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The Medical Library Center of New York (MLCNY), a medical library consortium founded in 1959, has specialized in supporting resource sharing and fostering technological advances. In 1961, MLCNY developed and continues to maintain the Union Catalog of Medical Periodicals (UCMP), a resource tool including detailed data about the collections of more than 720 medical library participants. UCMP was one of the first library tools to capitalize on the benefits of computer technology and, from the beginning, invited hospital libraries to play a substantial role in its development. UCMP, beginning with products in print and later in microfiche, helped to create a new resource sharing environment. Today, UCMP continues to capitalize on new technology by providing access via the Internet and an Oracle-based search system providing subscribers with the benefits of: a database that contains serial holdings information on an issue specific level, a database that can be updated in real time, a system that provides multi-type searching and allows users to define how the results will be sorted, and an ordering function that can more precisely target libraries that have a specific issue of a medical journal. Current development of a Web-based system will ensure that UCMP continues to provide cost effective and efficient resource sharing in future years.  相似文献   

Searches by end users and intermediaries on the online PDQ (Physician Data Query) cancer information system were observed. With the National Library of Medicine (NLM) menu-based interface, end users (physicians) averaged fewer steps per question, while with the BRS command-drive interface, intermediaries appeared to be more efficient. Cancer Information Service (CIS) searchers, who have more PDQ experience than end users or intermediaries, made greater use of command stacking to anticipate menu selections. Retrieval was more complete in the NLM system, where both the menus and predefined print formats assisted the searchers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This research was conducted to provide new insights on clinical nurses' and nursing students' current use of health resources and libraries and deterrents to their retrieval of electronic clinical information, exploring implications from these findings for health sciences librarians. METHODS: Questionnaires, interviews, and observations were used to collect data from twenty-five nursing students and twenty-five clinical nurses. RESULTS: Nursing students and clinical nurses were most likely to rely on colleagues and books for medical information, while other resources they frequently cited included personal digital assistants, electronic journals and books, and drug representatives. Significantly more nursing students than clinical nurses used online databases, including CINAHL and PubMed, to locate health information, and nursing students were more likely than clinical nurses to report performing a database search at least one to five times a week. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Nursing students made more use of all available resources and were better trained than clinical nurses, but both groups lacked database-searching skills. Participants were eager for more patient care information, more database training, and better computer skills; therefore, health sciences librarians have the opportunity to meet the nurses' information needs and improve nurses' clinical information-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

A survey of users of PsycLIT and MEDLINE on CDROM was performed at an academic medical library. The questionnaire was designed to gather information about the user population, satisfaction of the users, the assistance needed to use the systems, and the type of searches being performed. The majority of users were graduate students in the schools of medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. In general, users were satisfied with the performance of the systems. Assistance from a librarian, printed documentation, or another patron was required by 85% of users, and they were generally satisfied with this assistance. Most searches were performed to obtain information on a subject. The results were remarkably similar for both databases.  相似文献   

A survey of users of PsycLIT and MEDLINE on CD-ROM was performed at an academic medical library. The questionnaire was designed to gather information about the user population, satisfaction of the users, the assistance needed to use the systems, and the type of searches being performed. The majority of users were graduate students in the schools of medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. In general, users were satisfied with the performance of the systems. Assistance from a librarian, printed documentation, or another patron was required by 85% of users, and they were generally satisfied with this assistance. Most searches were performed to obtain information on a subject. The results were remarkably similar for both databases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A study was conducted to determine if bibliographic retrieval performed by French-speaking end users is impaired by English language interfaces. The American database MEDLINE on CD-ROM was used as a model. METHODS: A survey of self-administered questionnaires was performed at two libraries of Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 University, during a two-month period in 1997. Three study groups were constituted: MEDLINE / Ovid end users, MEDLINE / Ovid librarian-mediated users, and Pascal, a French bibliographic database, end users. RESULTS: Among 191 respondents, only 22% thought English was an obstacle to their bibliographic retrieval. However, the research software was generally underused and the quality of the retrieval weak. The differences were statistically significant between users trained by librarians and the self-trained group, the former performing better. CONCLUSION: Special efforts need to be made to develop curriculum training programs for computerized bibliographic retrieval in medical schools, regardless of the native language of the student.  相似文献   

