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In this paper I explore how I have come to theorise my work as a critical emancipatory practice as a lecturer in primary physical education (PE). I give an account of what I understand to be the epistemological foundations and practices of practitioner research and my potential educational influence in my own and other practitioner-researchers’ learning. I explain how I have generated my living educational theory of practice and discuss the changes in my learning from a propositional approach towards a dynamic epistemology of practice that is grounded in inclusional and dialogical ways of knowing. Within my paper I position myself as a professional educator and researcher, and share the exciting and transformational experiences of teaching and learning in evolving action research cycles of practice. I view my learning to date as an active act, working with the novice teachers I support to offer improvement and change in our future practice. I celebrate my reconceptualised view of education as a learner from within my practice and explain my move from knowledge transfer to knowledge co-creation. I make an original contribution to educational knowledge by explaining how I try to inspire others to research their practice and contribute to a new scholarship of educational enquiry.  相似文献   

John White argues that 'egalitarianism, in education as elsewhere, is a will-o'-the-wisp'.1 He claims that recent defences of egalitarianism, among which he kindly includes my own along with those of Thomas Nagel and Kai Nielsen, have failed to answer the basic question of why a more equal society should be regarded as valuable. I shall try to show that the positive philosophical commitments contained in his argument may point the way to an answer.  相似文献   

<正>Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. Now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Zhang Xing. I’m 13 years old. I’m from Fucheng County, Hebei Province. I am of medium height. I have black hair and big eyes. I like music and speech a lot. I often sing songs with my friends in my spare time, and I often give a speech about the environment in public, too. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my elder brother and me. I like Chinese, and I also like English, but I can’t speak English well. I will work hard at English and try to make great progress every day. I hope to be your good friend,then we can help each other in many ways.  相似文献   

Literacy for pupils in the secondary phase of education is a key concern for practitioners and policy makers alike. Tony Lingard is the SENCo at a large comprehensive school in the south-west of England but he is also involved in staff development and school improvement initiatives across the UK. Literacy Acceleration is an intervention strategy for pupils with literacy difficulties that he and his team at school have been developing over many years. He undertook the research reported in this article at a comprehensive school where Literacy Acceleration was well established and being delivered by experienced staff. The research found that Year 7 and 8 pupils with literacy difficulties who followed Literacy Acceleration made significant progress with reading and spelling while similar pupils, who only had access to National English Strategy classes, did less well over the period of the study. The research also found that most of the pupils who experienced Literacy Acceleration in small groups, as well as mainstream English lessons, preferred being taught in smaller Literacy Acceleration groups where they also felt that they were making more progress. In concluding his article, Tony Lingard argues that pupils with literacy difficulties need specific, targeted interventions and that it may be a mistake to assume that the normal secondary English curriculum effectively meets their needs. This small-scale study therefore offers a challenge to a widely accepted policy. It suggests that abandoning strategies that focus on addressing the particular needs of pupils with literacy difficulties (of which Literacy Acceleration is one example) may not best serve the interests of a significant group of learners.  相似文献   

在我身上,同时存在着不得不深入自我内部的倾向和试图向社会、向世界开放自我的态度,这造就了我的文学。我在萨特身上学会了参与社会,不断重复着回到个人内心这个课题同向社会、向世界开放自我的课题相结合的原点后再重新起步的循环。这也是一个“包含差异的重复”。自《万延元年的足球队》以来,我一直在思考与中心对抗的边缘“根据地”的模式,并借助米哈伊尔·巴赫金的荒诞现实主义理论,开始有意识地强化这种小说的方法。在探讨某个国家某个时代文学的丰富程度和广度、深度时。“Capability”和自由的概念是行之有效的标准。尽管在看法上存在着巨大的“差异”。但我依然从现、当代中国文学家们的步伐中看到了巨大连续性。《老井》和《红高粱》等恢弘的长篇显示出了中国小说家们的才气、方法和能量,同时也显示出.中国未来应该实现的“Capability”是丰富、广大和深远的。  相似文献   

