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在实施创新驱动发展战略过程中,我国面临着专利侵权赔偿数额偏低的困境。本文收集了1185个专利侵权赔偿判决书,研究影响我国专利侵权赔偿数额偏低的主要因素,揭开赔偿数额低的“黑箱”。研究结果表明:专利的商业价值和权利人的保护能力对赔偿数额产生显著的积极影响。专利价值越高,获得的赔偿数额越高;保护能力越强,获得的赔偿数额越多。但是,计算赔偿的方法对专利商业价值和权利人保护能力影响赔偿数额具有部分中介作用。法定赔偿对赔偿数额产生消极影响,即适用法定赔偿的案件会获得较少的赔偿。为了激励创新,我国可以通过提高专利价值、增强保护能力和完善确定赔偿数额方法的方式提高赔偿数额。  相似文献   

以浙江省高校126件已经获得许可实施的专利为研究对象,从专利研发投入、外部合作和专利技术特征等方面,实证分析了影响高校专利商业价值的关键因素.研究结果表明,研发力度大、校企合作、技术激进度低、具有过程创新特征的专利具有较高的商业价值,并且这一关系在统计上较为显著;借助代理机构进行专利研发和推广可以提高专利的商业价值,技术重要性程度对专利的商业价值也具有积极的影响,但是两者在统计上并不显著.研究结果对指导我国高校专利研发和实施具有重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

贺宁馨  董哲林 《科研管理》2006,41(2):115-122
为评估我国专利司法保护的有效性,亟需适用于我国的专利司法保护强度量化模型。首先通过分析专利司法保护对企业专利决策行为的影响,提取关键参数,构建了专利司法保护强度的量化模型,然后基于手工整理的一万四千多件专利侵权案例,得到了我国近十多年的专利司法保护强度。在此基础上,通过实证分析,研究了我国专利司法保护强度对专利密集型产业和非专利密集型产业利润的影响。结果显示:该模型可以更全面地反映出专利司法保护强度的动态演变;我国专利司法保护强度的调整远落后于产业的发展。根据研究结论,提出了优化我国专利司法保护强度的政策建议。  相似文献   

当今社会,人们逐步意识到专利保护制度的成熟与完善对知识经济的发展起着关键性的作用。其中,外观设计专利保护制度因其独特的价值也得到人们越来越多的关注。由于外观设计专利投入少、见效快、权利获得便捷、价值可观,所以企业和个人申报的积极性较高。外观设计专利保护制度在我国仅仅实施了20余年,但我国外观设计专利申请数量却在世界上名列前茅。  相似文献   

专利质量表现为专利权利要求有效的排他性程度;专利价值表现为专利运用中形成的竞争优势、获得的经济利益。当前我国所面临技术自主与市场自主等问题的主要原因之一是专利的质量和价值,专利质量和价值是创新驱动发展和知识产权强国建设的核心要素,因此有必要从理论和实践层面对专利质量和价值提升问题进行探讨。通过“十三五”末期最新的专利侵权诉讼案件实证考察我国专利质量和价值的现状及存在的问题,在对专利质量、专利保护和专利价值厘清认识的基础上,提出提升专利质量和价值的路径与措施。提出通过提升申请专利的技术创新水平、专利代理质量和加强专利审查质量管理提升专利质量,以优化科技成果转移转化环境支撑专利使用价值实现、以知识产权金融创新发展推动专利资产实现、以知识产权强保护保障专利使用价值和资产价值实现,为更好地促进科技成果向现实生产力转化提供参考。  相似文献   

有效评估药物专利价值有必要考虑制药基础技术细节以及新药专利保护期限较长的特殊性等有关实际,同时,利用机器学习方法开展专利价值评估的研究仍有待进一步完善,因此,针对生物制药产业专利价值评估准确性问题,结合产业技术因素及其专利特点,以及专利价值评估的共性指标和生物制药产业特征与专利技术特点的个性指标,引入自编码器(AE)模型和谱聚类算法(SC)构建专利价值评估算法模型,以药智专利通数据库的相关专利数据为样本进行实证分析,通过提取专利指标特征、专利聚类来进行专利价值评估,并运用支持向量机方法对专利价值进行分类,以验证AE-SC评估模型的有效性。结果表明:AE-SC评估模型通过自编码器提取专利特征后的专利价值聚类准确度优于谱聚类和传统K-means聚类;专利存在年数、药物专利类型、适应证类别等是评价生物制药产业专利价值必要考虑因素。  相似文献   

