the new American model of universal higher education. Misconceptions and misapplications of instructional development have been frequent, especially its confusion with media service. A fundamental obstacle to success in any instructional improvement program is hypothesized to be lack of concern with faculty attitudes in the planning of methods to serve them. This study discusses the background of the problem and reports on a survey designed to investigate faculty attitudes toward instructional development on one campus. Tentative conclusions are drawn in order to guide further study. The data presented appear to indicate that there is a need to rethink the basic model of instructional development as currently used when applying it to the unique circumstances of higher education.  相似文献   

The problems of efficiently producing effective instruction in areas such as industry, military, and vocational education are exacerbated by several complex factors: increasingly rapid change in technology; substantial variation in training needs and target populations within large organizations; inefficient mechanisms for performing formative evaluations; and a lack of means for efficiently incorporating new models of design into practice. In the context of these increasingly difficult problems, we present the Instructional Design Environment (IDE), a hypermedia system for designing and developing instructional material, including texts, interactive video disk, and intelligent tutoring systems. The representation of design analyses and specifications, and the design activities of IDE users are not constrained by any particular model of instructional design, but can be tailored to suit a wide range of such models. Although the system is continually evolving and exists in several forms, (Swartz and Russell, 1989) we discuss how the features of IDE suggest how computer-based design environments may provide ways simplifying the design problems for technical training in rapidly changing areas.  相似文献   

The editor of this volume, N. L. Gage, is Professor of Education and Psychology at Stanford University, and a major contributor to the study of the psychology of teaching. The reviewer, Susan M. Markle, is Head, Instructional Design, Office of Instructional Resources Development, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. Her major interest is in strategies and principles for constructing instructional materials (teacher‐mediated or other‐method‐mediated), especially at higher cognitive levels.  相似文献   

A questionnaire study, modeled after Baldwin's 1979 research on faculty at a liberal arts college, was conducted with 42 Lilly Teaching Fellows and Lilly Mentors at a large, public, research-oriented university in the Southeast U.S.A. Results from the study support the notion that one of the keys to a successful instructional and faculty development program is to target activities to the academic career stage of the faculty member.Patricia Kalivoda works in the Office of Instructional Development at The University of Georgia. She holds an MBA and an Ed.D. from The University of Georgia. Her research focuses on faculty career development and faculty vitality. Geraldine Rogers Sorrell is Special Populations Coordinator at Middle Georgia Technical Institute. She holds an M.Ed.and an Ed.D. from The University of Georgia. She specializes in faculty and staff development, and career counseling. Ronald D. Simpson is Director of the Office of Instructional Development at The University of Georgia, where he also is professor of Higher Education and Science Education. He holds degrees from The University of Tennessee and The University of Georgia.  相似文献   

Instructional systems designers and developers have assumed idealized models and theories about the selection and use of materials for instruction. Such models and theories are based on what teachers should do instead of recognizing what teachers are doing when they select materials for instructions. This study examined how teachers select instructional materials for instruction. When making decisions for selecting and using materials teachers were influenced by the content of lessons taught, and by their professional training, rather than by the stating of behavioural objectives. An integrated instructional design should include a consideration of the mental and intuitive efforts of teachers, and of the qualities of materials during not after the need assessment.  相似文献   

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