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遗传、环境和教育是影响个体心理发展的重要因素,也是心理学界长期以来探讨研究的主要课题。家庭作为一种环境因素对儿童的心理发展起着重要作用。在一个家庭中,子女与父母之间的早期分离教养,或多或少会产生对其心理发展不利的影响因素,造成儿童与父母、家庭之间的不和谐、不安全的依恋,从而影响儿童心理的正常发展,影响儿童健全人格的形成,以及儿童社会化的发展进程。我省地处高寒地区,外来人员比较多,况且经济、文化教育水平相对落后于其他一些省份,这种子女与父母早期分离的教养情况比较突出。此研究是想通过子女与父母早期分…  相似文献   

社会转型带来社会结构的一系列嬗变,包括家庭关系的变化,而离婚家庭的急剧增多就是其表现之一。离异家庭子女是父母婚姻破裂后出现的与完整家庭子女不同的特殊社会群体。这个群体随着离婚率的不断上升而逐渐扩大。父母离婚、家庭解体不仅会严重影响离异家庭子女的智力、性格和情绪情感的健康发展,而且还会遏止其社会性的顺利发展,导致离异家庭子女出现社会性发展不良。近年来,我国对离异家庭子女进行了多方面的研究,研究的内容包括离异家庭子女的心理特点、  相似文献   

一、国内外学者对于家庭教育评价指标的探索从检索到的文献中看到,国内外学者或研究机构在研究家庭教育时提出过数十种不同的家庭教育构成要素的指标体系,目前看到的比较早的是1959年弗雷泽提出的家庭环境的指标是:(1)家庭文化背景,包括父母的受教育程度、父母的阅读习惯;(2)家庭经济背景,包括家庭收入、父母职业、家庭规模、住宅房间数量;(3)家庭动机背景,包括父母对子女职业前途的态度以及对子女学习的鼓励;  相似文献   

家庭生活与道德教育 父母与子女的关系 子女作为家庭一员的成长是以父母与子女的关系为基础进行的。父母与子女的关系,对孩子来说,是人和人关系的开始。它既是非常密切的,又是延续得很久的。  相似文献   

离婚叙事与家庭关系对离异家庭子女心理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
父母离异会对子女的心理发展造成负面影响这一结论已经被国内外众多研究所证实.相对于离异事件本身,消极的离婚叙事与不良的家庭关系对于离异家庭子女心理的负面影响更加严重.消极的离婚叙事通过建构研究者与研究对象的心理放大了父母离异对子女的负面影响,并通过"内化"使离异家庭子女的心理问题得到了强化.不良的家庭关系增强了离婚事件的负面作用,使子女在相当长的时间里甚至是一生都生活在父母离婚的阴影中.如果离婚已经不可避免,可以通过两种途径减少父母离异对于子女的负面影响:首先,建构温和的离婚叙事以取代消极的离婚叙事,给予家庭成员更多的理解与接纳,避免子女产生消极的自我认识与评价而出现心理问题;其次,父母在互相尊重的基础上选择和平友好的方式离婚,同时仍尽力承担作为父母对子女应尽的抚养与教育的责任.  相似文献   

犯罪青少年父母教养方式及其影响因素的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
家庭是子女社会化的主要场所,也是社会化的最先执行和基本执行。家庭的各种因素都会直接或间接影响子女社会化的进程。在家庭的诸因素中,父母教养方式起着重要作用。国内外学普遍认为,父母的不良教养方式是子女心理、精神、行为问题的重要危险因素。但是,这方面研究多集中于父母教养方式与正常青少年社会化发展之间的关系,对父母教养方式与特殊青少年社会化发展之间的关系研究较少。犯罪青少年作为一个特殊群体,其父母教养方式必有其特殊性。随着近年来青少年犯罪率持续上升,研究犯罪青少年的父母教养方式就显得非常必要。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 亲子关系是指父母与子女之间的关系,是家庭内人际关系的重要内容。对孩子来说,亲子关系是最早建立起来的人际关系。父母是孩子最早的老师.也是孩子最早模仿的榜样.孩子都是努力追随着父母的言行举止。父母对子女的影响会随着儿童年龄的增长而不断积累,逐级反映到他们的个性结构中。  相似文献   

家庭关系的破裂、父母道德的缺失和家庭教育方式的不当,是导致未成年人犯罪的重要原因.优化家庭教育环境、充分发挥家庭教育职能,是有效预防未成年人犯罪的重要途径.提高父母自身素质、处理好家庭关系、注重子女早期的思想道德教育、加强对子女的法制教育、讲究教育的方式方法,是预防未成年人犯罪的重要对策.  相似文献   

