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一、引言 目前国内现有的网络教育考试系统都还是基于传统方式的考试。传统考试是面向试卷,或者说是面向试题的。一次考试以固定的考题考核每个考生,这种考试试卷单一,出题方便,不同水平的考生无法从统一的试卷上真正体现其水平。从素质教育与能力培养的角度来说,考试的思路应该是面向考生而不是面向试题的。  相似文献   

对英国IGCSE地理考试概况和考试特点进行分析与评价,认为该考试在评价标准、试题选材、考核方式等方面具有独到之处,可为我国高中地理学业水平考试功能的明确、评价标准的完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文在前文的基础上进一步讨论了学校课程考试系统开发的现实意义,提出了学校课程考试系统程序设计主语言的选择准则,论述了该系统程序设计中所应参照的、课程考试本身的一些基本理论问题,包括试题题型的界定标准和选择准则,试题题型与界面、数据库结构的关系等。本文的主要结果是:通过实例论证了选择题具有题型多样、组题方式灵活、考核功能全面、能组成布鲁姆六级认知水平试题的优点,在题库建设中应作为试题的首选题型。文中给出的“办公自动化”课程的十个选择题例题,给其它课程的题库建设的基础工作——界定题型和认知水平等级提供了参考范例。  相似文献   

改革多媒体课件制作技能考核方式,使学生切实掌握课件制作基本技能,是提高职前教师信息化教学能力的有效措施之一。根据课件制作技能考试的形式和特点,研究了考试平台的系统结构、功能模块、试题分类、资源包结构、生成试题方法、减少网络传输数据量方法、学生考试端功能、教师监考端结构和考场数据包结构等内容,阐述了试题库建设、技术路线、试题传输技术、自动校正系统时间技术、文件压缩与解压缩技术、远程命令技术等关键问题。考试平台的实施,可以克服以往考核成绩的不实之困,有效地保障了多媒体课件制作的教学质量。  相似文献   

为了推动飞行人员执照考试的规范化、标准化,中国民用航空局飞行标准司于2002年9月,开发了基于网络的"飞行人员考试系统"。该考试系统借鉴FAA的网络考试模式,试题全部采用三选一的客观题形式,使用计算机从系统的试题库随机抽取相应数量的试题组成试卷,考生在规定的考试时间内完成。该系统通过网络考试的形式考查飞行人员的航空知识水平,提高了考试的效率。  相似文献   

考试是选拔人才、检测学生学习效果、评价教师教学质量的一种重要手段,而命题是考试过程中最主要、最关键的环节。高等院校考试命题需紧扣考核知识点,扩大覆盖面、题型多样,比例恰当、规范术语和专有名词以及注意试题的效度、区分度和难度。  相似文献   

随着我国高等院校教育体制改革的不断深入,各高校也在对自己的教学方式、管理体制进行着改变,希望使大学教育更加合理、完善与高效。网络题库系统的建立将教师对试卷命题、学生考试情况的统计、分析与学生在线通过随机抽取题库试题进行考试答题的两大主要教学任务有机、合理地结合在一起。实现了从试题录入——试卷生成——在线考试——自动阅卷——成绩统计——试卷分析的无纸化电子考核一条龙方案。本文将从系统的角度,讨论计算机题库系统的建设问题。  相似文献   

基于华南理工大学基础力学在线考试系统平台的开发与建设,基础力学系列课程实现了由原来单一的纸版闭卷考试向现在多元多次考试改革。考试系统因其灵活的试题录入功能、丰富的题型设置以及良好的系统稳定性,使考试内容日常化成为可能。学生从考试中发现问题,教师从考试中评估教学效果,彻底扭转了过去为考试而考试,真正实现了教学与考试相互促进的良性互动。  相似文献   

如何利用考试的导向作用促进学生专业技能的培养,是当前大学生就业难形势下课程考试改革面临的一个非常有意义的问题。工程制图课程考试改革通过改进评价模式,提高平时作业在总成绩中的比重;依据考核内容确定考核方式,强调过程考核;优化平时作业内容与方式,注重专业技能的培养;优化期末考试试题,强调动手能力的考核等措施取得了良好的效果,帮助学生逐步实现了从掌握知识到掌握技能的根本转变。  相似文献   

A-Level考试成绩是英国高校录取新生的主要参考.英国剑桥A-Level生物实验考试既考查考生的实验操作水平,又将生物实验与生物理论知识结合起来进行考核,在试题设计上非常注重对生活情境的创设,注重考查考生的实验探究能力、实验过程中对相关信息的分析和应用能力,以及对实验结论的推理与评价等高阶思维能力.借鉴英国剑桥A-Level生物实验考试的有益经验,我国新高考生物实验试题命制可尝试单独设置生物实验操作与分析的考试,真正落实生物实验试题的情境性、开放性和多维性,同时进一步重视考查学生对实验的评价与反思能力.  相似文献   

