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This paper explores undergraduate capabilities in career self-management and the influence of work-integrated learning (WIL). Career management competencies are an important aspect of individual employability and impact on wellbeing, graduate job attainment and long-term career success. Enhanced competencies among graduates can assist Faculty in achieving strong employment outcomes and support industry partners who wish to employ graduates able to self-manage their career pathways effectively amid flatter organisational structures and greater employee mobility. Our findings indicate that business undergraduates at one UK and one Australian university consider themselves reasonably proficient in career self-management yet variations exist across the different dimensions of self-awareness, opportunity awareness, decision-making learning and transition learning. Participation in work placements and study and employment characteristics influenced certain elements of career self-management. Our study highlights the importance of nurturing career management competencies in undergraduates and we discuss strategies, particularly in relation to WIL, which may promote effective career self-management.  相似文献   

Undergraduates approaching completion of their studies may embrace the prospect of entry into the world of work as a challenge or conversely, may view it with trepidation. This study explores three major personal resources that may be associated with how young undergraduates view their future employability: perceived hope, grit and emotional intelligence. Demographics associated in the literature with perceived chance of employment – gender, age and having a learning disability – were also included in the study. The participants were college students in their senior year (n = 584), studying in a variety of undergraduate programmes. Results show that perceived hope and grit were positively associated with perceived employability whereas the relationship with emotional intelligence was more complex. None of the demographics associated with perceived employability.  相似文献   

Underemployment, continued growth in the supply of graduates and seemingly perpetual instability are dominant trends in graduate labour markets. In order to negotiate an increasingly complex career terrain, graduates require sharpened skills in effectively managing their own careers and a strong assurance of their own capabilities. This study focuses on the individual dimensions of perceived employability (PE) and explores perceptions among undergraduates and the associated influence of career management competencies, work experience and individual characteristics. Data were collected for 480 business undergraduates at a UK and Australian university using an online survey. Findings indicate that, overall, undergraduates demonstrated reasonably high levels of PE. Certain career management competencies influenced perceptions, in addition to work experience and individual characteristics. The study is relevant to stakeholders, including educators, employers and students, from developed economies as it highlights coherent strategies to enhance PE among higher education students. These may lead to increased individual success in the labour market and more effective recruitment, retention and performance of new graduates.  相似文献   

提高可雇佣性技能是解决大学生就业难问题的重要途径之一。基于可雇佣性技能开发的教学改革,有利于端正学习态度,培养学生良好学习习惯,提升就业竞争力和个人发展能力.形成良好的“成才导向”。为此,要抓好人才培养模式、课堂教学、实践实习三个方面,突出可雇佣性技能训练,建立可雇佣性技能指标体系,制定阶段性升级式培养方案,探寻校企合作课堂教学模式,引导学生建立个人可雇佣性技能发展档案,强化学生提高可雇佣性技能意识。  相似文献   

Towards the end of their secondary education, students face significant pressures in their decision about their career plan. These pressures are internal and external, personal and social, individual and from the reference group. This paper aims at understanding the reasons driving engineering students’ choices, their perceived needs and aspirations. Moreover, it discusses how, in that process, students are constrained by family and friends and are conditioned by factors such as their socioeconomic and cultural background, employability prospects and gender. The construction of a career map/plan and the reasons and motivations for the option of an engineering career are reviewed, based on the qualitative analysis of students’ discourses. The data indicate the relevance of several criteria such as social status, intelligence, gender, competences, values and interests in the construction of career aspirations. All these levels are highly influenced by self-esteem, which is closely related to the social value of training options and career paths.  相似文献   


Stratification, in the form of silent exclusion that is experienced by some groups of students because of the perceived low reputation of the university attended, and which the students have no control over, has been observed as a social menace that works against the concept of equity in education. To address this problem, a need exists for universities with lower reputations to go the extra mile to develop the employability skills of their students, which, in turn, will enhance their self-perception of employability. The major objective of this study was to investigate the influence of experiential learning activities on the relationship between university reputation and self-perceived employability among undergraduates in South African universities. Data were collected by means of an adapted questionnaire from 402 respondents drawn from two universities in the same province in South Africa. To achieve our objective, four hypotheses were formulated and tested through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using AMOS 25. The findings show that both direct and indirect effects of university reputation on undergraduates’ perceived employability through experiential learning activities are positively significant. To minimise the negative effects that universities with low reputations are likely to have on undergraduates’ acquisition of experiential learning, on their self-perceived employability, and subsequently on their employment prospects, the government, the Department of Higher Education and universities (particularly, the low-rated ones in South Africa) need to put in place some timely interventions, some of which are suggested in the study.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of self-management strategies to job outcomes for employees involved in mentoring relationships. Participants (n = 158) reported their use of three types of self-management strategies, the level of support functions provided by their mentors, and their job satisfaction and perceived career success. Results showed that individuals who used self-set career goals reported greater job satisfaction and perceived career success; those who engaged in positive cognitions also had higher job satisfaction; and those who used behavioral self-management strategies reported greater perceived career success. Mentoring and self-management strategies each contributed uniquely to satisfaction and perceived career satisfaction. After controlling for amount of instrumental support provided by the mentors, positive cognitions remained predictive of perceived career success, and participation in self-set career goals were related to higher levels of job satisfaction. Moderator analysis showed that the self-management strategies appeared to be useful in the absence of certain types of mentor support.  相似文献   

