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从人类学观察的原则出发,博尔诺夫详细分析了教育世界的价值走向,创造性地提出教育学的人类学研究方式,其中最有代表性的就是对非连续性教育探究的必要性、迫切性与适宜性的细腻勾勒。非连续性教育是人类学整体性原则、文化相对性原则、解释性原则乃至实然与应然整合原则的综合体现。对教育的非连续性本质的讨论可能会关注"生存—生活—生命世界"三重格局的教育开展,关注"家庭—学校—社会"三者间的整体教育关联,关注社会变迁带来的教育策略的适应性转变。  相似文献   

论博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非连续性教育思想是博尔诺夫教育人类学思想体系的重要组成部分。本文论述了这一思想的产生,非连续性教育的形式及其教育价值,并在此基础上分析了这一教育思想的特点。  相似文献   

博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想认为,生命发展是连续性和非连续性的统一,危机是人的生命发展进程的组成部分,它对人们带来破坏的同时,也是生活的新的起点,对个体的自我生成具有根本性的意义和价值。非连续性教育思想为我们应对四川地震灾区的教育具有重要的启示意义,使我们能够帮助儿童正视地震灾难,激发他们潜藏的道德意识,从而顺利地度过危机。  相似文献   

非连续性教育思想是博尔诺夫教育人类学思想体系的重要组成部分。本文论述了这一思想的形成及其主要内容,并分析了这一思想对我国当前教育发展所具有的重要启迪意义。  相似文献   

博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想认为,生命发展是连续性和非连续性的统一,危机是人的生命发展进程的组成部分,它对人们带来破坏的同时,也是生活的新的起点,对个体的自我生成具有根本性的意义和价值。非连续性教育思想为我们应对四川地震灾区的教育具有重要的启示意义,使我们能够帮助儿童正视地震灾难,激发他们潜藏的道德意识,从而顺利地度过危机。  相似文献   

博尔诺夫非连续性教育思想解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非连续性教育思想是德国教育家博尔诺夫教育人类学思想体系的重要组成部分,是一个新的教育理论范畴。文章分析了这一思想产生的理论基础,论述了非连续性教育的几种形式及其教育价值,并探讨了该思想对我国当前教育的启示意义。  相似文献   

“非连续性教育”是德国教育哲学家O·F·博尔诺夫提出的一个概念,意指那些为应对和处理妨碍生命连续正常发展的意外偶然事件而进行的教育活动。博尔诺夫主要是基于存在哲学来诠释他的非连续性教育理论的。时代的发展赋予非连续性教育以新的内涵,尤其是自然科学、社会科学和思维科学对非连续性现象的发现,  相似文献   

基于博尔诺夫'非连续性教育'思想的视角审视幼儿园教师专业发展,反省线性发展和静态思维模式的弊端,可以发现幼儿园教师专业发展是连续性与非连续性的统一,'危机'遭遇'唤醒'和'告诫'都能中断幼儿园教师专业发展的连续性,使幼儿园教师专业发展进入到非连续性阶段从而开启发展的新篇章。为促进幼儿园教师在震荡中进行积极的自我调整...  相似文献   

肖静芬 《继续教育》2014,(12):87-90
博尔诺夫的非连续性教育思想是教育史上的新概念,它具有非控制性和强影响性的特点。非连续性教育在教育教学理念、教育教学过程、教育教学内容及教育教学环境方面,给我国现代教育很多的启示。  相似文献   

传统的连续性教育囿于追求教育规律和人的发展规律,把关注的焦点放在人的身心发展的有序性和因果性上,而忽视了生活世界中各种偶然因素对儿童身心发展的影响。非连续性教育是完整教育的重要补充,它赋予了危机、遭遇等以新的意义,启示我们不再回避它们的挑战,把它们视为儿童心智发展的一个重要机会和转折点。如何利用这种教育资源,非连续性教育思想为我们提供了一条崭新的思路。  相似文献   

流动儿童跟随父母从农村来到城市里上学,容易发生无学可上、不能按照正常时间入学、中途转学、辍学、升学困难和教学内容不衔接、教学方法不适应等教育不连续性的问题。流动儿童教育的不连续性严重影响了他们正常学习及其教育质量,这已经成为这个群体受教育过程中遇到的突出问题,需要尽快提供治理措施,以提高教育的连续性。  相似文献   

