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<正>物理和数学是密切联系、相互影响的两门学科.物理学中的表达,推理和计算都离不开数学的应用.数学是有力的计量和计算工具.同时,数学又是物理思维推理的工具.为了拓宽学生的视野、培养学生各种能力,提高物理教学质量,作为物理教师在重视教学经验的总结、研究探讨教学方法的同时,还应该认真研究数学在物理教学中的运用,在教学中有机地做好数理的整合.在初中物理教学中,如何做好数理整合呢?笔者认为有以下几点.  相似文献   

数学是一门工具学科,也是一门基础学科,它与物理紧密联系着。中学物理教纲和考纲对学生具有运用数学知识技巧解决物理问题的能力提出了明确要求,这正是许多学生在学习中的难点之一。究其原因是物理问题涉及的数学知识面广,而学生在处理物理问题时的思维习惯很难将数学知识迁移过来,这就需要教师有意识地就某个物理问题突出数学知识的应用,以培养学生良好的思维,提高学生综合能力。下面就有关运用函数及几何知识解决物理问题举一些例子。  相似文献   

物理这门学科是学生在初中阶段第一次接触到的,在这之前学生对于这门学科的基础内容涉及比较少.坦率地讲,对初中生而言,物理学科对学生的要求是比较高的,和数学学科一样,它在学习时需要有较强的思维能力和逻辑性,所以许多学生在刚接触到物理时都会认为比较难.  相似文献   

<正>对很多初中学生来说,数学是一门有难度的学科.与小学数学加减乘除不同,初中的数学包罗万象,它需要学生有较强的逻辑思维能力.所以,很多步入初中校园的学生,对于学习数学这一门课程有很大的压力.数学学不好,还会牵连跟数学相关的学科,比如物理、化学等.学生对学习数学感到的压力,也是教师实施教学的  相似文献   

语文教学手段运用于物理教学之中,是两个不同学科教法和学法的跨越;是一门学科在另一门学科中的价值体现;是学生学以致用的有效途径,是学生自我表现的理想方式.这不仅可提高学生对各方面知识的学习兴趣,而且更为重要的是为学生提供了一套理解、掌握物理规律、分析问题、解决问题的方法,为学生运用所学知识拓宽了思路,也有助于学生提高自己的自学能力.  相似文献   

数学是一切自然科学的基础,也被称为自然科学的皇冠,俗话说,"学数学和物理,走到世界各地都不怕。"这表明数学在所有学科中的重要性。数学是现在大中小学都开设的一门学科。在各个升学考试中分值所占比例也很大。在高中这个阶段,数学的作用显得更为显著,它所占的分值比例相对较大,对学生的学习能力和学习技巧的要求更高,要想学好高中数学这门学科,就要求学生要掌握更有效的学习方法,同时也要求教师掌握多样化的教学方法,综合运用自己的专业能力和教学手段为学生传授知识,促进学生更好的学习。  相似文献   

数学是一门思维逻辑很强的学科,对学好物理、化学具有重要的奠基作用。初中数学教师要改革创新教学模式,在初中数学教学中运用差异化的教学模式,根据学生的学习能力实施具体的教学方法,缩短学生之间的差距,有效提升初中数学教学质量和效率。  相似文献   

小学数学学科是小学课程体系中的一门核心学科。低年级的数学教学主要是以图为主对学生进行教学引导,如果在日常教学中适当运用图表,将对数学教学、学生数学思维的形成起到很好的促进作用。  相似文献   

物理学科是一门基于实验的自然科学;它起源于数学,但又"青出于蓝而胜于蓝",是一门颇具创造性的学科;同时,它更是初中生"谈虎色变"的一门学科。想要提高物理课堂的教学效果,除了要重视学生在物理学习过程中的主体作用,培养学生的学习兴趣,发挥实验教学的优势所在;更不能忽视教师在物理课堂教学过程中所起到的主导作用,要及时更新教师的教育理念,不断充实教师的知识储备。  相似文献   

数学是物理学研究的重要工具,用数学知识和数 学方法解决物理问题是非常常见的,但是很多高中生缺乏这种 学科间知识牵连,总觉得物理和数学是两门不同的学科,缺乏 运用数学知识解决物理问题的意识和能力。所以在物理教学 中要有针对性地提升学生用数学方法理解物理问题的意识与 能力。  相似文献   

The case study described in this paper investigates the relationship among some pre-instructional knowledge, the learning gain and the final physics performance of computing engineering students in the introductory physics course. The results of the entrance engineering test (EET) have been used as a measurement of reading comprehension, logic and mathematics skills and basic physics knowledge of a sample of 47 Computing Engineering freshmen at the University of Palermo (Italy). These data give a significant picture of the initial knowledge status of a student choosing engineering studies. The students' physics learning gain has been calculated using a standardized tool in mechanics: the force concept inventory (FCI). The analysis shows that mathematical and physical background contribute to achieve a good final preparation in physics courses of engineering faculties; however the students' learning gain in physics is independent of students' initial level of mathematics skills and physics knowledge. Initial logic skills and reading comprehension abilities are not significant factors for the learning physics gain and the performance on physics courses.  相似文献   

