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黄炎培职业教育思想对当前高等职业教育的启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当前,我国高等职业教育所面临的形势是:机遇与挑战并存,战略与战术矛盾。高等职业教育必须采取措施,改革不配套的战术措施:改变“低投入、高收费”的政策;改变“先本后专”的招生和就业制度;改变专业设置方式,让学校依市场需求自主设置专业;通过制度变革来改变社会对高等职业教育的传统认识。高等职业教育发展路径应从数量增长转变到质量提高。在高职院校发展的目标上,当前不宜提倡“专升本”,也不宜一刀切地限制“专升本”;衡量高等职业教育质量,应以知识、技能是否与社会对职业技术人才的要求相适应为标准;合格的职业技术人才应是全面发展的职业技术专门人才。近代著名职业教育家黄炎培的职业教育思想和实践对我们仍有启示。  相似文献   

生涯教育关注人的终身发展。传统高中生涯教育主要为选科与升学做准备,容易出现教育力量薄弱、实施途径单一、偏重学科选择、过于信奉测验等偏差,生涯教育效果不显著。针对这一状况,长沙市雅礼中学构建学校、家庭、高校、社会“四位一体”生涯教育模式,促进学生终身发展。  相似文献   

加强职业生涯规划中的思想政治教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了适应当前就业形势的需要,高职院校必须加强学生职业生涯规划教育。充分发挥思想政治教育在大学生职业生涯规划教育中的作用,使思想政治教育主动为提高高职毕业生的就业竞争力服务。  相似文献   

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is noted in school reform policy circles as the gold standard of academic excellence. While the presence of IB as a sought-after education vendor has grown in the past decade, the organization has attempted to shake off its image as an elite agency serving only private international schools with its longstanding liberal arts curriculum. As such its turn toward the public sector in the United States with a credential for vocational students appears perplexing and out of step with its product brand, but the newer Career Programme (CP) is marketed as meeting the needs of applied learners in secondary schools. This paper offers a case study of two schools in one US state that adopted the CP, generating IB school enrollments from among talented vocational students while elevating its ranking on the college and career readiness (CCR) score, an annual assessment of postsecondary success. The CCR policy reformers advocate curricular improvements so that all students receive the academic foundations and employability skills needed to thrive in the new economy. Yet the egalitarian discourse of CCR could not be attended to using the CP. In this case study only high-achieving students were advised to participate and enroll in the program.  相似文献   

刘伟 《职教通讯》2012,(7):41-44
大学毕业生大多会有一段较长的"职业迷茫期",其中的重要原因之一在于基础教育缺失了"职业规划教育"。职业规划教育旨在帮助学生发现自我天资和兴趣,并能在未来的职业生活中取用它们。职业规划教育必须尽早实施,而最好在高中阶段;职业规划教育是一门隐性的职业教育课程,其本质是职业幸福感教育。  相似文献   

In this study, I examine the influence of demographic and educational characteristics of South African graduates on their employment/unemployment status. A sample of 1175 respondents who graduated between 2006 and 2012 completed an online survey. Using binary logistic regression, the strongest determinants of unemployment were the graduates’ race, their socio-economic status and their year of their graduation. Surprisingly, the graduates’ field of study, level of study, marks obtained and whether or not they had received career guidance at their higher education institution did not significantly influence their employment/unemployment status. Of the employed graduates, 27% reported that they consider themselves to be underemployed. The results show the strong influence structural factors have on determining employment prospects of graduates and question the extent to which higher education institutions and graduate employers reproduce social inequality through their graduate recruitment services and practices.  相似文献   

应强化毕业生就业工作中的联动机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
毕业生就业工作是一项系统工程,贯穿和体现于教育教学的全过程,体现在学校工作的方方面面,并且与学校的人才培养模式以及学生家长和社会紧密联系。所以,高校必须建立并不断强化招生,培养,就业相统一的联动机制。  相似文献   

当前,大学生就业难既有量的矛盾,又有质的矛盾,两者交织在一起,使大学生就业问题更加错综复杂。但目前我国的职业生涯教育在理论和实践上都处于探索阶段,存在诸多问题。需要建立由国家政府支持、社会企业参与、高校主导、大学生为主体的职业生涯教育体系。  相似文献   

近几年,大学生"就业难"成了社会的热点问题。在就业形势日益严峻的今天,大学生应该充分认识职业生涯规划的重要性,提早合理规划自己的职业生涯,根据职业规划目标,全面掌握扎实的专业知识,培养自身各方面能力,提升自身综合素质,为就业做好充分准备。本文论述了我国现阶段大学生职业生涯教育的重要性,针对青海高校职业生涯教育现状,提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

“职业迷茫”与大学生职业生涯规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生“职业迷茫”的直接原因是没有进行职业生涯规划,间接原因是人生目标不明确,根本原因是缺乏要让大学生克服“职业迷茫”,必须做好大学生职业生涯规划,使大学生明白自己喜欢敞什么,能做什么,适合做什  相似文献   

The Institutional Research Officer and Vice President of Student Services from North Arkansas College, and the Mathematics Facilitator at the local educational cooperative have initiated a tracking study to determine (1) if area students who take college preparatory math courses in high school place into, and succeed in, subsequent college-level math courses at North Arkansas College and (2) if area students who come to college for a degree have taken sufficient college preparatory coursework in high school. The study disclosed that (1) students who take a high school course more rigorous than Algebra 2 place into, and succeed in, College Algebra at a high rate, and (2) most students have not taken sufficient college preparatory coursework in math. The second, and more important part of the project, has been to bring college and high school personnel together to work on solutions.  相似文献   

