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Explorations of relationships between Haidt’s Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ) and indices of moral decision-making assessed by the Defining Issues Test have been limited to correlational analyses. This study used Harm, Fairness, Ingroup, Authority and Purity to predict overall moral judgment and individual Defining Issues Test-2 (DIT-2) schema scores using responses from 222 undergraduates. Relationships were not confirmed between the separate foundations and the DIT-2 indices. Using the MFQ moral judgment items only, confirmatory factor analyses confirmed higher order constructs called Individualizing and Binding foundations. Structural models using these higher order factors fitted the data well, and findings indicated that the Binding foundations significantly positively predicted Maintaining Norms and negatively predicted both overall moral judgment (N2) and the Postconventional Schema. Neither Individualizing nor Binding foundations significantly predicted Personal Interest. While moral judgments assessed by DIT-2 may not be evoking the MFQ foundations, findings here suggest the MFQ may not be a suitable measure for capturing more advanced moral functioning.  相似文献   


The Defining Issues Test (DIT) has been the dominant measure of moral development. The DIT has its roots in Kohlberg’s original stage theory of moral judgment development and asks respondents to rank a set of stage typed statements in order of importance on six stories. However, the question to what extent the DIT-data match the underlying stage model was never addressed with a statistical model. Therefore, we applied item response theory (IRT) to a large data set (55,319 cases). We found that the ordering of the stages as extracted from the raw data fitted the ordering in the underlying stage model good. Furthermore, difficulty differences of stages across the stories were found and their magnitude and location were visualized. These findings are compatible with the notion of one latent moral developmental dimension and lend support to the hundreds of studies that have used the DIT-1 and by implication support the renewed DIT-2.  相似文献   

Teachers at eight elementary schools in a large metropolitan school district participated in a multi-year program of professional ethical dilemma discussions that took place at monthly school meetings over a two-year or three-year period and focused on real-life situations faced by elementary school teachers. Discussions were structured using the Four Component Model of Moral Judgment. The DIT-2 served as a measure of moral judgment. Results proved to be counterintuitive; teacher moral judgment did not improve over time. We discuss the implications of promoting moral and democratic sensibilities at a time when American classrooms are tightly controlled and teachers held accountable for student performance on high stakes tests.  相似文献   


The present study compares Israeli adolescents from Eastern, i.e., African‐Asiatic descent and Western, i.e., European‐American descent, with respect to locus of control (LOC) and moral judgement. It was assumed that the differential patterns of socialization that characterize the two ethnic groups, would be reflected by the subjects’ LOC and moral judgement. It was hypothesized that more internal LOC orientation and more relativistic moral judgement would be associated with Western than with Eastern patterns of socialization. The results confirmed the general hypothesis. Israeli adolescents of Eastern descent were found to be more externally oriented and their moral judgement to be more realistic than adolescents of Western descent. No relationship between LOC and moral judgement within each of the origin groups was found. The results are discussed in terms of socialization patterns and child‐rearing practices.  相似文献   


We developed and tested a behavioral version of the Defining Issues Test-1 revised (DIT-1r), which is a measure of the development of moral judgment. We conducted a behavioral experiment using the behavioral Defining Issues Test (bDIT) to examine the relationship between participants’ moral developmental status, moral competence, and reaction time when making moral judgments. We found that when the judgments were made based on the preferred moral schema, the reaction time for moral judgments was significantly moderated by the moral developmental status. In addition, as a participant becomes more confident with moral judgment, the participant differentiates the preferred versus other schemas better particularly when the participant’s abilities for moral judgment are more developed.  相似文献   

本文通过对道德判断的分析,批判地指出1.对任何一种行为进行正确地道德判断都必须结合行为者的动机和行动的效果才能作出;2.一种行为道德与否不仅有质的差别,而且有量的差别,善恶的程度受行为主体和行为受体特征影响,对一种行为的奖惩应与善恶的程度相适应;3.道德判断是关系的判断,道德真理是一种具有主观性的客观真理,对一种行为的道德判断的真理性具有唯一性而非多样性.  相似文献   

