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龚燕 《考试周刊》2009,(50):225-227
从研究型课程实施现状可以发现,目前该课程评价存在评价主体单一、教师能力有限、评价方式单一、评价制度不规范等问题,因此,为了改善研究型课程评价现状,有效评价学生的研究型课程,发挥课程评价功能,促进研究型课程进一步发展,我们建议学校、家长、教师、社区、学生本人等一起参与评价过程,利用多种评价方式相结合的模式开展评价工作,保证评价结果的公正、公平。另外,学校等教育部门不仅要加强对师资队伍的培训力度,还要努力健全和完善研究型课程评价体制,这样才能真正实现研究型课程的培养目标,保证研究型课程的有效实施。  相似文献   

中等职业学校开设研究型课程的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究型课程是以培养学生创新精神、实践能力和可持续发展能力为核心的一门新型课程,各级各类学校都应开设。中等职业学校在培养目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价等方面都有其自身的特点,开设研究型课程亦应按照其自身的规律和特点进行。本文从中等职校的实际出发,探讨了研究型课程的内涵、中等职校研究型课程的特点和实施的难点与对策。  相似文献   

生物研究型课程的开设具有选题广、可操作性强、实用生动、饶有趣味等诸多优点。各地的出版市场也不难找到研究型课程开设方面的指导材料 ,一些地区和学校也开始有计划地进行相关培训 ,对研究型课程的概念理解、操作步骤、研究方法、选题策略、评价方法等方面都有所涉及。下面根据我个人的体会 ,谈一谈生物研究型课程选题的方法和策略。好的选题是成功的一半 ,选题质量不高是目前许多学校研究型课程开设方面的一个普遍问题。究其原因 :一方面是研究型课程尚处在探索和试验阶段 ,还有许许多多方方面面的问题没有解决 ;另一方面则是各地缺乏与…  相似文献   

上海市从1998年开始启动了二期课改,构建了基础型、拓展型、研究型三类课程形态。 根据2003年杨浦区拓展型课程开发与实施现状的调查,我区已经进行拓展型课程开发实践并形成一定经验的学校有11所,占全区小学数的19.3%;正起步探索拓展型课程实践的学校有19所,占全区小学数的33.3%;尚未开展拓展型课程实践的学校有27所,占47.4%。可见,在拓展型课程开发、探索方面,不同学校之间存在较大的差异。  相似文献   

进入2001年,国家基础教育改革力度不断加强,先是国家课程标准的出台,标志着课程体系正在由大一统的局面向多元化迈进;高考体制的改革,也为新基础教育的变革腾挪出更大的自由空间。基层学校和教师参与教育教学改革的积极性日益高涨,各种教育实践探索层出不穷。同样,运用因特网和内联网进入课程领域学习的实践探索,在全国各地正以不同方式开展。2001年基于网络应用的研究性学习可以说是起步了。本文所指的基于网络应用的研究性学习,是指在运用了网络技术前提下,综合课程中的研究性学习以及一些地区的研究型课程和各学科中的探究性学习。本文将据有限的了解,回眸与品味2001年基于网络应用的研究性学习。  相似文献   

在上海市中小学研究型课程成果报告会上,报告者分别从高中、初中、小学、幼儿园等层面介绍了研究型课题的探究过程,市教委、区县和学校的代表介绍了开设研究型课程的经验和体会。中小学研究(探究)型课程开发的探索与实践上海市教委基础教育处  相似文献   

一、校园网络应用现状和问题近几年来,我国大学的校园计算机网络建设发展突飞猛进,各大学不仅投入大量资金建成了校园网,而且网络应用已深入到广大师生学习、工作、生活的方方面面,特别是在学校管理、科研工作、学生休闲娱乐等方面更是应用广泛。但是,在网络应用中也普遍存在着一些突出的问题,特别是网络教学发展缓慢,真正面向在校大学生学习的网络课程数量不多、质量不高。因此,大学校园网促进大学生学习的作用至今没有得到应有的发挥。各学校面向学生的网络应用是以休闲娱乐为主,对大学生学习充其量只是起到辅助作用。这一方面反映了学校…  相似文献   

