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当前,教师普遍反映现在的大学生越来越不好教了。是什么原因造成这种现状的呢?纠其原因很多,其中学生整体素质下降,缺乏素质教育,是主要原因之一。本文主要从学生的素质培养和素质教育方面进行研究和探讨,为提高当代大学生的素质,进而为提高全民族的素质和竞争力献计献策。  相似文献   

钟海慧 《课外阅读》2011,(8):122-123
曾听过幼儿园老师抱怨:家长这也不教那也不教,孩子连最起码的生活起居都搞不定;小学老师抱怨:幼儿园教的太少,孩子基础太差;中学老师也在抱怨:学生不会听课,不会做笔记,什么都从头教起;大学老师则多抱怨:现在的孩子怎么综合素质这么差。  相似文献   

近几年,实行初中体育升学考试制度,给初中的体育教学起到了良好的效果,改善了学校领导、班主任、家长对体育工作的态度,并促进了大部分学生的锻炼主动性,提高了他们的运动成绩.但是在教学实践中,体育教师往往考什么教什么,把体育课变成单一的训练课,从而导致学生的厌学情绪.那么如何调动学生的学习兴趣,变消极为积极.  相似文献   

本课题研究为协调家校之间的联系,提高教师和家长自身素质,共同教好学生,构建一个适合新世纪特点的家校合作教育模式的实践探索.  相似文献   

解题教学的核心价值是促进学生数学认知能力的发展,培养学生提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力.但在教学过程中,教师却难以把理念转化成适当的教学行为.解题教学应该教什么?怎样教?缺乏深层次的思考是造成解题教学缺失的主要原因.  相似文献   

人文素质教育已经成为重庆市各高职院校实现人才培养的重要载体,各校正在大力整合、完善人文素质选修课的课程体系,人文素质选修课也出现一些亟待思考的问题.笔者以重庆市高职院校人文素质选修课问卷调查为依托,从学校、教师、学生三个维度进行了思考.主要分析了学校应该开设什么课程、学校应该怎样管理课程、教师应该教什么内容、教师应该采用什么形式教学、教师应该使用什么评价方式、学生应该学什么知识、学生应该有怎样的学习态度以及学生应该怎样把人文素质与实际相结合的问题.  相似文献   

家长教育素质高低是家庭教育能否成功的关键因素之一。本文运用社会调查的第一手资料,从家长教育观念、教育方式、教育能力等方面论述了家长教育素质对子女发展的影响,并分析了家长教育素质方面存在的问题及原因,指出家长教育观念的偏颇会导致对自我、对孩子、对社会认识的偏差;家长不重视自身修养是其教育能力缺陷的关键;应试教育的弊端是造成家长教育素质缺陷的重要社会原因。本文还对如何指导家长提高教育素质,进行了深入探讨,提出明确重点、疏通途径、规范管理等可操作性建议。这对于提高家长的教育素质具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

现在很多学校都进行新课程改革,每个人都讲新课改,似乎成了一种时尚.可为什么要进行新课程改革呢?很多家长不能理解,误认为减轻了老师的负担.甚至一些教师也有困惑,总觉的现在的学生素质反而下降了,而且越来越难教.  相似文献   

近年来,由于高中扩招、中等职业学校生源素质下降等原因,大部分学生未养成良好的学习习惯,并对学好专业课缺乏信心.对此,笔者根据中等学校课程的特点和学生的学习现状.采用家长与班主任共同帮学的措施,使学生的学习成绩大幅度提高,并已收到了明显的效果.  相似文献   

王喜滨 《成才之路》2009,(18):95-95
目前,中专的数学教师普遍的感受是“现在的中专学生难教”。一方面,由于高校扩招等多方面因素的影响,造成中等职业教育生源素质下降,中专招收的学苗文化课底子薄,基础差,学习数学很吃力;另一方面有些学生感觉数学知识枯燥、单调、乏味。对将来的工作学习没有什么直接影响,所以就排斥数学.厌恶数学,有的干脆放弃学数学。  相似文献   

通过高等学校在校生抽样调查数据,对不同类型高等教育机会在不同社会经济背景居民中的分配情况进行实证分析发现,我国不同质量高等教育机会的分配与学生家庭社会经济背景和父母的社会阶层之间存在显著关联,高学历、大城市、高收入和从事优势职业者的子女占有更多优质高等教育机会。进一步分析发现,虽然高收入者在高水平大学中有较高比例,但收入并非引起这一优势的主因,在城乡、父母学历和职业等其他因素相同的情况下,高收入家庭子女获得优质高等教育的机会反而更低。  相似文献   

Recent studies show that religious education (RE) may play an important role for teaching intercultural understanding in many Western societies facing increased cultural and religious pluralism. Quantitative and qualitative research have however failed to examine what role the religiosity of the students plays in their attitudes towards RE. A nationally representative Swedish sample of 1850 students answered a classroom questionnaire. The main result was that, when controlling for background variables such as gender, foreign background, parents’ education level and study programme, the students’ religiosity had a significant effect on their attitudes towards (a) existential issues, (b) preferences on what to study in RE as well as (c) incentives for studying RE. Regression analyses demonstrated that by entering individuals’ religiosity into the model the effect of foreign background was suspended in 11 out of 14 cases. In order to understand the attitude towards RE, it is useful to include the students’ religiosity. As a consequence, this article argues that in order to reach the citizenship goals of educating for intercultural understanding in RE, the subject should be developed to reach male students, students with parents with lower levels of education, students in vocational study programmes and students who are not religious.  相似文献   

