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SNS网站的快速发展给使用者带来了不仅是信息分享方式与交流方式的变化,同时对人际关系和人们的心理也产生了影响。每一种新的互联网应用的产生与发展,其实质都是迎合了现代人的各种需求。通过分析SNS社交网站流行趋势,使用者的群体特征及社会心理,可以看出SNS盛行的驱动力、现实意义和对传播生态的影响。  相似文献   

张晓琦 《文教资料》2013,(6):101-103
伴随互联网络的发展,SNS社交网站如今已经成为大学生网络生活的重要组成部分,并改变了大学生传统的社交模式。本文以"人人网"为例,分析了SNS社交网站在大学生中的传播情况及其在大学生思想政治教育工作中的积极作用和弊端。同时指出大学思想政治教育工作者应主动适应新形势的变化,规范和引导大学生的网络社交,倾听大学生的心声,有机地将社交网站作为开展大学生思想政治教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

SNS社交网站作为一种近些年出现的新型网站类型,其在国内外的发展都异常迅速。高校的校园SNS社交网站以本校的师生作为基础用户的聚合,能够更好的实现现实生活中的人际关系的互联与拓展,这样能够很好的弥补商业性的校园SNS社交网站在建立用户强联系方面的不足。结合国内外SNS社交网站的现有发展经验和状况,从传播学的角度来看,SNS社交网站在传播系统用户、传播内容、传播情景和传播动机等方面,都具一定的意义。  相似文献   

SNS社交网站的兴起带动了以真实性、开放性和平等性为核心特征的新型社交网络文化的流行,也引发了对当代大学生思想道德价值的多重影响。参与SNS社交网站交友互动,既可以规范大学生道德自律意识、弱化功利思想、培养民主精神,也可能诱发道德危机和现实社交障碍。高校思政工作者及相关部门要因势利导,积极渗透,引导社交网络文化健康发展,并借此开辟思想政治教育新的网络阵地。  相似文献   

社交类网站(SNS)是现在使用非常广泛的一类网络通讯工具,它具有强大的实时性和易用性,而且能够满足人们日常交流、沟通的需求。以人人网为例,如果充分发挥人人网中的部分功能,就可以使其成为一种简单有效的网络教学辅助手段并真正地应用于现代的信息技术教学之中,这样可以增加教学中师生和生生的交流、互动,也可以在教学资源共享、教学成果展示、教学评价、教学反思等过程中起到促进作用。  相似文献   

伴随着Facebook带来的新一轮社交革命,SNS社交网站以其真实性、互动性等特点,在大学生中迅速风靡,成为大学校园网络舆论环境的重要组成部分,同时SNS网站中信息的良莠不齐也为建立健康向上的网络舆论环境提出了新的挑战。本文以SNS网站所构成的大学校园网络舆论环境为研究对象,通过对SNS网站的特点和现状分析,为引导建立积极向上的校园网络舆论环境提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

本文通过GIS空间分析方法对社交网络在时空框架中的变化过程及规律进行可视化表达,将LBS与SNS相结合,构建基于位置的社交网站,实现了时空社交网络数据的有效组织和管理,并使用Silverlight相应的可视化控件以及扩展,对社交网络可视化方法进行探究,以可视化方式形象展示各种社交网络专题内容、好友空间分布和数量统计规律,并提高社交网站的用户体验.  相似文献   

网络已经融入到大学生生活和学习的方方面面,成为影响当代大学生生活方式的最重要因素。大学生利用网络开展社交既拓展了他的交往空间和社交行为,同样,也改变了他的学习方式。通过采用文献分析法,在梳理归纳已有研究成果的基础上,构建出大学生网络社交方式及社交行为特征分析的研究框架。以扬州大学的学生为调查对象,从社交网站访问情况、好友特征、社交基本属性、社交行为、态度与感受五个维度调查大学生网络社交方式及社交行为特征,归纳总结当代大学生基于社交进行学习的行为特征。旨在指导大学生能正确、积极地使用网络社交进行有效学习。  相似文献   

夏颖 《成才之路》2013,(34):34-35
随着现代社会和科学技术的不断发展,人们的交流互动方式不断创新。社交网站开创了网络人际交往互动的新模式,它满足了人们在虚拟世界进行社会化互动并且获取信息的需求。人人网自2005年创办以来发展迅速,在学生中广为使用。教师可以从大学生使用人人网情况的调查入手,研究社交网站对大学生学习、娱乐、消费方面的影响。  相似文献   

张蕊 《考试周刊》2014,(51):100-100
在当代社会,社交网站凭借在传播模式、传播内容和传播效果等方面的优势和媒介环境优势迅速占领社交世界的大片江山。本文主要论述了社交网站在传播信息方面的优势功能,分析了社交网站在给人们的生活带来便利的同时存在的一些负面影响。  相似文献   

As teacher education students become professionals, they face a number of tensions related to identity, social participation, and work-life balance, which may be further complicated by social networking sites (SNS). This qualitative study sought to articulate tensions that arose between professionalization influences and teacher education student participants' SNS participation. Findings suggest that some expectations of professionalization in SNS cut deeply into participants' self-concept and that tensions arose surrounding unclear expectations of professionalization and fears related to political and religious expression. The study's implications are: teachers need to (a) consider how participation in SNS may impact their identity, (b) understand how moral turpitude is defined in their communities and how their behavior aligns with these standards, and (c) carefully explore how they can maintain meaningful social connections in online spaces as they pass through new phases of life and seek to become professionals.  相似文献   

