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 利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法,分析了柑桔属及其5个近缘属108个生物型的过氧化物酶、谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶,四唑氧化酶,6—磷酸葡萄糖异构酶、6一磷酸葡萄糖变位酶。超氧化物歧化酶、苹果酸酶以及酯酶等8种酶系统同工酶。  比较了属间,种间的酶谱差异。 运用数量分类学的原理及方法,对柑桔属、金柑属,枳属的同工酶资料进行了相异性类平均聚类分析。结果表明,6属之间,酶谱差异十分明显,各属都有独特的酶带。根据同工酶及形态分析结果,提出将柑桔属分为大翼橙亚属,宜昌橙亚属和柑桔亚属共包含七大类的观点。 富民枳可作为枳属一新种看待,它是联结枳属与柑桔属的桥梁。小果类桔是宽皮柑桔的原生类型;中国原产宽皮柑桔的代表以马鼻桔或细皮狗屎柑为佳。柑的来缘中有两条途径,即桔与甜橙的杂种以及桔的单元演化。依据同工酶研究结果,认为长寿金柑是金柑属与柑桔属的属间杂种;温州蜜柑来源于黄岩本地广桔的实生变异;香橙系宽皮桔与宜昌橙的杂种;酸橙则可能是柚与宽皮柑桔的杂交后代;枸橼和宽皮柑桔参与了红(木+黎)檬的起源。最后推测了柑桔类植物的系统发育趋势,初步绘出了演化图。  相似文献   

用丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离了胡桃属Juglans L.10种植物80份材料的过氧化物同工   酶,共出现16种酶谱。  种内酶谱多态,但酶带间的差异小于种间酶带差异。用“酶谱距离”   及特异酶带可将10个种分成4组,与胡桃属分类基本吻合。  黑核桃组的酶带最多。胡桃楸   次之,核桃及灰核桃最少。根据同工酶的产生与进化的关系,可认为黑核桃与胡桃楸比核桃、  灰核桃进化。胡桃属内平均“酶谱距离”为0.52,推测该属应发生在晚白垩纪到古新世。  相似文献   

本文采用聚丙烯(月+先)胺凝胶电泳法测定了5属28种竹叶的谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶(GOT),过氧化物酶(POD)和酯酶(EST)三种同工酶。测定结果表明,GOT同工酶比较稳定,对于竹子分属有较好的意义;POD与EST同工酶种间分化大,可作为竹子分种的参考依据。根据三种同工酶的酶谱及相似系数分析,结合经典分类,对丛生竹分类中存在的疑难问题提出了一些参考意见。  相似文献   

 柏科Cupressaceae和杉科Taxcdiaceae有许多相似之处,近年来不少分类学家主张把两科合并成 广义的柏科。原杉科中的金松属Sciadopitys与两科其他屑的差异较大,被提升为单种科Sciadopity- aceae。本文根据球果可育种鳞的位置把柏科(狭义)分为2亚科,即上部种鳞不可育的柏木亚科Cupres- soideae和上部种鳞可育的澳洲柏亚科Callitroideae。综合其他形态学和解剖学证据,柏木亚科又分4族,即柏木族Cupresseae(包括:柏木属Cupressus、杂交柏属X Cupressocyparis、扁柏屑Chamaecyparis和福建柏属Fokeinia)、侧柏族Thujopsideae(包括:崖柏属Thuja、罗汉柏属Thujopsis和侧柏属laty-ladus)、圆柏族Junlpereae(包括:圆柏属Junzperus和海参威柏属Microbiota)以及香漆柏族Tetraclineae(包括:翠柏属Calt*edrus和香漆柏属Tetraclinis)。澳洲柏亚科又分3族,即澳洲柏族Actinostrobeae(包括:西澳柏属Actinostrobus、澳洲柏属Callitris、智利柏属Fitzroya和杉叶柏属Neocallitropsis)、南非柏族Widdringtoneae(包括:白智利柏属Pilgerodendron、塔斯曼柏属Diselma和南非柏属Widdringtonia)以及甜柏族Libocedreae(包括:甜柏属Libocedrus、巴布亚柏屑Papuacedrus和南美柏属Austrocedrus)。柏科21个属的地理分布可划分为5种类型,即:(1)杂交柏属系英国选出的属间杂交类型;(2)分布非洲、欧洲、亚洲和北美洲的属,有柏木属和圆柏属2个属;(3)东亚—北美洲际间断分布的属,有扁柏属、崖柏属和翠柏属3个属;(4)分布区较窄的属,包括西澳柏属,、澳洲柏属、甜柏屑、巴布亚柏属、南非柏属5个属;(5)单种屑,包括福建柏属、海参威柏属、罗汉柏属、侧柏属、香漆柏属、杉叶柏属、塔斯曼柏属、智利柏屑、南美柏属和白智利柏属等10个属。该科属的3个地理分布中心是:东亚(9属)、北美西南部(5属)、澳大利亚及其东部附近群岛(6属)。此外,地中海沿岸分布3属,智利南部和阿根廷分布3属。  相似文献   

