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刘婷 《科教文汇》2014,(34):108-110
好儿女志在四方。大凡忠臣义士,必然是志在千里,欲为国为民谋一番事业,名传千古,不可能一辈子呆在家里承欢父母膝下的。然而,很少有人说他们不孝的,因为他们忠于祖国,为了祖国的安定和富强贡献自己的一切,所以才有“小家”的安康,才有他们父母平安幸福的生活。从某种意义上说,他们尽忠的同时也尽了“孝”。  相似文献   

Marie E. Zakrzewska (1829-1902) is known among historians of women and medicine for her advocacy of the natural sciences at a time when most women physicians preferred to emphasize their nurturing qualities. This article suggests that Zakrzewska's views have been poorly understood because scholars have tried to position them along a fault line that divides femininity and sympathy from masculinity and science. It suggests instead that feminist scholarship on the "situatedness of gender" offers a more promising conceptual framework for understanding the diverse strategies women (and men) have utilized in trying to achieve their goals. Zakrzewska, unlike many of her colleagues, did not seek to empower feminine virtues as a way of justifying women's entry into the medical profession. Instead, she tried to reappropriate science for women and to use it as a weapon against the barriers designed to keep women out of the public sphere. She was fighting her own battle against the gendering of science.  相似文献   

魏萍  刘大双 《科教文汇》2014,(20):199-199
大部分高校在研究生招生中实行层级式管理模式,院系教学秘书是招生工作中具体的组织者和实施者,他们的工作包含大量的内容。随着研究生扩招的深入和招生类别多样化发展,他们的工作越来越复杂,任务越来越重。长期高强度而繁杂的工作使教学秘书产生巨大的心理压力,职业发展受限让其没有认同感。院系教学秘书应树立自信,做好职业规划,积极主动开创工作以改变困境。  相似文献   

Collaborative relationships are an important anchor of innovative activity, and rates of collaboration in science are on the rise. This research addresses differences in men’s and women’s collaborative positioning and collaborator characteristics in science, and whether network influences on scientists’ future productivity may be contingent on gender. Utilizing co-inventor network relations that span thirty years of global life science patenting across sectors, geographic locations, and technological background, I present trends of men’s and women’s involvement in patenting and their collaborative characteristics across time. Amidst some network similarities, women are less likely to connect otherwise unconnected inventors (brokerage) and have greater status-asymmetries between themselves and their co-inventors. In multivariate models that include past and future activity, I find that some network benefits are contingent on gender. Men receive greater returns from network positioning for brokerage ties, and when collaborating with men. Women benefit from collaborating with women, and are more likely to collaborate with women, but both men and women collaborate with mostly men. I discuss the implications of these results for innovative growth, as well as for policies that support men’s and women’s career development.  相似文献   

Existing scholarship on the debates over expertise in mid-nineteenth-century Britain has demonstrated the importance of popular writings on the sciences to definitions of scientific authority. Yet while men of science might position themselves in opposition to the stereotype of the merely popular writer, the self-identity of the popular writer remained ambiguous. This essay examines the careers of William Charles Linnaeus Martin (1798-1864) and Thomas Milner (1808-ca. 1883) and places them in the context of others who made their living by writing works on the sciences for the general reader. Martin wrote on zoology and Milner moved between astronomy, geology, and geography. The essay unravels the close but ambivalent relationship between the professions of authorship and of science and highlights writing as another aspect of scientific practice. Both writers were moderately financially successful, but Martin's sense of failure and Milner's satisfaction reflect their contrasting images of their professional identity.  相似文献   

占丽萍 《科教文汇》2013,(25):170-171
随着社会经济的发展,研究生培养规模和社会对研究生需求量都不断在扩大。目前我国大部分高校在研究生招生上都实行的是层级式管理。在这种模式下,院系教务员成为招生工作最前沿的人,他们的工作包含了大量内容。长期从事这样具体而又繁杂的工作给负责招生的教务员带来了巨大的心理压力,让他们没有认同感。院系级教务员利用现代科技力量合理安排工作,并从心理上做好自我调节,不断提高自身素质是改变现状并消除困扰的行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

Domesticating Computers and the Internet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The people who use computers and the ways they use them have changed substantially over the past 25 years. In the beginning highly educated people, mostly men, in technical professions used computers for work, but over time a much broader range of people are using computers for personal and domestic purposes. This trend is still continuing, and over a shorter time scale has been replicated with the use of the Internet. This paper uses data from four national surveys to document how personal computers and the Internet have become increasingly domesticated since 1995 and to explore the mechanisms for this shift. Now people log on more often from home than from places of employment and do so for pleasure and for personal purposes rather than for their jobs. Analyses comparing veteran Internet users to novices in 1998 and 2000 and analyses comparing the change in use within a single sample between 1995 and 1996 support two complementary explanations for how these technologies have become domesticated. Women, children, and less well-educated individuals are increasingly using computers and the Internet and have a more personal set of motives than well-educated men. In addition, the widespread diffusion of the PC and the Internet and the response of the computing industry to the diversity in consumers has led to a rich set of personal and domestic services.  相似文献   

