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There has been a dramatic shift in the philosophy of broadcast regulation. After decades of managing the local radio market structure with policies of ownership regulation, Congress and the FCC have mandated policies of ownership deregulation. This study examines the effect of deregulation policies on the small market radio industry. Recent research has explored issues of radio market structure and performance in larger markets; however, few studies have examined the impact of policy in smaller markets. This study analyzed 52 metropolitan statistical areas with populations less than 125,000. The study used regression analysis to identify the effect of deregulation on the number and type of radio owners in the small markets. Overall, the results revealed that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 had a dramatic impact on the number of local radio owners in the small markets.  相似文献   

All-sports radio became a natural byproduct of the informational radio trend of the 1980s. It originated in New York and other large markets. Although it originated as a large market format, today there are dozens of sports radio stations on the air in markets large and small, with many major markets supporting more than one sports radio station. This article analyzes all-sports radio in a medium market, Peoria, Illinois, the 150th largest market in America. National sports networks provide an essential connection to big league sports in Peoria, but coverage of local sports is valuable in establishing a brand identity.  相似文献   

How public library policies, practices and services support the information needs of people experiencing homelessness was investigated using a qualitative-phenomenological design. Data were collected through semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with four homeless participants and seven librarians from four public library networks from a particular New Zealand region. The findings revealed that while none of the participating libraries had policies or services that were targeted at homelessness individuals, the libraries were perceived as providing services that largely met the information needs of their homeless patrons even if there were areas for improvement. It was noted that libraries could provide services that contribute to the strengthening of cultural identity and that policies and services should take relevant socio-cultural contexts into consideration. The findings inform public library policies and practices so that services could be developed and improved in order to enable equitable and effective use by homeless individuals, without unnecessarily segregating this user group.  相似文献   

Official statistical offices are often included in government moves to charge users for services. In New Zealand, the change from operating a public statistical service fully funded by government to competing in a contestable economic market has presented a wide range of challenges. Statistics New Zealand—the country's national statistics office—has found that this change has tested its ability to provide services that users will pay for. It has also caused the service to look closely at the interaction between the commercial market and the other, more traditional markets of the service. It is the government and public markets that drive the values of national statistical offices throughout the world. However, it is the move into the commercial market that is now leading to greater consumer responsiveness in both commercial and publicly-funded services, more effective rationing by price and other determinants, and greater promotion of services.  相似文献   

Radio listening in the United States fell by more than 10% between 1998 and 2003. During this time, broadcast radio faced new competition from satellite radio and the Internet while the industry was also undergoing significant changes due to increased radio ownership caps. This article quantifies the effects of these factors on audience sizes and explores the implications for audience composition and programming content. The results show that industry consolidation played a larger role in decreasing overall listening than new technology. New technology did have a role in altering the distribution of listeners among programming formats.  相似文献   

This article examines the educational and social impact of an instructional radio program, called the Music Appreciation Hour (MAH), broadcast on the NBC network from the 1920s to the 1940s. Walter Damrosch, who came from a musical family and had previously conducted the New York Symphony, envisioned the possibility to use radio to teach music to American schoolchildren by tapping into its aural and emotional qualities. Through archival materials, including correspondence, teachers’ manuals, student notebooks, and program evaluations, it is argued that while Damrosch positioned himself with a new progressive movement that espoused student-centered education, he instead became an appealing on-air “personality” to student listeners and the network. This research serves as an important example of some of the ongoing tensions between education, entertainment, and the mass media.  相似文献   

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 changed the nature of radio markets. Recent policy recommendations from the Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Congress have led to questions about localism in local radio markets. This study analyzes station ownership, the number of clusters, radio programming, and audience data from 32 radio markets and compares the information for the years 2000, 2004, 2007, and 2010. The results suggested a degree of stability for the types and size of radio owners, the market power of local radio clusters, and the number and type of formats.  相似文献   

