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探讨大学生公正世界信念、亲社会行为与共情方面的现状以及共情在公正世界信念与亲社会行为之间的中介作用。研究结果显示:大学生的公正世界信念水平和亲社会行为水平较高,但是共情处于中等水平;大学生公正世界信念、亲社会行为与共情三因素之间存在两两正相关关系,且相关关系显著;在家庭所在地上,亲社会行为的匿名性维度存在显著的城乡差异,农村高于城市;在年级上,公正世界信念的总分和一般公平维度存在显著差异,大一高于大四;共情在公正世界信念和亲社会行为之间呈部分中介变量。因此,为使大学生拥有一个健康的心理状态,更好地走向社会,要激励大学生养成较高的公正世界信念,增加亲社会行为,提升共情水平。  相似文献   

本研究采用大学生公正世界信念量表对200名民族院校在校大学生进行问卷调查,结果显示:大一学生在公正世界信念和内在不公正因子上显著高于大二学生;独生子女在公正世界信念和终极公正因子上显著高于非独生子女;而公正世界信念在汉族与少数民族之间没有显著性差异,生源地(城市/农村)和文理科的差异对其公正世界信念影响也不显著。  相似文献   

幼儿道德规则认知与行为是衡量幼儿社会性发展的重要指标。本研究选取湖州市两所幼儿园小、中、大班共180名幼儿为被试,采用故事访谈法和观察法相结合的方式对其道德规则认知与行为的一致性进行研究。研究发现:1.年龄、性别对幼儿道德规则认知水平影响显著,年龄越大幼儿的道德规则认知水平越高,女孩道德规则的认知水平高于男孩;2.年龄、性别对幼儿道德行为影响不显著;3.在总体上,幼儿道德规则认知得分显著低于行为得分,说明两者在幼儿阶段发展水平并不一致。而且在遵守情境下,在三个年龄段上均是道德规则认知得分显著低于行为得分;在违反情境下,道德规则认知得分高于行为得分,除小班差异不显著外,中大班差异均显著;男孩、女孩在遵守情境下,道德规则认知得分显著低于行为得分;在违反情境下,道德规则认知得分显著高于行为得分。  相似文献   

以上海市6所高校565名大学生为被试,通过问卷调查,探讨不同年级、性别、专业大学生自我同一性差异及与网络行为偏好的关系。结果表明:大学生“将来自我投入的愿望”得分有显著的年级、性别和专业差异;大学生自我同一性与信息获得偏好有显著正相关,与游戏偏好、网络成瘾总分有显著负相关;“过去危机”、“现在自我投入”与交往偏好有显著正相关。  相似文献   

论文以 《公正世界信念量表》、《归因量表》为研究工具,以1700名大学生为研究对象,对大学生公正信念与归因现状进行研究,因此,发现存在以下情况:大学生有较好的公正信念,归因以内归因为主;男女大学生在努力程度归因上存在显著差异,女生比男生更倾向于努力归因;不同年级大学生在公正信念、努力程度、运气、任务难度上均存在显著差异;公正信念与归因存在一定的关系,努力程度、能力、任务难度对公正信念有显著的正向预测作用,运气对公正信念有显著的负向预测作用.研究表明,事件归因影响了大学生的公正信念.  相似文献   

论文以湖南省三所高校的大学生为主要研究对象,对影响大学生自信心的因素等进行调查研究,结果表明:自我定向、成功情境内外源、成功情境稳定性、失败情境稳定性、自我效能与自信心具有显著性差异;任务定向、成功情境可控性、失败情境内外源、失败情境可控性与自信心无显著性相关;普通大学生的自信心在性别上具有显著性差异,而在专业和学习年限上差异不显著。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生在网络冲突情境中情绪调节的特点,采用情绪诱发的回忆/想象研究范式,通过访谈法发现,与现实冲突情境相比,被试在网络冲突的情绪状态觉察、情绪原因觉察、情绪反省、情绪效能感等因子得分均呈显著差异,而在情绪表达、情绪调节策略等因子得分不存在显著差异。进一步探讨发现,与现实冲突情境中的情绪调节相比,网络冲突情境中的大学生情绪调节差异与网络情境的虚拟交互特征有关。  相似文献   

