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Prevotella bivia is associated with pelvic inflammatory disease. A 77-year-old man developed a rapidly growing chest wall abscess due to P. bivia within days. He underwent surgical resection of the infected area; his postoperative course was uneventful. This is the first case of chest wall abscess due to P. bivia infection. Its correct diagnosis cannot be underestimated because fulminant infections can occur in aged or immunocompromised patients if treated incorrectly. Prompt, appropriate surgical management, and antibiotic therapy affect treatment outcome.   相似文献   

目的探讨血清缺血修饰白蛋白(IMA)在急性胸痛患者鉴别诊断中的价值。方法通过检测163例由于急性胸痛来我院就诊的患者血清中IMA水平,根据患者最终诊断结果,从而判断IMA在急性胸痛患者中的鉴别诊断价值。结果研究显示在163例患者中,心源性胸痛患者为102例,IMA值为(98.37±19.12)。非心源性胸痛为61例,IMA值为(32.54±12.11)。结论IMA在急性胸痛患者的检测中可以有效地鉴别心源性胸痛和非心源性胸痛,对于减少心源性胸痛的漏诊起到了显著的作用。  相似文献   

We herein present a case of carcinosarcoma arising as a primary lesion in the spleen with the presence of local invasion of chest wall prior to widespread metastasis all over the body of a female aged 64 years. The detailed information of therapy and imaging evidences of morphology, histology, and immunohistochemistry are fully provided. To the best of our knowledge, this is the fifth reported case of a primary splenic carcinosarcoma and even the first case to be described with local invasion in the mongoloid. Carcinosarcoma that develops in the spleen with local invasion is extremely rare.  相似文献   

本试验随机选取了在相同条件下饲养的120日龄贵妃鸡、怀乡鸡和北京油鸡三种优质鸡母鸡各24只,分别取其胸肌和腿肌做成切片,用于对三种优质鸡的母鸡肌纤维密度、肌纤维长度和肉品质进行比较,同时对肌纤维特性与肉品质的相关性进行研究,结果表明:(1)肌纤维特性方面:三种优质鸡腿肌直径大于胸肌直径,相差范围在0.73~2.6μm之间,其中怀乡鸡>北京油鸡>贵妃鸡;三种优质鸡胸肌密度大于腿肌密度,相差范围在43.18~181.56根/mm2之间,其中北京油鸡>怀乡鸡>贵妃鸡.(2)肉品质方面:三种优质鸡腿肌肉色大于胸肌肉色,差异极显著(P<0.01),相差范围在2.62~9.01之间,其中北京油鸡胸肌肉色大于怀乡鸡,而怀乡鸡胸肌肉色大于贵妃鸡,分别大1.33和3.2,腿肌肉色上,北京油鸡大于贵妃鸡,贵妃鸡大于怀乡鸡,分别大3.64和3.19;三种优质鸡胸鸡和腿肌pH值差异不显著(P>0.05),范围在6.1~6.2之间;三种优质鸡胸肌滴水损失大于腿肌,差异极显著(P<0.01),其中胸肌上,贵妃鸡滴水损失大于怀乡鸡,怀乡鸡大于北京油鸡,分别大0.82和3.09,腿肌滴水损失上,怀乡鸡滴水损失大于贵妃鸡,贵妃鸡大于北京油鸡,分别大2.3和3.49.(3)相关性方面:总体上看,肌纤维直径与密度呈负相关关系(r<0),肌纤维特性与肉色呈正相关关系(r>1),肌纤维特性与肌肉pH值和滴水损失呈负相关关系(r<0).  相似文献   

S.P.76《维摩诘经变稿》试析──敦煌壁画底稿研究之四   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
S.P.76白描稿,作者经过详细的分析研究,表明其中的三小部分是为敦煌壁画底稿《维摩诘经变稿》。作者又通过对敦煌莫高窟洞窟壁画《维摩诘经变》的考查,根据画稿与壁画在成作时代、画面内容、佛经版本、布局结构等诸多方面的对应一致,认为S.P.76《维摩诘经变稿》是莫高窟第98窟《维摩诘经变》的壁画底稿,同时也应为五代宋曹氏归义军时期敦煌壁画绘制的参照底稿。  相似文献   

目的:探讨幼鼠膈肌损伤后与漏斗胸(PE)发生的关系。方法:将40NSD大鼠分成2组,实验组造成人为膈肌损伤,对照组施以假手术,至鼠龄12周全部处死观察胸廓外观及膈肌组织学形态。结果:膈肌损伤后,动物PE发生率为38.89%(7/18),实验组动物PE的发生率与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义。膈肌损伤后组织愈合结果为肌纤维结构松散、部分肌组织萎缩,纤维结缔组织增生,瘢痕形成。结论:膈肌损伤后瘢痕愈合引起膈肌挛缩,挛缩的膈肌持续牵拉前胸壁,牵拉力量是导致大鼠PE发生的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

