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人类从口语传播时代迈向电子传播时代经历了漫长的岁月,随着传媒的发展与传播,以大众为中心的网络文化渐渐形成。娱乐粉丝也由传统的个体或群体行为迅速集结成网络粉丝社群联盟,并渗透到网络文化中。自2005年真人秀节目的风靡,大批娱乐粉丝诞生、集结,娱乐粉丝群体便开始出现将自己从“人”降格为“物”的现象,在群体命名、行为方式以及精神层面普遍呈现出一种主动的自我降格的物化现象。这种物化行为不仅是一种网络文化现象,更是商业利益驱使下的文化与经济的合谋。  相似文献   

“得粉丝者得天下”,粉丝文化影响下的动漫期刊,为提升营销竞争力,应在明晰动漫粉丝群体发展历程,把握粉丝群体心理特点,解读粉丝群体传播等因素的基础上,针对动漫期刊粉丝情感消费、理性上瘾、产消一体等消费特点,有针对性地调整办刊观念,设立粉丝营销机构,开发衍生产品,转化文学产品,开展品牌形象授权,以应对粉丝经济时代的文化产品竞争.  相似文献   

李珊珊 《新闻世界》2014,(10):202-204
近年来,"粉丝"作为一个群体,在众多娱乐事件中吸引着人们的视线。而百度贴吧作为国内最大的粉丝交流平台,将其作为粉丝文化研究的文本具有极强的代表性。本文通过使用文化变迁和迷群理论,结合贴吧十年间的粉丝大事件,来阐释贴吧粉丝文化的形成和变迁,分析其变化的深刻的内外部原因。并对如何引导健康的网络粉丝文化传播给出可行的建议。  相似文献   

贾瑞宇 《东南传播》2022,(4):110-112
基于对《创造营2021》新浪微博粉丝群体的考察,从传播政治经济学的视角进行分析,探讨在数字资本主义时代粉丝文化中共识的形成,揭示“资本——偶像——粉丝”框架下粉丝免费劳动的文化生产逻辑和双重剥削的本质。在这一过程中,粉丝们甘愿付出,也曾进行反抗,但最终仍淹没于资本所打造的商业文化逻辑和甘愿劳动中,成为社会资本积累的数字劳工。  相似文献   

冯莉  许妍怡 《新闻通讯》2014,(11):43-45
随着网络技术的迅猛发展,网络社交平台成为人们的新兴生活领域,人们在网络空间中的互动模式和表演模式也出现了新的特点。本文通过对百度娱乐明星贴吧的参与观察以及文本分析,选取"粉丝"这一群体,对粉丝自我呈现的过程进行研究,分析粉丝在网络传播中呈现的形象、角色类型以及角色表演的策略。  相似文献   

本文以传播仪式观的研究思路为鉴,以钟汉良粉丝群体传播与媒介传播的实践活动为例,考察分析仪式下粉丝文化认同对个人和社会的影响.粉丝作为一个个体,有着强烈的自我认同感和归属感;粉丝作为一个群体,其传播仪式的意义,就是通过借助各种符号表征方式,凝聚人心加强集体内部团结,在建构粉丝文化中发掘更多正面健康积极的意义,从而获得外部世界更多接纳和认同.  相似文献   

随着网络等新兴媒体的介入,以电视为代表的传统媒体怎样在当代传播环境下更好地经营已经成为一个越来越值得研究的问题。与此同时,在大众传播时代产生的粉丝近些年来愈发流行。通过将粉丝这种流行文化现象和传媒经营相结合,在调查和访谈的基础上研究媒体粉丝的选择动机,对媒体的忠诚度,以及相应地媒体应该采取的策略与措施。  相似文献   