Eighteen parents participated in a Deliberate Psychological Education program designed to enhance their moral judgement and indirectly influence the moral development of their children. In a quasi‐experimental nonequivalent control group design, their progress was compared to that of 19 participants in a no‐treatment control condition. There was a significant change in the treatment condition on moral judgement and perspective‐taking measures and the effectiveness of a generated solutions component of a problem‐solving measure. The effect size for the moral judgement variable was large. The findings indicated that similar programs have the potential to enhance the moral judgement of parents. Enhancing the moral judgement of parents can potentially enhance the moral development of their children, although further research is needed to refine the treatment program and understand the outcomes.  相似文献   

周初“德承天命”思想发展至春秋时期,形成了以“德”为核心、复杂的道德判断体系,并作为春秋时期社会意识形态的普遍现象,规范、约束着人们的社会关系和社会生活。《左传》中所见春秋时期的道德判断,对“德”之地位、内涵、价值和功能,从认识与实践上都体现出了高度的自觉。  相似文献   

会计人员的职业判断在整个会计规范体系的执行过程中居于最直接、最主动的核心地位,但会计职业判断也会引发道德风险。对于会计职业判断道德风险的发生原因,过去的讨论一般都局限于会计人员自身道德素质的分析。本则从制度环境与道德风险的一般关系原理出发,结合我国企业会计的具体制度环境,论述了会计制度环境导致会计职业判断道德风险的现实性,并且在揭示问题成因的基础上,给出道德风险控制的具体对策。  相似文献   

Gains in moral judgement, as measured by the Defining Issues Test (DIT), correlate strongly with advancing education. Curricula that are strongly biblically based may not promote, and students with a strong fundamentalist orientation may not demonstrate, such moral growth. Students at an interdenominational, but very conservative seminary, completed the DIT before and after ethics courses conducted in three different formats. Those students who spent 30 hours in small‐group discussions of ethical dilemmas improved their moral reasoning scores, while those who had fewer hours of discussion or lectures did not. It would appear that small group discussions, shown to improve moral reasoning scores in other educational settings, are also successful in a strongly biblical environment.  相似文献   

新型人才的道德素质应包括一般道德素质、职业道德素质、社会公德素质、道德判断与选择能力四个方面。  相似文献   

后现代主义是源于对西方现代社会的批判而产生和发展的社会文化思潮,但其理论主张的极端批判性特征却导致后现代主义陷入自身矛盾的泥潭。大学生正处于道德认知和道德判断力养成的关键阶段,在后现代主义消极影响下,大学生的道德判断力出现令人担忧的问题。避免后现代思潮的消极影响,提升大学生道德判断力,有待于各方面共同努力。  相似文献   


Ideas from cognitive science are increasingly influential and provide insight into the nature of moral judgement. Three core ideas are discussed: modern schema theory, the frequency of automatic decision-making and implicit processes as the default mode of human information processing. The Defining Issues Test (DIT) measures the beginnings of moral understanding, which are largely non-verbal and intuitive, in contrast to the Moral Judgement Interview (MJI), which measures the highest level of verbal understanding. The positive attributes of the DIT and its conceptualisation of moral judgement schemas are more apparent in a time of increasing respect for implicit knowledge and processing. The DIT offers a means of measuring moral judgement that fits with current views in cognitive science. Although the MJI and interview techniques generally are worthwhile for measuring production competence, the DIT is better able to measure understanding at the level that drives most decisions for most people.  相似文献   

This article reviews studies examining the effect of professional education on ethical development. Most studies limit assessment to the measurement of moral judgement, observing that moral judgement plateaus during professional school unless an ethics intervention is present. Whereas interventions influence the shift to postconventional reasoning (the DIT P score), a more illuminating picture of change may emerge if researchers examined DIT profiles. More importantly, limiting assessment to measures of moral judgement ignores important aspects of moral functioning suggested by the Four Components Model. Assessment methods have been validated for sensitivity, role concept and ethical implementation that could be adapted to provide individuals in a particular profession with a more complete picture of abilities needed for real-life professional practice.  相似文献   