Do men and women academic faculty vary in their research collaboration patterns and strategies? This straightforward question does not lend itself to a straightforward answer. A great many sex-correlated variables could possibly mitigate the relationship of sex and collaboration. If one finds sex-correlated differences in the number of collaborators, can one infer that there is something intrinsic to men's and women's work strategies and preferences? Or would such differences owe instead to women's and men's different positions in work structures and hierarchies? The focus here is on two sets of research collaboration variables, numbers of collaborators and the collaboration strategies employed. The study uses questionnaire data from the U.S. National Survey of Academic Scientists (n = 1714) and tests several hypotheses about collaboration numbers and strategies. Regression results indicate, counter to the core hypotheses and almost all published literature, that in a properly specified model, one taking into account such factors as tenure, discipline, family status and doctoral cohort, women actually have somewhat more collaborators on average than do men. For both men and women, those with more industrial interactions and those affiliated with university research centers have more collaborators. Men and women differ in their collaborator choice strategies. Men are more likely to be oriented to “instrumental,” and “experience” strategies, while both men and women are motivated by “mentoring” strategies. Regression analyses show that for both men and women, having a coherent collaborator choice strategy predicts the number of collaborators.  相似文献   

创新人才的识别与培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分析了当前我国创新人才极其短缺的现状,指出当务之急是建立科学的创新人才的识别、遴选与培养机制。主要阐述了创新人才的素质特征和识别的方法;依据创新人才的特征和成长规律,建议营造创新的氛围和环境,通过建立有利于创新的科学管理运行机制,建立健全有利于创新人才成长的培养机制、有利于人尽其才的使用机制、有利于调动人才积极性的激励机制,将具有潜在和未显的创新人才开发出来。  相似文献   


The story of the Dutch East India Company, Christiaan Huygens and the marine clock shows that in the seventeenth century Dutch Republic there was a tendency towards the formation of a modern partnership between business, science and technology. This emerging relationship was personified by Johannes Hudde (1628-1704) and Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), men from entirely different walks of life except for their shared interest in science, especially mathematics. It was this shared interest in mathematics which brought them together and indirectly led to the marine clock research project. Hudde was a Director of the Dutch East India Company as well as a mathematician of international standing, whilst Huygens was both a brilliant theoretical scientist and extremely skilled innovator.Through his interest in mathematics, Hudde had come to know Huygens - he had corresponded with him and was broadly familiar with the work Huygens had been doing. So when Huygens, in 1682, returned to Holland from France, Hudde conceived the idea, which was entirely novel at the time, to enlist the support of the East India Company for one of Huygens' research projects, a project, of course, in which the Company had a direct economic interest, namely, the marine clock which it needed to find the longitude at sea.  相似文献   

Grier DA 《Endeavour》2001,25(1):28-32
Before computers were machines, they were people. They were men and women, young and old, well educated and common. They were the workers who convinced scientists that large-scale calculation had value. Long before Presper Eckert and John Mauchly built the ENIAC at the Moore School of Electronics, Philadelphia, or Maurice Wilkes designed the EDSAC for Manchester University, human computers had created the discipline of computation. They developed numerical methodologies and proved them on practical problems. These human computers were not savants or calculating geniuses. Some knew little more than basic arithmetic. A few were near equals of the scientists they served and, in a different time or place, might have become practicing scientists had they not been barred from a scientific career by their class, education, gender or ethnicity.  相似文献   

It appears, in the light of the facts presented in the foregoing, that the manganese situation is one of serious importance—one that warrants thoughtful consideration on the part of those interested in the subject. The possibility of metallurgical science discovering a substitute deoxidizer which will take the place of manganese, either in whole or in part, appears to be an alluring one. Naturally, any attempt at such an endeavor will call for a large amount of labor on the part of many men, and it is not to be supposed that the final solution of the problem will be effected in any short time. The matter of obtaining suitable coöperation with steel makers for the use of their plants so that experiments may be carried out on a scale commensurate with that of practice is one that will have to be taken care of by research men who hope to contribute in large measure to any progress along this line. Steel works laboratories have an opportunity before them, if they have not already grasped it—and they apparently have not, if published data can be any criterion. A recent investigation carried out in this country appears to be the first well-defined attempt in this direction.  相似文献   

杭娟 《科教文汇》2014,(23):197-198
语文作文教学应从小学低年级抓起,万丈高楼平地起,低年级写话教学是中高年级作文教学的基础,是引导学生迈入作文大门的关键一步。让孩子们从兴趣入手,进行快乐的积累,培养良好阅读的习惯,从中获得乐趣;练习将所见所闻、身边的事和物用语言表述出来;不断体验生活,感受生活中的美好和快乐。只有在他们情绪高涨的时候,他们的思维和语言才能共舞。“情动而辞发”,孩子们就能写出一篇篇优美生动、富有童趣的文章。  相似文献   

