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姚梅林 王泽荣 吕红梅在《北京师范大学学报》2 0 0 3年第 5期撰文指出 :学习理论的每一次变革都对有效教学的研究与实践产生了不同程度的影响。学习理论从行为取向到认知取向再到情境取向的变革 ,使有效教学呈现出相应的发展趋势 :从为行为结果而教学的教师中心取向 ,到为认知建构而教学的学生中介取向 ,再发展到为情境性认知而教学的生态化取向。不同取向的教学在学习环境的创设、课程的编制以及教学效果的评估等环节各有不同的教学原则与策略 ,在实践中各具独到作用 ,彼此又具有互补性。从学习理论的变革看有效教学的发展趋势@甬哲…  相似文献   

生态心理学取向的情境观形成了不同于行为观和认知观的知识观、学习观和教学观.导致我们对人类学习的认识发生根本性变革的是这种基于情境的学习观,而不是建构观。虽然情境观有可能融合了行为观和认知观,但行为观和认知观同样有其实践的价值.  相似文献   

“以学论教”。不仅内含着中华传统文化之本,而且闪烁着时代特征之质。在新课改的大背景下,高中数学教学无疑应随着学习实践及其理论研究的发展进步而发展和变革。资料和事实表明,早在20世纪60年代,由对行为主义学习观的批判产生和发展的认知学习理论,就曾经并继续深刻影响着教学实践的变化。90年代前后,教育心理学对学习的研究取向逐渐从认知转向情境,并且认为“情境理论对以往的学习理论具有一定的整合作用。”因此,高中数学教学的变革理所当然地要在认知学习理论指导的基础上,  相似文献   

学习方式是当代教育理论研究中的一个重要概念,指学生在学习过程中的基本行为和认知取向。转变学生原有的单一、被动的学习方式是当前课程改革的核心任务。《数学课程标准》明确指出:“有效的数学学习活动不能单纯地依赖模仿与记忆,动手实践、自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式。”这是从顺应时代发展,从关注人的发展,从对传统的学习方式深刻反思而提出的变革。在教学中,教师要把握这些先进的教育理念,并自觉地落实到教育行为中,引领学生转变学习方式,让课堂充满生命力,焕发勃勃生机。一、创设平等对话情境,变“知识的容器”为“…  相似文献   

认知的改变是行为改变的前提,一直以来人类通过不同的学习理论认知世界,从早期的行为主义学习理论到认知主义学习理论、建构主义学习理论再到情境学习理论,人类文明的不同发展阶段需要不同的学习理论来引领。本文把情境学习理论运用于大学生实习过程,打通学校课堂和实际工作场景之间的隔阂,把整个实习工作场景结构化、情境化,把整个工作场景当做课堂,通过改造我们的学习方法,让学生转变单一的课堂学习方式,学会在实践中如何学习,如何成长。  相似文献   

平板电脑作为信息时代的一项新产品,不仅为教学提供了一种新的工具,更重要的是它给教育方式带来了革命性变革。平板电脑与大学英语体验式教学相融合更有利于创设教学情境,增强认知体验,开展个性化学习,促进学习协作与互动,发展应用与创新能力,以及实施教学的动态多元评价。该教学新模式包括情境创设、阅读体验、课堂互动、语言内化和应用创新五个教学环节,符合从实践到理论再到实践的认知思维发展过程,因此,有利于语言知识的建构以及语言应用和创新能力的发展。  相似文献   

教学设计是教学心理学研究的重要领域之一,是将教学理论转化为教学实践的桥梁。教学设计的发展与教学理论和信息技术的发展紧密关联,而教学理论的发展则基于学习理论特别是认知学习理论的基础之上。本文从认知结构理论、认知负荷理论和情境认知学习理论探讨三种不同的学习理论对教学设计的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

归纳学界对教师学习与专业发展议题展开的研究探讨,认知心理学和专长发展理论视教师的学习与专业发展是从新手到专家的过程;情境学习及实践社群理论认为教师的学习与专业发展将因循从边缘走向中心的发展轨迹;新近研究者受文化历史活动理论启发认为在变革情境中教师的学习和专业发展是不同学习活动系统间、不同领域学习参与者间边界跨越与杂合的发展过程。不同理论路向对此议题的讨论为当下我国教师教育、教师教学工作环境品质与改进及教师学习和专业发展的深入研究给予启示。  相似文献   

周英伟 《考试周刊》2014,(30):58-59
正新课程理论为初中数学数学提供了一个教学改革的新视角,在教学中,教师应根据学生不同的发展现状进行教与学的策略设计,培养和提高他们的学习能力。1.精心创设数学情境数学情境是一种激发学生问题意识为价值取向的刺激性的数据材料和背景信息,是从事数学活动的环境,产生数学行为的条件。情境性问题是指教师按数学知识的发生发展过程及学生的认知规律,以教材内容为载体,有目的、有意识地添加能给认识带来一定情绪色彩的情境,再按一定的表现形式编结而  相似文献   

教育变革要求教师在教育观念和教学实践方面作适当的调整和转变,教学行为与学习方式改变和教学情境的多元性给教师带来了新的挑战和压力。自我效能感的不足,角色转换问题以及对新的教学交往媒介的再适应困难都成为教师转变中的阻滞。要缓解由此带来的压力,需要教师认同变革时期的价值取向,进行职业规划和有效的自我调适。  相似文献   

