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徐鸿钧 《英语辅导》2001,(12):15-15
As a teenager in 1972, Bill Gates once said that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 20. Only 15 years later he was a billionaire. And by 1992, as head of the Microsoft company,he became the richest man in America with assets(资产) ofabout US$ 6. 3 billion.  相似文献   

本月票房电影经典宣传语、海报大放送■The Water Horse:Legend of the Deep《尼斯湖水怪》Tageline:Every big secret starts small.■The Golden Compass《黄金罗盘》Tageline:It is the Alethiometer.It tells the truth.As for how to read it,you'll have to learn by yourself.  相似文献   

10.Roma, Italy (US$89.7 mil-lion): 第十名意大利罗马俱乐部,资产为8970万美元: 9. InterMilan,ItalY(US $96.5milllion); 第九名意大利国际米兰俱乐部,资产为9650万美元;  相似文献   

背景这是一道思维拓展题,出现在美国《California Math Expression Common Core:Homework and Remembering,Volume 1 Grade 5》中,相当于教材配套练习册(五年级上学期)。原题是:I am a number less than 3000.When you divide me by 32,my remainder is 30.When you divide me by 58,my remainder is 44.What number am I?  相似文献   

The Bourne Ultimatum《波恩的最后通牒》Genre:Action/Thriller/Adaptation Theatrical Release:8/3/2007 Cast:Matt Damon Joan Allen Synopsis: All he wanted was to disappear.Instead,Jason Bourne is now hunted by the  相似文献   

10月The Martian Child《火星小子》Theatrical Release上映日期:October26th,20072007年10月26日Directed by导演:Menno Meyjes曼诺·梅杰斯Writing credits编剧:David Gerrold大卫·杰罗德Genre类型:Sci-Fi科幻Plot OutlineA science-fiction writer,wanting to be a dad,adopts a6-year-oldboy who he becomes convinced is an alien from Mars.一位科幻小说家希望成为一名父亲,于是收养了一个6岁的男孩儿,这位作家坚决认为这个孩子是火星人。11月Enchanted(Walt Disney)《曼哈顿奇缘》Directed by:Kevin Lima凯文…  相似文献   

Sahara 《撒哈拉》Cast:Matthew Mc Conaughey, Penelope Cruz Story: Based on the novel by Clive Cussler,we meet master explorer Dirk, who is just itching to go on his next treasure hunt.He gets that chance when he finds a fabled coin linked to a  相似文献   

Waiting in the Dark《在黑暗中等待》●Director导演:Daisuke Tengan天愿大介●Genre类型:Drama/Romance/Thriller戏剧/浪漫/惊怵●Country国家:Japan日本●Year年份:2006●Cast主演:Rena Tanaka,Bo-lin Chen,Haruka Igawa,KoichiSato,Mao Miyaji,Ittoku Kishibe田中丽奈、陈柏霖、井川遥、佐藤浩市、宫地真绪、岸部一德●Plot剧情:It is a love story with some suspenses,which is written by a Japanese writer called Otsuichi.A blind girlwho has just lost her father lives by herself;a half-blooded boy by Chinese…  相似文献   

★Directed by:Lee Jung Soo(Beautiful Days,Stairway to Heaven)导演:李长秀(《美丽的日子》和《天国的阶梯》)★Written by:Moon Hee Jung and Kim Nam Hee(Stairway to Heaven)编剧:文喜正、金南喜(《天国的阶梯》)★Episodes:10集数:10集★Genre:Melodrama类别:情节剧★Starring:Lee Wan(Yoo-sun),Park Shin Hye(Hana),Asami Reina(Maya),Asahi Uchida(Ryu)主演:李莞(饰演允书)、朴信惠(饰演荷娜)、浅见丽奈(饰演玛雅)、内田旭(饰演藤原柳)■剧情介绍《天堂的树》于2006年1月开拍,是导演李长秀“天堂”系列电视剧中的最…  相似文献   

《蝴蝶梦》原名《吕蓓卡》,又译《丽贝卡》(Rebecca is novel by British author Daphne du Maurier. When Rebecca was first published in 1938, Daphne du Maurier became - to her great surprise - one of the most popular authors of the day. ),是英国小说家达夫妮·杜穆里埃的成名作。  相似文献   

《大学英语》(修订本)精读第四册第一课中有这样一个句子:Then I overheard them discussing finances.同学们对该句中的overheard感到难以理解,因为单词表中对overhear一词有两种释义:1.hear by chance(无意中听到);2.hear without the knowledge of the speaker(偷听到)。那么,  相似文献   

