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综述杂交水稻的增产潜力与水稻产量构成因素、生育期、施肥水平及穗、粒结构等因素的关系,认为适当的肥力水平、生育期及穗、粒结构利于增加水稻的产量.  相似文献   

21个杂交水稻品种主要农艺性状与产量的灰色关联度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用灰色关联度分析方法,研究分析了21个水稻杂交品种的主要农艺性状与产量、主要农艺性状之间的关系。结果表明,产量与农艺性状的关联度大小依次为:生育期千粒重株高一次分枝数穗长有效穗数着粒密度穗粒数抗倒伏系数穗实粒数生物产量。因此,在选育水稻品种时,应注意选择生育期较长、粒重及株高较高、一次分枝数较多、穗长较长的品种。  相似文献   

本文采用二因素随机区组试验,探讨了不同NPK养分,不同磁化处理的磁性化肥对杂交水稻产量及产量构成因素的影响。统计结果表明:不同磁肥对水稻产量的影响差异达到了极显著水平,其中以N_3P_1K_1×磁化粉煤灰(2000GS磁化处理)的磁肥的效果最好。养分与磁处理间存在显著互作反应,不同磁肥对有效穗数,每穗实粒数的影响均极显著,但对千粒重的影响不显著,水稻产量与有效穗数的偏相关程度较大,水稻产量约70%可由每株有效穗数、每穗实粒数的变异决定,NPK养分是磁肥主成分,其效应大于磁效应,且磁效应与养分有关。  相似文献   

用盆栽试验研究了喷施天丰素对水稻生长及产量的影响。结果表明,喷施天丰素能促进水稻的生长,使生物产量、有效穗数、穗实粒数提高,实际产量处理较对照提高7.25%~22.97%,增产幅度达显著或极显著水平,且增产幅度与喷施次数呈正相关。  相似文献   

对转甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(BADH)基因水稻的32个品系在不同盐浓度胁迫下的分蘖成穗率、单株有效穗数、主茎穗长、每穗总粒数、每穗实粒数、结实率、千粒重等7个产量构成因素与单株籽粒产量的关系进行了多元统计分析。结果表明:在质量浓度为0.0,3.0,5.0g/L的NaCl胁迫下,单株有效穗数、每穗实粒数、千粒重3个产量因素与单株籽粒产量的偏回归关系均达到显著,而其它4个产量因素与单株籽粒产量的偏回归关系则未达到显著.7个产量构成因素对单株籽粒产量的直接效应大小随着盐胁迫浓度的变化而发生改变。  相似文献   

为探讨粳稻产量性状间的相互作用和各类品种的特征特性,增强品种改良的预见性,提高育种效率,运用相关、通径及聚类分析方法,对2012年河南省沿黄粳稻联合区试资料进行研究.结果表明:生育期、灌浆期、穗长、每穗总粒、千粒质量和株高均与产量呈正相关,尤以灌浆期、每穗总粒和千粒质量最为密切.各农艺性状对产量的最终效应为:灌浆期每穗总粒千粒质量有效穗穗长,有效穗对产量最终效应为负.适当延长生育期、增加株高,能提高穗粒数,促进增产,但有效穗过多对增产不利.14个参试品种被划分为5类:第I类包括新丰10-2093、五粳519、郑稻09-10、宛粳096,属亚高产类;第II类有获稻008、信粳64,属中高产类;第III类含新稻29、长粳稻6号,属高产类;第IV类包括新丰2号、郑稻10-1、鱼选10-1、连09-40、杜粳166,属中产类;第V类仅有新卫稻1093,属中低产类.在育种实践中,应优先选择穗总粒数多的单株,注重较高结实率和千粒质量的选择,同时兼顾生育期、株高和有效穗间的协调关系.  相似文献   

内蒙古赤峰市是我国谷子产业发展核心区,目前主栽谷子品种较多。本研究对赤峰地区19个谷子主栽品种的主要性状进行比较分析,结果表明,这些品种农艺性状和产量性状的平均值为,生育期112.53d,分蘖数1.72个,主茎长度143.10cm,主茎直径7.63mm,主茎节数11.46个,穗下节间长度31.13cm,旗叶长度36.82cm,旗叶宽度3.04cm,主穗长度21.24cm,主穗直径23.39mm,主穗重25.08g,主穗粒数6876.57粒,主穗粒重20.15g,出谷率78.36%,千粒重2.87g。方差分析表明,这些品种的分蘖数、旗叶宽度的差异不显著;其他性状的差异均达到显著水平。其中,赤谷5号生育期最长,主茎节数、穗下节间长度、主穗重、主穗粒数、主穗粒重、出谷率、千粒重最小;赤谷8号生育期最短,主茎长度、主茎直径、主茎节数、出谷率最大;赤谷10号旗叶长度、主穗直径、主穗重、主穗粒重最大;赤谷4号主茎节数最多;赤谷K2主穗长度最长;豫谷18主穗粒数最多;红苗压破车千粒重最大。总体而言,赤峰地区对谷子品种生育期的选择较严格,且生育期对产量的影响较大;19个主栽品种总体表现优良,个别品种的部分性状较好,是该区谷子产业发展的重要品种资源保障。  相似文献   