 用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析了松科全部10属59种又A变种的过氧化物     酶。  尽管个别种在种内酶谱有变化,但每个种仍有足以与其他种区分的特征性     酶谱。我们定义“两分类群总带数除两分类群不相同带数”为“酶谱距离“,作为     属间和种间酶谱分歧的数量指标。松科各属内平均酶谱距离与Prager等(1976)     报道的抗原距离以及各属的化石历史基本一致。落叶松属、雪松属、金钱松属发     生最晚,云杉属等次之,松属最为古老。分子证据支持属和亚科的划分。对比杨     属的数据,说明过氧化物酶进化有稳定速率。  文章最后讨论了酶谱资料在研究    植物形态进化和分子进化中的作用。  相似文献   

本文测定了广义榆科 Ulmaceae s.l.及其近缘类群的trn K基因5′端内含子区序列。在尝试利用该内含子区进行榆科系统发育研究的同时,探讨了其在植物系统学研究中的应用前景。利用PAUP软件进行的系统发育分析仅得到1棵最简约树。该简约树的树长为665步,其一致性指数(CI)和保持性指数(RI)分别为0.7714和0.7965。分析结果表明:广义榆科为多系群;狭义榆科Ulmaceae s.str.为荨麻目rticales其他类群的姊妹群;大麻科Cannabacea嵌在朴科Celtidacea中,即朴科为一并系群;系统位置有争议的2个属——白颜树属Gironniera和糙叶树属 Aphananthe与朴科类群聚为一支。本研究还表明trnK基因5′端内含子区序列分析在植物较低分类等级(如近缘属间,属下种间)的系统发育研究中具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法 ,对几种沙生植物 ,亦即羊柴 (HedysarumLaeveF)、柠条 (CaraganaKorshinskiik)、花棒 (HedysarumScopariumF)、沙拐枣 (Calligon ummongoliccumT)、梭梭 (HaloxylonammodendronB)的干种子 (吸涨 2 4小时 )、芽期和苗期进行过氧化物酶同工酶的酶谱分析。结果表明 :不同种在同一生长期或同一种在不同生长期的同功酶酶谱均存在明显差异 ;不同种源区的同种或同一品种在同一生长期或不同生长期其酶谱亦有差异  相似文献   

翁醒华  周姚宇 《科技通报》1995,11(2):102-106
以二叶期水稻的两个不育系和相应保持系以及由三个恢复产生的6个组合的杂种F1代共13个品种的叶绿体为材料,采用聚丙烯酰胺薄层等电聚焦电泳法,分析了酯酶(Est),过氧化物酶POD,细胞色素氧化酶Cyt的同工酶谱,结果如下:(1)酯酶同工酶出现19条酶带,基本酶带6条,F1中出现了偏父本杂交型,完全互补型,父本显性型和父本部分显性型四种类型酶谱。(2)过氧物酶同工酶显示30余条酶带。A区有5条酶带仅见  相似文献   

用SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析了杉科全部10属共13种植物的种子蛋白多肽。它们     都有分子量为32、24和10K(千道尔顿)的多肽。每个分类群一般只有2至4个主要多肽,构     成种子蛋白总含量的一半;而且其分子量都分布在24—26K及29—36K两个区域内。  因此,     杉科植物种子蛋白谱与红豆杉科、三尖杉科相似,而不同于松科。属内不同种之间,种子蛋白     组成和针叶过氧化物酶电泳谱都没有看到显著差别。根据这两种蛋白质资料,表明杉科各属除红杉、巨杉、落羽杉相互很接近外,其他各属间关系都比较远。但是还不能说杉科可以分立几个科。  相似文献   

 SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳揭示红豆杉属和白豆杉的种子蛋白主要多肽的分子量为31、   22和20千道尔顿(K)。穗花杉的多肽谱与上述两属相差较大,没有22K多肽,代之以一个33K   主要多肽。榧树属和穗花杉有很多共同的多肽,但没有44K这个红豆杉科多数种类共有的中   等含量的多肽,并出现一个36K主要多肽。三尖杉属一些种的多肽谱十分接近红豆杉属,竹   柏的种子蛋白与上述分类群也有一定程度的近似。     红豆杉科各属之间针叶过氧化物酶谱差别很大,但三尖杉属一些种与红豆杉属却有些类   似。     两种蛋白质资料一致说明红豆杉科内的进化趋势是从红豆杉属、经白豆杉属和穗花杉属   至榧树属。红豆杉属和三尖杉属之间蛋白质的近似,说明红豆杉科和三尖杉科之间的关系,可 能通过红豆杉属相联系的,述资料也说明红豆杉科应置于松柏目之下。  相似文献   

  Hooker (1882) has reported three varieties in Bidens pilosa species i. e., pilosa      Proper, Linn. bipinnata Linn. and decomposita Wall. Clarke  (1876) has included      var. decomposita into B. pilosa proper. Taxonomic position of varieties pilosa proper      and bipinnata is much confusing in literature. Babu (1977)has raised varieties pilosa      proper and bipinnata as distinct species level into B.  pilosa and  B.  bipinnata      respectively. The present taximetric study also justified the distinction of these varieties      as specific level.      Hooker has reported three varieties of species B. pilosa i.e., pilosa proper Linn., bipinnata Linn., and decomposita Wall. from the Himalayan region of India.  Clarke (1876) has included var. decomposita into B. pilosa proper. During taxonomic work on the family Compositae author has found that taxonomic position of var. pilosa proper and bipinnata is much confusing in literature. Babu (1977) has raised varieties pilosa proper and bipinnata as distinct species level.  Looking to this discretion, it was de-eided to use taximetrics in interpreting taxonomic status of these taxa.  相似文献   

本文叙述了木蓝属系统研究的简史,对该属形态特征的演化趋势及属下分类进行系统   研究,根据植物习性、叶的特征、果实形态及含种子数,将国产木蓝属80种,1变种归纳为3亚   属,并将木蓝亚属分为14亚组,其中包括9个新亚组,对其中一些种类作了归并及处理,并编    写了分种检索表。  相似文献   

乌蒙杓兰及其近亲种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In addition to describing a new species, Cypripedium wumengense, as well as a new variety, C. bardolphianum var. zhongdianense,  nomenclatural and taxonomic notes are made on its allies and the division to which they belong.  They are ltrge]y found in the Hengduan Mountains in southwestern China, characterized by the absence of bract, havirg lip more or less covered with small wart-like outgrowths, and that as the capsule matures the scape becomes much elongated.  Six species of this group have hitherto been reported, of which, however, C. ebracteatum and C. nutans are regarded here as conspecific with C. fargesii and C. bardolphianum respectively. Thus, including the new taxa described here, it composes five species and one variety: C. bardolphianum W. W. Sm. et Farrer (var. bardolphianum and var. zhongdianense S. C. Chen), C. mic- ranthum Franch., C. fargesii Franch., C. margaritaceum Franch. and C. wumengense S. C. Chen.  They are all grouped here into the same section, Sect.  Trigonopedium (Franch.) Pfitz., the oldest legitimate name of this group in the rank of section.  相似文献   

兰科在横断山地区是维管束植物中的大科之一,共有91属,363种及9变种。 4属为我国特有属,其中1属为本地区所特有;155种及9变种为我国特有种。  其中69种及5变种为本地区所 特有。本文对属、种进行了分析,并对全部种的分布格局作了详细的介绍,概述了本地区兰科植物的区系组成及特点。本文从兰科植物属、种的分布提出了四川峨眉山是东亚植物区中划分中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区的分界线上的一个重要的点的看法。  相似文献   

