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论社会保障的政府责任   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
社会保障的发展与社会保障管理体制的变迁,政府责任义不容辞。我国社会保障管理体制在变革过程中,尤其是养老社会保障的转轨中,产生了巨额的转轨成本——养老金隐性债务。政府应该承担且有能力解决养老金隐性债务,可从财政角度采取措施化解养老金隐性债务。  相似文献   

美国和瑞典的社会福利制度中关系到妇女的利益有着不同表现,集中反映在养老金计划、妇女健康服务、家庭福利计划和带薪休假计划等方面.究其根源在于文化和政治背景的不同,通过比较分析将对我国社会保障制度改革有所启迪和借鉴.  相似文献   

我国目前处于农业社会向工业社会转轨期,家庭承包经营制作为一种临时性制度安排,已不能解决农村居民的就业和社会保障问题,土地的作用也就应从就业和社会保障的基础转为保障国家粮食安全,因而当前的土地制度、农业政策与社会保障应与这一转变相适应。我国目前的土地制度应在家庭承包经营制而形成的小范围均田制基础上逐步实行土地私有制下的规模化经营。  相似文献   

智利是世界上实现职工养老制度改革和转轨的成功典范。本文对智利职工养老制度改革和转轨的关键环节:个人帐户资本积累制、民营管理公司投资营运养老金基金和政府承担隐性养老金债务等方面,进行评析,为中国职工养老制度改革和转轨提供借鉴。  相似文献   

瑞典的福利政策和老年社会保障制度,在历史上促进了经济发展和人民生活水平的提高。但在石油危机发生后,经济增长速度减慢,养老保障开支增多。最终,瑞典通过改革和完善社会福利政策及老年社会保障制度,走出困境,并积累了大量改革经验。这对于我国推行惠民政策,建立和完善社会保障体系具有诸多启示。  相似文献   

当前,人口老龄化、女性劳动参与率的提高和家庭结构的变化对全世界范围的公共养老金体系提出了挑战;面对挑战,欧亚六国实施了“名义账户”制的制度创新并取得了一定的成效。从该制度的财务平衡关系入手,在分析养老金财务平衡影响因素的基础上,提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本刊讯日前,张左己同志曾说,目前,我国市场导向的就业机制基本形成,社会保障体系框架初步确立。主要表现在以下八个方面:一是实行鼓励兼并、规范破产、下岗分流、减员增效和实施再就业工程的方针,完善职工安置政策,劣势企业退出市场的通道初步建立,基本完成了计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中劳动力结构的大调整,有力地促进了国有经济的战略性调整。二是实施两个确保,建立三条保障线,对于解决困难群众生产生活问题,维护稳定发挥了重要作用。三是养老保险制度不断完善,实行属地化管理,大力推进养老金社会化发放和企业退休人员社会…  相似文献   

社会保障制度既是一项社会政策,又是一个国家经济制度的重要组成部分。它在保障社会经济发展和社会稳定方面都发挥了重要作用。当前世界上不同类型国家的社会保障制度都出现了问题,掀起了席卷全球的社会保障制度改革的浪潮。我国进行的社会保障改革在制度和政策研究方面,都取得了卓越的成果,但尚缺乏经济分析方面的理论研究。这里试图通过介绍二期生命周期模型,加深对社会保障制度的经济学分析手法认识。从而为今后探讨以养老保险为主的社会保障制度改革,对储蓄,资本,经济福利等产生的经济效应,进行实证分析提供有益的线索。  相似文献   

家庭参与是涉及学校治理结构变革的重要问题,家庭逐渐成为学校变革的要素和酵母。家庭参与学校教育一直以来是西方学校管理的主要实践兴奋点,是西方社会结构与社会文化变迁的侧影。不同国家与地区在学校变革的进程中,主要通过在法律权益方面保障家庭参与权、构建家庭参与学校教育的不同层级框架以及建立家庭参与的组织机构三个层面推进学校治理结构与学校制度的创新发展。  相似文献   