While quality in education has long been a significant issue, definitions of quality are often taken for granted rather than argued for, allowing the possibility that the criteria used by researchers and planners to judge quality may differ from local stakeholders’ perspectives, particularly regarding the place within quality education of the knowledge, culture and language of non-dominant groups. However, there is an accumulating convergence of research that calls for assessments of quality in education of non-dominant linguistic and cultural groups that engage local stakeholders’ understandings. This paper presents a recent study that attempts to do this, investigating the perspectives of students, parents, teachers, and administrators in Sunan Yughur Autonomous County, a multiethnic, multilingual district in rural Gansu, inhabited by several nationalities. Over one hundred participants in three schools were asked what was important for children to learn in school; including what aspects of local (minority) knowledge, culture and language should be taught as part of school-based curriculum. The study found three educational visions in local schools: regular urban education; Chinese-medium, multicultural education; and bilingual, multicultural education. The study also found that stakeholders support the latter vision, which reflects society’s actual cultural and linguistic pluralism, as well as much research on quality education for non-dominant groups. The paper concludes with a call for a comparative approach, both domestic and international, towards the investigation of quality education of non-dominant groups in China.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore Chinese parents’ understanding about the importance and feasibility of quality pre-school inclusion and how these beliefs are affected by their levels of education and the types of disabilities in the Chinese socio-cultural and policy contexts. Findings support parents are highly supportive of the philosophy of inclusion. Both groups of parents of children with and without disabilities have different expectations for what quality inclusion looks like in the six dimensions of inclusion except for professional development and resources. The higher the levels of education, the more likely regular parents agree on all six dimensions of inclusion. Finally, disability categories did not affect parents’ beliefs. Parents of children with multiple disabilities expressed the greatest need for inclusion. Overall, parents’ agreement with the important features of inclusion reflects a greater expectation for quality inclusion and policy-making to make this happen to all young children.  相似文献   

随着高校扩招,高职学生素质逐年降低的趋势日益明显。新形势下,高职学生在专业技能培养为主的前提下,素质教育要提上日程。要抓住教师这一关键点、家长这个支撑点和法制教育这个基准点,"三点"联动,有效实施素质教育,合力提升学生素质,把学生培养成真正具有良好素质的专业技能型人才,确保高职教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

中学生父母教养方式、应对方式与学业成绩的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用父母教养方式量表和中学生应对方式量表对300名中学生进行问卷调查,研究了父母教养方式对中学生应对方式形成的影响,以及父母教养方式、应对方式与学业成绩之间的关系,结果肯定了父母教养方式对应对方式形成的重要影响。  相似文献   

从科尔曼开始,众多学者对学生家庭背景影响学业成绩进行了研究,但大部分研究都是针对基础教育阶段学生。此次研究则以高等教育阶段的学生为对象,调查这个相对基础教育阶段学生来说受到更多社会因素影响的群体的学业成绩是否还会受其家庭背景的影响。结果显示:诸如家庭经济条件、家庭结构、家庭变故、父母文化程度等家庭背景的客观变量,对高等教育阶段学生的学业成绩有较显著影响;是否独生子女与父母的职业性质对学业成绩则没有影响。在分析家庭背景变量对学业成绩形成影响原因的基础上,从家长、学生、学校3个方面对高校学生学业成绩的提高提出建议。  相似文献   

家长教育政策了解度作为一项重要的教育素养,对完善家庭教育体系有着重要的意义。文章运用描述统计和结构方程的方法得出,目前家长教育政策了解度处在较低水平;家长教育政策了解度与子女教育获得呈显著正相关;课外补习在家长教育政策了解度与学生成绩间起中介作用;课外补习在中考政策了解度的中介效应高于高考政策和“双一流”政策。政府应从完善教育政策宣传路径,提升家长教育政策了解度;引导家长合理参与补习教育,制定低产阶层参与补习的帮扶机制;优化义务教育阶段资源配置,加快推动考试改革等方面提升家长教育政策认知度及教育获得感。  相似文献   

Studies show that disability is a cause of educational exclusion worldwide. Different countries adopt different views of the inclusion movement. Different variables seem to be associated with the success or failure of inclusion. This study takes place in a primary school located in Mexico. It aims to identify how inclusion is experienced by children with and without special needs, and the connections between inclusion and quality of life. Measures utilized were the questionnaire My Primary School from the Index for Inclusion and the Questionnaires on Assessment of Quality of Life for Children, self-report, and parents’ report. Participants are 69 regular students and 15 students with special education needs. Self-reports from regular children and proxy reports from the mothers of the special education needs students were analysed. Results indicated that there is an association between perceived inclusion and experiencing quality of life; having special needs does not impact on scores on QoL or inclusion; educational level does not impact on perceived QoL or inclusion for special education students. These results are discussed in light of a culture that appreciates diversity.  相似文献   

For many decades, teacher-structured hands-on simulations have been used in education mainly for developing procedural and technical skills. Stimulating contemporary learning outcomes suggests more constructivist approaches. The aim of this study is to examine how self-regulated learning (SRL), an important constructivist learning environment characteristic, is expressed in hands-on simulations. Via structured observations of teachers’ SRL promoting strategies and students’ SRL strategies in eight hands-on simulations, along the three phases of SRL, this study is the first to expose whether students and teachers use SRL in hands-on simulations, what these strategies look like and what their quality is. The results show that both students and teachers demonstrate SRL behaviour in the forethought, performance and reflection phase to some extent, but that they vary considerably in their occurrences, form and quality and provide opportunities for improvement. For example, teacher strategies ‘modelling’ and ‘scaffolding’ were often used, while ‘giving attribution feedback’ and ‘evaluation’ were lacking. The student strategy ‘proposing methods for task performance’ was used regularly, while ‘goal-setting’ and ‘self-monitoring’ were often absent. An overview shows exemplary teacher and student behaviours in the SRL phases with lower, medium and higher quality in hands-on simulations.  相似文献   

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