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从教学实践出发,对师范生物教育专业《动物生物学》课程考核进行改革,在传统考核方式的基础上增加口试的考核形式,提出口试考核能有效地弥补传统考核方式的不足,杜绝笔试中存在的一些弊端,实现对学生的全面评价.同时对学生综合素质的提升及形成良好的学习风气也有很好的促进作用.  相似文献   

现行考试方式的弊病和口试应用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了在应试教育中笔试的弊端,通过采用口试的方式,可克服笔试中的诸多不足。实践证明,做为笔试的良好补充——口试为对素质教育进行考核提供了一种可借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

针对《现代物流设施与规划》课程考核中存在的考核方式单一、考核内容片面化、考核目的性不强以及考核效果不理想四方面的不足,构建了以“能力”为主线的“五位一体”多元化课程考核模式评估体系,即由口试、笔试、实验、大作业及课程小论文组成.应用表明,该考核体系可引导学生积极思考,注重培养学生的综合创新能力、团队合作能力以及解决问题的应变能力.  相似文献   

本文对大专中药学微生物课所用的教材、教学方法、及考核方法做了一些探索。它们是:以技术为主线选择教材,多种教学方法相结合,重视现代化教学手段,采取口试、实验实地操作和笔试相结合的考核方式。  相似文献   

课程考核作为评价学习效果的重要手段之一,考核形式的改革已成为众多教育工作者共同关注的焦点。传统的论文考核形式很难准确反映课程教学质量,而探索出符合高师院校学生实际的礼仪课程考核途径,才能全方位地考查学生掌握知识、运用知识的能力。所以,通过试讲、变笔试为口试的考核途径,既能考查学生的基础理论,也能达到考查学生的创新能力、实践能力、团队协作和口头表达能力的目标,让学生最终把理论性知识内化为真正属于自己的职业技能及行为习惯。  相似文献   

考试是全面检查“教”与“学”效果的重要手段,中学传统的考试方法是笔试,它可以较全面地了解师生教与学的效果,督促学生系统而全面地掌握已学到的知识,但当今的改革形势,社会不但需要有分析问题和解决问题能力的“四有”人才,而且也需要有组织能力、应变能力和口头表达能力的“四有”人才。基于上述想法,近年来我对政治课考试方法进行了改革,试用口试进行考核。即:变以往的传统笔试为笔试与口试相结合,搞好笔试以全面检查教学质量、巩固基本知识;适当举行口试以加强学生应变能力。  相似文献   

自学考试实践性环节考核是检测自考生理论联系实际能力和综合技能、确保人才培养质量的重要环节。是为实现专业规格要求和课程考试目标.对应考者进行基本技能及运用所学知识分析和解决实际问题能力的考核。一般有:实验、实习、课程设计、毕业论文(毕业设计、综合考试)和其他专门技能等,考核形式主要有笔试、口试、答辩、演示、实际操作等。本科专业毕业论文考核成绩还是主考学校授予学士学位的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

通过分析现有考核方式存在问题,提出基于CDIO理念的《路基路面工程》课程考核模式。该模式对学生进行项目考核、考试考核和自评考核,以全过程、全方位项目考核为主。通过收集学生笔试、口试、项目审查、汇报表现、学习卷案和自评报告等证据,全面评估学生在个人、人际交往能力,工程项目建造能力以及学科知识等三个方面的学习效果。  相似文献   

计算机信息管理专业的《会计学》课程从内容上应该吸纳《基础会计》,《财务会计》,《会计模拟实习》几门学科的相关内容,从体系上应该以《基础会计》内容为主线,以《财务会计》内容为核心,以《财务会计》作业作为《会计模拟实习》经济业务内容;在教学方式上应突出直观性教学,并在实践教学环节注重交叉渗透,在考核手手段上集模拟实习作业,笔试,口试于一体,综合评定成绩。并在实践教学环节注重交叉渗透;在考核手段上集模拟实习作业,笔试,口试于一体,综合评定成绩。  相似文献   

高校选修课考核方法很多,抽签考核法就是其中之一。抽签考核包括口试和笔试,是通过随机抽签获得题目,结合平时测评给出最终成绩的一种考核方法。将传统笔试(统一试卷)与抽签考核两种考核法的结果相对照,得出:抽签考核法能很好地激活中等及中等偏下学生的学习兴奋点,考核成绩真实,但教师要辅助严格的平时考勤测评,加大了任课教师的平时工作量。对良好学风、考风建设有益;对提高课堂管理水平及教学效果有益;对促进和谐师生关系发展有益。抽签考核法为测试人数不多的专业课考核提供了新的参考内容。  相似文献   