Schools are often encouraged to facilitate extra-curricular learning within their own premises. This study addresses the potential of social networking sites (SNS) for supporting such out-of-class study. Given concerns that learning on these sites may happen at a surface level, we adopted self-determination theory for designing a social networking experience that aspired to offer a ‘community of inquiry’. A case study of a Mandarin class is reported, in which seven children voluntarily attended afterschool lessons and used a SNS for 12 weeks. Pedagogical strategies to create a sense of relatedness and competence and to offer autonomy support were used in order to steer their informal communication and exploration towards deep and meaningful learning. Our findings show that the online social networking activities are not used simply to extend formal lessons to informal online environment, instead they open up opportunities for students to benefit from informal exploration and thus enrich their experience of learning about the subject.  相似文献   

Social media open up multiple options to add a new dimension to learning and knowledge processes. Particularly, social networking sites allow students to connect formal and informal learning settings. Students can find like-minded people and organize informal knowledge exchange for educational purposes. However, little is known about in which way students use social networking sites for informal learning and about characteristics of these students. In this paper, three studies examined the study-related knowledge exchange via StudiVZ, the German equivalent of Facebook. Results indicated that about one fifth of participants exchange study-related knowledge through StudiVZ and that these students are especially freshers seeking contact with other students and orientation. Consistent with previous research, it is shown that students use social networking sites mainly for social interaction and integration. However, results also imply that communication about social issues on social networking sites goes hand in hand with study-related knowledge exchange.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNSs) are popular technologies used frequently among youth for recreational purposes. Increasing attention has been paid to the use of SNSs in educational settings as a way to engage youth interest and encourage academically productive discussion. Potential affordances of using SNSs for education include knowledge building, collaborative communities, and the ability to document and share processes and designs. In this study, the SNS, Edmodo, is examined as an educational tool used with Studio STEM. Results indicated that youth appropriated Edmodo to exhibit engagement and articulate knowledge through reciting facts, acknowledging learning, and documenting progress with the guidance of instructors and facilitators. Based on results, we suggest that efforts to include SNSs in integrative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programming for youth prioritize consistent monitoring and guidance by supportive and more knowledgeable others as this serves to develop community and encourage youth engagement.  相似文献   

Social work students have few guidelines to help them evaluate the implication of their posted information on Internet-based social networking sites (SNSs). There is a national trend among employers of human services to cross-check publicly available online information on applicants. Based on data from a survey of 105 baccalaureate and master's social work students at a Midwestern university, this study explored students' perspectives on problematic information on SNSs. The majority reported that they had posted information on SNSs that they would not want their prospective employers to cross-check. Students offered a wide range of opinions, attitudes, and characteristics that contribute to the assessment of the risks that information they post on SNSs pose for their profession. The purpose of this study is to stimulate a conversation among social work educators on how to inculcate awareness and training of students on the ethical implications of SNS participation and to discuss directions for future research.  相似文献   

随着网络、社交网络的日益成熟发展,学校教育与网络相结合、师生学习社交关系圈形成的新型教育模式,将是成人学习的新型模式。在校园网中建立学习型SNS社区,可为教师与教师、教师与学生、学生与学生之间的交流提供更好的平台,可以为学生营造出自主、协作的学习氛围,更好地完成学习任务,为教师打造专业平台,快捷知识和观点分享。如何利用学生的网络活跃性和群居性为教学服务,是目前学校网络建设与发展的热点、创新点。在校园网中建立学习型的SNS社区网站就是一个新的探索。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that college students use computers, the internet, and social networking websites (SNS) at high rates; however, all of these studies have relied on self-report measures of technology use. Research in other areas of human behavior has shown that self-report measures are considerably inaccurate when compared to actual behaviors. This study produces more effective estimates of the time that college students spend on computer and internet activities by using logging software to collect data on actual use. A sample of 45 students installed a computer monitor for two months. The results show that social networking was the most popular computer activity, with Facebook being the most popular SNS. Furthermore, the results also suggest that students may be able to somewhat regulate their computer use in ways that could benefit them academically. For instance, students spent significantly more time using the university's learning management system when classes were in session and less time watching videos. Although there are some limitations of monitoring computer usage, such monitoring is an effective method of evaluating frequency of use.  相似文献   

Upcoming statutory UK government guidance for keeping children safe in education reflects the use of social media, which is one of the most common activities undertaken by young people. This study explores how and why young people are using social networking sites (SNS) and whether there are age or gender differences. A key feature of the study was that the research was built around the views and interests of young people and their advice was sought at each point of the four phase methodological process. The study finds significant gender and age differences related to how young people use SNS. An unexpected but significant finding relates to young people’s perception of SNS and how closely it is associated to their offline lives. By understanding that a large proportion of young people perceive SNS as being different to their offline lives, this study provides a new area of focus in order to effectively support young people online.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread popularity of social networking sites (SNSs) amongst children and young people in compulsory education, relatively little scholarly work has explored the fundamental issues at stake. This paper makes an original contribution to the field by locating the study of this online activity within the broader terrain of social network theory in order to inform future educational debate and further research. The first section offers a way of classifying different kinds of online social networking and then places this within the context of the study of social networks. It is argued that relational networks create a sense of belonging and that online networks just as easily trace the contours of existing social divisions as they transcend or transform them. This analysis informs the second section which specifically addresses educational issues, including both the attractions and the limitations of such work. The paper concludes with an exploration of three possible approaches to using in SNSs in educational contexts.  相似文献   

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