芬兰等北欧国家社会保障的主要制度和做法 1、以维护全体公民的权益为根本原则 北欧国家的社会保障制度经历了几百年的继承与发展,保障体系覆盖范围和福利标准已经发生了很大变化,但以维护全体公民的利益为基本原则这个核心没有改变。至今仍体现在养老金、医疗保健等社会公共服务的各个方面。  相似文献   

儿童照顾政策是日本应对日益加速的少子高龄化社会进程、提高社会成员生育意愿的重要环节。但"育儿支援新制度"、"幼保无偿化"等看似相当充裕的儿童照顾政策效果却未达预期:不仅新出生儿童数量没有实现增加,无法进入照顾机构的"待机儿童"也成为困扰日本政府与社会成员的新问题。由于日本儿童照顾体系中独特的保育所与幼儿园二元分立的历史构造,儿童照顾资源整合难度较大;更多女性参与劳动力市场导致家庭能够提供的儿童照顾减少,各类儿童照顾政策的实施又拉动了潜在的儿童照顾需求。日本的经验表明,应对少子化危机、解决待机儿童难题需要在增加儿童照顾供给总量、提高政策普惠性与公平性的同时,调整儿童照顾机构使用时间与使用限制等供给结构,提高儿童照顾对于社会成员的可得性与可及性。  相似文献   

The paper examines the influences on, and consequences of, low achievement defined as scores within the lowest achievement quartile. Low achievement is moderately associated with socioeconomic background and Indigenous status and the relationships with gender, ethnicity, region, family type, state and region differ for reading and mathematics. Low achievement substantially reduces the chances of school completion and university entrance. It has much less impact on other forms of post-secondary education and training. There are stronger differences in labour market outcomes between low and higher achievers for young women than for young men. This study suggests the policies promoting the securing of full-time work soon after completing full-time education should reduce the detrimental effects of low achievement on labour market outcomes.  相似文献   

Nurturing Careers in Psychology: Combining Work and Family   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The academic workplace, with its requirements for achieving tenure within the first 6 years of employment, is designed in ways that discriminate against young faculty with family care responsibilities, most notably mothers. Mason and Goulden (Academe, http://www.aaup.org/publications/Academe/2002/02nd/02ndmas.htm, 2002, Academe, http://www.aaup.org/publications/Academe/2004/04nd/04ndmaso.htm, 2004) found that women faculty who have babies within the first 5 years following the receipt of their doctorate are less likely to earn tenure than women without babies or men in general. Women at research-intensive universities are twice as likely as their male colleagues to report that they had fewer children than they wanted. In addition, only one-third of women who begin their academic career at research-intensive institutions without children will become a mother. These inequities, sometimes called the “baby gap” or “motherhood penalty” make academic institutions difficult places for new faculty with family care responsibilities. Suggestions are provided to assist new faculty in successfully combining their work and family roles (e.g., establish gender equity in parenting and negotiate for family-friendly policies) and to senior faculty and administrators who want to nurture the careers of their younger colleagues (e.g., support the use of family-friendly policies on campus).  相似文献   

儿童家庭照顾责任具有高度性别分工与私人领域化的特征,在"照顾责任家庭化"的整体格局中,女性往往承担更多的照顾责任,即呈现"照顾责任女性化"的现象。本文以"重生行动"唇腭裂患儿照顾者为例,从依附理论、性别角色理论、关怀伦理理论等社会性别理论视角出发,以照顾责任期待归属的性别差异、照顾内容的性别差异、照顾压力的性别差异三个维度探讨"照顾责任"的性别效应,提出合理分配家庭照顾责任,构建家庭照顾网络;摈弃照顾女性化标签,检视"照顾责任女性化"在学术谱系中的阐释方式;重视女性照顾工作社会价值的价值,推动照顾政策的变革与完善;社会工作者秉持优势视角,建立女性家庭照顾的社会支持系统等反思性建议。  相似文献   