This study reports on the pattern of Peabody program submissions during the half century of the award process. The data indicate that Peabody entries have been particularly sensitive to the growth of noncommercial satellite networks, deregulation, emphasis on the fall and rise of network radio, and narrowcasting, by local program entities. These findings can be used as a baseline for future trend analysis research. Scholars are encouraged to examine how new technologies and regulatory actions might impact on future domestic and international programming and how submissions to the archive might be affected.  相似文献   

The loss of localism has been a common trend in most radio markets in Europe and the United States. Deregulation of ownership led to a concentration phenomenon that has affected local radios in several western democracies. New forms of regulation have been considered as possible ways to stop the erosion of localism by applying rules to markets in the defense of diversity, pluralism, and the local dimension. This article analyses the local radio market in Portugal, by assessing the changes in the legislation and by examining the regulatory action that can, according to its remit, act preventively to avoid market forces to harm these principles.  相似文献   

This study focused on the ownership, programming, and competition patterns of Spanish-language radio stations in the top 50 Hispanic metropolitan areas. Data were collected from industry resources and measured a variety of variables, including ownership type, concentration, and format diversity in these Hispanic radio markets. Overall, the results indicated moderate levels of ownership concentration in these markets, a degree of format differentiation within the local Spanish-language radio industry, and some degree of competition among Spanish-language radio stations.  相似文献   


The impact of financial markets on media management practices is apparent in Canada, where public trading in newspaper company shares has contributed significantly to concentrated press ownership. Fluctuations in newspaper share values have often shaped firm strategies as a result. This paper presents the Southam newspaper chain as a case study of the impact of financial markets on newspaper management practices. Historical analysis is used to show how Canada's oldest and largest newspaper chain, which was known for its commitment to quality journalism and for allowing its local publishers editorial independence, made a fateful decision when it went “public”; with a share issue in 1945. The increasingly widespread ownership of its stock led to Southam's gradual takeover in 1996 by Hollinger Inc., which cut costs and reduced staff chain‐wide. Sale of the Southam newspapers in 2000 to CanWest Global Communications has seen editorial control centralized at company headquarters and partisan support shown for the ruling federal Liberal party, contrary to Southam's founding principles. As a result, the Canadian Senate began hearings into the media in 2003, bringing the possibility of government regulation to reverse the impact of financial markets on the management of media firms there.  相似文献   

Although much of the world basks in the glory of the Internet and availability of competitive media outlets, Africa's media landscape remains bleak. Radio, newspapers, and television continue to be government controlled: Radio's power to reach the masses suggests that many governments may never fully privatize the electronic media. Zambia has experienced growth of private media. Private radio stations in Lusaka have attracted nearly half of the listening audience away from government radio. Listeners rate radio as their most important source for news and the medium is highly regarded for accuracy and fairness. Yet these few private stations lack national coverage and political and economic clout to challenge government broadcasting.  相似文献   

The two stages of the New Zealand University Libraries Effectiveness Study explore Cameron's models of organizational effectiveness. In the second stage (reported here) the objective was to identify dimensions of effectiveness in New Zealand university libraries, and to examine parallels with dimensions of effectiveness revealed in a similar study of New Zealand public libraries. All library staff in all New Zealand university libraries were asked to rate their library's performance against 99 indicators of effectiveness. They rated performance highest in areas where library staff performance was under question, lowest where resource inputs and organizational support affected library performance. Factor analysis was used to derive 13 dimensions of performance. Six of the dimensions closely paralleled dimensions revealed in the New Zealand Pubic Libraries Effectiveness Study. The 13 dimensions were seen to reflect four models of organizational effectiveness, and to provide parallels with some U.S. studies.  相似文献   