Since April, 1996, Kanazawa Technical College has offered a cross-curricular course for first-year and second-year students using a TI-83 (Graphing Calculator) and a Computer Based Laboratory (CBL). The goal of the course is for students to learn about the connection between mathematics and physics through hands-on activities. Students conduct experiments on the motion of a person walking, the dropping of an object, the cooling rate of water, the motion of a swinging pendulum, and sound waves. This is the first time that the TI-83 calculator and the CBL have been used in Japan to explore physical phenomena in a classroom situation based on the Japanese curriculum for mathematics and physics. The following findings were obtained: Most students (a) replaced their naive assumptions regarding the laws of physics with scientific concepts; (b) independently made connections between the results of experiments and their previous mathematical knowledge; (c) reported that their level of interest in physical phenomena and science had either not decreased or had improved, (d) valued mathematics more, and (e) realized the importance of cooperative work. The use of CBLs and TI-83s changed not only the authors teaching style but also students attitudes. Students had ownership of their experiments, and they engaged in higher-order thinking skills such as making predictions, analyzing data, and modeling data with equations. As a result, students became more interested in learning mathematics and science.  相似文献   

张侨平 《课程.教材.教法》2021,41(1):105-109,137
普及教育推行以来,处理课堂中学生的学习差异一直是一个世界性的课题。在数学科,按照数学问题或习题的难度进行分层教学是一贯的做法,期望不同能力的学生逐阶而上。然而,激发学生的数学思考,提供不同学生更多的学习机会,是处理差异化教学的关键。在面对混合能力的大班教学中,运用数学开放问题,结合平行练习任务进行分层教学或是一条有效的处理学生数学学习差异的途径。  相似文献   

Historically, content preparation and pedagogical preparation of teachers in California have been separated. Recently, in integrating these areas, many mathematics methodology instructors have incorporated children's thinking into their courses, which are generally offered late in students’ undergraduate studies. We have implemented and studied a model for integrating mathematical content and children's mathematical thinking earlier, so that prospective elementary school teachers (PSTs) engage with children's mathematical thinking while enrolled in their first mathematics course. PSTs’ work with children in the Children's Mathematical Thinking Experience (CMTE) may enhance their mathematical learning. Preliminary study results indicate that the sophistication of CMTE students’ beliefs about mathematics, teaching, and learning increased more than the sophistication of beliefs held by students enrolled in a reform-oriented early field experience and that experiences considering children's mathematical thinking provided PSTs with increased motivation for learning mathematics.  相似文献   

罗士喜 《天中学刊》2003,18(2):11-13
数学教学的实质是数学活动教学,即教师指导帮助学生进行教学活动,如观察、描述、操作、猜想、实验、搜集整理、思考、推理、交流和应用等形式.为此,数学教师应树立牢固的数学活动教学观念,形成教师是学生数学学习意义建构的帮助者,学习情境的创设者、提供者,以及数学学习过程的协助者的角色意识.  相似文献   

近年来,小学“奥数”越来越热。小学生做奥数题是否真的有利于小学生的数学思维能力发展,这一问题成为一些教育界人士与家长关心的重要议题。文章认为,大面积的小学生“奥数”培训热,降低了小学生数学学习的兴趣,不利于提高小学生的数学能力。小学数学教学应该把提升小学生的数学素质作为基本出发点,促进小学生的数学思维能力发展。  相似文献   

数学课程标准对学生的反思性数学学习给予了很高的关注,但当前数学课堂教学中学生反思性学习的现实状况却不容乐观。这主要表现为:教师的课堂权威挤占了学生进行自我反思的空间;学生在数学学习中的自我反思能力水平普遍偏低。通过分析课堂教学视野下反思性数学学习的具体内涵,可以发现数学课堂教学中学生进行反思性学习的重要意义主要在于发展学生的数学思维能力、促成个体化的数学学习方式和促进学生自主性的发展。  相似文献   

The relationship between physics and mathematics is reviewed upgrading the common in physics classes’ perspective of mathematics as a toolkit for physics. The nature of the physics-mathematics relationship is considered along a certain historical path. The triadic hierarchical structure of discipline-culture helps to identify different ways in which mathematics is used in physics and to appreciate its contribution, to recognize the difference between mathematics and physics as disciplines in approaches, values, methods, and forms. We mentioned certain forms of mathematical knowledge important for physics but often missing in school curricula. The geometrical mode of codification of mathematical knowledge is compared with the analytical one in context of teaching school physics and mathematics; their complementarity is exemplified. Teaching may adopt the examples facilitating the claims of the study to reach science literacy and meaningful learning.  相似文献   

高职学生数学学习状况剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过课堂听课、查看作业、测试分析、课后访谈、调查问卷等方式,考察高职学生数学学习状况,发现有相当一部分的学生数学学习习惯存在问题,学习态度不够积极,男生的问题多于女生。认为应进一步帮助学生增强自信心,转变数学学习方式,注重数学思想、方法的教学,培养学生良好的数学学习习惯,提升学生的数学学习品质是高职数学教育所面临的重要任务。  相似文献   

随着教育的不断深入革新,人们对小学数学教育提出了更高的要求。小学生在学校除了要接受教育,掌握必要的数学知识以外,还要进行深度学习,并在深度学习的过程中进行良好的数学交流,以此让学生掌握更多的数学知识以及与数学有关的学习方法、学习思维,通过这样的方式全方面提高小学生的数学综合素养。  相似文献   

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