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Very little previous research has considered the contributions of family relationships and interactions on the language input of mothers and fathers to their young children. This study examined the contributions of marital love and conflict, and broader family-level conflict, cohesion, and expressiveness to mother and father vocabulary in triadic interactions with their young children in 70 dual-earner families. It was found that after controlling for parent sensitivity and parent directive behavior, marital love and family conflict when children were 12 months of age were significant predictors of both father vocabulary and mother vocabulary to children at 24 months of age. In families with higher levels of marital love when children were 12 months of age, mothers and fathers used a more diverse vocabulary with their 24-month-old children. In families with lower levels of family conflict when children were 12 months of age, mothers and fathers used a more diverse vocabulary with their 24-month-old children.  相似文献   

大学生心理健康教育的新视野:冲突教育初探   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
人际交往和人际关系问题是影响大学生心理健康的重要因素,提高人际交往的能力和水平是大学生心理健康教育的重要内容。人际交往中,人际冲突是一种常见的社会现象,大学生如果不能正确认识和合理应对人际冲突,势必对个体心理健康和人际交往造成一定的负面影响。新形势下高校应该重视和加强对大学生的冲突教育,提高大学生人际交往能力和心理健康水平。  相似文献   

研究目的:探寻网络成瘾大学生与非网络成瘾大学生在父母教养方式上差异,对两者之间的差异进行总结,进而在父母教养的角度上提出干预和预防大学生的网络成瘾的思路和措施。研究结果:1.高网络成瘾倾向的大学生在家庭中,父母对子女缺乏沟通和情感支持,更多是采用惩罚、拒绝否认和严厉的方式进行教育。2.父亲对男女大学生在情感温暖、拒绝及惩罚维度上存在显著差异,而母亲对男女大学生的教养方式在各个维度上没有达到差异水平。  相似文献   

高校女性辅导员因有自己的性别特质、心理特点,且承担着更多的婚姻家庭责任,在辅导员这一角色扮演中,有着自身特有的角色冲突。其中角色内冲突主要表现为女性辅导员的自身角色局限性与辅导员的角色要求之间的冲突以及女性辅导员的自身发展与辅导员职责之间的冲突;而角色间冲突主要表现在职业角色与家庭角色间的冲突。女性辅导员的角色冲突容易引发职业倦怠,对辅导员队伍稳定及学生教育管理工作易产生负面影响。针对角色冲突问题,可从高校和女性辅导员自身两个层面人手采取相应的调适对策。  相似文献   

This essay presents the theoretical framework and main results of a research on intercultural mediation which has been performed in eight multicultural classrooms of Italian secondary schools. Intercultural mediation is conceived as a form of dialogic communication which should empower empathic and equal relationships between the participants by changing the existent negative patterns (dialogic mediation). The empirical features of mediation have been investigated in the interactions between mediators and adolescents in the selected classrooms. The analysis demonstrated that some dialogic actions were effective in empowering students’ personal expressions, promoting effective reflections and new narratives about their relationships, and management of their conflicts. Two limitations of dialogic mediation emerged from the analysis: (1) dialogic actions were always effective in demonstrating mediators’ involvement and coordination with students, but they were only occasionally effective in promoting dialogue among students; (2) promotion of active participation was more frequently successful than coordination of reflection and conflict management.  相似文献   