Since the original Pygmalion study, there have been very few interventions in the teacher expectation field and none that have been randomized control trials designed to change teacher practices to reflect those of high expectation teachers. The current study was designed to address this gap in the literature. Teachers (N = 84) were randomly assigned to either intervention or control groups. Those in the intervention group attended four workshops at which were presented the instructional strategies and practices of high expectation teachers. At each workshop, the intervention group planned changed practices to introduce to their classrooms modelled on the behaviours of high expectation teachers. The researchers visited the teachers on three further occasions to ensure fidelity of the implementation. Students in the classes of the intervention group teachers significantly improved their mathematics achievement over one year, showing a rate of improvement beyond that shown by the students of the control group teachers. Teachers reported high levels of satisfaction with their changed practices and overall, there was a demonstrable degree of integrity in the implementation of the intervention as measured by the researchers. Practical guidelines in relation to the intervention and future directions of the project are included.  相似文献   

巨额财产来源不明罪自设置以来,在刑法学界至今仍众说纷纭。国家通过的《刑法修正案(七)》将本罪纳入了修正范围,对其罪状和法定刑均进行了一定的调整,以适应和满足广大民众冀望本罪加大惩治、预防腐败犯罪力度的法律诉求。理论上的百家争鸣造成司法操作上的无所适从,巨额财产来源不明罪的司法认定也呈现出混乱的局面。在新的反腐历史时期,巨额财产来源不明罪突显出一些急需反思和探讨的司法疑难问题,均应结合刑法实体理论和刑诉程序制度进行新的方案设计和拟定。  相似文献   

A productive approach to studying the role of representations in supporting students’ learning of science content is to examine their actions from a practice perspective. The current study examines kindergarten and first‐grade students’ representational practices across a consistent context—the creation of storyboards—both before and after a curricular intervention in order to highlight those aspects of their practices that changed regardless of a superficially similar task. Analysis of the students’ storyboards reveals considerable improvement in the number of included features after the intervention. Analysis of the students’ practices as they changed over time is also presented by examining the students’ discourse, with a focus on their discussions of the science content and the representations themselves. We demonstrate an increase in accuracy and relevance of the features being discussed, as well as an increase in requesting and providing assessments of students’ representations, particularly between students and their peers.  相似文献   

This study took place six years after the introduction of a national early literacy curriculum in Israel. We compared the beliefs of kindergarten teachers on the importance of literacy goals with their perception of parents' and the educational system's beliefs. We examined teachers' self-reported practices and how these practices changed with the curriculum adoption. Teachers (N = 120) responded to a closed questionnaire, and 12 of them were interviewed. Incongruence emerged between teachers' own beliefs and the beliefs they attributed to others. This incongruence facilitates understanding of the rationales for their practices and their relationships with parents and professional partners.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to articulate a conceptual model of how and why sport organizations engage in environmentally-friendly business practices. In drawing from multiple theoretical frameworks (i.e., institutional theory, upper echelon theory, identity theory), we argue that functional, political, and social pressures are likely to positively influence an organization to adopt green management techniques. These relationships are thought to be moderated by the top management team's disposition toward environmentalism. Possible outcomes of these changed business practices include cost savings, increased competitive advantage, goodwill perceptions among consumers, and increased fan identification.  相似文献   

清末教会大学为我国提供了传播西方教育思想的重要渠道,在改变清末我国教育思想和教育体制等方面起到了一定的示范作用。教会大学所带来的西方教育理念和教学模式在很大程度上刺激和动摇了我国传统的教育观念,在中国高等教育近代化过程中起着某种程度的导向作用,推动了中国高等教育的快速发展。  相似文献   

Work practices in the creative industries have changed significantly since the turn of the twenty-first century. The design profession in particular has been influenced by rapidly emerging digital media practices and processes. While the design sector remains a significant source of employment, in recent years, there has been considerable growth in the number of designers working – or ‘embedded’ – in other sectors of the economy. The extent to which tertiary curricula cater for this shift in work practices and employment types is not well known. In this article, we report on original research on the preferred work destinations of a cohort of design students. This research was supplemented by a set of interviews with a small group of embedded designers in order to gain insights into the characteristics of embedded positions. Our research reveals that an embedded design position, while not well understood by undergraduate students, is a significant career path and one that should receive greater attention in undergraduate design curricula. We conclude that greater emphasis should be placed on assisting embedded designers to maintain creative networks that support them in what is a relatively isolated creative role.  相似文献   

在CDIO(Conceive,Design,Implement,Operate)教育理念的引导下,改变以理论内容为主线讲授数据库课程的教学模式,对课程内容及目标重新部署,强调实践和理论并重,同时给出了基于CDIO模式的数据库课程教学体系、实施建议及评价方法.本文论述的模式符合课程的教学理念和实际需要,在实践中取得了较好的教学效果.  相似文献   

Recent legislation imposing ‘performance management’ on schools seems to assume that teachers apply learned skills to standard situations in pursuit of their goals. Yet if professional teaching is knowledge-based and value-driven, teachers will not manage their own practices in any straightforward sense. Teaching practices are slow-developing outputs from much thought and experience, not easily changed through direct intervention. It is the circumstances of teaching which are directly managed, allowing teachers to use their expertise freely in service of their pupils.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of professional development on various aspects of teachers’ mathematics instruction. Using data collected between 2005 and 2009, we examined the extent to which the instructional practices of 49 US high school teachers who participated in content-based, sustained professional development changed over time. We found that changes in several aspects of their instructional practices followed somewhat different patterns. Teachers made statistically significant and steady changes in mathematical discourse, instructional clarity, and the development of students’ mathematical habit of mind, but not in student interactions or in the use of multiple representations.  相似文献   

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