研究型医学图书馆层次化服务系统的构建,涉及用户信息库建设,特色资源库的开发、引进,权限配置与管理等多方面。建设一套科学规范的层次化服务系统,对优化和推动图书馆主动、个性化动态服务、提高馆藏资源的利用率具有积极作用。  相似文献   

认为目前NSTL文献检索系统采用的是传统的基于关键词匹配的检索方法,影响检索结果的查准率和查全率。为提高检索服务的质量,利用文献中的语义信息资源,构建语义资源库,并介绍语义资源的提取方法、语义资源库的结构与构建方法,及其应用于NSTL系统中并实现检索结果聚类和推荐的功能,以方便用户对检索结果的浏览和理解。  相似文献   

Nurses have the potential to be one of the largest groups of users a medical library can serve. In recognition of this fact, librarians at St. John's Health System embarked on a journey to collaborate with nurses and increase this group's use of the medical library. In 2004, a nursing outreach plan was developed by librarians, with input from non-physician health care employees. The nursing outreach plan will be reviewed along with the barriers and successes encountered during implementation of the plan. Innovative strategies for reaching nursing personnel were accomplished by partnering with nurses to reach nurses.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]如何理解新手在与学术数据库交互过程中其心智模型的演进过程和学习模式是值得关注的问题,探究任务类型对学术数据库新手用户心智模型和学习模式的影响能够更好地帮助用户使用学术数据库。[研究设计/方法]本研究通过77位新手用户参与完成三种不同类型的任务(事实型搜索、探索型搜索和干涉型搜索)前后分别绘制的中国知网概念图的实验,对概念图的结构差异和内容差异进行分析,探讨不同任务情境下学术数据库新手心智模型的演进规律及学习模式。[结论/发现]研究表明用户信息搜索前后心智模型的演进模式受到任务类型的驱动,呈现出不同的概念图结构和维度内容;用户在不同任务的搜索前后均进行了学习行为,但学习模式存在差异,大多数新手用户在事实型任务和干涉型任务搜索后进行了有意义的学习,而在探索型任务搜索后用户进行了初步学习。[创新/价值]从任务类型的影响视角丰富了“搜索即学习”中的新手用户心智模型和学习模式的研究内容,有利于信息专业人员为新手开展信息检索技能培训和优化检索系统设计。  相似文献   

Electronic information is becoming prevalent worldwide, and its use is growing exponentially as more and more users are recognizing the potential that it offers in terms of access and delivery. However, with the introduction of new tools for e-information searching and retrieval, users have to readjust their information-seeking behavior to cope with the corresponding changes. The University of Sharjah library is steadily increasing its investment in e-resources to offer ubiquitous access to the growing body of literature in areas that interest the community it serves. This study reports the findings of a survey conducted to investigate the information-seeking behavior of medical students at the medical library. Results showed evidence of use of e-resources, but they did not explicitly establish that some of the major problems mentioned by participants did hinder the information searches of the respondents. An extensive literature review sets the background for the study.  相似文献   

Clinical psychology has received little attention as a subject in health sciences library collections. This study seeks to demonstrate the relative importance of the monographic literature to clinical psychology through the examination of citations in graduate student theses and dissertations at the Fordham Health Sciences Library, Wright State University. Dissertations and theses were sampled randomly; citations were classified by format, counted, and subjected to statistical analysis. Books and book chapters together account for 35% of the citations in clinical psychology dissertations, 25% in nursing theses, and 8% in biomedical sciences theses and dissertations. Analysis of variance indicates that the citations in dissertations and theses in the three areas differ significantly (F = 162.2 with 2 and 253 degrees of freedom, P = 0.0001). Dissertations and theses in biomedical sciences and nursing theses both cite significantly more journals per book than the dissertations in clinical psychology. These results support the hypothesis that users of clinical psychology literature rely more heavily on books than many other users of a health sciences library. Problems with using citation analyses in a single subject to determine a serials to monographs ratio for a health sciences library are pointed out.  相似文献   

