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在教育部"培养卓越教师计划"的大背景下,我校外国语学院从2012年起着手培养卓越中小学英语教师。在探索培养模式的过程中,采取协同育人、双导师制等措施,同时设置课程注重师范生教学技能、人文素养的提升,夯实学生的"师范性"基础。针对人才培养目标定位,今后将加大教师教育理论课程的比重。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,我国教师教育经历了由“旧三级”向“新三级”的大幅度转型,转型期的中小学教师培养模式改革为卓越中小学教师的培养奠定了政策及实践基础.但是,面向卓越中小学教师培养,我国在师范生的招生与学制、优质中小学协同培养、通识教育课程设置及教学等方面仍存在政策瓶颈.突破这些政策瓶颈是卓越中小学教师培养的优先政策选择.  相似文献   

教师的教育技术能力是推动教育信息化的重要因素,加强师范生的教育技术能力培养是教育信息化可持续发展的基本要求。针对目前师范生的教育技术能力培养中存在问题,提出构建"现代教育技术课程学习、学科微格教学训练和教育实习"三位一体的师范生教育技术能力培养模式,通过现代教育技术课程学习、微格教学视频点播评价平台和院校协作共同体多种途径,共同提高师范生信息素养、教学技能和信息技术与学科教学整合能力,为适应基础教育信息化发展需要的师范生教育技术能力培养,提供一套行之有效的办法。  相似文献   

高校师范生是准教师,也是职前教师。高校师范生信息化教学能力的培养,对深化基础教育教学改革、提高基础教育教学质量至关重要。介绍教师信息化教学能力的内涵,并对高校当前师范生信息化教学能力培养的现状进行总结,在此基础上,进一步提出通过课程改革、微格教室等信息化实验室建设与使用优化,开展多样化的见习和实习活动等系统的培养,以有效提高高校师范生信息化教学能力。  相似文献   

新基础教育课程改革对高师语文课程与教学论学科及其教学提出了新的挑战,要求改变其不尽人意的教学现状,重视学科建设与教学改革,以便有效地培养师范生创新能力和实践能力,造就中小学需要的新型语文教师。  相似文献   

教学能力是师范生未来从事教学工作必备的职业素养,是影响基础教育质量的重要因素。在"卓越教师培养计划"的教育改革背景下,在建构主义、教学做合一,以及自主学习等理论的基础上,针对教学能力培养的特性,提出校政校协同下,全程化、立体化培养英语师范生教学能力的改革构想和实践。通过构建高校、教育部门和中小学"三位一体"的协同育人机制,为学生提供教学实践环境保障;在专业基础课程以及课外活动中渗透教学能力训练,使教学能力培养贯穿学生三年学习始终,全程化发展学生的教学能力;应用信息技术,实现英语课堂教学技能的立体化资源建设和自主化学习。  相似文献   

随着基础教育课程改革的不断深入,现代教师专业教学能力成为新课程改革的核心问题。作为培养师资的高师院校,提升教师教育培养质量是教学改革的关键所在。2014年教育部启动的"卓越教师培养计划"是高师教学改革的重要内容之一。职前教师培养是卓越教师专业教学能力形成和发展的重要阶段,而师范生专业理念的树立和专业知识的储备则是提升卓越教师专业教学能力的前提和根本所在。  相似文献   

新加坡在职前教师教育实践能力培养上特色明显:瞄准中小学一线教学需求,采用"理论教师+实践教师"的双师制培养模式;通过模拟教学锻炼职前教师的教育实践能力,其实践类课程超过总学分的50%;强调教育部、教育学院及中小学之间的三维伙伴合作关系,建立严格的实习监管制度保障教育实习效果。借鉴新加坡在职前教师教育实践能力培养方面的成功经验,可以帮助我们进一步提升一体化师范生教育实践能力培养机制的运行质量,开展师范生课程改革,建设结构合理的师范教育师资队伍以及健全师范生教育实习的监管和评价体系等。  相似文献   

