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普惠性政策反映了公共权力机关对公众学前教育权益诉求的积极回应,表达了政府在制定学前教育政策时所追求的目的与价值,对整个学前教育的发展起着监控、导向和促进的作用.文章对该政策背景之下我国民办学前教育发展的研究文献进行综述,分析其现状、特点、局限性和发展趋势.  相似文献   

在公共学前教育服务体系尚未完全建立的背景下,政府支持民办园提供普惠性服务是学前教育普及普惠发展的重要政策选择。资源依赖理论为分析政府支持民办园提供普惠性服务的作用机理提供分析视角。政府与普惠性民办园由于相互的资源诉求形成依赖,但属于一种非对称性依赖关系。普惠性学前教育政策面临诸多困境,普惠性民办园资源寻求困难,政府与幼儿园双方利益缺乏有效保障,中西部农村地区普惠性民办园政策难以实施。这些问题的解决需进一步改革优化政策,发挥政府和民办园两类组织各自的积极作用。  相似文献   

公益、普惠的学前教育体系是未来我国学前教育发展的主要方向。普惠性民办幼儿园源于自上而下的政策推动,是学前教育发展政策选择的产物,是在公办优质教育资源不足情况下的一项惠民、利民政策。针对当前普惠性民办幼儿园建设中存在的问题,需要履行政府职责,做好普惠性民办园体系的全局规划;转变政府角色,实现双方合作共赢;加强政府监管,扶持与限制和谐并行。  相似文献   

普惠性学前教育是我国学前教育改革的政策目标。普惠性作为社会福利用语指"惠及人人"的社会福利国家供给方式,普惠性学前教育只有建立在社会福利制度框架内,才可能获得合法性和有效性。基于中国的现实,我国的普惠性学前教育只能是适度普惠型学前教育国家供给,学前教育成本必须有国家、社会、家庭合理分担。在政策意蕴上,普惠性学前教育必须解决三个问题:政策的合法性,稳定的财政支持体系,国家供给的中国特色。  相似文献   

“普惠性”成为学前教育发展的基本目标.从整体来看,北京市学前教育发展现状与“普惠性”目标还存在一定距离.在政府的支持下,民办学前教育能够为“普惠性”目标服务.同时,针对社会上的“选择性”教育需求,民办学前教育也必须做出回应.为实现“普惠性”与“选择性”目标,民办学前教育发展需要一定的前提并采取各种具体的方式,政府、家庭以及民办学前教育举办者也应承担不同的职责.  相似文献   

加快实现学前教育普惠性,,不仅对于个人的发展,而且对于整个社会的发展都具有重大的意义。鉴于此,安徽省政府近几年颁布了一系列教育政策以促进学前教育普惠性的实现。但是,由于受很多实际因素的制约作用,安徽学前教育普惠性的实现依然任重道远。本文在此探讨了安徽学前教育普惠性发展的限制性因素,提出了在明确各级政府责任、合理配置学前教育资源、加强幼师队伍建设等方面的政策性调整建议,从而希亟对推动安徽学前教育普惠性的发展及教育公平的实现提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

在当前推广和普及公益、普惠学前教育的背景下,构建普惠性学前教育公共服务体系是国家重要的发展战略.但目前,我国普惠性学前教育公共服务体系在构建过程中存在以下的问题:区域、城乡间普惠性学前教育资源配置不够均衡、差异较大;普惠性学前教育财政总量不足且结构欠合理,财政资金流向不均衡;普惠性学前教育师资队伍总体质量有待提升,师资不够稳定;政府对普惠性学前教育的认定标准重硬件轻软件,缺乏动态监管和质量评估标准;相关政府部门协同合作机制没有有效发挥等.为提升我国普惠性学前教育公共服务体系水平,可以从以下方面进行治理:构建以公平为导向、以特惠先行为重点的学前教育资源配置机制;健全结构合理、成本分担、公平普惠的普惠性学前教育财政投入机制;进一步优化师资结构,切实加强师资保障;重视质量标准认定,强化过程性动态监管,完善质量监控体系;完善各相关部门协同机制.  相似文献   

<国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见>(国发[2010]41号)明确提出,"发展学前教育,必须坚持公益性和普惠性".对学前教育普惠性原则的坚持受到国家福利制度改革、义务教育均衡化发展要求、学前教育自身发展三方面因素的影响.普惠性学前教育的核心内涵是普遍惠及、人人享有,其基本属性是高包容性、非竞争性、非排他性.在现阶段实施普惠性学前教育,有助于通过教育公平实现社会公平,阻断贫困代际循环.坚持学前教育普惠性原则,必须从村、西部等薄弱地区开始,由政府主导,多种形式举办普惠性幼儿园,以满足人民群众自由选择幼儿园的需要.  相似文献   

