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陕甘宁边区难民救济问题初探   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
抗战时期,由于日本帝国主义入侵给中华民族带来了深重灾难,难民问题成为突出的社会问题,难民救济工作一度成为当时社会的焦点。陕甘宁边区政府在难民救济方面采取了积极措施且成效显著。  相似文献   

谭维新作为传教士到中国后,争取建立了开封教区,筹资兴建了理事厅街天主教堂,积极兴办教育、卫生和慈善事业,建立了培养本地神职人员的河南省总修院,抗战时期成立难民收容所保护难民,为天主教在开封的发展及社会改良出了贡献。  相似文献   

抗战时期,桂林遭受日军飞机反复轰炸,又被日军直接侵占,难民数量很多,结构很复杂,疾病不断流行,救济代价很大。这些因素决定了桂林受损失的程度是很严重的。抗战尚未结束,当时广西省政府就开始组织力量对抗战损失进行调查,相比之下,广西的抗战损失调查工作位居全国的前列。由于桂林是广西的省会,投入的人力和物力最多,因此,抗战损失的调查工作处于广西的前列。日本的末次情报研究所收集了许多日军轰炸桂林的信息。抗战后期桂林所具有的特殊经济、政治和军事地位,使之成为国际关注的焦点。国际上的许多媒体经常报道发生在这里的事情,为我们了解桂林抗战损失提供了不可多得的资料。  相似文献   

抗战时期,中越文化工作同志会以桂林为基地,广泛开展政治、文化活动,与桂林文化界建立了紧密的联系。这一团体相当活跃,产生了深远的历史影响。  相似文献   

抗战爆发后,流亡民众纷纷来陕,陕西省为安置难民,增加后方生产,决定利用境内荒地,施行垦殖。其中,武功县对于渭滩学田的开垦,不仅具有自身的特点,其采取的措施也对垦殖工作有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

抗战爆发后,东北、华北和东部沿海地区相继沦陷。为支持抗战,国民政府开始注重西部的垦务,四川省政府也制定了相应的农垦政策。按照垦殖方式分,四川省的农垦事业以国营、省营、民营三种方式展开。特殊时期的垦殖在安置难民,支援前线,加速四川开发等方面作出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

从民国初年到抗战时期,广西省会城市的南迁和北归,不仅使桂林的政治地位发生了显著的变化,而且对于桂林城市的图书出版事业产生了较大影响。省会北迁是抗战时期桂林图书出版事业兴盛的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

骆宾基是抗战时期流亡桂林文化城的东北作家之一。在桂林的三年,骆宾基在小说创作上达到了一个高峰。他先后写下了长篇小说《幼年》,中篇小说《胶东的暴民》、短篇小说《北望园的春天》等。文章对其抗战时期在桂林的小说创作作了一番总体评述。  相似文献   

抗战时期,中共和边区政府十分重视荒政问题,在政府层面,建立了从边区政府到基层社会的灾荒救助体系,颁布了一系列救助灾民与难民政策;在社会层面,利用与嫁接传统社会的备荒机制,动员民间力量进行灾荒救助。通过赈济灾荒,一方面使灾民、难民度过困难,一方面巩固了边区的基层政权,也提高了边区政府的执政能力。但由于边区处于战时状态,经济基础薄弱等原因,边区赈灾亦存在着一些不足。  相似文献   

骆宾基是抗战时期流亡桂林文化城的东北作家之一。在桂林的三年,骆宾基在小说创作上达到了一个高峰。他先后写下了长篇小说《幼年》,中篇小说《胶东的暴民》、短篇小说《北望园的春天》等。文章对其抗战时期在桂林的小说创作作了一番总体评述。  相似文献   

J. Lynn McBrien 《Compare》2011,41(1):75-90
Parental involvement in schools is regarded as critical to student success in Australia, Canada, and the USA, the world’s top refugee resettlement countries. Refugees can be disadvantaged when they are unfamiliar with the practices and when their own cultural beliefs conflict with expectations in their new communities, or when they are consumed by other pressing needs. As part of an evaluation of a nonprofit US refugee agency’s liaison program, three groups of refugee mothers from different world regions spoke about their lives and connections with their children’s schools. Focus groups revealed satisfaction with many aspects of their children’s schools as well as contrasts between the groups’ needs and experiences. Differences indicate the need for the education community and other service providers to be aware of international backgrounds that bring refugees to the countries of resettlement and cultural differences that create diverse concerns of these groups.  相似文献   

This paper argues that whilst equitable educational pathways are integrated into educational policy discourses in Australia, there are significant gendered barriers to educational participation among members of the Sudanese refugee groups. The specific conditions of forced migration reinforce disadvantage and further limit opportunities. Cultural factors play a key role in this, as the data from this study demonstrate. Participants in this study are Sudanese refugees who arrived in Australia as part of the humanitarian programme. The paper draws upon interviews and focus group data that were collected for a larger study on the broader issue of resettlement of Sudanese refugees in Australia. This paper argues that women from refugee backgrounds are particularly at risk and face cultural and linguistic barriers in accessing educational opportunities.  相似文献   