This article describes how a small private business school, accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, reengineered its career services programme to become a premier programme in the United States. Drawing on theory of involvement, the research gives business schools a strategy to improve business career placement through capital support, student engagement, corporate engagement, alumni engagement, faculty engagement and continuous improvement initiatives. Further, two major outcome categories (i.e. supportive outcomes and end outcomes) are identified and various measures are discussed. Supportive outcomes indicate growth in the number of on-campus business recruiting career events, high internship evaluations by internship supervisors and significant increase in students’ satisfaction with career services. End outcomes provide strong evidence for placement rate success with a 98% career placement rate for the past four years, significant increase on mean starting salaries of graduates across the years following the implementation of the strategic changes, improved quality of positions attained by graduates, and professional success of alumni in their positions. The impact of strategic changes on school ranking, enrolment and donor support are also discussed. The research proposes a model of student career success and identifies various elements influencing the success of such programmes.  相似文献   

如何提高高职商务英语学生的岗位胜任力,从而最大限度地消除学校输出和企业输入之间的脱节,是高职商务英语专业发展过程中亟待解决的一个关键问题。应以岗位胜任力为导向,优化高职商务英语学生的职业生涯教育,从而实现教育和职业的无缝对接。  相似文献   

当今大学生就业竞争日益激烈,而目前高校对大学生职业生涯规划教育指导严重缺失。本文对大学生在校职业生涯规划状况进行简要分析,并提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

高中教育与大学教育的衔接:国际经验与本土实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中教育与大学教育的衔接体现了世界各国优秀人才培养的贯通性,各国高中与大学教育的衔接实践,体现了培养目标、课程内容、教学方法、衔接功能等多方面的一致性。结合国际预科教育主要类型(包括A—level课程、AP项目、IBDP项目),着重分析三类预科教育在国际、国内应用方式的特点,剖析了中国预科教育本土化探索路径,中国本土高中教育与大学教育衔接需要进一步探索提高高中与大学教育衔接必要性的认识,增强高中学校课程管理的自主权,加大高中学生自主选课空间,促进高中学校职业、学术双轨课程的融合,提供基于中国实际的优秀大学先修课程,建立健全规章制度,保障衔接教育持续有效推进。  相似文献   

Data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 were used to examine the effect of academic and career or technical education course-taking in high school on deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) youth’s postsecondary enrollment in 2-year, 4-year, and career or technical education institutions. We examined the proportion of academic and career or technical education courses taken, completion of algebra, and completion of an occupationally specific course of study. Propensity model analyses indicated that academic course taking significantly increased the odds that DHH students would enroll in postsecondary school. Completion of a higher proportion of career or technical education courses was not related to enrollment in postsecondary education, including career and technical education schools. Implications for practice and future research are discussed, including the importance of secondary transition planning staff both encouraging DHH students who have a goal of future postsecondary attendance to take a rigorous, academically focused high school curriculum, and providing students with the support to complete these courses.  相似文献   

2006年上海高校学生职业发展及就业调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本调查报告介绍了2006年度上海高校学生职业发展及就业的现状.从上海高校学生可雇用性能力、职业成熟、就业的法制环境、用人环境、社会舆论环境、家庭环境、教育环境入手,分析了上海高校学生职业发展及就业的影响因素,提出了从加强法制建设、督促用人单位承担社会责任、开展职业发展教育评估、建立招生-培养-就业一体化的高等教育改革机制等促进大学生职业发展及就业的对策.  相似文献   

高中学生综合素质评价与生涯规划教育在出发点与终极目的、过程与方法、时间与内容等诸多方面存在着较大的交互一致性。二者的整合既可以提高教育资源的使用效率,提升学生自我认知能力,有效破解当前综合素质评价实施中的一些具体问题,又能够起到促进建立社会组织参与教育改革事业的合作机制,提高高中学生的大学专业满意度,推动学生社会责任感和自律感的前期养成等多重作用。通过实施依托政府和社会建立稳定的社会实践机构平台,在高中设立专门的生涯规划课程,建立生涯指导教师制度,建构综合素质与生涯规划课堂的研讨式教学模式,突出以学生理性的自主选择力为重心的培养目标等策略,可以在实践层面有效促进高中学生综合素质评价与生涯规划教育的整合。  相似文献   

就业指导工作是高职教育的重要内容,做好学生的就业指导工作,必须强化专业教育、职业教育、就业教育和创业教育,这样,才能促进毕业生就业率的提高。  相似文献   

职业教育规模的扩大拓宽了职业教育的受益面,但也加大了高职学校学生就业的压力。如何提升高职毕业生的职场竞争力,提高高职毕业生与职业的匹配度,已成为高职学校关注的重点问题。传统教学理念里学生实践能力的提升主要依靠校内教学与课程实践,对于高职学生普遍从事的兼职对就业能力的影响研究比较少。文章以高职女生为样本,以兼职工作对于职业期望的关联影响为目标,对兼职工作同高职女生职业能力的影响做了分析,对高职女生实践能力提升的路径做了探索。  相似文献   

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