By offering a close reading and interpretation of one conversation between four Year 8 pupils about Robert Swindell’s Stone Cold, I aim to address questions of what might count as knowledge in English and to suggest how it might develop not only out of the qualities of a text, but from particular social relations and a set of pedagogic choices. I argue for a refocusing of attention away from the ‘acquisition’ of ‘cultural capital’ or ‘powerful disciplinary knowledge’ by individual pupils, towards the cultural resources and cultural productivity of pupils and teachers. I go on to suggest that serious consideration of such conversations as evidence of learning poses a significant challenge to dominant theories and research methodologies that locate knowledge and ability within the minds of individual pupils. Instead, my reading of this classroom interaction suggests the creative potential of discussion in diverse, urban classrooms to contribute to a fuller account of learning that pays proper attention to its roots in the social and affective realms. Crucially, part of my argument is that classrooms such as the one in which the conversation took place offer unique opportunities and conditions for the development of a pedagogy that both draws on and negotiates difference and is therefore culturally productive in a wider sense.  相似文献   

When a cultural disconnect became antagonistic between me and my students of color, I found myself at a crossroads as a White teacher educator: use coercion and force students to follow my directions, or care and base my responses on students’ needs. I chose the latter. Findings suggest that this choice benefitted the class and changed how I see myself as a teacher educator. The construct of embodied care helps describe the turn in my relational teacher educator practice from caring intentions that were dyadic in nature to caring that uses relational means for social justice ends. Data points include field notes, analytic journal entries, email communication, course materials, student interviews, and course evaluations. This self-study research contributes to the literature on caring teaching by suggesting that, in racially and culturally diverse classrooms, caring habits can help teacher educators from dominant groups gain critical self-awareness.  相似文献   

一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:“能跟你借个火吗?”他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。  相似文献   

1985年,是我写作的重要转折。在文学艺术的各种流派新潮的涌动里,接纳并试验了我以为可以信赖的学说,打开了自己;在见识各种新论的时候,吸收了不少自以为有用的东西,丰富了自己;也在纷繁的见识中进行了选择,开始重新确立自己,争取实现对生活的独自发现和独立表述。正是在趋于理性的思想认识和不断成熟的艺术自觉中开始了我的长篇小说《白鹿原》的构思。  相似文献   

李静 《教育学报》2003,(10):22-25
对低年级儿童“写话”的启蒙注重培养学生的兴趣和自信。锻炼学生“我口说我心 ,我手写我说”,放开一切束缚 ,自由表达 ,鼓励每个学生都有表达的欲望 ,都能说出自己的心里话 !首先要对学生降低要求 ,以鼓励为主 ,激发学生兴趣。然后做到及时表扬 ,树立自信 ,帮学生产生成就感。还要做学生真正的朋友 ,让学生“敢说敢写”。最后 ,教师要做好适时的指导 ,正确的引导 ,给学生掌好舵  相似文献   

This essay unfolds through a series of juxtapositions, involving storytelling and writing of a more analytical nature. In thinking about what I ‘know’ as an English teacher, my aim has been to present my ideas in a form that might do justice to the contradictions and complexities of my professional life, including my continuing efforts to negotiate a pathway between the rich particularities of the educational settings in which I have worked and my knowledge and values as an English teacher. My primary focus is on how my literary education has shaped and been shaped by my work as an English teacher vis-à-vis a devaluing of teachers’ disciplinary knowledge that has occurred through standards-based reforms. I attempt to make the standpoint from which I am writing an object of scrutiny, thus producing an account of what I ‘know’ that arises out of my work as an English teacher and returns to it as a necessary dimension of a politically committed praxis.  相似文献   

I believe that before all else, I am a reasonable human being just as your are–or at all events that I must try and become one. I know quite well, Torvald, that most people, think you are right, and that views of that kind are to be found in books. But I can no longer content myself with what most people say, or with what is found in books. I must think over things for myself and get to understand them.  相似文献   

For this self-study of my teacher education practice, I positioned myself as a novice in the unfamiliar context of learning to ride a horse. This gave me an opportunity to re-experience being an authentic learner and thereby to deepen my understanding of how an individual learns to teach. I recorded my experiences in an electronic journal and analysed what happened over many months of weekly horse-riding lessons. Central to my learning process was feeding key ideas, insights and tentative analyses into discussions with my students and critical friends. As I analysed their responses further, two themes emerged through pattern analysis. First, being a neophyte in horse riding allowed me to empathise strongly with my students' novice status. Second, permitting them to see the development of my expertise through horse riding was helpful to my students. Re-positioning myself as a learner challenged my view of myself as a teacher educator and transformed my teacher education practice.  相似文献   