Recognising the importance of graduates being equipped with appropriate employability skills alongside their subject-specific skills, we have had transferable skills training embedded throughout our degree programmes for 30 years. More recently, a specific employability skills module for final-year honours students has been created. This module consists of a programme of activities supporting employability skills, which was delivered to final-year undergraduate students from 2012 to 2015. A key feature in the development and delivery of these activities was the involvement of external experts. Detailed questionnaires have captured student perceptions and thematic analysis has revealed key themes. The module has been perceived to be highly useful, resulting in significant increases in students’ confidence across key areas of employability skills. Furthermore, students may hold skewed perceptions of the relevance of generic employability skills to their chosen career path. This fact should be considered when delivering employability skills programmes.  相似文献   

An expansion in higher education in combination with the recent global economic recession has resulted in a high college graduate unemployment rate in Taiwan. This study investigates how the high unemployment rate and financial constraints caused by economic cutbacks have shaped undergraduates’ class choices, job needs, and future income expectations. Therein, the results obtained from a structural equation model indicate that students whose expenditures were most affected by the economic recession were in greater need of paid employment and were also more likely to take practical and credential courses, which resulted in heavier course loads. Clearly, the economic downturn and the consequential high unemployment rate have directed undergraduates to select more practical education, wherein they now prefer classes that are more likely to increase their employability. The results obtained in this study indicate that people use college courses to enhance their competencies and employability. Finally, regardless of the economic situation, female undergraduates expected significantly lower pay after graduation in comparison to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

Students' Preferences and Needs in Portuguese Higher Education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In Portugal, there is a diversified higher education system comprising some 160 institutions: universities, polytechnics and isolated schools, public or private, with a total enrolment of some 350,000 students. This article presents the analysis of the results of questionnaires which were completed in 2004 by students entering higher education for the first time so as to understand their perceived needs and aspirations and how they chose their institution/study programme.
In the last few years, there has been a decline in the number of candidates to higher education — mainly due to demography — which created strong institutional competition. Therefore it is important to understand the reasons behind students' choices, perceived needs and aspirations and how students assess the capacity of different institutions/programmes to fulfil these. It is also relevant to understand how their choices may be conditioned by factors such as their socio-economic and cultural background, employability prospects, other available information, gender and type of institution and study programme.  相似文献   

A literature review identified 12 strategies that have been empirically linked to improvements in graduate employability. A survey methodology was used to investigate self-reported use and/or perspectives on these strategies among four stakeholder groups. The following questions were asked: to students – What strategies are you using to improve your graduate employability; to graduates – What strategies did you use to improve your employability?; to higher education career development professionals and educators – Which of the following employability strategies do you provide for students?; and to employers – Which of the following strategies undertaken by students does your organisation value when recruiting graduates? Across the four stakeholder groups, 705 responses were received and analysed. The key findings were discrepancies between the strategies reported in the literature and those indicated in the surveys, as well as discrepancies between stakeholder groups in regard to which strategies were indicated.  相似文献   

