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Current trends in the management of e-learning content in Korean higher education are reviewed, along with important issues for future development. South Korean technological infrastructure, among the most advanced in the world, provides the necessary conditions for e-learning to proliferate, but as e-learning in higher education approaches a certain level of maturity and proliferation, there will emerge issues to be resolved at the national level. Suggested future considerations include establishing a national level of overarching planning for courseware management; university and consortium level planning for quality content management; e-learning content sharing systems through such methods as learning technology standardization; and a training and support system for specialists in educational development, instruction, and administration that can operate mutually and concurrently. By Insook Lee  相似文献   

Technology-mediated education or e-learning is growing globally both in scale and delivery capacity due to the large diffusion of the ubiquitous information and communication technologies (ICT) in general and the web technologies in particular. This statement has not yet been fully supported by research, especially in developing countries such as Algeria. The purpose of this paper was to identify directions for addressing the needs of academics in higher education institutions in Algeria in order to adopt the e-learning approach as a strategy to improve quality of education. The paper will report results of an empirical study that measures the readiness of the Algerian higher education institutions towards the implementation of ICT in the educational process and the attitudes of faculty members towards the application of the e-learning approach in engineering education. Three main objectives were targeted, namely: (a) to provide an initial evaluation of faculty members’ attitudes and perceptions towards web-based education; (b) reporting on their perceived requirements for implementing e-learning in university courses; (c) providing an initial input for a collaborative process of developing an institutional strategy for e-learning.

Statistical analysis of the survey results indicates that the Algerian higher education institution, which adopted the Licence – Master and Doctorate educational system, is facing a big challenge to take advantage of emerging technological innovations and the advent of e-learning to further develop its teaching programmes and to enhance the quality of education in engineering fields. The successful implementation of this modern approach is shown to depend largely on a set of critical success factors that would include:

  1. The extent to which the institution will adopt a formal and official e-learning strategy.

  2. The extent to which faculty members will adhere and adopt this strategy and develop ownership of the various measures in the context of their teaching and research responsibilities.

  3. The extent to which the university will offer adequate support in terms of training, software platform administration, online resource development and impact monitoring and assessment.


通识教育是区别于专才教育、注重培养学生综合素质的教育模式,注重于全人的培养。通识教育核心课程建设是实现通识教育目标的主要途径。论文通过对宁波大学通识教育核心课程建设现状的分析,指出当前通识教育核心课程建设过程中存在的问题,并提出相应解决对策。  相似文献   

面对高等教育国际化和知识经济的大背景,大学亟待提升其核心竞争力。在市场经济体制下,大学的决策者应转变观念,抢抓机遇,树立"经营大学"的理念,制定科学的经营战略,将内涵发展与外延扩展相结合,树立竞争意识,提高经营效益,突出办学特色,拓宽筹资渠道,不断增强自我调适的能力,有效地建立起现代大学经营模式。  相似文献   

随着科教兴国战略方针的实施,以及依法治国方针的确定,依法治校也受到了政府和党的重视,成为了我国教育管理的基本方针。无论是高校的外部保障,还是高校内部的管理机制,法治都能发挥出重要的作用。眼下,我国教育改革和法治都进入了一个非常时期。高校作为承担教育发展重任的机构,必须要坚持依法办学和治校的方针策略,把高校的管理带入到一个法治化、规范化、科学化的道路上。  相似文献   

密西根大学是美国公立大学的旗舰,享有公立大学之母的美誉。杜德斯达特在1988-1996年担任密西根大学校长之际,以战略规划和变革管理为突破口,将密西根大学成功转变为一所公立私助、文化多元、技术先进的新型院校——21世纪的大学。本文对杜德斯达特高等教育改革发展的实践进行了考察,认为以战略规划和变革管理推动研究型大学的跨世纪转型的经验值得借鉴,对我国一流大学建设也有一定的启示。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the study strategies that first-year Australian university students bring with them to university. The research has currency due to the implementation of the Review of Australian higher education [Bradley, D., Noonan, P., Nugent, H., & Scales, B. (2008). Review of Australian higher education: Final report. Canberra: Australian Government.], which recommended that universities increase the number of students in undergraduate courses. In response to government incentives to increase enrolments, many universities have lowered their entrance scores and, as a result, have attracted students who would not traditionally have been eligible for university entrance. The study employed the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) to investigate the differences in study strategies used by a cohort comprising students from the expanded intake facilitated by the Bradley Review according to their gender, age, socio-economic status and entrance score. While these research results demonstrate a lower than average score on the LASSI instrument for this particular cohort, there were almost no dissimilarities in any of the categories assessed. This paper will argue that the differential distribution of such students across institutions in Australia has potential implications for the institutions themselves and the sector as a whole.  相似文献   