普通物理实验考评从口试、笔试、操作、平常成绩、设计和改进实验、实验小论文的撰写等方面进行,实验的期终操作考评需要学生参与评价,各部分的成绩按照一定的权重计入。  相似文献   


Students in a college course were given written criteria, divided into teams, and asked to score their own essay examination. Their pooled ratings correlated .922 with the instructor's ratings. Agreement between the ratings of students and instructor was not related to grade point or total test score. However, grade point and test scores were related negatively to the ambiguity of the students’ answers on the examination. The results support the generalization that subjective scoring standards are readily communicable. Theoretical and practical implications are examined.  相似文献   

本文就《统计学原理》课程自身特点与常规的统计学考试方式之间存在的不适应,提出应结合《统计学原理》课程特点,改革单一的常规闭卷笔试的考试方式,采取撰写统计分析报告、上机实践操作、常规闭卷笔试相结合的考试方式;激发非统计专业学生学习《统计学原理》的兴趣,提高课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨在妇产科临床实习教学中运用循证医学(EBM)教学方法的效果。方法:将在我院妇产科实习的助产班学生160人,按随机分配方法分为两组,观察组80名,采用循证医学教学法带教;对照组80名,采用传统教学方法带教。教学周期为8周,通过理论笔试、病案分析口试及临床技能操作考试及教学满意度调查进行对比。结果:观察组学生的理论笔试、病案分析口试及临床技能操作考试及教学满意度均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:在妇产科开展循证医学教学,有利于提高学生们的理论和实践能力,值得推广。  相似文献   

In this 1-year longitudinal study, the authors explored the development of narrative skills between the oral and written form. The authors aimed to assess the predictive power of textual narrative competence on early narrative text writing skills taking into account the impact of spelling ability. Eighty children (M age?=?5.3 years, age range?=?4.9–5.7 years; SD?=?0.29) were followed longitudinally until entering the first grade of primary school. During kindergarten, they were tested with an oral story production task and in first grade with a written story production task. Narratives were evaluated in terms of structure, cohesion and consistency. In the first grade, children were also submitted to a dictation task to evaluate their spelling competence. Repeated measures ANOVAs were performed in order to examine narrative competence development, also considering gender differences, and regression analyses were implemented to evaluate the predictive capability of textual abilities expressed by oral narratives on textual abilities expressed by writing. The results showed some significant differences when scores in kindergarten were compared to scores in primary school. Moreover, the ability to tell well-structured, cohesive and consistent stories predicts the ability to write stories with the same qualities in the sample of participants without spelling difficulty. Instead, the predictive link is not apparent considering those children with difficulties in orthographic ability. This research allows us to reflect about how the medium of writing might interfere, on the basis of the level of mastery, with the opportunity to express narrative skills in the transition from the oral to written code. The central role of writing instrument functionality opens the way to practical implications.  相似文献   

Argumentation, and the production of scientific arguments are critical elements of inquiry that are necessary for helping students become scientifically literate through engaging them in constructing and critiquing ideas. This case study employed a mixed methods research design to examine the development in 5th grade students’ practices of oral and written argumentation from one unit to another over 16 weeks utilizing the science writing heuristic approach. Data sources included five rounds of whole-class discussion focused on group presentations of arguments that occurred over eleven class periods; students’ group writings; interviews with six target students and the teacher; and the researcher’s field notes. The results revealed five salient trends in students’ development of oral and written argumentative practices over time: (1) Students came to use more critique components as they participated in more rounds of whole-class discussion focused on group presentations of arguments; (2) by challenging each other’s arguments, students came to focus on the coherence of the argument and the quality of evidence; (3) students came to use evidence to defend, support, and reject arguments; (4) the quality of students’ writing continuously improved over time; and (5) students connected oral argument skills to written argument skills as they had opportunities to revise their writing after debating and developed awareness of the usefulness of critique from peers. Given the development in oral argumentative practices and the quality of written arguments over time, this study indicates that students’ development of oral and written argumentative practices is positively related to each other. This study suggests that argumentative practices should be framed through both a social and epistemic understanding of argument-utilizing talk and writing as vehicles to create norms of these complex practices.  相似文献   


A non traditional model for teaching composition has extensive teaching and research value. The purpose of this research was to test the effect of oral discourse in teaching written discourse. The control group went from stimulus to problem to written discussion; the experimental group went from stimulus to problem to controlled oral discussion to written discussion on the model. Teachers evaluated unidentified papers of both pretest and posttest of control and experimental groups. With the use of the chi-square statistic, it was shown that the use of controlled oral discourse produced more grade increases and fewer decreases in written discourse in the experimental group than in the control group at the .01 level of significance.  相似文献   

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