Students working part-time while studying for a full-time university degree are commonplace in many Western countries. This paper, however, examines the historically uncommon part-time working activities and career aspirations among Nigerian university students. In particular, how working is perceived to contribute to developing employability skills, and whether it is influenced by their self-efficacy. Survey data from 324 questionnaires were collected from a federal university, although the data analysis used a mixed method. The findings indicate that despite low levels of part-time working generally among students, older, more experienced, higher level and female students place a premium on the skills that part-time work can develop. Moreover, self-efficacy and being female is a significant predictor in understanding part-time work and career aspirations. This study offers originality by focusing on students’ part-time work, the value working provides and its link with career aspirations, within a relatively unexplored context of Nigeria.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critical discourse analysis of a life skills career education curriculum for schools in British Columbia, Canada. This curriculum calls for the development of a set of life skills that are positioned as central to students’ employability. At the heart of the curriculum is a focus on personal development, in particular, the need for students to develop self understanding and learn from role models how to face and conquer adversity. This paper builds on existing criticisms of how notions of employability and life skills have displaced policy orientations and interventions that might address structural problems of unemployment, with a personal development orientation that places the burden of change and adaptation entirely on individual workers. The goal of this inquiry was to illuminate the assumptions and the underlying ideological terrain giving shape to this curriculum. Informed by the critical frameworks of Nancy Fraser and Ulrich Beck, as well as critical curriculum scholars, this inquiry found a number of disturbing silences and ambiguities in the personal development orientation. On the one hand, the lessons acknowledged the significance of emotions in students’ lives and the possibilities for students to learn from family, community and the wider society. On the other hand, the emphasis on individual responsibility and a heroic orientation to transcending adversity reflects the dominant neo‐liberal ideology wherein future employment depends on having the ‘right’ attitude and making the right choices – contextual and systemic factors fall away. Life skills curricula, like the one examined in this project, are important sites of investigation for they reveal the major shifts that have occurred in the political economy of career and worker education.  相似文献   

当前,大学生就业能力不足是影响其顺利就业的一个主要障碍,而就业能力不足与心理资本的欠缺密切相关。研究表明,在缺乏自我效能感、希望、乐观和坚韧等积极心理品质的情况下,大学生的择业、求职、就业均会受到消极影响。为了开发大学生的心理资本,高校应构建基于"全人教育"的校园环境,提高大学生的社会支持水平,帮助大学生设立有效目标,丰富大学生的经历和体验。  相似文献   

在对204名大四学生采取问卷调查的基础上,探讨了大学生职业自我效能、职业价值观与就业能力的关系,结果表明:(1)职业自我效能、职业价值观和就业能力中的职业成长能力存在显著相关.(2)文科生的职业自我效能、就业能力高于理科生.(3)高职业自我效能和高职业价值观的大学生的就业能力均高于低自我效能和低职业价值观的大学生.(4)职业决策自我效能在职业价值观和就业能力之间起中介作用.  相似文献   

近年来,普通高校本科生就业难已成为不争的事实。这一局面的形成有许多原因,其中就业能力不强是重要原因之一,高校人才培养定位及以此为基础的人才培养模式是决定因素之一。文章就此试做探讨,以期对普通高校本科生培养模式的创新与改革提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,普通高校本科生就业难已成为不争的事实。这一局面的形成有许多原因,其中就业能力不强是重要原因之一,高校人才培养定位及以此为基础的人才培养模式是决定因素之一。文章就此试做探讨,以期对普通高校本科生培养模式的创新与改革提供参考。  相似文献   

贫困大学生就业一直是社会广泛关注的话题,目前贫困大学生职业生涯规划意识淡薄、就业竞争力弱,增加了他们就业的难度。因此,从职业生涯规划视角研究贫困大学生就业竞争力的培养,分析贫困大学生职业生涯规划现状和职业生涯规划对贫困大学生就业竞争力培养的重要性,探索加强贫困大学生职业生涯规划教育、提升就业竞争力的有效路径,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to understand the motivating factors behind students’ choices in their decision-making process and also get an insight on their perception of different engineering branches. A survey was prepared and the results were evaluated amongst 1163 answers. Two major influences on student's decision in their professional choices are shown to be career services and family members. Generally, students have claimed to choose a profession based on ‘finding a job’ and ‘being happy’. Some engineering branches such as Genetic and Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering, are shown to be distinctly preferred by female students, whereas mechanical, civil and electronic engineering are favourites for male students. The survey results were also compared with the distribution of male and female students in various engineering departments. This study clearly shows that certain engineering branches are perceived as more appropriate for women and are thus favoured by female students, while those perceived as more appropriate for men are favoured by male students.  相似文献   

A person's idea about future occupation is deeply related with his/her cultural background and thus the intercultural difference can consequently be revealed in the different choices two culture made when they are facing with their future career. We designed a questionnaire and an interview both to Chinese undergraduates and American undergraduates. It seems that the results suggest that American students turns to be more confident about their future but also flexible in the same time, and Chinese students are more hesitated. We believe that these results can be well illustrated with a cultural perspective.  相似文献   

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