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The Best and the Worst   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
May 《初中生》2006,(ZC)
Jack:Who is the bestin your class?Tom :It’s m e.I don’t ask any questions in classJack:W ell,who is the worst?Tom :It’s our teacher.H e always asks us m any questions,and he knows nothingThe Best and the Worst@May  相似文献   

Ⅰ.看图写单词。Ⅱ.你能排出下列单词在字典中的顺序吗?试试看。apple,book,English,pencil,case,bag,m ap,chair,dear,late,dad,yourⅢ.C ara和B en约好上午会面,C ara迟到了。请你模拟他们见面时的对话。Cara:Ben:Cara:Ben:Ⅳ.从右栏中找出左栏的答语。A.H ello,Lily.Good m orningB.W hat’s your name?C.Sorry,I’m late.D.Good evening。E.W ho’s that?F.W hat’s this in English?G.Nice to m eet you.1.It’s a clock.2.That’s all right.3.Good m orning,Kate.4.It’s Bob.5.Good evening。6.Nice to meet you,too.…  相似文献   

请同学们在空格处填上合适的单词。A:Oh,What a funny picture!It seem s that it’s a strange TV set.B:Yes.There is a person with a face like a1.W hat does it2,can you guess?A:I think it m eans that people today spend too m uch tim e in3TV.Am I right?B:You’re  相似文献   

Lee has a toothache. He’s goingto  the  dentist.  It’s  two  o’clockand he’s late. Pat offers to drivehim to the dentist. Lee: What time is it? Pat: It’s two o’clock. Lee: Oh no, I’m late! Pat: Where are you going? Lee: To the dentist. Pat: Can I drive you there? Lee: Sure! That will help. Pat: Do you have a toothache? Lee: Yes, and it’s very bad. Pat: I’m sorry to hear that.        李 牙疼,他 要 去看 牙医 …  相似文献   

(A)A:Hell0!B:Hello!W卜dt,5 thjs in English?A:It’5 dPieture.B:L00k ot the piCture,pledse.A:0卜,1t’s the PICture Of our eldssroom.B:YeS,It iS.Whdt row dre y0U jn?A:I,m in ROW Three.B:衬卜dt,5 y0Ur nUmber?A:r m Number Six.And yoU?B:I,m NU而er翔e1VS.A:Cdn y  相似文献   

近日,我参加了无锡市举办的“创新课”评比活动。教学内容为《牛津小学英语》6A Unit7AtChristm as的第二课时。重点是“W ho is it/are theyfrom?It’s/They’re from…Open it/m ine for m e,please.Can you open m ine?You’re welcom e.”等日常交际用语。案例一:上课伊始,教师与学生进行口语交流,然后直接切入圣诞节的话题,对有关圣诞节的一些内容进行交流讨论。T:W hen’s Christm as Day?S:It’s on the25th ofDecem ber.T:W hatdo you usually do on Christm as Day?S:Iusually…T:Christm as Day is the m ostim portan…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.听力(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)B.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.H old on,please.B.Good m orning.C.No,thank you.I’m full.D.Good.7.A.It’s Sunday.B.It’s April22.C.That’s a good idea.D.It’s12o’clock.8.A.Let m e give it to you.B.Yes.H ere you are.C.Yes,you m ust.D.No,you needn’t.9.A.W hy not go?B.No,I’m not glad.C.Sorry,I’m afraid not.D.No,I don’t.10.A.Thank you all the sam e.B.See you later.C.It’s very kind …  相似文献   

这是谁的?你的?我的?还是他(她)的?还是到失物招领处去问问吧。不过用英语怎么说你的、我的、他(她)的?正月十五元宵节,聪明鼠去看花灯。咦?前面发生了什么事?怎么会有那么多人呢?好热闹的聪明鼠哪能放过这个机会,他拨开人群硬是挤到了前面。于是,聪明鼠听到了以下的对话。(请注意画线的词)D og:W hose cap isit?C ock:It’sm ine.M y cap isred.D og:W hose glove isit?D eer:It’sG oat’s.It’shis.H isglove isblack.D og:W hose scarfisit?Tiger:It’sD eer’s.It’shers.H erscarfisgreen.D og:W hose carrotisit?Snow m an …  相似文献   

二、情景暗示判断法情景暗示法就是根据情景(如文字提示,图画内容等)先了解对话的大概内容,然后根据上下文、固定结构、习惯用法、英美等讲英语国家的人最流行的口语表达方式等作出判断。例如:根据对话习惯及内容,在对话空白处填入一个适当的词,使对话意思完整通顺,一空限填一词(T=Tom;W=Wang hai)。T:Excuseme,Canyoutellmethe1to No.3Middle School?W:Yes,I’m a student there.I’m going toschoolnow.Youcanfollowme.T:Thank you!I’m new in No.3MiddleSchool.My name is Tom.May I knowyour name?W:Wang Hai!Why2your parentssend you to school for the first time?T:Well.I prefer doing things by myself.However I’m3today.You are sohelpful.Thank you!W:It’s a4!We are schoolma...  相似文献   

Function(功能):Tell an accidents.Teaching points(重点):1.Past tense form of irregular verbs:go—wentbuy—bought fall—fell 2.Vocabulary:happen,thirsty,waterm elon,carry,bump 3.Use past tense to tell a story.Teaching steps:1.Warming up(热身):1)Greeting:T:Good morning!Ss:Good morning! T:How are you?Ss:I’m fine,thank you.And you?T:I’m fine.Thank you.T:What day is today?Ss:Today is Tuesday.T:W hat day was yesterday?Ss:Yesterday wasM onday.T:W hat’s the weather like?Ss:It’s sunny.T…  相似文献   

