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通过文献资料法和逻辑分析法,结合自身多年的专业运动队训练经历和基层业余体校少儿举重训练经验,初步确立了青少年举重运动员的初选和试训选材阶段的各项影响指标,其中包括身体形态、运动素质、专项素质、心理素质等指标,为基层业余体校青少年举重运动员的科学选材提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

举重运动员选材应该把身体形态和身体素质放在首位,另外也要把遗传基因和意志品质作为选材中重要参考指标。  相似文献   

为了探求优秀少年女子举重运动员身体形态、身体素质的选材模型。以多次夺得奥运轻量级举重冠军属地的福建省在训的23名健将级和一级少年轻量级女子举重运动员为研究对象,通过文献资料法、专家筛选法、主成分因子分析法,探寻举重选材的指标模型,进而探求选材模型。结果表明:体型因子为髂宽指数,充实度因子为克托莱指数,围度因子为上臂松紧差,上肢力量因子为左握力,腿部爆发力因子为纵跳,专项素质因子为前蹲。因此,在对主成分因子处理的基础上,构建了选材的均值模型和权重模型,其中一级指标形态与素质的权重为0.48、0.52,构建了身体形态、身体素质单项和综合评分标准的选材模型。  相似文献   

运动员科学选材研究的核心问题,是认识与掌握运动员在生长发育过程中身体形态、生理机能、运动素质、运动成绩以及生化、心理特征等在不同生长发育阶段的变化规律,科学选材的成功意味着训练的一半,针对业余体校的特殊性,结合不同阶段少儿举重运动员选材内容与方法的探讨,  相似文献   

运动员科学选材研究的核心问题,是认识与掌握运动员在生长发育过程中身体形态、生理机能、运动素质、运动成绩以及生化、心理特征等在不同生长发育阶段的变化规律,科学选材的成功意味着训练的一半,针对业余体校的特殊性,结合不同阶段少儿举重运动员选材内容与方法的探讨,对予客观指标的测试  相似文献   

梁柱平 《体育科技》2002,23(1):18-20
张祥森是我国著名的举重运动员 ,曾获 1995年世锦赛的冠军和 1996年亚特兰大奥运会5 6公斤级第二名。通过对他早期的身体形态与身体机能测试的资料分析 ,从中找出他在青少年时期所已具备的举重训练的特点 ,为广大教练员在今后举重选材中和训练中提供借鉴和参考的意见  相似文献   

青少年儿童运动员的选材与育才对国家未来体育事业的发展具有重大的影响作用.为促进我国体育事业的可持续发展,在运动训练实践中对青少年儿童举重运动员的身体形态、运动机能、身体素质、专项能力与技术,以及综合评价等方面进行长期的跟踪测试、分析、评价与训练干预的研究.结果表明把具有运动天赋、适合从事这项体育项目的青少年儿童选拔出来具有可行性、可靠性和科学性,同时证明举重训练并不影响运动员形态发育,相反随着运动训练的持续,还能促进青少年的生长发育.平常我们看到举重运动员身材普遍矮小,是选材的结果,是项目特点的需要,科学训练能促进青少年儿童的生长发育.  相似文献   

随着现代举重运动的迅速发展,对少年举重运动员的选材也提出更高的要求。因为它是攀登世界运动高峰的先决条件之一。二十年来我对250多名运动员的选材和早期训练的资料进行了收集、整理与分析。选材问题涉及面很广,不仅要从外部形态,  相似文献   

陈强 《体育科学研究》2004,8(3):100-102
随着现代竞技运动的迅猛发展,世界各国尤其是体育先进的国家对运动员科学选材的内容与方法的研究极为重视,选材的成功意味着训练的一半,针对不同阶段少儿举重运动员选材内容与方法的探讨,并结合客观指标的测试进行全面评定,从中找出不同阶段少儿举重运动员的选材特点。成为广大举重教练员在实践中需探讨的一个课题。优秀的举重运动员应具备下述特点:身体符合所在级别的要求,体格健壮,骨骼粗大,四肢匀称,肩宽,拇指长,臀肌发达,爆发力强,雄性激素水平高。  相似文献   