《教育规划纲要》和“国十条”均提出发展学前教育应坚持公益性和普惠性的原则,强调要保障适龄儿童接受基本的、有质量的学前教育.在现阶段发展普惠性学前教育,有助于保障每个适龄儿童的教育权利和教育机会平等,实现学前教育公平;有助于提供有质量保证的学前教育资源,满足大众对优质学前教育资源的需求;有助于提高适龄儿童的入园率,推动学前教育的基本普及.实现教育公平、提高教育质量和基本普及学前教育,成为普惠性学前教育政策的价值诉求.  相似文献   

办好人民满意的教育,强化学前教育的普惠性发展是自2010年以来党和国家对学前教育发展始终不变的方针政策。以Citespace可视化分析和文献计量法为研究工具,对2010-2022年普惠性学前教育研究相关核心文献进行系统梳理和分析,结果显示,我国普惠性学前教育的研究热点主要集中在政府责任与管理体制、财政投入、教师队伍建设和质量监管等四个方面,最新研究前沿主题词主要是“政策制度”“公益普惠”和“托育服务”。未来将持续关注对构建新时代人民满意、中国式现代化、高质量的学前教育公共服务体系等方面的研究。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2000,13(4):361-377
Over the past few decades, the process of globalization had unquestionably caused a paradigm shift in the philosophy of governance. The shift from the welfare state to competitive state has enabled the government to rollback as a service provider and to control the services rendered by various service providers by “steering at a distance”. With the emphasis given to accountability, effectiveness, efficiency and economy, the core elements of “New Public Management” or “corporate managerialism”, the public sector is now managed in line with such notions. Higher education, similar to other major public policies, is now governed by market ideologies and the corporate discourse of efficiency and effectiveness. This paper discusses the theme of “globalization or re-colonization” by examining how three major areas of higher education reforms in Hong Kong, namely, teaching, research and management, have been affected by the global tide of managerialism. It is argued that instead of being “hollowed out”, states will continue to respond to globalization in different ways that ensure their ability to govern the public service sectors like higher education. The authors believe that if we solely follow the global practices and ideologies without developing our own unique systems, we would be entering an era of “re-colonization”.  相似文献   

义务教育阶段的“择校热”和“就近入学”一直备受争议,民办学校的兴起为择校提供了新选择,也冲击着义务教育的发展格局。民众对优质教育资源的渴求助长了各地招生乱象,严重影响了义务教育的公益性与普惠性。国家全面推行的“公民同招”政策在有力维护教育起点公平,确保良性竞争的同时,也面临着现实困境和深层隐忧:公平起步与均衡依赖的鸿沟、自主择校与政策调剂的分歧、民办与公办学校的分化。平衡两类学校的协同发展,稳步推进政策,不能搞“短平快和一刀切”。需通过优化资源、维护程序公正,加强校际治理,逐步冲破改革阵痛,促使义务教育优质均衡发展,把新政之弊降到最小。  相似文献   

回归公益性是治理影子教育野蛮生长的关键所在。影子教育作为文化传播活动具有天然的公益性,作为学校教育的延伸具有承继的公益性,作为法律所规定的公益事业具有拟制的公益性。影子教育的公益性表现为办学目的非营利性、办学收益的不可分配性以及办学产品的社会有益性。运用法治思维和法治方式保障影子教育公益性,应以优化非营利性登记制度设计限定办学目的,以构建影子教育行政执法的协同机制规范办学过程,以建立健全影子教育产品质量评估监督机制提升办学质量。  相似文献   

税制是规范学校领域中市场行为的有效手段   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
市场介入学校领域能够有效解决教育资源的配置问题 ,也使传统的教育公益性受到挑战 ,这需要建立有效的管理机制来约束市场行为 ,使进入教育领域的资本沿着公益性方向发展。引进税制思想 ,完善我国教育领域中的税收征管制度 ,是规范学校领域中市场行为的有效手段  相似文献   