家庭是孩子接触的第一个环境,它会给孩子人格的形成打下难以磨灭的烙印。那么,家长应如何为孩子创造一个良好的家庭环境呢一、营造和谐的家庭氛围和谐的家庭氛围,首先表现在家庭成员之间的关系上,家庭成员之间要和睦相处,相互体谅,互相尊重;其次表现在家长与子女的关系上,孩子在民主、平等的氛围中生活,精神上没有压力。此外,父母与子女之间要经常进行思想沟通,如经常与孩子谈论在幼儿园的学习生活情况,父母应找机会带孩子到他们工作的地方去,让他们知道父母的工作情况,体会父母工作的辛苦,从而让他们了解刻苦是生活中应有…  相似文献   

青年初期的子女和父母间常出现这样或那样的分歧,我们称之为负生活事件。这些负生活事件既会令父母忧伤,又会使子女不快。改变子女和父母之间出现的这种僵局,从心理学角度讲,确实有些方法需要我们了解和掌握。A父母拒绝自己的要求怎么办在和父母交往中,子女的要求遭到父母拒绝的事经常发生。子女的要求被父母拒绝的原因很多,归结起来主要有以下几种:一是要求过高,超过家庭的消费水平。子女对父母提出的要求,多半属于物质方面的要求。现在的家庭一般都是核心家庭,家里只有一个子女,凡是家庭经济条件允许的,子女提出的合理要求父…  相似文献   

超生寄养儿童是指违反国家计划生育政策出生的曾经被安置在祖辈、亲戚等家里抚养的儿童。寄养儿童的特殊性在于寄养儿童有父母,但得不到父母的亲身照顾。早期的亲子分离使他们与父母之间没有形成正常的亲子依恋关系,非正常的依恋对寄养儿童身心发展产生消极的影响。早期的亲子分离也给超生寄养儿童带来严重的心理伤害。文章介绍了国内外学者对超生寄养儿童的研究概况,并提出展望。  相似文献   

This paper is based on a large study of family literacy provision in England, which was carried out between July 2013 and May 2015. It explored the impact of classes on parents’ relations with the school and their children, and their ability to support their children’s literacy development. The study involved 27 school-based programmes for pupils aged between five and seven, and their parents. It used mixed methods, which involved surveys of 118 parents and 20 family literacy tutors, telephone interviews with a sub-sample of 28 parents, analysis of teaching plans and observations of classes. Findings showed that parents wanted to learn the ways the school was teaching their child to read and write, and by demystifying school literacy pedagogies and processes the programmes developed greater connectivity between home and the school, and parents felt more able to support their children’s literacy development at home.  相似文献   

More young children and their families have access to early years services than ever before in Britain. Within these settings practitioners and parents need to work closely together for the benefit of the child. Yet the relationships within the childcare and education triangle (child, parent, practitioner) are highly complex and sometimes fraught with tension. Drawing on theories of care, the paper offers a structure for decisions about childcare and how a combination of expectations from parents and practitioners regarding everyday care practice can either be the basis of a trusting relationship between the adults involved in this caring triangle or a breeding‐ground for tensions. The study is mainly based on qualitative research from a study combining qualitative and quantitative methods with family day care providers in the north‐east of England and the north‐east of Germany.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 138 early adolescents and their parents, we examined the hypothesis that family and friendship measures would moderate each other's associations with measures of children's perceptions of their adjustment and well-being. Family environment was assessed by asking parents to complete the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale II. A sociometric nomination procedure and the Friendship Quality Scale were completed by the subjects as assessments of reciprocity and quality in their best friendship relations. The Perceived Competence Scale for Children was used to assess children's adjustment. Stronger associations were observed between the family measures and the adjustment measures in children without a close friendship than in children with such a relationship. Also, friendship was more strongly linked to outcome measures for children from low adaptive and low cohesive families than for children in more adaptive and cohesive families. These findings indicate that experiences in the family and friendship domains interact in their associations with children's impressions of their adjustment during early adolescence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore perceptions of parents in Sweden of children with special education needs, including whether perceptions varied with regard to the child’s age, diagnosis or placement. The parents’ general perception of their degree of effort to influence their child’s education, as well as their perceived degree of influence, were analysed. The findings demonstrated relationships between child’s age and parental perceptions, suggesting that parents of older children with special education needs, regardless of diagnosis or placement, do not want to disengage themselves from their child’s education. The results also revealed that placement affected parental perceptions of their child’s school situation, with parents of children enrolled in the special education programme being more satisfied with their relationship to school and the teachers’ knowledge than parents whose children were not enrolled. Findings also revealed positive correlations between parents’ perceived degree of effort and their perception of having influenced their child’s school situation. The results are discussed in terms of improving family–school linkages within a systems framework.  相似文献   