通过对166名11~13岁男子少年举重运动员16项形态指标的测试分析,结果表明(1)在其它形态指标一定时,体重和身高是影响运动成(?)的主要因素。(2)在13岁前,形态指标与运动成绩相关密切。此后由于其它因素的影响增大。形态对运动成绩的制约减小,提示少年举重运动员的选材应在发育高峰期前。(3)少年举重运动员的形态核心特征主要由长度、围度、躯干长短及肢体比例等四维构成,为确立选材指标提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The present paper reviews published studies on the body shape of weight lifters. The differences between the somatotype ratings of weight lifters studied using the Sheldon and the Heath‐Carter methods, and the differences between performance levels and age groups of weight lifters are discussed. The differences in mean somatoplots among the weight lifters studied as a whole group, weight lifters divided into two, three or four groups according to body weight, and weight lifters considered according to the official weight classes, are assessed.

Weight lifters in the lighter weight classes are found to be ectomorphic or balanced mesomorphs, while those in the heavier weight classes tend to be endomorphic mesomorphs. Ectomorphy decreases, whereas mesomorphy and endomorphy increase with weight class. When three age groups of weight lifters were compared within each weight class, the same pattern of differences between ages occurs. The younger lifters in each weight class have higher endomorphy and lower mesomorphy than the senior lifters. Ectomorphy is higher in the younger lifters below the weight class of 82.5 kg.

Since significant differences in all three somatotype components between 10 weight classes of weight lifters and also within three age groups were noted, it will be necessary in future studies to consider the somatotypes of weight lifters according to the official weight classes.  相似文献   

The present paper reviews published studies on the body shape of weight lifters. The differences between the somatotype ratings of weight lifters studied using the Sheldon and the Heath-Carter methods, and the differences between performance levels and age groups of weight lifters are discussed. The differences in mean somatoplots among the weight lifters studied as a whole group, weight lifters divided into two, three or four groups according to body weight, and weight lifters considered according to the official weight classes, are assessed. Weight lifters in the lighter weight classes are found to be ectomorphic or balanced mesomorphs, while those in the heavier weight classes tend to be endomorphic mesomorphs. Ectomorphy decreases, whereas mesomorphy and endomorphy increase with weight class. When three age groups of weight lifters were compared within each weight class, the same pattern of differences between ages occurs. The younger lifters in each weight class have higher endomorphy and lower mesomorphy than the senior lifters. Ectomorphy is higher in the younger lifters below the weight class of 82.5 kg. Since significant differences in all three somatotype components between 10 weight classes of weight lifters and also within three age groups were noted, it will be necessary in future studies to consider the somatotypes of weight lifters according to the official weight classes.  相似文献   

广西重竞技小级别优秀运动员体成份调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨斌  黄立新  曾伟  蒋琳 《体育科技》2006,27(4):56-58
对广西重竞技小级别5个项目48名运动员进行体成份分析,结果发现:男子项目中,举重运动员的BMI、体脂百分比及腰臀比均明显高于古典跤、自由跤和拳击,差异有显著性(P<0.05);女子项目中,BMI和腰臀比存在明显差异(P<0.05);提示举重运动员应加强体成份控制,同时,有必要建立不同运动项目体成份的参照标准。  相似文献   

In order to investigate further the use of standardization procedures to determine training effects on cardiac dimension and function, two groups of subjects were analysed noninvasively. A control group of sedentary men (n = 7) and an experimental group of weight lifters (n = 12) volunteered for a standard M-mode echocardiographic assessment. Indices of cardiac function as well as absolute left ventricular dimensions and left ventricular mass were similar between the groups. Standardizing for body surface area and body weight separated the groups. The weight lifters were shown to have a more muscular left ventricular posterior wall. The weight lifters also demonstrated a dilated left ventricle when indexing for body surface area. All other dimensional and volumetric indices were non-significant. The present investigation underlines the need for matching control and experimental groups to biometric variables in order to avoid misinterpreting cardiac enlargement. There is evidence for a true relative hypertrophy in weight lifters as indicated by similar absolute cardiac dimensions and similar biometric variables. Therefore, when evaluating athletes engaged in a chronic pressure overload, cardiac hypertrophy indices should consider body surface area (BSA), body weight and lean body weight (LBW). Future work in this field should incorporate rigorous controls on all biometric variables for better interpretation of hypertrophy in relative or absolute terms.  相似文献   

