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略论中华传统狮文化与闽南风狮爷的由来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石狮是中国大地上随处可见的避邪雕物,它构成了中华文化的重要内涵。中华狮文化起源于汉代,随着佛教传入而在民间流行,到东晋南朝石狮造型渐趋成熟,唐代石狮雕刻已到炉火纯青的境界,明清时期基本定型,由强悍威猛而温顺活泼。闽台石狮具有镇风避邪作用,还成了道教文化的重要内容。  相似文献   

编者推荐:用"避邪"将两件衣服的事联系起来——"橙色的毛衣"的事将文义提升到新的层面——后面用"我不该嫌娘丢人"回应前面的"避邪"。  相似文献   

陈贵忠 《班主任》2010,(11):29-31
“陈老师是坏人” 小宣是我班上的一位男生,二年级从农村学校转入我校。父亲打工,母亲收破烂,都无暇顾及孩子。五年级我接班时,发现他总是独自坐在教室的最后一排,满脸脏兮兮的,衣着也很不整洁,平时很少说话,不怎么做作业,学习成绩很不理想。班上的学生都看不起他,看到他就躲开,还嚷着:“避邪!避邪!”我感觉这个孩子太受歧视了,我得帮助他。  相似文献   

查海遗址的龙形堆塑和龙纹陶片是目前所发现的最早的龙。人们制造出龙的形象,是为了避邪御凶。在房屋前面堆塑龙形的习俗的形成与人们的生产方式和生活方式密切相关  相似文献   

本文运用原始灵魂观论述了镜在中国古文化中所具有的驱鬼避邪、治病防病、征兆占卜、祈雨等功能。  相似文献   

楹联作为中国文化钓特有形式,可谓是"国粹"。千百年来,上自宫殿皇帝,下至柴门百姓,逢年迎春,婚事嫁娶,祈福避邪,无不衷情于楹联。它成了中国最普及的一种文化现象。  相似文献   

本运用原努灵魂观论述了镜在中国古化中所具有的驱鬼避邪、治病防病、征兆占卜、祈雨等功能。  相似文献   

木俑原是人们祭祀时的避邪之物,长沙马王堆出土的随葬品中,即有武士俑、伎乐俑、侍从俑等多种。随着时代的发  相似文献   

获奖学校南京卫生学校校徽释义:1.本校徽图案由变体汉字"生"、具有南京地域特征的城墙和"避邪"等要素构成。城墙和"避邪"有"卫护"之含义,与"生"字组合,以体现"卫生"即"卫护生命"之本意。2.从字义上讲,"生"不仅指"生命",也有"人生"、"学生"、"生长"的涵义,这不仅显示着作为一个教育部门,学校应当关爱每一位学生,帮助其在人  相似文献   

前不久,泉州南安市金淘镇朵桥村村民傅茂山修老厝,从护厝落灰后壁中显现出数块古砖,泉州考古学者刘志成考察后认为,该砖有可能是汉朝砖,如果是的话,将是目前泉州地区发现的最古老的砖。  相似文献   

Teaching macro practice can be challenging. While students have some concepts of what macro practice entails, their knowledge may be limited and sometimes inaccurate. Moreover, students may be reluctant to engage in macro change efforts. Given the scarcity of literature regarding teaching macro practice and the growing importance of it in social work, this article addresses major issues that we encountered in teaching macro practice at a large Midwestern school of social work. In our institution only 6% of students are enrolled in macro concentrations and we wish to encourage students to expand their interests in macro practice even if they do not wish to pursue a macro concentration. We describe a macro practice course we designed to meet the challenges of teaching community, organization, and policy practice skills to master's level and advanced undergraduate students. Our goal is to expand the macro practice pedagogy literature and encourage social work faculty to consider both established and innovative ways of introducing the planned change process in community, organization, and policy practice to their students.  相似文献   

宪政是人类社会发展的理想制度设计,人的全面发展是社会发展的终极目标和价值追求。宪政为实现人全面发展确立了理想的社会制度,人的全面发展是宪政的终极价值追求和价值评判标准。  相似文献   