A case-control study of 45 hospitalized abused children was conducted to reassess the risk factors for child abuse when confounding by social class was minimized. Cases were matched for age, sex, family structure, and social class with children admitted to hospital for an acute illness. Abused children were more likely to have younger parents, fewer siblings, and to have been separated from their mothers during the first year of life. Their parents were more likely to have been abused as children and to have a poor relationship with the child's other parent. The families of abused children had encountered more stressful life events in the preceding 12 months. Other previously recognized "risk factors" were not shown to have a statistically significant association with child abuse. Because child abuse is more prevalent in lower socioeconomic families, the association with many of these factors has been accepted as implying a causal relationship. Matching procedures which attempted to eliminate confounding by social class and family structure cast doubts on some previously held beliefs about the risk factors for child abuse.  相似文献   

受诸多社会和个人因素的影响,高考考生/家长常出现志愿选择上的失误。为了解和改变这一现状,南开大学高等教育研究所组织了对2003年应届考生及其家长的问卷调查。结果显示,高考考生/家长由于缺乏对大学,尤其是对专业的了解,相当一部分考生得不到科学的升学指导;从亲子比较来看,子女对个人事务拥有一定的自主权和决策权;道德教育作为家庭教育的首要任务被大多数家长所忽视,这直接影响到子女价值观的形成。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on parents' perspectives of combining special and mainstream services for their children in the early years, offering insights into: how parents came to make this choice for their children's education; what parents expected from the combined provision and how their expectations were being met in practice. The data presented formed part of a small‐scale, UK‐based study that investigated local discourses and practices operating for young children within a global context of commitment to inclusion. Despite moves towards inclusive early years education in the UK, many parents of young children identified as having special educational needs opt for a combination of both inclusive and special early years settings. A survey sent to early years providers, voluntary groups and parents in three local education authorities (LEAs) in southern England, revealed that the practice of combining placements was widespread. Follow‐up interviews with parents of five children revealed rich detail about the processes of choice making and parents' expectations and experiences of combined provision. The research findings have clear implications for the development of inclusive education and its appeal to parents, who may need convincing that it can offer sufficient specialist expertise and resources.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Interpersonal relationships among staff caregivers, parents, and children have been recommended as essential aspects of early childhood intervention. This study explored the associations of these relationships with program outcomes for children and parents in 3 Early Head Start programs. A total of 71 children (8–35 months, M = 20), their parents, and 33 program caregivers participated. The results showed that caregiver–child relationships were moderately positive, secure, and interactive and improved in quality over 6 months, whereas caregiver–parent relationships were generally positive and temporally stable. Caregiver–child relationships were more positive for girls, younger children, and those in home-visiting programs. Caregiver–parent relationships were more positive when parents had higher education levels and when staff had more years of experience, had more positive work environments, or had attained a Child Development Associate credential or associate's level of education rather than a 4-year academic degree. Hierarchical linear modeling analysis suggested that the quality of the caregiver–parent relationship was a stronger predictor of both child and parent outcomes than was the quality of the caregiver–child relationship. There were also moderation effects: Stronger associations of caregiver–parent relationships with observed positive parenting were seen in parents with lower education levels and when program caregivers had higher levels of education. Practice or Policy: The results support the importance of caregiver–family relationships in early intervention programs and suggest that staff need to be prepared to build relationships with children and families in individualized ways. Limitations of this study and implications for program improvements and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

薛嘉琳 《天津教育》2021,(7):180-181
在过去一段时间里,中国的教育存在一个主要的特点,即父母外出工作,祖辈带孩子。例如我们幼儿园早教班的60多名2~3岁的幼儿,98%的孩子父母外出工作没有精力照顾孩子,孩子主要是由祖辈抚养。而长辈仍然存在传统的教育观,普遍对孩子较为溺爱,孩子在家总是衣来伸手,饭来张口。在这种环境中,孩子极易养成以自我为中心的个性。本文以此为背景对孩子的早期教育问题提出建议及反思,以期使家庭教育得到进一步的完善。  相似文献   

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