李黎明 《情报杂志》2023,(2):166-174
[研究目的]“十四五”规划首次将高价值专利纳入我国经济社会发展的主要目标,亟需对专利价值文献进行综述研究,分析研究重点、评估现状和未来展望,以期更好地优化专利政策,培育高价值专利。[研究方法]通过对国内外专利价值研究文献的归纳与评述,一是界定专利价值的内涵,测度专利价值的决定因素;二是评估专利价值指标的有效性;三是分析专利价值评价方法的科学性;四是探讨专利价值的内生性。[研究结论]专利价值是专利的资产价值,也就是创新者的利润回报。专利保护范围和专利寿命直接决定专利价值,但为了实现专利价值的最大化,创新者必须权衡专利保护范围与专利寿命之间的矛盾关系,选择最优专利保护范围。在专利价值内生性挑战下,最优专利保护范围随着创新者的策略选择、产业属性特征以及政策环境的改变而动态变化,这也正是未来专利价值的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   

随着我国金融领域的逐步开放,国外金融机构在我国抢注专利事件敲响了金融知识产权保护的警钟。金融知识产权保护日趋重要。在法制健全的西方市场经济国家,金融产品知识产权的法律保护已成为一种普遍的做法。针对我国金融产品专利保护的现状,提出了适合国情的金融产品专利保护对策。  相似文献   

苏世彬  陈月勤 《科研管理》2006,41(1):130-141
本文采集中国省级面板数据,以R&D投入、FDI流入及其交互作用为中介变量探索专利行政执法与专利申请量的关系,研究结果表明:(1)R&D投入、FDI流入在专利行政执法正向影响专利申请量中具有中介作用(2)专利行政执法通过FDI流入正向影响专利申请量效应小于专利行政执法通过R&D投入正向影响专利申请量;(3)R&D投入与FDI流入的交互作用在专利行政执法负向影响专利申请量中具有中介作用。以上结果不仅完善现有专利行政执法研究,还佐证和丰富现有知识产权保护相关理论文献,从而为国家更好地制定专利行政执法政策以推动我国创新型国家创建提供理论依据。  相似文献   

正本文主要论述如何赋予工业品具有知识产权价值。以产品设计研究为线索,简要分析工业品外观设计和知识产权的关系,论述外观专利保护策略,使得工业产品富有美感的同时,并具备创造性和新颖性的基础上,探索其知识产权价值,并找到形成知识产权保护的关键,为能设计出具有知识产权保护价值内容的产品提供理论基础。按照国家知识产权局对于外观专利所统计的数据显示,中国外观专利申请量正在迅速增长,现如今,在工业设计中与知识产权相关问题的社会关注度越来越高,希望获得法律保护  相似文献   

Boolean logic performs a logical operation on one or more logic input and produces a single logic output. Here, we describe a microfluidic DNA computing processor performing Boolean logic operations for gene expression analysis and gene drug synthesis. Multiple cancer-related genes were used as input molecules. Their expression levels were identified by interacting with the computing related DNA strands, which were designed according to the sequences of cancer-related genes and the suicide gene. When all the expressions of the cancer-related genes fit in with the diagnostic criteria, positive diagnosis would be confirmed and then a complete suicide gene (gene drug) could be synthesized as an output molecule. Microfluidic chip was employed as an effective platform to realize the computing process by integrating multistep biochemical reactions involving hybridization, displacement, denaturalization, and ligation. By combining the specific design of the computing related molecules and the integrated functions of the microfluidics, the microfluidic DNA computing processor is able to analyze the multiple gene expressions simultaneously and realize the corresponding gene drug synthesis with simplicity and fast speed, which demonstrates the potential of this platform for DNA computing in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

德吉央宗 《西藏科技》2004,(8):47-48,50
肿瘤是常见病多发病,尤其是恶性肿瘤严重地威胁着人类的健康和生命,在全世界恶性肿瘤患者约有1400万人,每年新发生的患者约700万人,每年因恶性肿瘤死亡约500万人。  相似文献   

BackgroundProfilin proteins (PRFs) are small (12–15 kD) actin-binding protein, which play a significant role in cytoskeleton dynamics and plant development via regulating actin polymerization. Profilins have been well documented in Arabidopsis, Zea mays L. as well as Phaseolus vulgaris, however no such fully characterization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) profilin gene family has been reported thus far.ResultIn the present study, a comprehensive genome-wide analysis of rice PRF genes was completed and three members were identified. OsPRF1 and OsPRF2 shared 98.5% similarity (6 nucleotide divergence), but the deduced amino acid sequences of OsPRF1 and OsPRF2 are fully identical. In contrast, the OsPRF3 presents relatively lower similarity with OsPRF1 and OsPRF2. Phylogenetic analysis also support that OsPRF1 has a closer relationship with OsPRF2. Expression pattern analysis revealed the differential expression of OsPRFs in tissues of mature plant, which suggested the potential spatial functional specificity for rice profilin genes. Subcellular localization analysis revealed the OsPRFs were localized in cytoplasm and nucleus and all of them could bind actin monomers. Furthermore, abiotic stresses and hormones treatments assay indicated that the three OsPRF genes could be differentially regulated, suggesting that OsPRF genes might participate in different stress processes in rice.ConclusionsTaken together, our study provides a comprehensive analysis of the OsPRF gene family and will provide a basis for further studies on their roles in rice development and in response to abiotic stresses.How to cite: Zhang Y, Dong G, Wu L, et al. Identification and characterization of profilin gene family in rice. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2021.08.004.  相似文献   