Students in a first-semester general chemistry course at a large southwestern university completed a 3-week homework assignment using MindTap, a Cengage Learning product. MindTap is the first major electronic system that has homework questions embedded in the text, such that students read a short section of the textbook and then answer a question set. Prior to MindTap, electronic homework systems were stand-alone or contained questions with links to the textbook. Next, students completed two 2-week homework assignments in Online Web Learning (OWL) version 1 also from Cengage Learning. The OWL system shows homework questions with a link to the textbook in a separate window. Both the MindTap and OWL systems contain the same or similar questions. After the students used both homework systems, a survey was given that included Likert-scaled and open-response questions that dealt with students’ perceived level of understanding using the different systems, how easy the systems were to use, and the advantages/disadvantages of each system. A delayed survey was given at the end of the second semester of general chemistry, during which students had used OWL for the complete semester. This paper investigates the effects of the arrangement (embedded vs. linked) on student preferences and perceived learning in this pilot study with a 300-person class. Based on the results of the study, it was found that students perceived that they learn more with MindTap and prefer the embedded text in MindTap over the linked text in OWL.  相似文献   

作业设计是一门艺术,数学教师在进行作业布置的过程中要注意围绕培养学生核心素养展开,注重减轻学生的作业负担,提高作业布置的有效性。文章分析核心素养的重要性和作业设计现状,强调学生要注重基础知识和基础题型的掌握,教师要分层次进行作业布置,适当设计自主探究性题目,积极布置开放性的作业,切实提高学生的数学核心素养。  相似文献   


As STEM educators, we know it is beneficial to train students to think critically and mathematically during their early mathematical lives. To this end, the author teaches the College Algebra/Precalculus course in a flipped classroom version of an inquiry-based learning style. However, the techniques described in this paper can be applied to a variety of freshman and sophomore mathematics courses (and above). In particular, in this model the students read the textbook before class and formulate questions, submitted prior to class via a learning management system, about the material to be covered in class the next day. During class they solve problems about that topic, and solutions are presented and discussed before the end of the period. After class, students complete standard homework about the topic, and are encouraged to bring any unresolved homework, worksheet, or reading questions for the next class period. This paper will discuss this method of engaging students, focusing on how student questions evolve during the semester, and student feedback.  相似文献   

This article considers the relationship between differential homework task difficulty, student engagement and performance across four Irish post-primary school sites. A total of 236 participants completed all elements of this study. All participants were junior cycle students, aged between 12 and 16 years. The study employed a standardised test–retest approach, with a one week interval between tests. Between testing, participants were randomly subdivided into three cohorts. Each cohort received homework questions of different difficulty levels to complete for one week. The results of this study found that Cohort A, who received the least difficult homework tasks, completed the most non-compulsory questions. Although Cohort A demonstrated higher levels of engagement, no statistically significant difference was found in the change in performance scores of the three cohorts. The results highlight the negative impact of increased task difficulty on student engagement with independent homework tasks. The findings suggest that in order to support student engagement it is important that teachers afford ample opportunity for student success when designing self-directed tasks such as homework.  相似文献   

本文主要论述了建筑市场劳务作业分包体系形成的必然性和建筑市场劳务作业专业化的特点,分析了现阶段我国劳务作业分包管理中存在的问题及解决办法,对未来建筑工程项目劳务作业分包管理的发展做出了展望。  相似文献   

The article links student and family characteristics, along with homework characteristics and homework purposes, to homework management as reported by 194 middle‐school students in Grades 5–6. The results revealed that homework management was not related to grade level, amount of parental education, time spent on homework, or extrinsic reasons for doing homework. However, girls and students who received family help reported more frequently managing their homework. In addition, homework interest and whether homework was a favorite activity were positively related to the use of homework management strategies, above and beyond gender and family help. Furthermore, intrinsic reasons for doing homework accounted for an additional, significant percentage of the variance in homework management, with higher levels of intrinsic reasons being positively associated with more frequent use of homework management strategies.  相似文献   

This study examines teachers’ views about and practices in homework in primary schools, based on questionnaire data from 235 primary teachers and 19 in-depth interviews. Findings suggest that teachers prioritise contradictory goals and act in ways that support only some of these. Reading with parents is a universal form of homework and other homework focuses either on English or mathematics or takes a project-led approach. Integration of homework into class learning is problematic. Teachers are concerned about the possible effects of homework on educational inequality and questions are raised about teachers’ perceptions of homework as a signifier of good parenting.  相似文献   

教育部提出在新学期将重点指导各地做好学生作业管理工作。加强中小学学生作业管理,对提高教学质量、减轻学生学业负担,以及家长的教育焦虑,都有很重要的现实意义。文章提出要以整体减负的思路来加强学生作业管理,通过依法治校、落实教师教育教学自主权、改革教育评价体系,实现标本兼治。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of (a) interactive reading homework, and (b) parent involvement with children during homework on students' responses to inference questions. Interactive reading homework refers to homework designed to involve both parents and children and to facilitate student reasoning. The participants were 84 parents and 84 second grade students from three Alabama elementary schools. Data were gathered using pre- and post student inference tests, parent behavior checklists, and parent homework questionnaires. The results indicated that interactive reading homework increased both parental involvement during the completion of reading homework assignments and students' ability to draw inferences.  相似文献   

The present study examined empirical models of variables posited to predict students’ homework environment management at the secondary school level. The participants were 866 8th graders from 61 classes and 745 11th graders from 46 classes. Most of the variance in homework environment management occurred at the student level, with classmates’ shared homework interest as the only significant predictor at the class level. At the student level, homework environment management was positively associated with learning-oriented reasons (i.e. doing homework for reinforcing school learning and developing a sense of responsibility), homework interest, family homework help, academic achievement and teacher feedback. On the other hand, homework environment management was negatively associated with the amount of time spent on television and peer-oriented reasons (i.e. doing homework for working with and seeking approval from peers).  相似文献   

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