专家在科技咨询中的角色演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陈光  温珂  牟治平 《科学学研究》2008,26(2):385-390
 近年来,发达国家的科技咨询制度发生了一系列变化。从二战之后幕僚式的科技咨询向更公开、透明演进,专家在咨询的角色经历了从“真理代言人”、“幕僚”到“参与者”的转变。本文通过科学知识不确定性、公共决策的多维度知识输入和专家的“经济人”属性三个角度论证了专家在科技咨询中角色演进的内在原因。结合发达国家科技咨询制度的变革,概括科技咨询制度的变革趋势,为建设适于我国国情的科技咨询制度提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Stevenson WR 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):160-168
In November 1910, Shirase Nobu (1861-1946) sailed from Tokyo Bay aboard the Kainan Maru as part of an international race for the South Pole. The Japanese had no history of polar exploration and looked to British precedence to compensate for their lack of experience. Following the British example required that they include a scientific dimension to their venture. It is clear, however, that Shirase and his men had little scientific understanding. Nevertheless, on failing to reach the Pole, science became the central aim of the expedition and the primary means to declaring their efforts a success.  相似文献   

陈曦岚  邓青  向克兰 《科教文汇》2012,(12):139-141
目的:了解城区、郊区学生家庭对饲养宠物基本认识情况,预防宠物传染性疾病。方法:采用自行设计的问卷,对在校学生及家长进行问卷调查。结果:31.0%的家庭喂养宠物;51.4%的人将宠物视为朋友;20.0%的人知道科学喂养宠物,只有46.2%的居民知道怎样防止宠物疾病传染。结论:有中小学生的家庭饲养宠物的比例较高,人们对宠物科学饲养方式以及宠物传染病等认识不够明确,应加强社区居民相关知识的宣传教育。  相似文献   

Fran?ois Arago and Jean-Baptiste Biot, two of the physicists most involved in early photography, mobilized this new technology for their ongoing debates about the proper boundaries of the public in France. Each threw his weight behind one of the competing photographic processes, Arago supporting daguerrian silver plates and Biot favoring paper soaked in silver solution. For both men, disagreement at the level of materials and techniques was further bound up with disagreement about what kind of visual evidence the photograph was and who was capable of understanding it. Biot argued for a severely restricted community of photographic practitioners. His papers, he claimed, revealed an invisible world of chemical radiation accessible only to those who understood the chemistry involved. Arago's reliance on resemblance, on the other hand, permitted him to present daguerreotype plates as a form of representation available to all, even incorporating them into his campaign for universal male suffrage.  相似文献   

Young fathers, like all parents, have a range of information needs, such as learning how to introduce their babies to solid foods. Yet compared to young mothers and older parents, they have fewer resources available to them. To date, young fathers have not been identified as a priority population in need of parenting-related information and face unequal access to information resources. This inequality is in part related to gender stereotypes and social biases about young men who become parents at “too early” an age. Through interviews and field observation conducted during a longitudinal ethnographic study of young mothers, fathers, their parents, and service providers in two cities in British Columbia, Canada, we examined young fathers’ gendered experiences accessing parenting information and resources. Using an ecological model of information needs, we identified factors at different levels: micro (e.g., personal), meso (e.g., relational) and macro (e.g., access to city/provincial parenting programs and resources) that revealed information inequalities for young fathers. Our findings illustrate that young fathers often have unexpressed and unaddressed information needs due to barriers they encounter when accessing services, the stigma they experience as early age parents, and social pressures that result in avoiding asking for help in order to adhere to traditional masculine values.  相似文献   

刚莹 《科教文汇》2014,(14):32-33
本文就如何加强大学生的自我教育展开思考,分别从学生管理工作、师资队伍建设、学校搭建平台以及对大学生进行操行考核等几个方面,提出了自己的实践性建议。自我教育作为学校德育的一种方法,要求教育者按照受教育者的身心发展阶段予以适当的指导,充分发挥他们提高思想品德的自觉性、积极性,使他们能把教育者的要求,变为自己努力的目标。要培养受教育者自我认识、自我监督和自我评价的能力,善于肯定并坚持自己正确的思想言行,勇于否定并改正自己错误的思想言行。  相似文献   

丛鹳洁 《科教文汇》2020,(4):115-116
在班主任的教育对象中,有一个特殊的群体———单亲学生。单亲家庭结构的逐渐变化,带来了一些不可忽视的问题,虽然单亲家庭不一定是问题家庭,但单亲学生面临的问题更多却是不争的事实。由于单亲学生数量的增多和家长对单亲学生的教育失当,很多单亲学生无法接受家庭破裂的现实,以致于在学校出现种种不良的心理和行为,逐渐成为“问题学生”。班主任的管理与教育,有助于矫正单亲学生因感情缺失而造成的性格缺陷和心理障碍,帮助他们建立积极进取的生活信心,从而确立自己生活的目标。如何对单亲学生实施针对性的教育,促使他们健康成长,已成为小学班主任必须面对的一个全新课题。  相似文献   

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