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ol“更不用说”有好几种表达法。为了便于同学们能正确地使用它们,现将表示这一意义的短语归纳如下,并作简析。一、m uch less,still less,even less等表示语意程度较前减弱,对另一件事加以强烈的否定,故常用于否定句中。例如:W e fear no death,stillless difficulties.我们死都不怕,更不用说困难了。M r Brown knows little of English,and m uch less of French.布朗先生几乎不懂英语,更不用说法语了。二、m uch m ore,still m ore,even m ore等表示语意程度较前加强,更加肯定另一件事,故常用于肯定句中。例如:It is difficult to und…  相似文献   

m ore than意为“超过……”、“不止……”、“……以上”,在中学英语课本中多次出现,现将其用法归纳如下,供大家学习时参考。1.“m ore than+名词”表示超出名词本身的分量或含义,意为“不止于……”、“不仅仅……”。例如:China D aily is m ore than a newspaper,ithelps us to learn English《中国日报》不仅仅是一份报纸,它还能帮我们学习英语。H e is m ore than our teacher,he is our close friend.他不仅是我们的老师,还是我们亲密的朋友。2.“m ore than+数词”意为“多于”、“超过”,相当于over。例如:There are m ore than…  相似文献   

I’m a m iddle schoolstudent in W uhan.M yChinese nam e is LiuX iaolu.M y English nam eis Cherry.I’m twelveyears old.I’m in Class2,G rade1.I like Englishvery m uch.A ll m y teach-ers are very friendly tom e and I like them all.I’m a tall girl.I havelong black hair and brightbig eyes.A ll m y classm atessay I’m pretty.There are three people in m y fam ily.M yfather is an engineer.M y m other is a nurse.They both work hard.In m y eyes,they aregood parents.M y favorite sport is ping-…  相似文献   

worth和w orthy这两个词很常见。从拼写、词义到用法,它们都有相似之处。本文拟谈谈二者之间的区别。1.worth作为形容词,意为“值(多少钱)”或“值得”,通常只作表语用,后接表示金钱数额的名词(代词)或v-ing形式。例如:—H ow m uch is the necklace worth?这条项链值多少钱?—Its worth300U S dollars.300美元。H is suggesion is worth considering.他的建议值得考虑。I paid only£300for this used car,but it is w orth m uch m ore.我只花了三百镑买这辆旧车,实际上它比这值钱得多。(2)worth后面通常用v-ing的主动形式表示被动意义…  相似文献   

一、误用关系代词误:There is nothing which I can do.正:There is nothing that I can do.析:在下列情况下,用关系代词that引导定语从句,不用which引导定语从句:(1)当先行词为anything,nothing,everything,all,none,one,m uch,little,few,any等不定代词时。上面的正确句子即是一例。(2)先行词前面有形容词最高级修饰时,用关系代词that引导定语从句,不用which引导定语从句。例如:This is the m ost exciting book(that)I have read before.(3)先行词前面有the only,the very,any,every,few,little,no,all,one of,just等修饰时,用关系代…  相似文献   

1.I have never seen such an useful computer before.A B C D2.Against whowill you playthe dayafter tomorrow.A B C D3.I'msure he can be able tofinish the work on time.A B C D4.I've lent mychair toJim,soI have nochair tosit now.A B C D5.That's quite important tolearn our English well.A B C D6.Last termMr.Wangtaught our English.He did verywell.A B C D7.There is goingtohave a foreign filmin our school tonight.A B C D8.Aman in the classroomis his teacher.A B C D9.I have less books t…  相似文献   

1.数字大小、多少的表达法1)above、more than、over和plus表示多于某个数,below、less than、under和minus表示少于某个数(1)above:There is nothing in this shop above£5.这家铺子里的东西没有超过5英镑的。(2)more than:More than a hundred people were at therally.一百多人参加了集会。(3)over:He is over50years.他五十开外了。(4)plus:She earns$20,000a year plus.她一年挣二万多美元。与上述相对的是少于某个数:(5)below:It is ten degrees below zero.零下10度。(6)less than:Nothing in this shop is less than£10.这家铺…  相似文献   

1.This is the last thing I want to do.误:这是我想做的最后一件事.正:这是我最不愿意干的事情.析:the last此处意为“极少可能的”、“最不合适的”.2.He used to sleep late.误:他以往总是迟睡.正:他过去老是起得迟.析:sleep late=sleep till late in the morning.3.He studies no harder than I.误:他学习没有我努力.正:他学习并不比我更努力.(两者都不努力)析:no harder than意为“并不比……更努  相似文献   

1.couch potato爱看电视的人,电视狂如:He is crazy for TV,is really a couch potato.(他很迷电视,是个名副其实的电视狂。) 2.blow off 取消约会,或不做不想做的事如:Maggie blew me off.(Maggie取消了和我的约会。) 3,spin one’s wheels 拼死拼活地工作,做事如:I’m just spinning my wheels here-there is no chance to get a pay raise,let alone a promotion.(我在这里拼死拼活地工作——可还是没有加薪的机会,更不用说提升职务了。)  相似文献   