The goal of an offensive Rugby Union lineout is to throw the ball in a manner that allows your team to maintain possession. Typically, the player catching the ball jumps and is lifted upwards by two teammates, reaching above the opposing player who is competing for the ball also. Despite various beliefs regarding the importance of the jumper’s mass and attempted jump height, and lifters’ magnitude and point of force application, there is negligible published data on the topic. The squeeze technique is one lifting method commonly employed by New Zealand teams during lineout plays, whereby the jumper initiates the jump quickly and the lifters provide assistance only once the jumper reaches 20–30 cm. While this strategy may reduce cues to the opposition, it might also constrain the jumper and lifters. We developed a model to explore how changes in the jumper’s body mass and attempted jump height, and lifters’ magnitude and point of force application influence the time to reach peak catch height. The magnitude of the lift force impacted the time-to-reach peak catch height the most; followed by the jumper’s (attempted) jump height and body mass; and lastly, the point of lift force application.  相似文献   

研究结果显示,女子举重运动员经血量(MBL)明显低于其他健康女子,也明显低于其他运动项目的运动员。女子举重运动员血清 T明显高于普通健康女子,与其他运动项目运动员无显著差异。在经期中,随运动负荷的增加。MBL呈减少趋势,血清 T和 HB呈递增趋势。由此提示:这些变化可能是运动员长期从事举重训练所产生的一种适应性反应。  相似文献   

举重运动员赛前体重控制方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴琦望 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(6):725-726,724
举重比赛是按运动员体重级别进行的,如何科学有效的控制运动员赛前体重,同时,又不影响运动员成绩的发挥,是举重界一直关心的问题。因此,提出合理的赛前快速减体重的方法为运动员的成绩能更稳定的发挥,教练员在赛前及时了解,掌握运动员降体重后对体能的影响提出建议与参考。  相似文献   

洪长清  严翊  谢敏豪 《湖北体育科技》2010,29(4):425-426,414
通过对不同级别举重运动员大负荷力量训练期间多个内分泌和免疫机能指标的测定,筛选存在级别差异性的指标并进行分析,为同类运动员机能评定和选材提供依据。结果显示:一级运动员以细胞学方法测定的单核细胞CD14+高于二级运动员(P〈0.05),而以血液学方法测定的单核细胞低于二级运动员(P〈0.01),一级运动员血清皮质醇高于二级运动员(P〈0.05);一级运动员外周血IL-2mRNA低于二级运动员,但无显著性意义(p=0.07)。结论:不同级别的运动员外周血单核细胞、血清皮质醇存在显著性差异;在用单核细胞进行举重运动员免疫机能评定时要注意:使用血液学方法和使用细胞学方法获得的数据具有明显差异性。  相似文献   

Anthropometric dimensions of male powerlifters of varying body mass   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this study, we examined the anthropometric dimensions of powerlifters across various body mass (competitive bodyweight) categories. Fifty-four male Oceania competitive powerlifters (9 lightweight, 30 middleweight, and 15 heavyweight) were recruited from one international and two national powerlifting competitions held in New Zealand. Powerlifters were assessed for 37 anthropometric dimensions by ISAK (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry) level II and III accredited anthropometrists. The powerlifters were highly mesomorphic and had large girths and bony breadths, both in absolute units and when expressed as Z(p)-scores compared through the Phantom (Ross & Wilson, 1974). These anthropometric characteristics were more pronounced in heavyweights, who were significantly heavier, had greater muscle and fat mass, were more endo-mesomorphic, and had larger girths and bony breadths than the lighter lifters. Although middleweight and heavyweight lifters typically had longer segment lengths than the lightweights, all three groups had similar Zp-scores for the segment lengths, indicating similar segment length proportions. While population comparisons would be required to identify any connection between specific anthropometric dimensions that confer a competitive advantage to the expression of maximal strength, anthropometric profiling may prove useful for talent identification and for the assessment of training progression in powerlifting.  相似文献   

举重竞赛是按体重的大小来分级别进行比赛,因此降体重是比赛中的关键环节,不合理的降体重会对运动员的身体造成伤害,使运动能力下降,对比赛成绩的发挥有很大的影响,提出合理的赛前快速减体重和比赛期间营养补充的方法,为运动员的成绩能更稳定地发挥,教练员在赛前及时了解、掌握运动员降体重后对体能的影响和比赛期间的营养补充,提出建议与参考。  相似文献   

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