此研究以价值观辨析学派理论为依据,以403名10—16岁儿童为被试,以情境故事为刺激材料,用“认知判断”、“内心体验”、“情感分享”、“行为倾向”、“行为重复”五项指征考察了小学、初中、高中的学生在诚信价值观方面的状况和特点。结果表明,他们已经具有了认知判断、内心体验、行为倾向、行为重复倾向的4项指征,但没有表现出具有情感分享的指征;在认知判断、内心体验、行为倾向3项指征上,16岁的高中学生表现出低于小学、初中学生的倾向;一般情境和角色承担两种投射情境、有无诱因两种背景都会影响他们在诚信价值观有关指征上的表现。  相似文献   

文章在数据调查的基础上通过模拟基于利益诉求的集群行为情境范式,从社会认同理论视角考察不同群际互动方式下大学生集群行为,同时结合大学生压力情况问卷进行分析。研究发现,良好有效的沟通方式较之不良的沟通方式能够显著降低群体愤怒情绪和群体行为意愿,但对于群体认同以及群体效能的影响尚未达到显著;大学生所承受压力在一定程度上能够显著影响网络群体行为意愿,也就是压力越大,网络群体行为意愿越强。在此基础上,也提出若干应对策略供有关部门参考。  相似文献   

陈瑞 《文教资料》2014,(16):167-168
本研究对大学生拖延行为与自我控制的关系进行了调查。研究发现:大学生拖延程度较高,自我控制水平不高。大学生拖延行为与自我控制在性别、年级上均不存在显著差异;大学生拖延行为与自我控制各维度均存在显著的负相关。  相似文献   

教学乃“为己之学”——教学行为的道德评判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师未必有德性,教学未必是德行,因而教学行为是需要道德评判的。教学行为的道德评判,就是对某种或某类教学行为在道德意义上做出肯定或否定的价值判断,从而把教学行为区分为善的或恶的、有利的或有害的、正义的或非正义的、合理的或不合理的等类型,通过对教学行为的赞许或谴责来干预教学生活,从而使教学走上人性化的道路,真正全面地丰富、涵养和提升人性。教学行为的道德评判应当在教学行为的全过程中进行全面和综合的分析,即看教师是否在既定的客观环境中做了他所应做的、他所能做的和他已做到的。通过教学并在教学过程中不断形塑和完美自身,通过形塑和完美自身不断形塑和完美学生,这两者不是敌对的、互相冲突的,而是一体化的过程。教学良心为教师的教学行为“立法”,规约和制导着教师的现实教学生活或实际教学行为的选择,所以教学行为的道德评判在某种程度上又是教师教学良心的自我评判。  相似文献   

Interview, self‐report, peer report, and observational data were used to examine parent and peer relationship qualities as predictors of relative changes in attachment security in a community sample of adolescents followed from ages 14 to 24. Early maternal supportive behavior predicted relative increases in attachment security from adolescence to adulthood, whereas psychological control and interparental hostile conflict predicted relative decreases. Peer predictors of relative increases in security included collaborative and autonomous behaviors and lack of hostile interactions, with peer predictions growing stronger for relationships assessed at later ages. Overall, models accounted for sufficient variance as to suggest that attachment security across this period is well explained by a combination of stability plus theoretically predicted change linked to social relationship qualities.  相似文献   

“进步”与“正义”反映的是同一事物的两个方面,其关系有四种可能,正义的、进步的、非正义的、非进步的,正义的,非进步的、进步的、非正义的,不能机械地强求一致。  相似文献   

Attachment and social-cognitive theories of interpersonal relations have underscored the integral role that internalized cognitive representations may play as mediators of the link between family and peer relationships. 3 predictions consistent with this conceptualization received support in the present study of 161 7–12-year-old school children. In Part 1 of the study, significant connections were found among different components of cognitive representations, including social perceptions, interpersonal expectancies, and schematic organization and processing of social information. Moreover, generalization was found among children's representations across 3 interpersonal domains–that is, family, peer, and self. In Part 2, negative representations of self and others were found to be associated with increased social impairment, including dysfunctional social behavior and less positive status in the peer group. Implications of the findings for theories of interpersonal competence and interventions with socially impaired children are discussed.  相似文献   