BackgroundMolecular mechanisms of plant–pathogen interactions have been studied thoroughly but much about them is still unknown. A better understanding of these mechanisms and the detection of new resistance genes can improve crop production and food supply. Extracting this knowledge from available genomic data is a challenging task.ResultsHere, we evaluate the usefulness of clustering, data-mining and regression to identify potential new resistance genes. Three types of analyses were conducted separately over two conditions, tomatoes inoculated with Phytophthora infestans and not inoculated tomatoes. Predictions for 10 new resistance genes obtained by all applied methods were selected as being the most reliable and are therefore reported as potential resistance genes.ConclusionApplication of different statistical analyses to detect potential resistance genes reliably has shown to conduct interesting results that improve knowledge on molecular mechanisms of plant resistance to pathogens.  相似文献   

基因专利的哲学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛新志 《科学学研究》2005,23(6):746-749
随着基因技术的发展,人们对基因专利的争论日趋激烈。本文对基因专利的伦理基础进行了初步探讨,重点对基因专利问题进行哲学反思,认为应用伦理道德条款规范基因专利的审查,促进公共利益的发展和利益分配的公正。  相似文献   

BackgroundCDIPT (CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase, EC was found on the cytoplasmic side of the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. It was an integral membrane protein performing the last step in the de novo biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns). In recent years, PtdIns has been considered to play an essential role in energy metabolism, fatty acid metabolic pathway and intracellular signal transduction in eukaryotic cells.ResultsIn this study, the results of real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed that the expression of CDIPT gene was remarkably different in diverse tissues. We also detected the polymorphism of bovine CDIPT gene and analyzed its association with body measurement and meat quality traits of Qinchuan cattle. Blood samples were obtained from 638 Qinchuan cattle aged from 18 to 24 months. DNA sequencing and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were used to find CDIPT gene single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). Three SNPs g.244T>C (NCBI: rs42069760), g.1496G>A and g.1514G>A were found in this study. g.244T>C located at 5′untranslated region (5′UTR) of exon 1 showed three genotypes: TT, TC and CC. g.1496G>A and g.1514G>A detected the first time were located in intron 3 and showed the same genotypes: GG, GA and AA.ConclusionsAnalysis results showed that these three SNPs were significantly associated with body measurement traits (BMTs) and meat quality traits (MQTs). We suggested that CDIPT gene may have potential effects on BMTs and MQTs and can be used for marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

类比生物基因表达研究创新机理提出的创新基因学概念,为构建创新方法指明方向,基因视角下的创新方法体系亟待得到进一步完善。基于此,借助创新元素聚类理论,提出九大创新基因和九大创新法则构建创新基因的耦合路径,旨在深层次挖掘技术创新的内部原始规律。最后,结合冷库改进创新实例,验证该理论的可行性和有效性,为提升创新质量与效率提供了理论及方法支持。  相似文献   

 基因靶向技术是建立在胚胎干细胞和同源重组技术之上,对基因组进行定位修饰的一种实验方法,在转基因动物的遗传性状修饰中起到了巨大的作用。本文从人类认识基因到改造基因的历史线索出发,揭示了基因缺陷所带来的科学问题,并介绍了由其引发的修复和改造基因的科学研究。此外,总结了基因靶向技术所建立起来的全新的生物实验模型对于基因修复和改造所带来的划时代的意义,并对基因靶向技术研究过程的科学意义和方法论启示进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

CAS researchers and U.S.collaborators have successfully identified a gene that may hold the key to fight against myeloid leukemia tumor.  相似文献   

Multispecies coalescent (MSC) is the extension of the single-population coalescent model to multiple species. It integrates the phylogenetic process of species divergences and the population genetic process of coalescent, and provides a powerful framework for a number of inference problems using genomic sequence data from multiple species, including estimation of species divergence times and population sizes, estimation of species trees accommodating discordant gene trees, inference of cross-species gene flow and species delimitation. In this review, we introduce the major features of the MSC model, discuss full-likelihood and heuristic methods of species tree estimation and summarize recent methodological advances in inference of cross-species gene flow. We discuss the statistical and computational challenges in the field and research directions where breakthroughs may be likely in the next few years.  相似文献   

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