冲突是家族企业最突出的特征之一,家族企业内部冲突问题持续得到学者的关注,成为家族企业研究领域中发展最快的其中一个问题。通过对公开发表的40篇国外研究文献的系统梳理,总结了国外家族企业内部冲突研究的成果,清晰地呈现其研究方向,最后对该领域未来的研究趋势进行了展望,以期为国内的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the incidence and sociodemographic correlates of witnessing and experiencing different patterns of abuse and violence in the family of origin among Arab adolescents from Israel. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among a sample of 1,640 Arab secondary school students in Israel. RESULTS: About 17% of the participants had witnessed their fathers threatening to hit or throw something at their mothers, and 18% had witnessed their fathers attacking, grabbing, or shoving their mothers at least once during the 12 months preceding the survey. Regarding exposure to mother-to-father violence, the rates for the same acts were 4% and 3%, respectively. In addition, 39%, 40%, and 42% of the participants indicated that their fathers, mothers, and siblings, respectively, had yelled at them and/or done something to insult them at least once during the same period. Furthermore, 17%, 15%, and 20% of the participants revealed that their fathers, mothers, and siblings, respectively, had attacked them continuously for several minutes with a stick, club, or other harmful object at least once during the 12 months preceding the survey. CONCLUSIONS: The results revealed evidence of psychological and physical violence against Arab adolescents of different ages, gender, places of residence, or religions. In addition, evidence was found of violence between parents of different ages, levels of education, levels of income, religious affiliation, occupation, and family size. These results emphasize the importance of exploring violence in the Arab family from an integrative, ecological perspective.  相似文献   

流动儿童亲子沟通特点及其与心理健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨流动儿童亲子沟通的特点及其与心理健康的关系,采用亲子沟通问卷、主观幸福感自我评定量表、自尊问卷和问题行为问卷对北京市1016名流动儿童和446名城市户籍儿童施测.结果发现,与城市儿童相比,流动儿童亲子沟通的频率、时间和主动性较低.在亲子沟通各维度上,城市儿童得分都显著高于流动儿童.在流动儿童与父母沟通的倾听反应维度上,女生得分高于男生.在父子沟通的开放表达、分歧冲突解决和理解性维度和母子沟通的开放表达和倾听反应维度上,存在显著的年级差异,初二年级得分最低.流动儿童亲子沟通的开放表达、理解性和分歧冲突解决维度可正向预测主观幸福感,亲子沟通的四个维度都可正向预测自尊,开放表达和理解性负向预测内化问题行为,理解性、倾听反应和分歧冲突解决负向预测外化问题行为.由此可以得出如下结论,流动儿童与父母的沟通频率低,时间短,主动性不强,沟通质量较低.亲子沟通各维度可显著预测流动儿童的心理健康水平.  相似文献   

Changes in family and employment patterns have lead to an increasing need for families to balance work and family roles. Little research has examined work and family conflict among teachers. In the present study, 69 New Zealand teachers completed a survey examining occupational-related demands, family-related demands, work and family conflict, and perceptions of parenting programmes. Occupational task overload, their children's behaviour problems, hours of employment, and work experience increased conflict between work and family. A programme addressing inter-role conflict and managing children's misbehaviour would be of benefit to teachers. Teachers believed organisations should play a role in delivering such programmes.  相似文献   

Burgeoning evidence identifies the influence of fathers and, relatedly, fathers in the family context (e.g., family conflict), on adolescent adjustment. However, little is known about the significance of fathers’ presence in contexts of environmental risk. In a unique social–political context of economic and sociopolitical adversity, this study examined relations between adolescent adjustment, fathers’ presence, and family conflict in families in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Based on responses from 999 adolescents (M = 12.18 years; SD = 1.82) and their mothers, participating from 2006 to 2012, fathers’ presence was linked with reduced internalizing symptoms, and family conflict was related to both internalizing and externalizing problems. The discussion considers the implications for understanding family dynamics related to adolescent adjustment in contexts of environmental adversity.  相似文献   

文化冲突是导致少数民族学生英语学习困难的重要因素之一。本文通过分析蒙古族"三语"(蒙古语-汉语-英语)学生在外语教育中面临的本族语文化、主流汉文化和英美文化之间的文化冲突,提出了外语教育中进行文化教育的相应对策,旨在利用文化差异的积极因素来实现外语教育培养跨文化交际能力的目标,提高"三语"学生的跨文化理解能力,从而降低文化冲突的消极作用。  相似文献   