韩雪 《科教导刊》2023,(6):62-64
信息化教学能力构成元素是教育数字化转型背景下师范院校制订人才培养方案和确立人才培养模式的基础。文章通过对中小学教师信息技术应用标准、信息技术对信息化教学的变革、内地西藏师范生的信息技术应用等分析确立内地西藏师范生信息化教学能力构成元素,将其归纳为三大元素和五大维度,并细化出内地西藏师范生信息化教学能力培养的基础要求及升级要求,期望以此为内地西藏师范生信息化教学能力培养提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

本研究采用文献调研和访谈的方法对国内体育师范生现代教育技术公共课开设现状进行了调研,在分析其存在一些共性问题的基础上,从《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》和体育教学特色出发重构现代体育教育技术教学内容结构、课程知识结构和实践教学结构,以对体育师范生现代体育教育技术课程建设与改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the design and implementation of a core teacher education course develops pre-service teachers’ information communication technology (ICT) in education competencies in a mainland Chinese university. This course adopted a four-component instructional design system to develop its curriculum, incorporated an inquiry-based learning approach to develop pre-service teachers’ pedagogical competencies, and used an online learning platform to facilitate the sharing of experiences of using ICT for teaching and learning. This case study demonstrates that innovative pedagogies together with more relevant course content supported by an online learning platform may enhance the effectiveness of a core ICT in education course.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织在修订以往《教师ICT能力框架》的基础上,对标《2030年可持续发展目标》,制定了囊括18项教育ICT能力的《教师ICT能力框架(第3版)》。作为指导教师使用ICT的职前和在职培训工具,很多国家和机构结合当地实际对该框架内容进行了调整,以便实现教师专业发展目标。本研究采用内容分析和文本分析方法,梳理了联合国教科文组织《教师ICT能力框架》的演变脉络,从能力框架开发原则、内容架构、实施案例和资源开发三个维度,深入解读这一能力框架,并提出落实能力框架,需要政府、师范院校、在职教师专业发展机构、骨干教师和校长的强有力领导。构建符合我国国情的教师信息技术应用能力框架,要出台基于“循证实践”的教师信息技术应用能力提升政策;利用智能技术助推课程动态评估;加强教育资源生态系统整体建设;分层制定科学的教师ICT能力提升计划。  相似文献   

职前教师的专业能力培养是高等师范教育的基本任务。教师专业能力具有职业的特殊性,以解决教育教学实际问题为目标导向。《中学教师专业标准(试行)》把教师专业能力划分为六大领域,各领域之间具有相互支撑、相互促进的关系。作为职前教师的师范生需要发挥自身主体性,积极参与学习、实践和反思,指导教师需要为师范生提供支持,为其创设有利于各领域能力成长的学习环境。师范生六大领域专业能力的形成机理各有特点,需要师范生和教师的协同配合。  相似文献   

我国教师教育课程的突出问题是理论与实践的割裂,为促进信息技术教育专业的师范生实践性知识的发展,作者尝试在高师信息技术教学法课程中实施全新的课程设计,将"真实问题"、"可操作的"项目、"大学-中小学合作"的学习环境和"反思性行动"四要素融入课程教学,完成信息技术教育专业师范生实践性知识的发展。  相似文献   

信念的研究是判断教师教育成效的一项重要指标,是当前教师教育中最有价值的一部分。职前教师信念由于受到先前经验和信念本身特质等因素的影响,不易改变,教师教育应该对职前英语教师的信念进行检视与再建构。在自我反思教学模式下发展起来的教育行动研究是近年来国外教育界探究和实践的一种教学理论,是一种非常适合没有接受过教育研究训练的职前教师的研究方法。开展行动研究有助于职前教师将理论学习与教学实践相结合,在教学实践过程中,充分利用有限的直接经验进行教学反思,不断检视、并重构教师信念,提升教学行为。  相似文献   


