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入学教育对大学新生专业思想的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为客观评价大学入学教育对新生专业思想的影响效果,发现其中存在的问题,提高入学教育的质量,我们以本院2006级新生为对象,对入学前后学习动机、对所学专业的喜欢程度、学生学习状况、转专业的意向、对本专业的认知情况、对专业的心理适应等几方面进行了问卷调查。结果显示,通过入学教育,学生对本专业的认知情况和喜欢程度大为提高,学习目标更为明确,而有转专业意向的学生明显减少,学习状况大为好转。由此可见,新生入学教育作为大学生接受大学教育的第一个环节,十分重要,它直接影响着新生适应大学生活的速度,影响学生成才目标的确立和实现,也将影响学校人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

大一新生的专业思想教育是新生入学教育的重要组成部分,关系到学生以后的专业知识学习、专业思想状况.让学生对所学专业有更加清楚和全面的认识,能够提高学生对专业学习的积极性,对学生将来的专业发展也会产生重要影响.  相似文献   

新生入学教育是大学教育和管理的重要组成部分。从数学教育专业的特点以及该专业学生对这些特点的认知出发,对数学教育专业的入学教育进行设计,帮助学生及时了解所学专业,稳定专业思想,督促其掌握正确的学习方法,指导学生初步规划自己的职业生涯,使新生的“入学教育”更具成效。  相似文献   

高校新生辅导员在新生入学教育开始前结合专业特色系统规划、力所能及组织资源,有目的、有计划地组织实施新生入学教育活动,形成对学校层面入学教育工作的有益补充。从新生专业发展、时间管理、环境适应、生涯规划、人际关系处理等需求出发,高校新生辅导员可以通过建立专业发展教育体系、完善新生学业预警机制、开展学生社团生涯规划教育、创新新生团队心理辅导等路径,来提升新生入学教育的效果。  相似文献   

大学新生适应性教育是高校思想政治教育的重要组成部分,入学适应性教育的成功与否直接决定着学生能否尽快适应大学的生活和发展,因此,研究新生入学适应的影响因素在大学生思想政治教育过程中起着重要作用。研究结果显示,性别因素、家庭经济情况、所学专业和报考志愿因素是影响大学生新生入学适应性的主要因素。  相似文献   

大学新生入学教育以及专业引导在对新生的角色转变和专业认识有重要作用已有共识。针对地方院校工科专业的办学定位以及生源情况,我们在新生入学第一学期开展了《专业导论》课程,探索如何合理安排课程教学内容,如何选择合适的教学方式达到引导学生认识专业,热爱专业的目的。  相似文献   

目的:了解新建高职院校学生职业素质及能力的现状。方法:自设问卷对2010年入学的高职院校新生进行调查,了解新入学学生对所学专业的认识,以及在职业素质和能力方面的自我评价,分析并提出对策。结果:调查表明学生在思想道德素质、热爱所学专业和明确就业方向、对自身所具备的科学文化知识和素质以及竞争能力和团队协作等方面的认识还存在许多问题。结论:新建高职院校学生的职业素质及能力现状不容乐观,须提出有效的解决途径;同时为创新职业特色的的校园文化建设对学生职业素质教育影响的研究提供了参照因素。  相似文献   

入学专业教育是新生入学的必修课,但是形式内容大都停留在做一场讲座的"一般性"的作用上。设计专业学生有其自身的特点,因此,在本专业的专业教育中应凸显主题、加入专业的学习方式、思考方式以及动手实际操作的环节,并以游戏的形式互动,以帮助学生及时了解所学专业,督促其掌握正确的学习方法,养成良好的设计习惯,只有这样,"入学教育"才更具成效性。  相似文献   

高校新生入学教育虽然是一项常规性的固定化的工作,但它的作用却非常关键,对学生成长成才有着直接的影响。对于刚刚踏入大学的新生来讲,入学教育的影响很是深远,教育的效果甚至会影响学生的一生。当然,要想使入学教育的正影响最大化,必须要针对不同类型的学生实施不同侧重的入学教育。  相似文献   