近年来,大学生犯罪率呈明显上升趋势。因此,对大学生这一特殊犯罪群体犯罪心理研究具有重要理论和实践意义。大学生犯罪心理的形成,主要建立在大学生生理与心理发育不协调、社会化过程中不适应基础上,并在社会化过程中缺陷、角色冲突、社会控制不良等因素共同作用下形成。为有效预防大学生犯罪,应充分发挥家庭、学校、社会作用,做到综合预防。  相似文献   

全日制教育博士是一个新型的群体,特殊的身份使他们面临着多方面的矛盾。应用冲突理论、角色互动模型以及符号互动论为研究工具,用民族志研究方法对L高校的六名全日制教育博士展开研究,发现他们主要面临角色的冲突、学习的压力、生活的矛盾以及未来的迷茫等困境,并就此从制度完善、培养模式等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

Marital quality and child functioning: a longitudinal investigation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

正确处理大学生宿舍人际冲突可以有效地引导和促进大学生健康发展,也可以帮助大学生更好地适应社会,对构建高校和谐校园意义重大。此研究以安徽16所高校的2353名学生作为研究对象,主要从冲突影响因素、应对方式与处理策略、冲突感受和后果、冲突发展趋势、高校管理者的工作重心等方面进行了调查和分析,研究发现:生活习惯差异是引发冲突的首要因素;学生具有很强的冲突化解能力,表现较理性,倾向于采用合作的方式应对和处理冲突,极少借助辅导员等外在力量;高校管理者调解冲突时最重要的工作是及时了解事情真相,主持公道等。据此,本研究从教育管理学角度提出冲突管理的若干建议。  相似文献   

冲突性话语无所不在却错综复杂,言谈中直接反对与对立性回应的结构模式则是颇为常见的一种冲突性话语类型。本文试图揭示话剧《雷雨》的语言现象来探讨直接反对与对立性回应的冲突性话语,研究和分析这类冲突性言语行为的类型、语境条件和功能目的。  相似文献   

Two strands of research motivate this study. One is the interest in school students’ development of understanding of the concept of average, historically part of the mathematics curriculum and prominent in the statistics curriculum introduced in the early 1990s. The other is the belief of some educators that students learn meaningfully when experiencing cognitive conflict that challenges incorrect or incomplete understandings. This study presented 58 students in Grades 3, 6, and 9 with a series of questions about the concept of average. After initial levels of response were observed, students were presented with alternative responses on video from other school students and asked to choose which best resolved the task at hand. Initial responses confirmed the levels of understanding in an earlier study based on the same questions. Responses after the experience of cognitive conflict were either at the same level as before or higher, with no student finally agreeing with a lower level response. The results are compared with longitudinal change in relation to average and change resulting from cognitive conflict in relation to other areas of chance and data. Implications of the research are considered.  相似文献   

科赛认为,冲突是社会的常态,可以提高社会系统或至少是社会系统关键部分的整合,冲突的延长和缩短是由一些具体的条件进行限制的.文章以中学为研究切入点,以科赛的冲突论来探讨中学校园里存在的人际关系冲突,以类型观的视角,将中学校园里的冲突按照参与者的角色划分为四种类型,并从师生、生生、师师、以及家长与教师这四种类型来分析校园冲突的表现,运用科赛的冲突理论对这四种类型的冲突进行重新解读.  相似文献   

目的:调查重庆医科大学口腔实习生情绪智力和冲突管理方式现状,并分析其情绪智力和冲突处理模式的关系。方法:采用黄氏和罗氏情绪智力量表及荷兰式测试问卷(遇到冲突时的对策)在我校口腔实习生中进行问卷调查,最终对调查结果进行统计学分析。统计分析采用SPSS 22.0软件包进行。结果:共回收有效问卷162份。我校口腔实习生整体情绪智力水平为中等水平;使用频率最高的冲突管理方式是压制,最不常使用的冲突管理方式是解决问题;冲突管理方式与情绪智力水平有关,情绪智力水平高的实习生更倾向于科学地处理冲突。结论:我校口腔实习生的冲突管理方式需要进行科学的引导,管理水平需要提高。  相似文献   

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