定义:一般将来时用来表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。时间状语:tomorrow,next year,this month,in a month,next time等。结构:1.be going to 动词原形a.表示主观意愿、打算等。如:He’s going to learn English next term.他下学期打算学英语。We are goingtoplaybasketball this afternoon.今天下午我们要打篮球。b.根据已有迹象,可能要发生的情况。如:Look at the black clouds!It is going to rain.看那乌云,天要下雨了。There’s going to be an English movie tomorrowevening.明天晚上有一场英语电影。2.在英语中,可用现在进行…  相似文献   

“so…that…”与s“uch…that…”都可以用来引导结果状语从句,意为“如此……以致……”,但其用法却有不同。1、so是副词,与形容词或副词连用,常见句型结构有:①so+adj./adv.+that+从句。eg:He is so tired that he can't go to sleep.他是如此劳累,以至于他不能入睡。②so+adj.+a/an+单数名词+that+从句。eg:Miss Gaois so good a teacher that we all like her.高老师是如此好,以至于我们都喜欢她。③so+many/few+复数名词+that+从句。eg:She has so fewfriends that she is sad.她的朋友如此少,以至于她很难过。④so+much/little+不…  相似文献   

“am,is,are”用在名词或代词后常用缩略形式,not和其前面的动词也常可缩写成isn’t or aren’t。例如:I am/I’m an English teacher.我是一位英语老师。It is/It’s a map.它是一幅地图。What is/What’s this in English?这个用英语怎么说?Where are/Where’re Jim and Lin Tao?吉姆和林涛在哪里?He is not/isn’t at home.他不在家。但下列情况不宜用缩略形式:★前面的名词或代词末尾的读音和’s读音相同或相近时,不用缩略。例如:1.这是一本书。误:This’s a book.正:This is a book.★am和not在一起没有缩略形式,所以不可想当然…  相似文献   

先行词是指事物的名词或代词时,一般用关系代词which引导定语从句,但下列十五种情况却不用which,而用that引导定语从句。1.当先行词是指物的all,little,few,much,any,anything,everything,nothing,none,the one时,多用that,不用which。如:All that can be done has been done.能做的都已经做了。He will tell you everything that he heard about it.他会把他听到的有关此事的一切都告诉你。2.指物的先行词被all,little,few,much,any,ev-ery,no等修饰时,多用that,不用which。There is little work that is fit for you.没什么工作适合你做。I have eaten all the food that is left.我把剩下的所有食物都吃了。3.先行词是数词或最高级形容词时,或者先行词被序数词(包括last,next)或最高级形容词修饰时,多用that,不用which。如:When peop...  相似文献   

英语中的反意疑问句也称“附加疑问句”,表示提问者对某事有一定的看法,询问对方是否同意。它的形式通常有两种:①肯定陈述句 否定反意问句;②否定陈述句 肯定反意问句。He is an English teacher,isn’t he0他是英语老师,对吧?She can’t go swimming,can she5她不能去游泳,对吧?They are good students,aren’t they5他们都是好学生,对吧?反意问句中的主语须与陈述句的主语保持一致,且必须是相应的代词。Your little brother enjoys skating,doesn’t he5你弟弟喜欢溜冰,对吧?Kate is from America,isn’t she5凯特是美国人,对吧?在“前否后肯”的反意疑问句中,回答时,yes译为“不”,而no译成“是”。—She isn’t a worker,is she5她不是工人,对吧?—Yes,she is.不,她是(工人)。—No,sheisn’t.对,她不是(工人)。对于一些特殊的反意疑问句,需要把握好以下几点:1.当陈述部分是there be结构或therelive,the...  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.aid【用法】用作名词,意为“help,the act orresult of helping帮助”。例如:She came quickly to his aid.她急忙来帮他。【搭配】in aid of(to)用来帮助,起……作用aid还可表示“帮助者;有帮助的事物”。例如:An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning English.英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。用作动词,意为“to help帮助;援助”。例如:I aided him with m oney.我资助了他。【辨析】aid表示在经济或其他方面给予的帮助或援助,多指强者(或足够者)援助弱者,多用于团体。help指给人精神或物质上的帮助,强调受助者的需要,最常用,可代替其他同义词。assistance多指个人给予道义、知识、物质等方面的帮助,所提供的帮助往往只起辅助作用。例如:W e help each other and learn from eachother.我们互相帮助,互相学习。W hen all assist,the job can be d...  相似文献   

“除了……”指的是部分与整体(或包含、或无关、或属于、或附加)的关系。它通常用下列词汇表达。 1.apart from含有两层意思。例如①Apart from the water in it,an apple has a lot of sugar.(apart from=besides)苹果里除了有水份外,还含有不少糖份。②She was a good girl apart from a little shortcoming.(apart from=except for)除了有点小毛病外,她还是个好女子。 2.aside(from)可以置于名词之前;也可置于名词之后,构成独立成份。例如:①Aside from being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.除了娱乐和锻炼之外,游泳还是一种技巧。②Small problem aside,the exhibition was a success.除了一些小毛病外,展览会还是成功的。 3.bar(=barring)口语常用。例如:We shall come on time bar(barring)traffic delay.除非路上交通耽搁,我们将准时到达。 4.beyond=except用于否定句和疑问句中。例如:There isn’t much they can do for him,beyond giving him their sympathy.他们除了对他表示同情外,几乎是束手无策。 beyond后还可以接that(what…) clause例如:We can do nothing to help them beyond what have  相似文献   

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