For most of the 20th century, international broadcasting was characterized by state-run broadcasts carried over shortwave radio. Such broadcasting was at the core of the Cold War and World War II, as well as the decade leading up to World War II. After the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, the geopolitical context that had structured international broadcasting for so long dissolved, allowing for the possibility of significant changes in international broadcasting. One of these changes since the end of the Cold War is the development of Web radio. The year 1995 marks the point when broadcasting over the Web began in earnest. Included in this movement were a number of the primary broadcasters who had been, and still were, active in international shortwave broadcasting. Then, in 2001, after gradually reducing shortwave output to North America, Australia, and New Zealand, the BBC World Service terminated official shortwave broadcasts to these areas. In place of shortwave, listeners were directed to receive BBC World Service programming primarily through Web broadcasts and secondarily through local AM/FM rebroadcasts. The announcement of the termination of these shortwave broadcasts provoked a large and vocal opposition to the cuts from shortwave listeners, professionals in international broadcasting, and even the British Parliament. This article documents the BBC World Service's announcement as well as the reaction it generated.  相似文献   

The combination of radio and the Internet has been solidly documented as a cross-media success for many advertisers. However, to what extent does the medium itself share in this success as it utilizes the Internet as a promotional tool? Even less is known about radio and the Internet in small markets. Based on a survey of industry experts located at radio stations in markets ranked loo+, this paper examines current promotional executions as well as explores possible future opportunities that small-market radio stations are considering as the Internet continues to grow and change.  相似文献   

This article explores the contributions of one of the pioneers of ratings research, James W. Seiler, the founder of the American Research Bureau (ARB), the forerunner of Arbitron. Seiler and his small management team filled a small but productive window of time as the youthful ARB rode the crest of a giddy but short-lived success during the ‘50s and early ‘60s. The ARB was responsible for a number of leaps in product design-including popularizing the diary method, first for television and then radio, extending the number of weeks of measurement from one to four, measuring all U.S. T.V. markets at the same time (known as sweeps, which was to lead to first extended measurement of TV viewing beyond metropolitan areas), and using the first meter to capture audience viewing in real time (called Arbitron). It emerged as the key competitor against the Nielsen service in the battle to measure the local market for television until it withdrew from TV measurement in the ‘90s. Arbitron's success led it to monopolize the measurement of radio audiences, a position it currently holds.  相似文献   

This article reviews talk radio research and summarizes articles from the trade and popular press that document the phenomenal growth in talk radio since 1987, when the Fairness Doctrine was abolished. Anecdotal evidence suggests that talk radio can have a powerful impact on public debate, especially regarding “hot button “ issues that arouse emotion and address voter frustration with the status quo. Examples include the successful defeat of the proposed Congressional pay raise in 1989 and the election to Congress of a Republican majority in 1994. Talk radio is less successful in rallying listeners on complex issues such as campaign financing reform.  相似文献   

This study examined on‐air television and radio newscasters' traitlike communication dispositions. Television and radio personalities were found to be less apprehensive, less shy, less responsive, more assertive, more willing to communicate, and more extroverted than the average individual. The study also indicated that individuals working for higher paying/ranked television or radio stations/ markets are more willing to communicate, more extroverted, more assertive, less responsive, and less shy than those in the same field working at smaller, lower‐paying/ranked stations.  相似文献   

Bing and Google customize their results to target people with different geographic locations and languages but, despite the importance of search engines for web users and webometric research, the extent and nature of these differences are unknown. This study compares the results of seventeen random queries submitted automatically to Bing for thirteen different English geographic search markets at monthly intervals. Search market choice alters a small majority of the top 10 results but less than a third of the complete sets of results. Variation in the top 10 results over a month was about the same as variation between search markets but variation over time was greater for the complete results sets. Most worryingly for users, there were almost no ubiquitous authoritative results: only one URL was always returned in the top 10 for all search markets and points in time, and Wikipedia was almost completely absent from the most common top 10 results. Most importantly for webometrics, results from at least three different search markets should be combined to give more reliable and comprehensive results, even for queries that return fewer than the maximum number of URLs.  相似文献   

This article explores the factors that contribute to the success of local commercial radio stations in Finland. Although the average station loses money, a few stations are profitable, and this study explores the reasons for their success. The study found that successful stations were less dependent on national advertising, spent less on major costs, and were more productive than the average station. It also found that successful local stations target older audiences, dominate their local radio markets, and have clear formats and a strong local orientation. Nearly all the differences result from choices within the scope of managers or in positioning and marketing strategies that are within the scope of management.  相似文献   

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