In this study, our cross-case analysis of students’ lives challenges the conventional home–university model of transition and highlights the importance of acknowledging the influence of this complex symbiotic relationship for students who attend university and live at home. We argue that as with stay-at-home holidays, or “staycations”, which are of such crucial importance to the tourism industry, so stay-at-home students or commuter students are vital to higher education and the term utilised here is “stayeducation”. Through the narratives of “stayeducation” students, we see how family and community aspects of students’ lives are far more significant than previously realised, and our study suggests that these heavily influence the development of a student sense of belonging. Drawing upon biographical narrative method, this paper introduces three first-year Business and Economics students enrolled at different universities in London and explores their journeys through their transition through home, school and early university life. Ways in which key themes play out in the transition stories of our students and the challenges and obstacles for the individual are drawn out through the cross-case analysis. Findings support the existing literature around gender, class and identity; however, new insights into the importance, for these students, of family, friendships and community are presented. Our work has implications for academic staff, those writing institutional policies, and argues for the creation of different spaces within which students can integrate into their new environment.  相似文献   

员工工作与家庭冲突及其平衡策略研究成为研究的新话题,尤其是职业女性工作与家庭冲突与平衡策略研究得到越来越多人的关注。职业女性多重角色的特殊性,工作和生活上承受着巨大的压力。通过对赣州市职业女性的问卷调查,可以理清职业女性的工作家庭冲突现状及平衡策略。  相似文献   

先秦时期,各种法律制度都在酝酿形成当中,其中对后世影响至深的婚姻家庭方面的法律制度在这一时期就已初具规模。但“男尊女卑”的传统在先秦时期并不是象后世那样被严格遵守,先秦妇女在婚姻家庭中的法律地位虽不能完全与男子相比,但也并非是全然没有权利和地位。从历史的角度来看,先秦妇女在婚姻家庭中的法律地位呈现出过渡性的特点。  相似文献   

This paper describes the origins of parenting stress, defined both as tensions in the parent-child relationship and as broader changes in five family domains as men and women make the transition from couple to family life. Despite significant change in their average level of functioning, parents show continuity in their level of adaptation from pregnancy through the first five years of parenthood. Parenting stress emerges from the context of parents' individual and marital adaptation before the child is born. It is possible to identify expectant parents who are at risk for later parenting stress and lower well-being across employment and family domains. Path analyses show that men's and women's prior well-being and their involvement in paid work during pregnancy are associated with higher parenting stress—and lower self-esteem, marital satisfaction, family work satisfaction, and job satisfaction—two years later when their babies are 18months old. Stress in the parent-child relationship at 18 months postpartum compounds preexisting stress in other family domains to reduce well-being in other aspects of family life. Links among parenting stress, parenting quality, and children's adaptation to school lead to suggestions for preventive interventions early in the family life cycle.  相似文献   

中国加入 WTO使就业面临机遇和挑战。劳动力总供给远大于总需求是造成大面积失业的真正原因。适度的通货膨胀政策有利于增加就业机会 ,西部大开发战略将会给就业带来新的机遇 ,中国就业问题的解决还必须深化面向市场经济的社会保障体制和劳动就业等一系列政策的改革  相似文献   

This paper describes the origins of parenting stress, defined both as tensions in the parent–child relationship and as broader changes in five family domains as men and women make the transition from couple to family life. Despite significant change in their average level of functioning, parents show continuity in their level of adaptation from pregnancy through the first five years of parenthood. Parenting stress emerges from the context of parents' individual and marital adaptation before the child is born. It is possible to identify expectant parents who are at risk for later parenting stress and lower well-being across employment and family domains. Path analyses show that men's and women's prior well-being and their involvement in paid work during pregnancy are associated with higher parenting stress—and lower self-esteem, marital satisfaction, family work satisfaction, and job satisfaction—two years later when their babies are 18months old. Stress in the parent–child relationship at 18 months postpartum compounds preexisting stress in other family domains to reduce well-being in other aspects of family life. Links among parenting stress, parenting quality, and children's adaptation to school lead to suggestions for preventive interventions early in the family life cycle.  相似文献   

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