1938年至1943年重庆大轰炸期间,国民政府实施了空袭难民救济。救济措施包括组建专门空袭救济机构、颁布救济法规、动员民间力量救济和奖励空袭救济人员。在具体的空袭救济中,政府组织人力物力财力收容、医治难民,并向难民发放急赈和小额贷款。国民政府的空袭救济具有阶段性、突发性、广泛性和慈善性的特点。空袭救济措施的实施一定程度上维护了难民的生命安全,解决了难民的生活问题,安定了民心和社会秩序,粉碎了日本妄图以炸迫降的阴谋,从而支持了中国长期抗战。但由于救济经费的不足、救济力量的有限以及救济措施的失当,国民政府的空袭救济效果相当有限。  相似文献   

Refugee demographic and developmental variables were evaluated as predictors of employment outcomes following a six-month non-governmental organization (NGO) directed resettlement period. The sample consisted of 85 refugee adults (18 to 54 years) who were resettling in a medium sized urban setting in the western United States. Demographics included sex, age, education level, and English proficiency. Developmental factors included number of years spent as a refugee. Results suggested that for each year spent as a refugee there was a corresponding decrease in the ability to secure meaningful employment. Implications for vocational interventions with refugees are discussed within the framework of Social Cognitive Career Theory.  相似文献   

Multiple Forms of Stress in Cambodian Adolescent Refugees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A sample of 170 Cambodian youth and 80 of their mothers were interviewed regarding DSM-III-R diagnoses of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depressive disorders, and the stress of war trauma, resettlement, and recent life events. A consistent relation between earlier war trauma, resettlement stress, and symptoms of PTSD was found. In contrast, the strongest relation with depressive symptoms was found for recent stressful events. Despite the long interval of time since the occurrence of the war trauma, these youth and their parents reported these experiences in a highly consistent fashion. PTSD and depression in refugee youth appear to be different conditions following different pathways during adolescent development.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of schools in supporting unaccompanied young refugees in critical psychosocial transitions concerning processes of socialisation, integration and rehabilitation upon resettlement. Drawing from a qualitative research project based on interviews with students and staff conducted during fieldwork in five secondary schools in Norway, the findings suggest that the psychosocial support provided by schools is random and lacks a concerted effort among relevant professionals. Making schools refugee-competent calls for more comprehensive representations of refugee students and teachers, enhanced collaboration concerning psychosocial support as well as school-based interventions as an integral part of educational policy and practice.  相似文献   

Across the world, children are forced to leave their homes for far-flung destinations. This global phenomenon has particular impact in Europe, where there are now more child refugees than since World War II. Education plays an important role for children with extraordinary experiences seeking to build meaningful lives in their new context. This article offers a new theoretical approach to underpin reforms to educational policy and practice for refugees in schools in resettlement contexts in Europe. The new conceptual framing is grounded in empirical work in England and Sweden, and brings two theories together: ‘participatory parity’ (Fraser) and ‘resumption of an ordinary life’ (Kohli). Kohli’s concepts of ‘safety’, ‘belonging’ and ‘success’ have resonance with practitioners from Sweden and England as they work to meet the needs of their new arrivals. Fraser’s conceptual lenses of redistribution, recognition and representation highlight the barriers to achieving the right to inclusive education for refugee children in each context. The interdependence of both theories shapes a new framework. The theoretical understandings offered in this article have been developed with practitioners and add to the field by offering a robust moral and operational approach to shaping pedagogical principles for policymakers and educators working in resettlement communities.  相似文献   

This article documents five refugee families and their children's efforts to reestablish themselves in an urban school context in the US. A thematic analysis of the families’ negotiation with the urban school system, the language programmes and their home engagement practices suggests that they were subjected to symbolic violence brought upon by the precarious context of reception, the monolingual ideologies and the hegemonic practices of the urban schools and resettlement policies and agencies. Such symbolic violence systematically fractured their language learning, educational success, and upward social mobility. Therefore, despite their divergent paths of immigration and resettlement, the children shared similar stories of system blockage, inertia, and fragmentation. These shared trajectories suggest the need for multi-layered changes to remove blockages in the education and immigration system, transform the dispositions and practices of the key players, including policy makers, school administrators and teachers, and raise critical consciousness among the refugees.  相似文献   

浙江大学西迁遵义是在特定时期做出的明智抉择,既保全了浙大又实现了先进文化向偏远地方的知识传播,实践了“服务于民”、“创新于民”的大学精神,取得了令人瞩目的成就。这样的成就固然源于浙大选择了遵义,另一方面亦源于遵义成就了浙大。遵义较为安全的政治环境为西迁办学提供了可行性,其淳朴的民风促成西迁办学,其独特的自然环境确保浙大办学成功,最终成就了一段历史佳话。  相似文献   


The world currently has the highest documented level of displaced people in recorded history. This includes a large number of individuals who are spending their youth as asylum seekers or refugees, which often impedes their access to and engagement with educational pursuits. Given that education has been shown to be a fundamental factor to facilitative resettlement and acculturation for newly-arrived refugee families and individuals, continued research attempting to understand the barriers to accessing education is warranted. This study qualitatively examines the educational experiences (with a focus on access to education) of 10 refugee and asylum-seeking students in Australian tertiary education using thematic analysis on semi-structured interview data. Six themes were identified from the interviews as barriers to or facilitators in accessing education. These are: relationships, emotional well-being, logistics, knowledge, instability, and financial hardship. The findings from this study add to a limited empirical knowledge base on this topic, and improve our understanding of the experiences of accessing education for students with refugee backgrounds. This is discussed in relation to its implications for institutes and policy makers.  相似文献   

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