This paper considers the case for reform of management structures in UK universities and offers proposals for change. The model of top-down, performance-led management that characterises many institutions is both outmoded and ill-suited to the challenges of an increasingly turbulent higher education sector. Drawing on the experiences of a university that introduced a new scheme of performance management, I explore alternative approaches to leadership and management, collaborative or partnership working designed to improve employee voice and the need to re-evaluate approaches to Human Resource Management. I conclude with a five-point model for change.  相似文献   

Throughout the world universities are having to face constantly changing environments. A particular type of important change is public policy reforms or regulatory jolts. The English higher education sector is an example of the latter, where constant regulatory jolts have been seen in past decades. Leaders at universities have needed to interpret these environmental changes and decide how to cope with them. In this paper, the case of the post-Browne Review reforms in England’s higher education sector is used in order to explore how senior leaders in universities make sense of regulatory jolts. Based on primary qualitative research, which involved 47 semi-structured interviews with senior university leaders in England, including 24 vice-chancellors, I explore how senior leaders in universities interpreted, or made sense of, the post-Browne Review regulatory jolt. The paper suggests that senior university leaders’ interpretations might be deeply intertwined with their identity interpretations of who they are throughout these periods of turbulence.  相似文献   

Universities around the world are increasingly focusing on entrepreneurial activities (Slaughter and Lesley 1997; Clark 1998). In Australia, the growth of international entrepreneurial activities has resulted in the creation of a significant export-oriented sector. These activities include the recruitment of international students to Australian campuses, the development of Australian university campuses in offshore locations, and the delivery of Australian degree programs at both onshore and offshore locations in partnership with universities, professional associations and private corporations. In 2000, Australian universities received A$770 million from international student fees (Maslen 2000a, p. 10). Australian universities currently receive on average around eight percent of revenues from these sources, with some depending on international entrepreneurialism for as much as one-third of revenues (DETYA 1998a). Managing these activities in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner has thus become critically important to virtually every institution in the Australian higher education sector. As is the case when businesses become international, universities are faced with the need to manage the complexities, risks and challenges associated with international operations. To date, little empirical work has been undertaken which explores and examines how Australian universities are managing their international entrepreneurial business operations. The aim of this study is thus to respond to this research gap by exploring how Australian universities, particularly in terms of their Faculties of Business, organise and manage international entrepreneurial activities. The research examines management approaches, practices and processes at five Australian universities. A Strategic Advantage Model of Internationalisation is presented representing a theoretical and conceptual synthesis of the findings.  相似文献   

借鉴中国传统书院和英美大学住宿学院制度,内地高校设置"双职能"书院作为本科生的管理模式悄然兴起。书院制的管理理念形成需要一个过程,它在内地高校实施过程中面临难以内化于外的困境,因此,可以尝试从三方面进一步优化:转变平面"管理"观念,坚持立体育人;摒弃形式主义,保障制度落实到位;完善参与机制,增强学生民主自治。  相似文献   

“管办评分离”旨在重构政府、高校与社会中介组织之间的关系,推进高校的科学发展和办学质量的持续提升。传统的政府主导式高校评估在计划经济时期发挥了积极作用。市场经济的发展、社会环境的变化以及高等教育体制的深入改革,要求政府在高校评估活动中重新定位自身职能。借鉴国外高等教育评估中的政府职能定位,在“管办评分离”视域下,高校评估中的政府职能应着重于指导制定评估质量标准,扶持社会中介机构发展,落实财政绩效拨款机制等,真正构建起政府、高校、社会中介机构共同参与的多元评估机制。  相似文献   

大学教学方法创新与提高高等教育质量   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
根据对全国部分大学的调查,大学教学方法数十年基本上没有什么变化是影响高等教育质量的关键.西方大学教学方法创新是与其现代化同步进行的,德国大学创立了习明纳,美国大学将习明纳与班级授课制结合来,形成了第二代教学方法.影响我国大学教学方法创新的因素主要有大学政策制度、教师和学生的意愿以及相关教学条件等.教学方法的创新要找准切入口,使教学成为一种充满智慧的活动.  相似文献   