This article reviews studies examining the effect of professional education on ethical development. Most studies limit assessment to the measurement of moral judgement, observing that moral judgement plateaus during professional school unless an ethics intervention is present. Whereas interventions influence the shift to postconventional reasoning (the DIT P score), a more illuminating picture of change may emerge if researchers examined DIT profiles. More importantly, limiting assessment to measures of moral judgement ignores important aspects of moral functioning suggested by the Four Component Model. Assessment methods have been validated for sensitivity, reasoning, role concept and ethical implementation that could be adapted to provide individuals in a particular profession with a more complete picture of abilities needed for real-life professional practice.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the way in which 216 young handball players (Mage = 12.79, SD = 2.20) of different ages (nine- to 10-years-old, 11- to 12-years-old, 13- to 14-years-old, and 15- to 16-years-old) combined and integrated five different information cues (the consequences of the aggression, the current score, the time left to play, the context of the aggression, the relative importance of the game) for judging the extent to which an aggressive act performed by a player during a match of handball could be condoned. The participants indicated their judgement in 48 scenarios constructed from the combination of these information cues. A cluster analysis has been done. Two different positions on moral judgement were observed. The information cues were combined differently and moral judgement increased according the young players’ age. The approach of information integration completes the previous studies on developmental moral judgement in sport.  相似文献   


This paper examines research and theory regarding the process of moral judgement development within the family environment. Four major issues in research on the family's influence on moral judgement development are outlined and the existing data relevant to these issues are briefly presented. The author's approach to studying these issues is described. The implications of research on moral development within the family for moral education are also addressed.  相似文献   

休谟“道德不可理证”说是以自然人性为基奠的,对人性的追溯与关切奠定了休谟伦理的人学座架,而“感性世界”的道德视角则赋予其道德学社会生活实践的本性与人伦情怀。休谟将事实与价值明确区分之后,人在道德中的主体价值与地位被确立起来,由“道德不可理证”引出的功利与同情的道德原则既是对其自然人性出发点的回归,又彰显了“人性完善”的价值尺度,是休谟伦理学人性关切与人伦诉求在更高层面的体现。休谟伦理学具有丰富的现实启迪。我国要建构具有“真实性”的道德体系并发挥其应有的精神整合力,就要突破僵化的道德理性束缚,赋予社会道德现实人性内容与人伦情怀,同时探究情感化的心灵教育之道,使社会道德给人以向往“家园”般的祈盼与皈依。  相似文献   


This article reports two studies‐‐a longitudinal investigation of moral judgement and reported moral experience, and an outcome study on the impact of a moral intervention project with adult undergraduate students. In the first study, 29 middle‐class, primarily white, well‐educated adults, ranging in age from 18 to 80 were administered Standard Form Moral Judgment interviews 4 years apart and were asked to describe their own moral events that had occurred. The average moral judgement score on the hypothetical dilemmas was Stage Four. The reasoning in the spontaneously reported moral events was significantly lower, although the two scores were highly correlated. Difference scores between the two were not related to dilemma scores. While there were no significant gender differences in scores on the hypothetical dilemmas, there were in scores on spontaneous‐reported events favouring males. The ethical quality of the reported events could be easily categorised by traditional moral‐philosophic categories. About half the events contained traditional deontic moral content (moral right); the other half contained material defined as the moral good. The context of most events was interpersonal, as opposed to societal. The second study investigated the reported impact on mostly white, middle‐and upper‐class undergraduate students who participated in a mentor programme in an inner‐city high school, a programme designed to impact both moral thinking and moral sentiments (motivation). Thirty‐nine adults, ranging in age from 20 to 57 participated, of which 26 were female and 13 were male. In both short‐ and long‐term follow‐up surveys, most participants reported major changes in their thinking about and motivation to address social justice issues.  相似文献   

傅宝英 《中国德育》2006,1(10):18-19,41
学生思想品德测量与评价简称品德测评。它是测评者采用科学的测评手段(工具),有目的地、系统地收集被测评者在某一时期主要活动领域内的品德特征信息,然后针对某一测评目标、体系做出数量或价值判断,或直接概括出个体品德行为独特性的过程。它既是对学生思想品德状况的事实判断  相似文献   

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