This article examines the various education policies in Southeast Asian countries, highlighting the underlining philosophies and current practices in the region. The conceptual framework of the presentation includes key concepts such as access and equity, unity and identity, quality and relevance, efficiency and effectiveness. Each of these key concepts will be analysed using a framework consisting of key questions, guiding philosophies, policy options as well as issues and challenges. The article reviews policies relating to questions such as “who get access to what kinds of education?”, “how to widen access?”, “how to ensure success?”, “what kinds of education for a multicultural society?”, “how to promote national integration and social cohesion through education?”, “how to improve quality of education?”, “how to manage and administer the school delivery system?”. It draws examples from different countries in the SEA region to illustrate the issues and challenges in formulating and implementing contemporary education policies.  相似文献   

The concept of “Bildung”, substantially developed by Wilhelm von Humboldt, and the French concept of “instruction”, substantially defined by the Marquis de Condorcet, have heavily influenced schools in German and French speaking cultures. School subjects as the general principles of ordering school knowledge prevail as soon as Bildung/instruction becomes granted by state institutions. I maintain that school subjects are the socio-historical form of the modern school system, through which Bildung/instruction continually develops in contradictory ways. On the basis of a concise definition of “Bildung”, mirrored by the contemporaneous concept of French “instruction”, the paper shows that school subjects become the common form and measure for organizing and distributing knowledge and know how to be taught and learned during the 19th century. Four theses are discussed concerning the way school subjects realize the ideals of Bildung in many contradictory forms: 1. The canon of school subjects guarantee manifold contents for developing capacities for students, in part through a realization of Humboldt’s and Condorcet’s concepts. 2. They integrate contradictory demands of society: Bildung, moralization in the sense of “governing the soul” on the one side, national cohesion, selection and distinction between students on the other. 3. They allow contents coming from higher education levels to enter primary schools. 4. They combine universal contents with local and regional ones.  相似文献   

The separation between Church and State, private and public education, is blurring, and coming together, as the government gives families vouchers to attend private and religious schools. Religious groups are starting and supporting their own charter schools, and local jurisdictions (cities and counties) are providing free transportation and food services to children attending private schools. What emerges, and is the focus of this analysis, is the new “middle ground,” a “golden mean,” by which public schools learn diversity and choice while private/religious schools are helped by public programs and funds. The oldest, perhaps, was Lyndon Johnson's compromise with the Catholics to get Title 1 passed as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that sends public school teachers into private schools to help children in need. This study examines the emergence of a middle group in public–private education, and how the policies are working and what's changing. It argues that the child is the center of education, and government and private agencies are changing and should come together to serve the clients, the children.  相似文献   

The “open‐door” policy, which described admissions into the public junior college, was an expression of the ideal of universal access to postsecondary education. The intention was that disadvantaged high‐school graduates would be given another chance to break the poverty cycle, and minority students an opportunity to extend their skills and realize wider career choices. As the number of applicants thus becoming eligible for a college education increased, so did the problems of the two‐year institutions. The open door was beginning to look like a revolving door, when more and more of these students could not perform satisfactorily in any college program. The state boards of education began to realize that not only admissions policies, but also retention standards, degree requirements, and transfer credits would need review.  相似文献   

This article looks at the effects of privatisation policies on girls' education in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. It begins by describing changes in economic and education policies in Tanzania since independence in 1961. It presents the results of a study about parental wealth and education and the findings from an essay task completed by girls at a secondary school in the region.1 The article also provides life-history sketches of several girls who have not attended secondary school and a discussion of the social and economic factors that mark the distinction between “educated” and “uneducated” girls in Tanzania today. These different sources of information show how cultural notions about gender and economic hardship in Kilimanjaro work together in making the attainment of a secondary school education an untenable goal for girls from poor households.  相似文献   

Schools offer powerful scope for viewing and comprehending the wider society in which they are produced and replicated. The ways in which schools are structured, positioned, funded, managed, appreciated, critiqued, cared for and neglected, presents us with a means for seeing beyond the rhetoric of a nation state to the lived realities faced by its citizens. In this paper I want to link the development of Australian educational policies to shifts in socio-cultural thought and practice that reflect and reproduce a mobile modernity. I am interested in school funding policies as they relate to the private, or non-government education sector from the late colonial period to these so-called neo-liberal/late modern times. The interrogated scenes shift about amongst a complex of interrelated fields, from the urban to the rural, the public and the private, as well as the primary, secondary and tertiary layers of educational “offerings”. The periodization reveals a loosening of commitments to a secular, state-centred, welfare-focused modernity, towards a privatizing, individualizing “second modernity”. Drawing from a range of empirical studies of school choice I highlight the shifting ideas and practices of those involved in the re-production of both public and private schools either as professionals/workers in the system, or as “consumers” of the products available in education’s “quasi-markets”.  相似文献   

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