创建有地方特色的研究型课程--以上海课程改革为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了体现上海城市精神、凸显上海课程特点,上海市根据学校实际,积极创建具有上海特色的中小学研究型课程。中小学研究型课程的创建,分宏观和微观两个层面进行:宏观层面建设主要侧重于研究型课程的整体设计,设计课程各个要素和各个学段的研究型课程;微观层面课程建设主要侧重于建设多样化的学校课程, 开发多元化的课程资源和建立规范化的课程管理。  相似文献   

沈芳 《考试周刊》2010,(52):24-24
随着社会发展和信息全球化趋势的不断增强,研究型课程越来越受到重视,而音乐研究型课程教师角色缺位的现状堪忧。培养创新型人才,最根本是从教育入手。本文通过分析我国音乐研究型课程教师的角色缺位原因,探讨转变音乐研究型课程中教师角色的策略,以期改善我国音乐研究型课程教师缺位的现状。  相似文献   

多元智力理论与研究型课程的开发与设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
桑青松 《比较教育研究》2005,26(4):58-61,90
研究型课程着眼于提高学生的创造性学力,注重提高学科研究能力.研究型课程具有探究性、创新性、自主性和综合性等特征,其基本目标包括能力、情意和知识等七个维度.多元智力理论倡导的学生主动参与、探究发现、交流合作学习等内容引起教师角色、教与学方式的变革,赋予学校教育教学新的功能和价值取向.这些皆为研究型课程的设计与开发提供了许多有益的启示.汲取多元智力理论合理的内核,为研究型课程的设计和实施,特别是课程内容的选择与组织、课程教学的形式和方法等具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

Inquiry-based learning is one approach to improving the quality of undergraduate education by moving toward more student-directed, interactive methods of learning while focusing on learning how to learn. This paper deals with a missing component in the inquiry-related literature—the extra-pedagogical challenges of introducing and maintaining inquiry-based learning in the curriculum. Based in the collective experience of McMaster University, a mid-size Canadian university that has been a pioneer in inquiry pedagogy, the paper describes the challenges administrators faced in supporting the introduction of inquiry-based learning as components of traditional courses, as inquiry-based courses, and as inquiry-based degree programs. Derived from interviews, the paper presents a series of strategies and lessons for introducing and maintaining inquiry pedagogy in the curriculum. These lessons will be broadly useful to administrators, curriculum designers and faculty developers and should be widely applicable to institutes of higher education.  相似文献   

China is undergoing an education reform that calls for a change from a rigid, fixed curriculum and didactic pedagogy to a more flexible, school-based curriculum and more inquiry-based pedagogy. This study investigated the extent to which Chinese middle and high school teachers (a) endorse an inquiry-based approach and underlying learning principles, (b) practice this mode of teaching, and (c) believe that the approach is practically viable in the current educational contexts in China. A structured survey was developed to solicit Chinese teachers’ responses to the above three issues. A total of 582 valid responses were collected, representing middle and high schools in different geographic locations. The results show that Chinese teachers are receptive to inquiry-based pedagogy but find practical constraints in fully implementing it. Several cultural and pragmatic reasons are explored. Policy implications are discussed with respect to teacher education/development, capacity building for the new pedagogy, and teaching/evaluation alignment. Finally cultural issues are discussed regarding using inquiry-based learning to enhance critical thinking and nurture independent thinkers.  相似文献   

Su Gao  Jian Wang  Zhiyong Zhong 《Compare》2018,48(6):879-895

The Chinese government has implemented centralised science curriculum standards to change science teaching from a didactic to inquiry-based approach to support all students in acquiring science literacy. Framed through theoretical perspectives of inquiry-based instruction and cultural pedagogy, this study examined the influence and impact of these reforms on Chinese science teaching and the performance of 8th grade Chinese students in the Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Regions using instruments developed by TIMSS 2007. It revealed that mixed, lecture-based, more inquiry-based and practice-based science teaching approaches were popularly practiced in classrooms, with the mixed-teaching approach being the most popular. While a mixed approach was positively associated with performance, the frequent practice of a more inquiry-based approach had a significant negative relationship. Neither lecture-based nor practiced-based teaching approaches were found to be related to performance. This finding questions the assumption that inquiry-based science teaching is central to improving the science performance of all students in China.  相似文献   