北宋徽宗朝,精湛考究的钱币铸造工艺和独创一格的书体形式得到空前的发展。徽宗精妙的钱文设计,唯美的书法艺术,将中国钱币文化推向了巅峰。徽宗之瘦金“御书钱”,于方寸间把书法艺术的态势和神韵发挥到极致,使钱币斐然生色,格调高雅!他独具匠心的书法风格创新出楷书书体中新的风貌,其具“铁划银勾”之美誉的“瘦金体”所表现出的卓有建树的书法艺术在宋代书坛独领风骚。  相似文献   

In times of dramatic social change, new career options emerge and old options may become obsolete. We investigated predictors of change in general career aspirations and of plans to attend a university of East German adolescents from 1989 (before German unification) to 1991 and 1995, respectively, after German unification. Higher pre-unification self-efficacy beliefs were associated with an increase in general career aspirations and a higher probability of switching from non-college-bound vocational training to attending a university. In addition, better pre-unification school grades and having parents who graduated from a university increased adolescents' probability to switch to a university. Furthermore, interaction effects of self-efficacy with grades and cognitive abilities appeared, indicating that for individuals with high self-efficacy, cognitive abilities became more important and grades less important in predicting the wish to pursue university studies. We concluded that beliefs in one's capabilities, and high academic abilities are important resources in vocational reorientation in times of social change.  相似文献   

Michael Hand has recently challenged certain religious organisations that run Academies in the United Kingdom to devise and pursue their own faith‐based curricula in their schools. In this short article I examine some of the problems Hand's challenge might encounter, including whether religious conceptions of worthwhile activities and of human flourishing can be as devoid of religious beliefs as Hand would seem to wish and whether his challenge can be met.  相似文献   

高职语文教材中蕴涵着浓厚的生命意识,可以从儒、道、佛三个角度解读教材中的生命意识:儒家是执著人生,追求不朽;道家是超脱通达,渴求自由;佛家是一切本空,顿悟成佛。文章还对兼受儒道佛三家影响的苏轼作品中的生命意识作了具体分析。最后探讨了受西方哲学思潮影响的鲁迅作品中的生命意识。  相似文献   

以山水诗、山水画、山水园林、山水城市等艺术形式为代表,传统山水艺术蕴含了宜游、宜居、宜农、宜学的美学精神,反映了中国人追求人与自然山水和谐相处的精神祈愿。  相似文献   

The profit‐driven tendency of interior design trends and styles today has developed in line with the decrease of social awareness in design. The majority of interior design students also decide to pursue interior design education for its marketable and profitable purposes rather than seeing interior design as a field of opportunity to contribute to the social welfare of their communities. Hence, the objective of this research is to implement community service through co‐design in interior design pedagogy. The article describes the learning and design methods used based on human‐centred design approaches of co‐design and analyses the resulting benefits from this approach. Findings reveal that the process of collective creativity and collaborative development with the community enables a direct experience of learning and fosters a deeper connection and understanding of users. They also promote novel multidisciplinary design innovations, accommodate the community's potentials in the society and stimulate a reflexive impact, allowing students to reflect on their future role as interior designers in bringing positive changes to their community against the profit‐driven tendency of contemporary designers today.  相似文献   

法治是我们追求的理想境界,也是社会治理的最佳方式。在现代法治语境下,法律是高于道德、情理等社会规范的,但在现实的司法实践中,道德也应占有一定的地位。  相似文献   

Many women wish to continue to pursue an active lifestyle during pregnancy, while the pregnancy itself may provide the motivation for other more sedentary women to begin an exercise program for the sake of improved health/fitness. Also, female competitive athletes, upon becoming pregnant, may wish to continue sports performance and require careful monitoring to assure maternal-fetal safety. This review is designed to assist the perinatal educator who is in the position to advise the pregnant patient on the risks and benefits of physical activity during the childbearing year and provide suggestions for developing individualized exercise programs.  相似文献   

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