本文就影响大学新生生涯规划的几个关键因素——自我认知、专业认识和规划意识对某高职院校刚入学学生进行调查分析,调查了学生专业选择原因、专业满意度、对自我优劣势的认识、对未来的打算等方面,并以此为依据,对高职院校学生职业生涯规划教育提出建议:应从整体上加强大学生生涯规划教育,抓住时机实施生涯规划教育,在形式上开展多样化的生涯教育,引导学生进行准确定位等。  相似文献   

This article describes a study that investigates preschool teachers’ knowledge of their young students’ number conceptions and the teachers’ related self-efficacy beliefs. It also presents and illustrates elements of a professional development program designed explicitly to promote this knowledge among preschool teachers. Results indicated that teachers’ knowledge of students’ number conceptions improved and that their related self-efficacy increased. Furthermore, prior to participating in the programs, a significant negative correlation between knowledge and self-efficacy was reported. However, no significant correlation was found after the program.  相似文献   

An online support distance-learning program in Mathematics was developed to aid first year engineering students for their transition from the secondary to the tertiary education in order to reinforce deficiencies they may have in mathematical knowledge. The aim of the present study is to examine, firstly, to what extent the attendance of such a program helped students to familiarize themselves with distance learning programs. In addition, the students’ satisfaction with the material of the program was examined as well as their attitudes towards a conventional support learning program in Mathematics. The structure and part of the material developed is presented in detail. The basic methodological tool was an appropriately structured questionnaire. The results indicate that students responded positively to the program, which was a basic way of acquainting themselves with distance learning, and were satisfied with the material. The students’ attitudes towards a conventional program was found to be related to their prior experience in distance learning programs. Statistical analysis of the research data yielded 4 basic factors related to the students’ beliefs regarding the support online learning program in Mathematics. These factors were student’s development and progress, satisfaction with the parts of the online support program, their attitudes towards a conventional program while being in the online support program and their familiarization with online distance education. These factors as well as the targeted identification of the students’ needs should be taken under consideration while designing and implementing support online distance learning programs in Mathematics.  相似文献   

Located in Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue University has a well‐established history as a land‐grant university with strong science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs. Purdue’s learning design and technology (LDT) program resides in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction within the College of Education. Residential PhD and master’s programs as well as fully available online master’s programs are provided. The LDT program has specialized offerings in a corporate or education track for their master’s students, embracing various needs and interest in corporate, government, and non‐profit settings as well as K‐12 and higher education settings, respectively. The LDT program has 10 full‐time well‐established faculty members, and they are actively involved in research and development activities, often involving students. The program is working on developing the knowledge and skills of the program’s graduates by incorporating innovative approaches such as competency‐based programs, badging, and portfolios. –Yeol Huh, PhD, and Sung “Pil” Kang, PhD, column editors  相似文献   


The study examines the effects of cross age tutoring in school on the tutors’ empathy, altruism, and self-esteem. The sample consists of 73 high school freshmen, who participated in a year-long program of tutor-training, and a comparison group of 98 other freshmen. Controlling the effects of initial attribute scores, students’ sex, and socioeconomic status, it was found that program participation significantly increased the tutors’ empathy, altruism, and self-esteem. The findings, interpreted according to role-taking theory, suggest that school programs of cross-age tutoring may have some psychological benefits in addition to their already established influence on students’ academic achievements. Since no interactions were found between the effects of program participation and students’ social background on the increases in attribute scores, such programs may perhaps be used for the integration of students from different social-cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