论网络传播中的文化现象   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文尝试从传播学的角度对国际互联网络空间的文化现象进行一些初步的探讨。从90年代开始,国际互联网以空前的速度开始大规模商业化的进程。网络传播作为一种新的传播手段粉墨登场,网络传播活动的出现促进了网络文化现象的出现。本文认为,网络空间的文化现象的产生是建立在传统的受众获得了空前的传播自由以及网络空间的信息交流的巨大自由度基础之上的。网络文化是一种群体化、多元化、多层次和极具创造性的文化形态。根据网络文化的这几个特点,可以对网络文化分别进行分类。本文对根据网络文化的群体化所区分的两种文化形态——网络媒介文化和网络亚文化群体进行了详细的论述,并对大众文化在网络传播时代的命运及网络文化的负面影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文研究网络视域下亚文化群体的身份表现。以中国韩流粉丝为例,分析其在网络中的三种身份表现方式。韩流粉丝在网络中建立理想的虚拟身份;韩流粉丝进行"粉丝实践",参与"文化创造";在网络话题讨论中呈现"群体极化"。  相似文献   

黄瑶 《东南传播》2018,(3):46-48
CP粉丝这一群体是粉丝群体中比较特殊的一类,她们将感兴趣或喜欢的人物进行配对,组成CP(coupling),CP文化也逐渐成为现象级的流行文化。本文就以网络为载体,分析CP粉丝如何在网络中组成空间意义上的实践,用异托邦理论看这个空间结构中的符号生产,探究CP文化对粉丝心理建设和文化建构的影响。  相似文献   

网络媒体尤其移动媒体的发展对传统出版业带来很大的冲击,通过社交媒体进行品牌传播树立与提升出版社的品牌形象已经成为其发展的必由之路。本文将研究对象集中于大学出版社微博,采用内容分析法与回归分析法探究其微博传播的现状以及传播内容的类型、丰富程度、互动性、微博发布数量以及出版社自身的实力等因素对其粉丝量与好友数的影响,最后基于以上视角提出大学出版社的发展策略。  相似文献   

闫波  郑博 《新闻界》2008,(2):83-84
分析社区传播的相关机制,把握新媒体在社区传播中的特性和作用,利用好新媒体,发展社区传播。  相似文献   

This paper first analyses the communication research environment in Hong Kong in regard to its socio‐political context, the media industry and more direct factors such as research freedom, financial‐institutional support, incentives, size and quality of trained personnel While the overall environment is facilitative, the small size of the research community in Hong Kong is limiting the volume of research output and scope of specialization. In reviewing researches in the last decade, it is found that commercial researches are generally more concerned about opinion distribution and media consumption. Government policy researches‐centre around media evaluations, preferences, programme standards and other regulatory issues. Academics pay most attention to political communication, international communication and, less so, information technology. As to future research, the author argues for more frequent use of longitudinal and comparative methods, the search for an original theoretical contribution to communication, an urban research agenda in development communication, the study of dependent communication development, interaction between mass media and political formation, regional cultural integration, advertising, media management, information technology and policy. The establishment of a communication policy forum is also called for to promote exchanges among academics, policy‐makers, media practitioners and interest groups. The expansion of the research community in Hong Kong hinges on successful faculty recruitment, the establishment of a doctoral communication programme and the relief of some staffs teaching overload.  相似文献   

This research explored how University of Cincinnati football fans used Facebook to manage a social identity threat arising from head football coach Brian Kelly leaving the school to become the head coach at the University of Notre Dame. A thematic analysis of 717 wall postings in the “Get Out of Our City Brian Kelly” Facebook group was conducted. Results revealed that fans responded to this social identity threat in the following ways: (a) rallying, (b) stigmatizing, (c) victimization, (d) intimidation, and (e) degradation. The results suggest that social media sites are prime vehicles for sports fans to collectively manage social identity crises. Social media enables fans to perpetuate messages that elevate group distinctiveness, minimize in-group issues, and derogate out-group members.  相似文献   

A community structure model is grounded in the structural model of mass media originally formulated by the Minnesota team of Tichenor, Donohue, and Olien. Although recent theoretical and empirical work has led to major refinements of the community structure research, there remain substantive and promising issues that deserve to be examined by mass communication scholars. This article recasts the original structural model by integrating a community-oriented approach to social control and formulates a set of hypotheses with regard to the role of local mass media in community social control.  相似文献   