新课程教学中应处理好的几个关系   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
宋秋前 《教育研究》2005,26(6):74-78
针对过去课程实施中存在的过于强调接受学习和教学预设等弊端,新课程改革积极倡导主动参与、乐于探究、自主合作的学习方式,强调教学的动态生成及课程与生活的联系。实践中出现了有些教师因滥用、误用探究学习或一味追求教学的动态生成和教学内容的生活化处理而影响新课程改革有效实施的现象,为此应特别注意正确处理教学的预设性与生成性、科学世界与生活世界、接受学习与探究学习的关系。  相似文献   

We determined short- and long-term correlates of a revised introductory biology curriculum on understanding of biology as a process of inquiry and learning of content. In the original curriculum students completed two traditional lecture-based introductory courses. In the revised curriculum students completed two new learner-centered, inquiry-based courses. The new courses differed significantly from those of the original curriculum through emphases on critical thinking, collaborative work, and/or inquiry-based activities. Assessments were administered to compare student understanding of the process of biological science and content knowledge in the two curricula. More seniors who completed the revised curriculum had high-level profiles on the Views About Science Survey for Biology compared with seniors who completed the original curriculum. Also as seniors, students who completed the revised curriculum scored higher on the standardized Biology Field Test. Our results showed that an intense inquiry-based learner-centered learning experience early in the biology curriculum was associated with long-term improvements in learning. We propose that students learned to learn science in the new courses which, in turn, influenced their learning in subsequent courses. Studies that determine causal effects of learner-centered inquiry-based approaches, rather than correlative relationships, are needed to test our proposed explanation.  相似文献   

科学探究课的旨趣及对探究课中两个问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学探究是新课程改革的重要内容之一,以探究为主要学习方式和价值取向的科学探究课是新课程改革的一大亮点。科学探究课的旨趣关涉四个方面:关注人性、问题至上、过程即目的、交流与合作。明晰探究课的旨趣所在,有利于正确处理探究课教学中出现的教师教与学生学、教学内容多与探究时间少的矛盾。  相似文献   

新课程标准提倡探究性学习,设计实验是探究性学习的重要环节,设计实验的能力是探究能力的重要组成部分。在探究性学习中,学生要规范地设计实验,即形成较强的设计实验的能力,必须掌握一定的设计实验的方法。实践证明,学生通常很难自己总结出系统的设计实验的方法,而方法的获取一般源于教师的讲授;且只有在以科学方法训练为基础的探究性学习中,学生设计实验的能力才能较快地形成和发展。  相似文献   

This article disseminates findings from a multi-year study regarding secondary preservice science teachers’ perceptions toward inquiry-based science teaching, and the extent these perceptions are augmented by their practicum. While findings indicated that preservice teachers did improve their understanding and capability of using scientific inquiry due to their methods course, the role of practicum in supporting their newly developed perceptions was problematic. Issues ranging from associate teacher subjugation, availability of resources, time constraints, and the need to address curriculum standards were the most commonly cited reasons for preservice teachers’ difficulty in creating an inquiry-based environment during their practicum. Implications are presented highlighting the importance of practicum experiences as a key determinant of pre-service science teachers’ emerging inquiry-based science views and practices.  相似文献   

Picturebooks offer powerful supports for teaching diverse content across different curriculum areas. Research and curriculum resources document their use in inquiry-based education practices, particularly in relation to science and philosophy. There is, however, little theoretical analysis of this use or cross-curricular comparisons. Applying a systematic literature review process, this paper examines existing empirical research on the use of picturebooks in formal inquiry-based education contexts. The analysis considers the context in which the picturebooks were used, including curriculum context and class level, the role played by the picturebooks in the inquiries and the value ascribed to the use of picturebooks. The review proposes a framework for understanding and contrasting the varying roles played by picturebooks in inquiry-based education approaches. This framework involves seven uses: invitations, provocations, mentors, models, resources, touchstones and destinations. Varying benefits are attributed to the use of picturebooks, including their practicality, inclusivity, complexity, aid to cognitive learning, emotional engagement and association with child readers. These benefits emphasise both the accessibility and the complexity of picturebooks. The review proposes that inquiry approaches should attend to picturebook form and content and the interdependency of the two. The review's analysis supports extended use of picturebooks across the curriculum, including in history, geography, citizenship and science education, as well as in interdisciplinary approaches.  相似文献   

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