编者按:2006年10月,在临沂大学召开的“大学经营国际论坛”上,韩国水原大学、水原科技大学两所大学的理事长李仁洙博士提出了大学经营要“经营全人类”的理念。会议期间,笔者有幸采访到了李仁洙博士,从企业家与大学经营、大学“人类经营”的价值体系、大学与传统文化的传承三个方面进行了交流。下面是此次访谈的简要内容,从中我们可以领略李仁洙博士以一个企业家的身份进入到高等教育领域后对大学经营的忧思与独特见解。他的见解、他的身份既代表了来自韩国高等教育的某种声音,同时也正如他所言“全世界的大学理念应是一样的”。这为我们探讨大学理念、进行比较教育提供了难得的机会和新的视角。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅猛发展,互联网作为一种新的信息传媒工具,越来越成为当代大学生获取知识和各种信息的重要渠道.高等院校网络环境的形成,使高等学校工作也面临着严峻挑战,高等德育与网络的结合成为一种必然趋势.对于在网络环境下如何开展德育工作,本文提出了几点思路一是教育观念的转变;二是德性培育机制的制度化;三是充分利用新的技术手段;四是德育方法的创新;五是德育内容的发展;六是德育教学评价内容和方式的创新.  相似文献   

高校学生法治化管理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生管理是影响高等学校办学质量、制约高等教育发展的重要的因素。“法治”是高校学生管理的必由之路,它能更好地规范学校管理,不会因为某个领导人的意志而改变既有的管理模式,从而使学校期着科学化、理性化的方向发展。高校学生管理法治化,是实现人文与法治的建构与对接,更好的保护学生合法权益,体现学校对学生的人文关怀的重要保障。  相似文献   

不同时代的大学基于经济社会发展的不同需要,有着不同的发展范式。现代大学以教学和科研为中心,创新创业只是高等教育的一个子目标。伴随以要素和投资规模为驱动的经济-技术范式向以创新为驱动的经济-技术范式的转移,高等教育将面临创新创业失灵的挑战,大学的发展范式也不可避免地要经历变迁。在信息技术革命加速推进的背景下,通过理论引领变革大学发展范式以应对创新创业挑战成为一种必然的选择。在基于知识的社会里,大学是创新的引擎和创业的孵化器,唯有以创新创业为发展范式的大学,才能保障人类经济社会发展和繁荣的可持续性。  相似文献   

New developments in e-learning and increasinglysophisticated learning technologies arebeginning to make a major impact in U.K.universities. It is clear that universitiesneed to change to accommodate the impact oftechnology on learning. Communicationtechnologies that are free from time or placeconstraints provide new challenges touniversities on how they should be organised. The paper reflects on the university's strategicplanning process and outlines the developmentprocess of an e-learning initiative. Examplesof the emergent change agenda are identifiedand finally possibilities for futuredevelopment are explored. It isclear that the impact of e-learning willrequire universities to re-think fundamentallytheir thinking and therefore their strategiesin a whole range of areas. There hasbeen much focus on technological advancementbut much less on how technology impacts onstrategic planning. This paper addresses thisgap in the literature by examining oneuniversity's strategic responses to thischallenge of e-learning. The learning attachedto this case study could be used to help otheruniversities respond to the change agendabrought about by e-learning.  相似文献   

大学与企业联合研究机构管理模式的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学与企业共建联合研究机构已经成为国内一流研究型大学融入“以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系“的重要方式,如何规范其建设和管理以实现大学与企业的互利双赢,已经成为大学迫切需要解决的问题.本文结合清华大学的经验,提出从功能定位、权益责任、组织机构和过程管理四个方面加强对联合研究机构管理的思路,并介绍了清华大学在此思路下形成的基本管理模式,将为高等学校以联合研究机构的形式进一步推进产学研合作提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   


Over a number of years, universities have needed to become more adept at managing change as internal and external factors affect their longer term financial sustainability. That sustainability is, for many institutions, closely linked to how straightforward (or otherwise) it is to recruit student numbers of the right quality from often diverse markets. However, the scale of a university's financial challenge isn't always enough on its own to dictate how bravely an institution drives its change agenda, nor the nature and pace of change.  相似文献   

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