以8个杂交籼稻品种(组合)为材料,在防雨棚内进行盆栽试验,研究了孕穗期干旱胁迫对水稻部分性状及产量的影响。结果表明:孕穗期干旱胁迫使水稻株高、穗长、一次分枝数、有效穗数、穗实粒数、生物产量、经济产量下降,生育期延长;其中新两优6号、新两优香4号、新两优6380、两优0293经济产量分别位于第一至第四位,产量分别为83.11、82.88、79.08、78.02g/盆,且较正常水分灌溉减产幅度仅为4.3%、5.0%、5.2%、10.3%。因此,新两优6号、新两优香4号、新两优6380、两优0293四个品种适宜在沿淮缺水地区推广种植。  相似文献   

粳稻新品种产量与产量性状的逐步回归及通径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究常规粳稻的产量性状对产量的效应,为粳稻育种实践中选择相关性状提供信息.采用逐步回归与通径分析方法,对2011年河南省粳稻新品种区试结果进行分析.结果表明:各因素对产量的最终效应(绝对值)为:穗总粒数>千粒重>穗长>公顷穗数,穗总粒数、穗长均为正效应,千粒重、公顷穗数均为负效应,公顷穗数通过穗长、穗总粒数对产量的间接负效应较强.穗数每增加1万穗/hm2,增产31.03 kg/hm2;穗长每增加1 cm/穗,增产203.17 kg/hm2;穗总粒数每增加1粒/穗,增产20.46 kg/hm2;而千粒重每增(减)1g,产量减(增)71.55 kg/hm2.模拟得出稻谷产量8 265~10 125 kg/hm2的产量结构为:公顷穗数316.48~323.15万穗/hm2,穗长17.63~18.89 cm,穗总粒数119.21~147.07粒/穗,千粒重22.35~24.82 g.在高产育种实践中应以增穗总粒数和穗长、适控总穗数、保千粒重为主攻方向,各产量因素优化协调是实现粳稻高产目标的根本保障.  相似文献   

运用相关、回归及通径分析等方法对粳稻新丰6号在2014、2015两年黄淮流域粳稻区试资料进行分析,探讨其产量结构特征及高产栽培措施,为明确成产的关键因素并充分挖掘其高产潜能提供理论依据.结果表明:新丰6号的产量与结实率、千粒质量呈显著正相关,与有效穗呈较强正相关,但与穗总粒数呈微弱负相关;回归分析得出各产量因素对产量影响的大小依次为:结实率(0.598 0)千粒质量(0.545 0)有效穗(0.528 2)穗总粒数(0.405 7)穗长(0.1148);最终效应为:千粒质量(0.5244)结实率(0.5181)有效穗(0.3107)穗总粒数(-0.1964)穗长(0.101 0).该品种的理想产量结构为:穗长16.835 cm,有效穗315.714万/hm2,穗总粒数152.524粒,结实率81.571%,千粒质量26.191 g,期望产量可达10 707.310 kg/hm2.在栽培实践中,应确保在有效穗达到320万/hm2的基础上,加强中后期水、肥、化控管理,促成大穗,提高结实率和千粒质量,使它们在高水平上协调优化,实现该品种的高产目标.  相似文献   

This work analyses the potential role of nitrogen pollution technology of crop systems of Pujiang, County in Eastern China‘s Zhejiang Province, rice and vegetables are important cropping systems. We used a case study approach involving comparison of farmer practices and improved technologies. This approach allows assessing the impact of technology on pollution, is forward looking, and can yield information on the potential of on-the-shelf technology and provide opportunities for technology development. The approach particularly suits newly developed rice technologies with large potential of reducing nitrogen pollution and for future rice and vegetables technologies. The results showed that substantial reductions in nitrogen pollution are feasible for both types of crops.  相似文献   

Potential growth of two widely-grown hybrid rice varieties in the Jinhua district of Zhejiang Province, Shanyou63 for mid-rice and Xieyou46 for late rice, was simulated using a crop growth model of WOFOST. Parameters of the rice growth in WOFOST were calibrated through field experiments from 1999 to 2002 in Jinhua. The potential yield simulated with WOFOST was about 12 t/ha for Shanyou63 and 10 t/ha for Xieyou46, which are in good agreement with the highest recorded yield obtained in this area. Under farmers practice, current yield is about 7.5 t/ha for Shanyou63 and 6.5 t/ha for Xieyou46. There is a gap between the actual rice yield and the potential yield for these two hybrid rice varieties grown in this area. The attainable target yields were set to 70% to 75% of their potential yields for the two varieties. A recently developed software "Nutrient Decision Support System (NuDSS)" for irrigated rice was used to optimize nutrient management for these two rice varieties. According to NuDSS, the optimal fertilizer N requirement for the target yields was about 150 kg/ha for Shanyou63 and about 120 kg/ha for Xieyou46, which were only about 70% of the fertilizer N application under current farmers' practice. Comparing with farmers' practice, there is great potential to increase actual rice yields and to reduce fertilizer N use rates by improving rice crop management practice in Jinhua.  相似文献   