 Situated in western part of Sichuan Province, 29°30'N, 103°20'E, the sacred Mt. Emei is one of the well-known large mountains in China. Its summit is about 3100 m ab- ove sea level with a relative height of 2550 m.        The orchid flora in Mt. Emei so far known comprises 47 genera and 109 species, among which 21 are epiphytes, 83 terrestrials and 5 saprophytes (Table 1.)        1.  The vertical distribution of the orchid flora in the mountain. The epiphytic orchids are concentrated in the lower region  below Hongchunping and Wanniansi (1100 m alt.), where there are 20 species, which make over 95% of epiphytic species; the upper limit for the epiphytic orchids is Jiulaodong and Chudian ( 1800 m alt.). The terrestrial orchids also mainly occur at the lower region below Jiulaodong and Chudian (1800 m alt.), where there are 54 species, most of which are found at even lower part of the mountain, below Hongchunping and Wanniansi (1100 m alt.). The tropicas orchids in the mountain, such as Cleisostoma, Vanda, Holcoglossum, Tropiclia, Thunia, Mischobulbum, Ludisia, Anoectochilus, Odontochilus, etc. all grow only at the lower part of the mountain below Hongchunping and Wanniansi (1100 m alt.).        2. The floristic features of the orchid flora in the Mt. Emei.        (1)  The orchid flora in the mountain so far known comprises 47 genera (over 2/3 of the total orchid genera in Sichuan) and 109 species (over 1/3 of the total orchid species in Sichuan). The Mt. Emei is very rich in orchid species, as compared with neighbouring mountains of same magnitude, such as Mt. Shennonjia in western Hubei, Qin Ling in sou- thern Shaanxi, Jinfo Shan in south-eastern Sichuan, and Erlang Shan in western Sichuan.        (2)  The orchids in the mountain are complex in floristic components as indicated below:        1)  Twenty seven species, belonging to 18 genera, are widespread, covering the whole East-Asian region.        2)  Twenty three species, belonging to 15 genera, are the elements of the Sino-Japanese Subregion. Among them 13 species occur only in Japan and eastern China with the mountain ar the westernmost limit, but the other species extend westwards as far as Kangding and ErLang Shan or Baoxing in Sichuan Province.        3)  Forty two species, belonging to 22 genera, are the elements of the Sino-Himala-yan Subregion, with 5 species having their range extending from the Himalayan  region eastwards to Mt. Emei.        4)  Some tropical genera (8 species), belonging to Indo-Malaysian floristic elements, have the mountain as their northern limit of distribution.       The orchid flora of the Mt. Emei contains not only the East-Asian elements, but also some Indo-Malaysian elements, though its composition is mainly of the temperate and subtropical Eastern Asian (Sino-Japanese) ones.        (3)  The orchid flora in the mountain is characterized by geographical vicariation and differentiation.       There are nine species-pairs (belong to genera Calanthe,  Platanthera,  Dendrobium etc.) of the vertical vicarism and six species-pairs (belonging to genera Tropidia, Aneoctochilus, Mischobulbum, Gymnadenia Orchis, etc.) of the horizontal vicarism in the Mt.  Emei.       Remarkable differentiation of orchid flora in the Mt. Emei is shown in the abundance of endemic elements and as clear geographical vicariation.        (4)  There are 8 endemic species and one variety of orchids in the Mt. Emei, more  abundant than in Xizang.      The floristic features of the orchid flora of the Mt. Emei are rich in species, compara tively complex in components, rather prolific in endemic species, and characterized by geographical vicariation and differentiation. The orchid flora in the Mt. Emei mainly consists of the subtropical and temperate East-Asian elements, with a  considerable proportion of tropical elements though.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with taxonomic studies on the genera Lathraea Linn. and Christisonia Gard. (Orobanchaceae) in China.  In the genus Lathraea, only a single species in China, L. japonica Miq., is recongnized in the paper. It occurs in sou- thern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, southeastern Sichuan, northern Guizhou and northern   Guangdong, also in Japan. L. miqueliana Franch. et Sav., L. chinfushanica Hu et Tang and L. japonica Miq. var. miqueliana (Franch. et Sav.) Ohwi are treated as new synon- yms of L. japonica Miq. in this paper.       In the genus Christisonia, the most of collections from China, which were identi- fied as C. sinensis G. Beck before, are treated as a new synonym of C. hookeri C. B. Clarke.  A few collections of this genus from China, which were mistakenly described as Gleadovia lepoense Hu snd G. kwangtungense Hu, should be transferred to Christi- sonia hookeri C. B. Clarke.  It is distributed in southeastern and south China, westwards to the Himalayas.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a comparative karyotypic study of three species in Fri- tillaria-F. thuncergii Miq., F. anhuiensis S.  . Chen et S. F. Yin and F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia.  The karyotype of F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin is first reported.       The karyotypes of the three species of Fritillaria are rather similar, all with K(2n)=24= 2m+2sm+12t+4st+4m (SAT), showing a close interspecific relationship.  They all have two pairs of st chromosomes, one of which is the third chromosome in all the three species studied, but the other is the seventh in F. thunbergii Miq, the eighth in F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, and the fifth in F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia.  It tells us that there are some differences in their karyotypes.  All of the three species possess two pairs of satellite chromosomes with the satellites located on the long arms. A heterochromatic zone is found sometimes on long arms of No. IX chromosome in each species of Fritillaria and on one of No. I chromosomes in both F. thun- bergii Miq. and F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, a chromosome polymorphism occurring between populations of Fritillaria. In addition, three B chromosomes are always found in most root-tip cells of F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsiao.  相似文献   

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