This account relates my experiences as facilitator of an action learning set on a DBA cohort comprising international students and myself. It outlines the reasons for my selection as facilitator and describes my initial expectations and assumptions of action learning. I chart the difficulty in separating the ‘what’ of my own research from the ‘how/why’ of the action learning set. The account discusses my experiences as a new facilitator and my attempts to engage fellow students in the set in order to gain a collective benefit. I reflect on the challenges encountered in progressing the action learning set caused by a lack of common understanding within the set of the expectations and potential benefits of an action learning approach, and also the feasibility of maintaining a successful action learning set separated by geography, time zones, and language. The account also discusses the practical, technology-supported approaches to facilitating the action learning set.  相似文献   

This article deals with differentiation of teaching methods and extra time in class for pupils with dyslexia by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in two Greek state secondary schools. Activity theory is applied to analyse the contradictions that emerge around the issue of differentiation for pupils with dyslexia from data compiled from interviews with teachers, pupils and parents and field notes from lesson observations across two schools. The analysis shows that contradictions are created when participants try to achieve their goals for differentiation by lack of teachers’ knowledge, inadequate diagnosis, unclear school and Ministry policy, short duration of lessons and the number of pupils in class. The findings suggest the necessity of teacher training in dyslexia and the improvement of school and Ministry policy.  相似文献   

In pursuit of my rights, I joined the revolution that imposed the veil upon me and then joined a political party, where I found that I was making decisions against myself. Following this, I researched the only women's magazine published in Iran at that time and found that it was against women. The questions that came to mind were about whether women writers voice their own experiences. Were my experiences unique? Could I learn from others, particularly through what they wrote? Since literature cannot exist without education, this may be the main reason why Iranian women started so late. In the l960s, mass education created a mass readership and with it the first novel by a woman. The issues of women's rights, education and writing are intertwined.  相似文献   

This article mobilizes story-telling to narrate my lived experience of teaching English as a minority academic in one Australian university. Positioning myself as living ‘in-between’ two cultures and as an ‘Other’, I tell my story of how I have been ‘racialized’ and ‘Othered’ because I do not look White, and my spoken English is distinctly accented; hence, my legitimacy of teaching English is held suspect. My story contributes to the theorizing of the sociology of the in-between with the argument that while living in-between culture can be a space of negativity, it can also be a space of empowerment if one exercises choice and agency by forging new spaces. I end my story-telling with a happy ending by presenting a contrasting story of how my run-away from Australia to (a new space in) Hong Kong to teach English has reaffirmed my cultural capital as I morph into a different ‘Other’.  相似文献   

Peter Medway was an exceptionally able teacher, researcher and thinker, and his work throws light on governments, inspectors and educators. In the early 1960s, Peter met a theory which ‘established language as a major means of constructing our realities’. Later, after teaching English in secondary schools for two decades, he reflected on why this theory had failed to make English more serious and more central. In his research, he looked into the history of English, its assumptions, practices and motivations. He also wrote about the significance of the students’ experiences, looking carefully (and critically) at what they produced in talk and writing. Persuaded that English needs to be about using language rather than studying it, he helped students find the right words. Starting with their own words, Peter focused on the business of making interventions without compromising students’ own agency. When he returned from Canada to take up a lectureship at King’s College, London, he was dismayed by the state of English in schools. His dissatisfaction with current English teaching led to a fully funded research project as well as a major publication that tells a story of the way teacher-led change transformed English in post-war London, English Teachers in a Postwar Democracy. Here we remember what was special about his contribution, his legacy and why we will miss him.  相似文献   

Gopalpur Nagendrappa 《Resonance》2011,16(11):1007-1018
Rutherford was the greatest experimental physicist since Faraday. He had the most astonishing insight into physical processes, and in a few remarks he would illuminate a whole subject. He liked his physics and his experiments simple and described his work in simple and concise language. Rutherford’s discovery of the atomic nucleus had solved the mystery of the matter which had troubled the world’s great philosophers for centuries. He is to the atom what Darwin is to evolution, Newton to mechanics, Faraday to electricity and Einstein to relativity. These are a few remarks made about Rutherford by his students and colleagues.  相似文献   

Sorry about the writing—I was in a rush to let you know love Rosie
Third year groups (pupils of 13–14) have always presented me with the most difficult problems of management in the mixed-ability classroom. Each year as August ends, I convince myself of the need to radically rethink this area of the curriculum. Each September, as the term swings into full action, I find my intentions swept away by what appear to be the more pressing requirements of other groups. Third years appear to occupy an educational no-man's land in the middle reaches of secondary schooling. Old enough to have lost the spontaneity and enthusiasm that makes the junior forms so rewarding, they have yet to complete the metamorphosis which makes fourth years co-operative and self-motivating. Third years have frequently been the irritant in an otherwise pleasant, smooth running day.  相似文献   

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