Continuity in mental development from infancy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this essay we document moderate continuity in mental development beginning in infancy and extending into childhood. Psychological opinion in the past has tended to favor discontinuity theories of cognitive development from infancy. In recent years, however, the foundations on which discontinuity positions were originally established have themselves come under question and new findings grounded in new assessment procedures have appeared, necessitating revision of opinion on this significant psychological and developmental issue. Our essay has several aims. We first review briefly the bases for contemporary discontinuity theories of mental development. Second, we present current findings that support the alternative proposition of continuity: Recent research demonstrates that infants who more efficiently encode visual stimuli or more efficiently recollect visual or auditory stimuli tend to perform more proficiently on traditional psychometric assessments of intelligence and language during childhood. Third, we scrutinize the assessment methods from which these continuity results derive. Fourth, we offer several models that help to explain the continuity findings. Fifth, we discuss critically the origins and the maintenance of continuity in mental development as it is coming to be conceptualized currently. Finally, we reflect on implications of continuity for the future of infant assessments specifically and for theories of early mental development generally.  相似文献   

为公民社会培养人--公民社会与教育探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民社会的产生及发展有其历史延续性。在当今全球化背景下,我们更应关照其现代性及本土性特征。尤其在中国建设现代公民社会的进程中,教育应对其作出合理回应,从教育内容及教育方式方面作出恰当选择,为中国公民社会的健康发展培养合格公民。  相似文献   


This article on the international movement for pedagogical reform stresses both continuity and discontinuity. Pedagogical reform in a way only continued the theories and postulates of the tradition but in another way there was a clear break with this tradition. The discontinuity concerned primarily the assumptions about learning and the development of the child that were based on the theory of evolution. The example of Henri Bergson’s philosophy of life demonstrates a dominant modernization of educational theory that was also influential in international pedagogical reform. However, traditionalizations can even be observed that nullify their own modernizations. Modernity was seen in relative terms largely because of the political and pedagogical convictions of the reformers. These convictions were formulated in such a way as to exclude relativity in education insofar as the tradition was still operative after the break.  相似文献   

An assumption of culture-based education with respect to American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children is that discontinuity between home and school cultures is responsible for educational underachievement. Using data from the 2009 round of the National Indian Education Study, a subset of the larger National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), the author constructed a measure of cultural discontinuity and examined its relationship to AI/AN students' Grade 4 and 8 reading and mathematics achievement. Contrary to the cultural discontinuity hypothesis, there is no statistically significant negative relationship when the culture of the home is discontinued at school. On the Grade 4 NAEP reading assessment, in particular, cultural discontinuity was positively associated with students' achievement, net of both student- and school-level controls. Findings suggest that the assumptions of culture-based education may be overstated, though longitudinal data are still needed to be able to make causal claims.  相似文献   

Increasingly, three generation studies have investigated intergenerational (IG) continuity and discontinuity in substance use and related problem behaviors. However, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the conceptual definition of continuity or to different types of discontinuity (resilience and escalation) or to measurement sensitivity, which affects not only the magnitudes of observed continuity but also factors that correlate with this linkage. This study uses longitudinal data on 427 parent–child dyads from the Rochester IG Study to study continuity and discontinuity in substance use over ages 14–18. Results suggest that the degree of IG continuity, resilience, and escalation in adolescent substance use, as well as correlates of each, depend heavily on how heterogeneity in the behavior is taken into account.  相似文献   

《面向教师的美国国家教育技术标准》的革新与发展反映了当前美国教师教育技术标准的新要求、新发展以及教师教育的新动向,在解读其发展内涵的基础上,对我国在信息化背景下的教师教育和教师教育技术能力标准的贯彻落实进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Putting Faith Into Action: A Model for the North American Middle Class   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pluralism presents faith communities with the challenge of continuity and discontinuity in relation to the community's tradition. The educational question becomes: How do we initiate persons into the tradition of the faith community so that they will function as agents who can extend the tradition in creative ways in changing contexts? Play is one area of human activity that is concerned with what is and what might be. This paper explores the nature of the pretend play of young children, especially its “as‐if'” and “what‐if” dimensions. It suggests possibilities for using play in the education of children and adults.  相似文献   

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