Research evidence suggests teacher educators who role model the use of information communication technology (ICT) in their practice help their students build confidence and competence as ICT users. This research finding is also supported by feedback from Louisiana Tech University students in teacher education. Research also indicates that a number of factors impact the adoption of ICT in the practice of teacher educators. This research has examined one of these factors, namely the benefits of one-on-one coaching for teacher educators by technology coaches as they worked together to learn to use technology. Participants included 33 teacher educators from Louisiana Tech University and 14 pre-service teachers. The pre-service teachers served as technology coaches and worked with the teacher educators in their offices and classrooms as they learned to use technology for their personal benefit and to integrate technology into their teaching. Interviews and observations indicated that coaches as well as teacher educators benefited from the relationship and both groups increased their technology competency.  相似文献   

Successful use of ICT in the classroom requires thoughtful integration of technology and pedagogical processes during lesson preparation. This study investigated whether the information format of technological and pedagogical support affects pre-service teachers’ technology integration in lesson plans. One group of pre-service teachers (n = 37) received support materials that presented technological, pedagogical and content information separately; another group (n = 36) received a version of these materials in which the technological and pedagogical information was integrated. Pre-service teachers used these support materials to create a technology-infused lesson plan. As expected, the pre-service teachers who received integrated support had relatively more design justifications in which technology and pedagogy were combined than their peers from the separate support group. However, this more advanced reasoning did not materialise in higher-quality lesson plans. Future research should investigate whether pre-training in the use of ICT could improve the effects of integrated support.  相似文献   

新课程背景下未来语文教师行为方式的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教学方式和学生学习方式的互为转变,是语文新课程改革的主要特征。语文新课程为未来语文教师的岗前培训提供了重要的理论基础,使高校课堂“讲座式”或“一言堂”文化模式被颠覆改变。让每一位大学生都有登台演讲、展示能力的机会成为教学共识。在语文新课程引领下,未来语文教师经历超越常规的新手变熟手过程:即课程与教学认知、解读、规范、反思反馈及对教学对象非智力活动和智力活动的有效开发。新课程的语文教学实践使大学生精神风貌全面改观,使之尽快成为中学生的良师益友和基础教育语文课程与教学改革的新生力军。  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation study of an innovative and theory-based initial teacher education course entitled Learning Study, the aim of which is to develop the instructional design and teaching competency of pre-service teachers in Hong Kong. The Learning Study course is offered to all second year students as part of the Bachelor of Education programme of the biggest teacher education institute in Hong Kong. The course comprises a series of theory-based tutorials, supportive consultation meetings, and a research lesson practicum. To assess the effectiveness of the course, a framework of representation, decomposition, and approximation of practices was adopted to describe and analyse the teaching of practice. A total of 341 pre-service teachers participated in a quasi-experimental design questionnaire survey. A structural equation model was applied to explore the relationship between the activities of their learning process and their learning outcomes. Theory-based tutorials, consultative support, and research practicums are confirmed to be the predictors of learning outcomes which include instructional design skills, teaching competency, and clinical experience. This paper proposes Learning Study as a model to help pre-service teachers develop their instructional design skills and teaching competency.  相似文献   

The paper reports on a particular strand of the outcomes of the English contribution to an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development comparative study, ICT in Initial Teacher Training, which aimed to develop insights into how courses of initial teacher training prepare student teachers to use information and communications technology (ICT) effectively in their teaching. The paper extracts from the broader dataset the views of practitioners who were identified as being particularly ‘expert’ in their use of ICT, on what strategies and interventions are most helpful in developing teachers who are able to use ICT to enhance learning in their subject teaching, and also what it means ‘to be good at ICT’ as a subject teacher. Although some findings confirm research elsewhere on the importance of Technological and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) frameworks, other aspects of the study question some of the assumptions which have been made about teacher induction in this field in England, which may have implications for the training of pre-service teachers in other countries.  相似文献   

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