1.A.W hat蒺s the tim e?B:It蒺s .A:It蒺s tim e forus to go school.B:Ok.Let蒺s .2.A:W hat蒺s itin his hand?B:It蒺s apple.A:Do you like apples芽B:Yes,I like apples very.3.A :Can you play football?B:No熏I .Canyouhelpm e?A : .Play itlike this.B:Letm e have a try.4.A:Can he jum p high?B:Yes,he .A:W hataboutyou?B:Ican蒺t.It蒺s hard.5.A :H ow m any people are therein the river?B:Only .A :Can she swim ?B: 熏she can.6.A:W hat蒺re they in the tree?B:They蒺reabirdanda .A:W hatcolouris th…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,计5分)B.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,计5分)6.A.I from E ngland.B.I’m from England.C.I com e from England.D.Y ou are from England.7.A.Britain.B.E ngland.C.C anada.D.E nglish.8.A.It’s January18th.B.It’s Saturday.C.It’s half past nine.D.It’s January.9.A.H ello。I’m not John.B.N o,you can’t.C.I’m afraid not.H e isn’t here now.D.W ho are you?10.A.H e is m uch better.B.H e is a teacher.C.H e studies hard.D.H e …  相似文献   

金易 《今日中学生》2005,(13):18-21
二十二、天气1.W hat’s the weatherlike today?今天天气怎样?2.H ow’s the weatherin...?……的天气怎样?3.It’s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy....今天天晴(天阴、有风、雨天、下雪)……4.It’s getting cold/warm....天气转冷(暖和)……5.It’s a beautifulday today.今天天气真好。6.It’s ratherwarm/cool/hot/cold today,isn’tit?今天相当暖和(凉爽、炎热、寒冷),对吗?7.H opefully tom orrow willturn fine.明天可望转晴。二十三、购物1.Can/M ay Ihelp you?/W hatcan Ido foryou?你要买点什么吗?2.I’d like/Iwant....我…  相似文献   

片段:1.T:I’m tired.Boys and girls,let’s go to my home.OK?S:OK!T:This is my home.It’s nice.Shall we watch TV?S:Good!T:Let’s go to the sitting-room.(教师在预先画好的一所漂亮的房子上,贴上客厅的图片,教学新单词sitting-room)2.生在师的引导下以各种形式读新单词。3.T:What’s this?S:It’s a sofa.T:Where’s the sofa?S:It’s in the sitting-room.  相似文献   

1.用作人称代词,代替前面提到的事物。例如:The snake is not a w arm-bloodedanim al.It’s a cold-blooded one.蛇不是温血动物,而是冷血动物。2.用以代替指示代词。例如:—W hat’s this?这是什么?—It’s a book.是一本书。3.起指示代词的作用,指一个人或事物。例如:—W ho is knocking at the door?谁在敲门?—It’s m e.是我。4.指代我们不知道其性别的人或动物,有时也用来指代婴儿或较年幼的小孩。G o and see who it is.去看看是谁。O h,it’s you。哦,是你呀!It m ust be theboys com ing back.一定是孩子们回来了。5.指时间、…  相似文献   

教学过程Ⅰ.Warm-up兴趣热身,激励情趣1.Singing:What’s this?It’s a shirt.Shirt,shirt.It’s a shirt.What are these?They’re shirts.Shirts,shirts.They’re shirts.(Tune:)2.Free talk:Hello,boys&girls.Nice to see you.Look at me,please.Am I handsome?What am I wearing?I’m wearing a pair of glasses,a sweater,a jacket,a pair of gloves,a pair of socks&a pair of shoes.My clothes look nice.设计思路  相似文献   

Making a Date     
Ken:H i,Jasm ine.Jasmine:H ello,Ken.Ken:Jasm ine...I was won-dering...are you freethisevening?Jasmine:I’m afraid not,Ken.I’veprom ised tobabysitforoneofourneighbours.Ken:Oh!H ow abouttom orrow night?Jasmine:Tom orrow nightisO.K.W hy?Ken:W ell,there’s a…  相似文献   

<正>Teaching Aims:知识目标1.学生能初步听懂、会说、会读单词birthday,want2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型How old are you?I’m…3.能初步听懂并会说句型What a…!Make a wish.It’s time for…能力目标能理解cartoon time的幽默之处。情感目标  相似文献   

(考试说明:本试卷为闭卷笔答,作题时间90分钟,满分100分。)A卷阶段评估自测题(共50分)I.完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.—What’s your f______name,please?—Smith.I’m Gina Smith.2.—What’s five and seven?—It’s t__________.3.—May I have your p_______number?—Sure.It’s3050429.4.—Jim,can you answer me some q_____?—Yes.What are they?5.—Excuse me.What’s this in E_______?—It’s a dictionary.6.—Alan,can you s_______your name?—Yes.A-L-A-N.7.I…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。(10分)1.Paul is m y uncle’s son.W e are c.2.H ere is her i room.She likes it verym uch.3.I don’t know his last nam e,but I know hisphone n.4.—W here’s m y ruler?—It’s in your pencil c.5.—Let’s join the sports center.—That great.6.I play sports every day,so I am veryh.7.Please b your English book toschool,Li Lei.8.H is p num ber is728-4569.9.W e have m ilk and eggs for b in them orning.10.Twenty-nine com es before t.Ⅱ.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式…  相似文献   

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