粉丝型受众探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉丝型受众来源于偶像崇拜,以新传播技术为依托,最终形成了一种以文化认同与身份建构为基础的亚文化体系。与一般受众相比,粉丝具有狂热性与消费性。而在走向组织化的进程中,他们亦无可避免地成为文化产业链中的一环,消费主义和意识形态在消解其主体性的同时,还建构了一种二元对立的类型化幻象。事实上,粉丝虽然处于一定的社会结构制约中,但同时也是具有主观能动性的个体,这两种力量的冲突构成了不同的分析路径——杜尔凯姆传统与韦伯传统,而这二者既是对立的,又是统一的。对于粉丝型受众,我们必须作出反本质主义的解读。同时,大众媒介也应该以更为客观、理性、全面的视角来再现其群体形象。  相似文献   

蔡骐  梁茜薇 《出版科学》2016,24(4):46-49
当前,媒体融合成为文化经济发展中的新常态。影视与出版这两大文化行业之间的合作,逐渐从图书影视化进阶到影视图书化的新阶段,这一转变彰显了影视对出版创新的反哺作用。从媒介视角看,影视反哺是媒体融合时代的一种文化互利;从受众视角看,影视反哺现象的盛行离不开粉丝型受众的参与,粉丝们在情感逻辑的支配下演绎多样化的趣缘传播行为,以强大的传播力和消费力推动影视向图书顺利转化;从产业视角看,影视反哺现象彰显了 IP 经济的发展潜能,出版行业应围绕图书 IP 进行多维度的产业开发,建设以出版文化为基础的产业融合生态,致力于全民阅读的复兴与书香社会的建设。  相似文献   

Several long-standing theories intersect in discussing the impact of community characteristics and of the mass media. The structural pluralism model popularized by Tichenor and his colleagues says that social structure influences how mass media operate in communities because they respond to how power is distributed in the social system, whereas the linear model says that the increasing size of a community's population leads to more social differentiation and diversity and corresponding increases in subcultures with their own beliefs, customs, and behaviors. Recently, there has been a concern about how changes in society have led to a decline in organizational activity and the network of relationships and trust that constitute “social capital.” This article examines the impact of population and diversity (using census data) on individuals’ media use, interpersonal discussion and civic engagement (measured in a national survey), and the relationship among these variables. Analysis of a structural model provides evidence that the “linear hypothesis” can be combined with structural pluralism, with size—measured by population—impacting diversity, which influences the relationships that people have with their community. Concurrently, social categories influence people's communication patterns and community relationships, and communication impacts civic engagement.  相似文献   

In the context of Internet and Communications Technology (ICT), this research investigates the acceptance of hate rumor and its consequence during a community crisis situation. Extending prior rumor research for this context, we develop and test a refined model using data collected from victims of a large scale (hate) rumor spread incident. Our data analyses present three main findings. First, during the crisis situation, platform characteristics of media synchronicity and richness of expression affected the likelihood of rumor recipients believing the false rumor to be a true message. Second, rumors received from people with closer social ties were more likely to be believed as true. Third, rumor belief during the crisis was associated with greater intensity of informational and behavioral actions. Our findings provide governments with insights to mitigate the spread of hate rumor especially under community disaster situations. Implications for research and policy are discussed. This paper contributes to the IS literature on rumor theory and its implications by explaining how diverse communication technologies are used in a community crisis, thereby opening new avenue for future research to address the negative consequences of using communication media in the complex ICT mediated world. It shows how media characteristics along with social ties affect the “politics of plausibility”.  相似文献   

This article explores communication at University of Nebraska Cornhusker football “watch parties”—public gatherings where fans watch the football team's game on television—at seven locations across the United States. This study concludes that the decoration of the watch-party site, the attire worn by fans attending the watch parties, and collective activities of relating and connecting that occur during the watch parties constitute a unique type of performance ritual. Specifically, this article analyzes how the watch-party rituals spin a web of communal connections in which fans at each site connect with one another, with fans at other sites, and with the state of Nebraska to form what is called an “intermediate place”—a place that is symbolically rooted in a specific geographic location and simultaneously manifest in other physical locations.  相似文献   

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