School–university research networks aim at closer integration of research and practice by means of teacher research. Such practice-oriented research can benefit both schools and universities. This paper reports on a multiple-case study of five participants in a school–university research network in a Dutch master’s program. The research question was: In what way is knowledge based on practice-oriented research by master’s students developed, shared, and used in school–university research networks in which education is primarily offered within a university setting? Twenty interviews were conducted, on the basis of logs, over a period of 10 months. Results show that (1) for master’s students, the most significant motive for developing, sharing or using knowledge was that the content knowledge about their research topic could be useful to school practice and colleagues; (2) research supervisors reported more than master’s students about the procedural knowledge that they had developed and shared. This knowledge focused on the collaborative process of supporting research and knowledge processes in school and university; (3) activities of knowledge sharing and use appeared to depend to a significant extent on individual purposes and leadership initiatives of master’s students and their supervisors; and (4) in the school–university research network, master’s students and research supervisors continued—to a limited extent—knowledge processes based on master’s students research after their graduation. Outcomes indicate that use of existing network structures in master’s programs is complex, but could be a promising avenue for creating successful school–university research networks.  相似文献   

Counselor Education (CE) program websites play a role in program fit by helping prospective students learn about the profession, search for programs and apply for admission. Using the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics’ nine categories of orientation content as its framework, this study explored the information provided on the 63 CACREP-accredited CE doctoral programs’ websites in the U.S. Content suggestions for CE program websites are provided. The purpose is to improve program fit via providing prospective students with thorough information about the CE profession, a department and its program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study with a within-subject design was to gain a deeper understanding about the promise and restrictions of a virtual tutoring system designed to teach science to first grade students in Finland. Participants were 61 students who received six tutoring science sessions of approximately 20 min each. Sessions consisted of a sequence of narrated multimedia science presentations during which a virtual tutor explained science phenomena displayed in pictures. Narrated science explanations were followed by one or more multiple choice questions with immediate feedback about students’ choices and a possible second attempt, during which students reached 97% accuracy. A pretest and posttest was administered to assess students’ ability to reason about the science and to transfer knowledge to new contexts. Results indicated significantly greater improvement in the understanding of the science concepts taught during the tutoring sessions, relative to the concepts that were not taught. Results from the surveys administered to teachers and students indicated that the program was well received. Detailed analysis of student error responses provided a deeper understanding about the complex interplay between students’ prior knowledge, the way topics were taught in the multimedia lessons, and the way learning was assessed. Findings from the quantitative and qualitative analyses are discussed in the context of designing high quality lessons delivered through a virtual tutoring system.  相似文献   

学习动机是直接影响大学生学习行为和效果的重要因素。了解当前大一新生的学习动机状态和特点,对于激发他们学习的积极性,增强学习动力,更好地促使其完成大学的学习任务具有十分重要的现实意义。本文采用学习动机问卷对502名大学一年级学生进行调查,结果表明:报答、求知、就业与生活和成绩目标是当前大学生的主要学习动机,报答型动机最为强烈;动机的个人取向更强,社会属性较低;理科生的消极回避动机显著高于文科生,文科生的社会奉献动机显著高于理科生;男、女大学生在求知、报答和社会奉献的学习动机上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

美国加州伯克利大学为培养具有领导力的创新型人才,追求人才培养的卓越性,在培育本科生过程中,有四个方面值得关注:围绕鼓励并支持学生更好地参与到学习中来,通过关注领导力培养使学生根据时代要求适应变化并创造变化;为让学生挑战学术目标,促使学生主动学习以增进学术卓越和个人成功;为使学生知识全面,重视跨学科培养人才,以使其拥有坚实的知识背景并能开拓新的职业;视多元化为大学卓越的整合,关注平等、包容和多样化,重视不同群体入学机会的平等性,重视弱势和不利群体在求学中获得成功。借鉴伯克利分校的成功经验,我国在培育本科精英人才方面应着重注意以下几点:(1)重视本科生领导力的培养;(2)利用并创设多种环境,促进学生主动学习;(3)增强学生学习体验,注重跨学科人才培养;(4)把多样化作为大学实现卓越的标志。  相似文献   

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