A survey to determine attitudes toward end-user searching was made at Loyola University's Medical Center Library using MEDIS, an online full-text and bibliographic medical retrieval system. One hundred forty-one completed questionnaires were analyzed for this report. Information was collected on user familiarity with computers, end-user training, system use, mechanics of searching, and attitudes toward future use. Computer familiarity was highest among the faculty users. Ninety percent of the respondents saw librarians as a crucial agent in training and in providing end-user assistance. Respondents identified five major reasons for using the system: helpfulness, convenience, time savings, rapid feedback, and presentation of needed information. Searching the MEDLINE database rather than the full-text database was the search method of choice. Continued use of both mediated and end-user searching was intended by most of the respondents. Survey results support a perceived need for end-user searching and confirmed recommendations of the Association of American Medical Colleges on medical information science skills.  相似文献   


This article reports on the results of an exploratory user-centered study that examined how technological advancements in natural language processing (NLP) such as the availability of multilingual information access (MLIA) tools impact the information searching behavior of bi/multilingual academic users. Thirty-one bi/multilingual students participated in a controlled lab-based user experiment in which they carried out two assigned tasks each on Google and WorldCat for a total of four tasks, and then completed a post experiment questionnaire. The captures from the experiment showed 86.7% of the participants using multilingual information access tools. Further analyses of the captures also showed that participants were more likely to use MLIA tools when the instructions for the task were stated in their native language. An independent samples t-test revealed that participants spent less time on their searches when they used MLIA tools. The study revealed considerable diversity in the information searching behavior of the participants, even within the same pair of languages, and even for the same user. Diversity was noted for instance, on which tasks MLIA tools were used and in how these tools were used. User-centered designed, personalized multilingual information retrieval (PMLIR) models could hold promise for best representing the information searching behavior of bi/multilingual users.  相似文献   

The latest release of GRATEFUL MED offers medical libraries an opportunity to monitor searching patterns of end users searching the databases of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). A GRATEFUL MED use log records information from each search session. Analysis of the log from a recent beta test program at the Welch Medical Library indicates that most NLM searches occur in the MEDLINE database. Moreover, the study reveals that searchers overlook many user-friendly features of the program. Evaluation of the use log suggests changes for future versions of the program.  相似文献   

The mini MEDLINE SYSTEM, a user-friendly search system developed in 1981 at the Georgetown University Medical Center, has been operational since 1982. The system is designed to meet the immediate educational and clinical information needs of students, residents, and faculty. This article focuses on system planning and design, database creation through "downloading," hardware adaptation, and system use. The database is a subset of the NLM's MEDLINE file; it includes over 180,000 citations to articles indexed in over 160 journals from 1982 to the present. With only a few keystrokes in a two-step process it allows users to conduct bibliographic searches. The system is being replicated at eight other medical libraries.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of smartphones by Alabama Advanced Practice Nurses to find information to address clinical questions and seeks to describe the types of questions answered using smartphones; barriers to information seeking; apps and online resources perceived as most helpful; and training/resource needs. Information collected in this study can be used by libraries that serve nursing students to develop training and resources to assist both nursing students and practicing nurses to become more efficient and effective information seekers.  相似文献   

End users want easy access to electronic full-text articles from their desktops. This small medical library has implemented an easy and cost-effective resource management program to meet this user need. This column will describe the implementation, use, and maintenance of the National Library of Medicine's LinkOut, a personalized resource management program that provides immediate access to the library's online journal full-text holdings via hyperlinks.  相似文献   

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