可持续发展观与生存观念的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为人类生活中的一项具有实质内容与深远意义的变革,可持续发展观不仅是人类社会运作模式的自主性的和整体性的变革,而且必然还包含着并要求具体体现为人类社会诸主体的生存观念的重大变革,这就是从那种根深蒂固的动物性的、重占有的、片面的生存观念(“生存1”)提升到注重生存意义与生命质量,强调人、社会、自然全面协调发展因而具有自我反思、约束及调节机制与效应的属人的 生存观念(“生存2”)。传统的唯经济发展观之所以只能从“生存1”法理解人的生存,在于其人的假设是“经济人”与“动物人”,而可持续发展之对应于“生存2”,就在于相应的人的假设是“全面发展的人”,也只有从“全面发展的人”所蕴含的“生态人”去理解,“生存1”才能得到积极的和建设性的理解。所谓“一要生存、二要发展”中的“生存”也需要从“生存2”去理解,发展只是实现生存的手段,“生存2”才是发展的目的。在全球化背景下,中华民族的可持续发展与振兴道路所指向的目标绝不只是“生存1”,而是“生存2”。  相似文献   

A model linking 3 perceived support variables, namely, level of support, quality of support (unconditional or conditional), and hope about future support, to false self behavior (acting in ways that are not the "real me") was hypothesized. Both parent and peer support were examined. The best fitting model for the parent and peer data revealed that perceived quality and level of parent support predict hope about future parent support, which in turn predicts false self behavior. Adolescents' motives for engaging in false self behavior were also examined. Those whose reported motives were hypothesized to be the most clinically debilitating (devaluation of the self) reported the most negative outcomes (depressed affect, low self-worth, hopelessness, and less knowledge of the true self). In contrast, adolescents citing the developmentally normative motive of role experimentation reported the most positive affect, highest self-worth, greatest hopefulness, and most knowledge of true self. Those reporting that they engaged in false self behavior to please, impress, or win the approval of parents and peers had intermediate scores on the depression, self-worth, hope, and knowledge of true self measures. Discussion focused on the potential causes and consequences of false self behavior.  相似文献   

康生将柳亚子先生“大儿斯大林,小儿毛泽东”印章打成“反动印章”,歪曲印之意,制造莫须有的冤案;但是,《后汉书》本传所载祢衡称“大儿孔举,小儿杨德祖”原意是指“大儿子孔举,小儿子杨德祖”。研究把“大儿”“小儿”解释为“汉代称谓中的一种特殊用语,是对杰出男子的一种尊称”,则是对语言事实的不尊重,也是对柳亚子先生的不尊重。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships among demographics, parent and peer attachment, school satisfaction, and student engagement behavior in a 1‐year longitudinal study of secondary‐school students. Statistically significant cross‐sectional differences in school satisfaction were observed, based on grade, but not on race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Level of school satisfaction did not moderate the relationships between parent and peer satisfaction and negative student engagement behaviors at Time 2 (controlling for Time 1). School satisfaction did account for significant incremental variance across all levels of parent and peer attachment relationships, although predicting a larger proportion of variance for withdrawal behavior than for resistance/aggression behavior. Adolescents' appraisals of their school satisfaction appear to be an independent predictor of their school engagement behaviors, regardless of the quality of their parent or peer attachment relationships. Limitations of the study as well as implications for future research and educational practice are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Medical professionals and public consumers expect that new physical therapy graduates possess cognitive, technical, and behavioral skills required to provide safe and high‐quality care to patients. The purpose of this study was to determine if a repertoire of ten professional behaviors assessed at the beginning of doctorate of physical therapy education and before the first significant clinical internship could be enhanced in a semester course in gross human anatomy using individual formative feedback. During the human anatomy course, 28 first‐year physical therapy students completed six biweekly, anonymous self‐ and peer assessment surveys that targeted ten professional behaviors important to physical therapists. All professional behaviors were assessed using a five‐point Likert scale. Feedback reports occurred at week eight (mid‐semester) and week 16 (end‐of‐semester) and comprised the direct intervention components of this study. At the midpoint of the semester, professional behavior scores and narrative comments from weeks two, four, and six were compiled and shared with each student by one of three faculty members in a feedback session. Students then submitted biweekly self‐and peer professional behavior assessments (weeks 10, 12, and 14) for the remainder of the human anatomy course. Differences between preintervention and postintervention scores for each of the ten professional behaviors were compared using the Wilcoxon signed‐ranks test. Upon receiving mid‐semester individual feedback, students demonstrated significant improvement in each of the ten professional behaviors. Results from this study indicated a gross anatomy laboratory dissection experience during the first academic semester provided an effective opportunity for teaching and assessing professional behaviors of doctoral students in physical therapy. Anat Sci Educ 6: 324–331. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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