Q:《高达SEEDDESTINY》的所有声优衷。《LOOK》调查表信箱接收的回函是要求完全与该调查表相同吗?A:这里只能列出《高达SEEDDESTINY》的主要声优,请见谅。《LOOK》调查表信箱接收的回函需要是与调查表相同,如果您觉得这样是无法将自己的怨念通过调查表传达给我们的话,可以写信给我们,我们会很开心地阅读的。阿斯兰·萨拉by石田彰  相似文献   

说到“流行的”这个词,首先给同学们推荐一部2016年在北美影院非常流行的魔幻大片《神奇动物在哪里》.这部电影由乔安妮·凯瑟琳·罗琳(英国著名作家,代表作品为《哈利·波特》系列小说)担任编剧,计划拍成系列影片(共5部).来看看这个句子: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a 2016 fantasy film produced and written by J.K.Rowling.It is a spin-off prequel of the HarryPotter film series.  相似文献   

新一代年轻人的偶像陈冠希(Edison}上期教了大家听({Bridse Over TroubledWater}来学英文,大家对Edison首次当老师的表现满意吗9本期的听歌学英文,我们继续请Edison来做老师,_而他挑选了CelineDion主唱的《My Hear~Will Go On》.原因是……EClison说: “我很喜欢{Titanic}这部,除了因为剧本写得很好及各位演员都演好之外,最重要的是因为电影的主题歌曲《My Heart Will Go On》很动听,当我第一次听到的日寸候,已经喜欢得不得了。这期我以影很患得MusIc by James H0rner、Lyrlcs by W川JennIngS、Produced by WaIter Afanasieff…  相似文献   

本月大片海报及妙语放送John Rambo《第一滴血4》●Director导演:Sylvester Stallone西尔维斯特·史泰龙●Starred by主演:Sylvester Stallone西尔维斯特·史泰龙,Julie Benz茱丽·奔斯  相似文献   

Wu Kequn's Rocky Road to Success Wu Kequn(吴克群)has become popular with a series of albums such as Big Tongue(《大舌头》),A General Order(《将军令》)and Poems for You(《为你写诗》),all of which are composed by himself.His talents in music and lyric have won the admiration of his fans.  相似文献   

作品简介:对于刚刚接触或从未了解哲学课程的人来说,《苏菲的世界》是最为合适的入门书。它以小说的形式,向读者揭示了西方哲学史的发展进程,唤起人们对生命的意义的关心与好奇。Sophie’s World is a novel by Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder,published in 1991.And it has been translated into fifty-nine languages.《苏菲的世界》是由挪威作家乔斯坦·贾德所作,于1991年出版。如今该书已被译成59  相似文献   

正追随意外,深信随机能带来意料不到的价值。这是《反脆弱:从不确定性中获益》(Antifragile:Things That Gain from Disorder)给我最大的启示,该书作者是大名鼎鼎的纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)。此前,他曾写过畅销书《随机漫步的傻瓜》(Fooled by Randomness)和《黑天鹅》(Black Swan),它们与《反脆弱》一起组成了通过数学揭示社会现象的三部曲。《随机漫步的傻瓜》《黑天鹅》《反脆弱》,纳西姆剥洋葱一样,逐步让我们看清这个巨变,乃至"混乱"的时代。  相似文献   

6. My name's Bond, James Bond. 我叫邦德,詹姆斯邦德。——(《007系列》)7. You talking to me? You talking to me? 你在跟我说话吗?你在跟我说话吗?——《出租汽车司机》(《Taxi Driver》)8. To be or not to be, that's a question. 是生存,还是死亡,这是一个问题。——《哈姆雷特》(《Hamlet》)9. Mankind, that word should have new mean-ing for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests…you will once again be fighting for our f…  相似文献   

1.第一部诗歌总集:《诗经》 2.第一位女诗人:蔡玫(丈姬) 3第一部词典:《尔推》 4.第一位女伺人:李清照 5.第一部大百科全书:《永乐大典》 6.第一部文选:《昭明文选》 7.第一部字典:《说文解字》 8.第一部神话集:《山海经》 9,第一部丈言志人小说集:《世说翎 10.第二部文言志怪小说集:《搜神 n.第一部语录体著作:《论语》 12.第一部纪传体通史:《史记》 13.第一部编年体史书:《春秋》 14.第一部断代史:《汉书》 巧.第一部兵书:《孙子兵法》 16.第一部国别史:《国语》 17.第一部记录谋臣策士门客言行的专集:《战国策》 18.第一部专记个人言行…  相似文献   

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