The occurrence, bleeding, and treatment of internal mammary artery (IMA) injury after blunt chest trauma have not been well described in the literature. We reviewed articles published from July 1977 to February 2014 describing IMA injury after blunt chest trauma in 49 patients. There was a predominant incidence in males and on the left side. Blunt trauma to the IMA can cause anterior mediastinal hematoma, hemothorax, pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula, and extra-pleural hematoma. Of the 49 patients studied, 20 underwent embolization, 22 underwent surgical operation, 4 were managed by clinical observation, and 3 had undescribed treatment. Different parts and extents of IMA injury, adjacent vein injury, as well as the integrity of the pleura determined differences in bleeding modality. Prompt diagnosis, complete hemostasis, aggressive resuscitation, and multidisciplinary teams are recommended for patients with IMA injury.  相似文献   

支气管肺癌并发肺脓肿48例临床分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨支气管肺癌并发肺脓肿的诊断.方法:回顾分析48例支气管肺癌并发性肺脓肿的临床、放射、纤维气管镜检查及开胸肺活检方面的资料.结果:肺癌合并肺脓肿时思维要开阔,纤支镜或开胸肺活检可协助肺癌确诊.结论:纤支镜对肺脓肿、肺癌明确诊断帮助很大,可减少误诊机会.  相似文献   

报告了带蒂大网膜移植术治疗脓胸与肺脓肿54只犬的动物实验.组织学观察表 明,大网膜具有非特异抗感染、再血管化促进脓腔主动修复等功能.本手术与传统的胸 廓成形术、肺切除相比,具有最大限度保留健康肺组织、无胸廓畸形、创伤少、出血少、 操作简单等优点.  相似文献   

探讨凶险型颈深部脓肿的相关因素。回顾性分析莆田学院附属医院耳鼻咽喉科2002年3月~2011年11月收治的8例凶险型颈深部脓肿患者的临床资料。结果,8例凶险型颈深部脓肿患者中5例痊愈,3例死亡。结果表明:当颈部脓肿累及多个颈深筋膜间隙感染,或并发糖尿病、肥胖、脓毒血症、感染中毒性休克、窒息等因素时,为凶险型颈深部脓肿;对该病的早期诊断、早期治疗,可以预防严重并发症的发生,有效降低死亡率。  相似文献   

大型钢结构箱形井架有单斜撑和双斜撑之分,根据井架结构形式的不同安装找正所执行的标准也不同,在井架安装过程中发现,同是双斜撑的井架由于其本身结构的不同,在找正时执行标准也应该区别对待.  相似文献   

针对激光选区熔化成形倾斜薄壁件尺寸精度低、成形质量差等问题,应用响应曲面法研究工艺参数及倾斜角度对薄壁件壁厚的影响,建立倾斜角度、工艺参数与壁厚相对误差关系模型。结果表明:倾斜角度对壁厚的影响最大,激光功率次之。由于倾斜角度改变,薄壁件悬垂面粉末支撑区域不同,导热效果存在差异,激光功率与扫描间距对于不同倾斜角度的薄壁件壁厚影响不同。其中,激光功率对45°倾斜薄壁件壁厚的影响最大,当激光功率选择150~350W时,壁厚相对误差最大差值为24%而扫描间距对90°倾斜薄壁件壁厚的影响最大,当扫描间距选择0.1~0.2mm时,壁厚相对误差最大差值为9.5%,合理的工艺参数能够有效降低壁厚相对误差。  相似文献   

Didactic and laboratory anatomical education have seen significant reductions in the medical school curriculum due, in part, to the current shift from basic science to more clinically based teaching in North American medical schools. In order to increase medical student exposure to anatomy, with clinical applicability, a student-run initiative called surgically oriented anatomy prosectors (SOAP) club was created within the extracurricular program at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. SOAP invites surgeons and residents from various surgical specialties to demonstrate, on a cadaver, a surgical procedure of their choosing. During the demonstration, the anatomy, as it relates to the surgical procedure, is discussed. The students then break into smaller groups to examine the relevant anatomy on the cadavers, during which time the discussion is broadened. The group continues the conversation in a social environment with refreshments. SOAP is one of the most popular extracurricular clubs with 65% of first and second year medical students registered as members. The high demand for SOAP, along with the positive participant feedback, may be due to its utilization of the principle of education through recreation, which seeks to provide opportunities for learning seamlessly throughout all facets of life. It also demonstrates the desire, amongst certain medical students, to learn applied anatomy, particularly within a surgical context.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the utility of oblique chest views in the diagnosis of rib fractures when used as a routine part of the skeletal survey performed for possible physical abuse. METHODS: Oblique chest views have been part of the routine skeletal survey protocol at Primary Children's Medical Center since October 2002. Dictated radiology reports since that time were reviewed, and all cases with rib fractures documented were chosen for study. For each chosen case two pediatric radiologists identified and recorded rib fractures using only the PA and lateral chest radiographs (standard two-view chest series) from the skeletal survey for each case. In a separate session they identified and recorded rib fractures using the PA, lateral, right oblique, and left oblique radiographs (four-view chest series) from the skeletal survey for each case. The results were compared. RESULTS: Twenty-two cases with rib fractures were identified. Interpretation of the four-view chest series was different than interpretation of the two-view chest series in 12 of the 22 cases (54%). Overall, the four-view chest series differed significantly in the number of rib fractures diagnosed compared with the two-view chest series (p=.02, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test) adding 19 rib fractures and excluding 6 rib fractures. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that use of the four-view chest series adds information to that obtained from the two-view chest series and increases the accuracy of diagnosing rib fractures in cases of possible physical abuse. Addition of oblique chest views to the routine protocol for skeletal surveys performed for possible physical abuse is recommended.  相似文献   

Primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) commonly occurs in tall, thin, adolescent men. Though the pathogenesis of PSP has been gradually uncovered, there is still a lack of consensus in the diagnostic approach and treatment strategies for this disorder. Herein, the literature is reviewed concerning mechanisms and personal clinical experience with PSP. The chest computed tomography (CT) has been more commonly used than before to help understand the pathogenesis of PSP and plan further management strategies. The development of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has changed the profiles of management strategies of PSP due to its minimal invasiveness and high effectiveness for patients with these diseases.  相似文献   

目的观察胸腔置管引流术与间断性胸水穿刺术两种方法治疗结核性胸腔积液的疗效。方法大量结核性胸腔积液患者48例,随机分为胸腔置管引流术治疗组24例和间断性胸水穿刺术组24例,比较并发症发生率及其疗效。结果胸腔置管引流术组有效率明显高于胸腔穿刺术组;胸腔置管引流术组胸水吸收较快、并发症较少,二者有显著统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论胸腔置管引流术治疗结核性胸腔积液并发症少,住院治疗时间短,是比较理想的辅助治疗方法。  相似文献   

The objective of this dissertationis toinvestigate thei mpingingjet under the influence of crossflow.It hasbeen known that there exist jet shear layer ,i mpinge-ment on the bottom wall ,interactions between the in-duced wall jet and the ambient crossflowin near field .There are fewintensive studies of the i mpinging jet incrossflowat home and abroad due to the complexitiesof flow, such as the formation and evolution of thevortical structures ,interactions among vortices , whileresearches on th…  相似文献   

The heat transfer characteristics of China RP-3 aviation kerosene flowing in a vertical downward tube with an inner diameter of 4 mm under supercritical pressures are numerically studied. A ten-species surrogate model is used to calculate the thermophysical properties of kerosene and the re-normalization group (RNG) k-ε turbulent model with the enhanced wall treatment is adopted to consider the turbulent effect. The effects of mass flow rate, wall heat flux, inlet temperature, and pressure on heat transfer are investigated. The numerical results show that three types of heat transfer deterioration exist for the aviation kerosene flow. The first type of deterioration occurred at the tube inlet region and is caused by the development of the thermal boundary layer, while the other two types are observed when the inner wall temperature or the bulk fuel temperature approaches the pseudo-critical temperature. The heat transfer coefficient increases with the increasing mass flow rate and the decreasing wall heat flux, while the inlet bulk fluid temperature only influences the starting point of the heat transfer coefficient curve plotted against the bulk fluid temperature. The increase of inlet pressure can effectively eliminate the deterioration due to the small variations of properties near the pseudo-critical point at relatively high pressure. The numerical heat transfer coefficients fit well with the empirical correlations, especially at higher pressures (about 5 MPa).  相似文献   

冻结管断裂的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过冻结管整体抗弯试验,表明冻结管破裂失效的主要原因是接头的损坏;而内衬管对爆接头形式提高了接头强度和冻结管的变形能力,较好地解决了作为结构物和密封容器的冻结管与冻结壁的协调变形问题。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药组方综合治疗化脓性阑尾炎术后腹腔残余脓肿的临床治疗护理效果.方法:将62例化脓性阑尾炎术后腹腔残余脓肿术后患者随机分成两组,实验组采用西药辅以中药组方综合治疗方案,对照组采用西医保守治疗方案,分别观察两组的治疗护理效果.结果:实验组总有效率为100%,其中治愈率为95.0%,显效率为4.0%,有效率为1.0%.对照组总有效率为90.0%,其中治愈率为52.0%,显效率为10.0%,有效率为28.0%,无效率为10.0%,两组比较差异显著(P0.01).结论:中药组方综合治疗化脓性阑尾炎术后腹腔残余脓肿疗效显著,不良反应与并发症少,治疗效果好于单纯用西药治疗,提示精心的观察及护理是提高治疗效果的重要保证.  相似文献   

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