"甬优538"是宁波市种子有限公司育成的籼粳杂交晚稻新品种(偏粳),在湖州市种植,表现出综合性状好,生育期适宜,株高适中,壮秆大穗、具有超高产潜力等特点,适宜在湖州市作单季稻种植。为促进该品种在湖州市的推广种值,分析了"甬优538"在湖州市机插种植的产量表现及特征特性,形成并总结出了机插高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

不同干旱程度下外源茉莉酸甲酯对水稻抗旱性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)是与抗性密切相关的植物生长物质,本研究探讨了它在不同干旱程度的胁迫条件下,施加不同浓度的MeJA对水稻抗旱性的诱导效应。结果表明,随着水分胁迫的加深,水稻遭受伤害随之加剧,水稻叶片中各生理生化指标均有相应的变化,叶片水势,丙二醛MDA含量,电导率及脂氧合酶(LOX)活性都显著增加。施加MeJA后,水稻遭受胁迫的程度有所缓解,不过在高度干旱情况下,MeJA并不能使水稻完全恢复到对照水平,水稻仍然遭受一定程度的伤害,其中,浓度较小(0.25μM)的MeJA处理使水稻恢复较多,可以认为是增强水稻抗旱性的较适宜浓度。  相似文献   

Analyses of the correlation between hyperspectral reflectance and pigment content including chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and carotenoid of leaves in different sites of rice were reported in this paper. The hyperspectral reflectance of late rice during the whole growing season was measured using a Spectroradiometer with spectral range of 350-1050 nm and resolution of 3 nm. The chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and carotenoid contents in rice leaves in rice fields to which different levels of nitrogen were applied were measured. The chlorophyll-a content of upper leaves was well correlated with the spectral variables. However, the correlation between both chlorophyll-b and caroteniod and the spectral variables was far from that of chlorophyll-a. The potential of hyperspectral reflectance measurement for estimating chlorophyll-a of upper leaves was evaluated using univariate correlation and multivariate regression analysis methods with different types of predictors. This study showed that the most suitable estimated model of chlorophyll-a of upper leaves was obtained by using some hyperspectral variables such as SDr, SDb and their integration.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to select suitable wavebands for rice leaf area index (LAI) estimation using the data acquired over a whole growing season, and to test the efficiency of the selected wavebands by comparing them with feature positions of rice canopy spectra. In this study, the field experiment in 2002 growing season was conducted at the experimental farm of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Measurements of hyperspectral reflectance (350-2500 nm) and corresponding LAI were made for a paddy rice canopy throughout the growing season. And three methods were employed to identify the optimal wavebands for paddy rice LAI estimation: correlation coefficient-based method, vegetation index-based method, and stepwise regression method. This research selected 15 wavebands in the region of 350-2500 nm, which appeared to be the optimal wavebands for the paddy rice LAI estimation. Of the selected wavebands, the most frequently occurring wavebands were centered around 554, 675, 723, and 1633 nm. They were followed by 444, 524, 576, 594, 804, 849, 974, 1074, 1219, 1510, and 2194 nm. Most of them made physical sense and had their counterparts in spectral known feature positions, which indicates the promising potential of the 15 selected wavebands for the retrieval of paddy rice LAI.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONPigmentsarecloselyrelatedtothephysiolog icalfunctionofleaves.Chlorophyllsabsorblightenergyandtransferitintothephotosyntheticpro cess.Carotenoids (yellowpigments)canalsocontributeenergytothephotosyntheticsystem .Becauseoftheimportanceofpigments…  相似文献   

Analyses of the correlation between hyperspectral reflectance and pigment content including chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and carotenoid of leaves in different sites of rice were reported in this paper. The hyperspectral reflectance of late rice during the whole growing season was measured using a Spectroradiometer with spectral range of 350–1050 nm and resolution of 3 nm. The chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and carotenoid contents in rice leaves in rice fields to which different levels of nitrogen were applied were measured. The chlorophyll-a content of upper leaves was well correlated with the spectral variables. However, the correlation between both chlorophyll-b and caroteniod and the spectral variables was far from that of chlorophyll-a. The potential of hyperspectral reflectance measurement for estimating chlorophyll-a of upper leaves was evaluated using univariate correlation and multivariate regression analysis methods with different types of predictors. This study showed that the most suitable estimated model of chlorophyll-a of upper leaves was obtained by using some hyperspectral variables such asSD r,SD b and their integration. Project (No. 40171065) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

本文概述了衡阳市的农业气候资源背景及概况,并在此基础上,以水稻、玉米和小麦为代表,对本市粮食作物的农业气候生产潜力(包括光合能力、光温潜力和气候潜力)进行了估算和分析。指出,衡阳市农业气候生产潜力大,但利用率低,限制农业气候潜力发挥和影响粮食作物产量的气候主导因素是水分条件。  相似文献   

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