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女性话语是以男性意识为模式与规范,还是“以性意识为规范”?为了还“女性”话旆的本真面貌,中国女作家通过她们笔下女性形象的建构,希望建构出真正的与男性话语平等存在的“女性话语”。但是在建构女性话语的过程中。女作家们的努力地展现了女性话语建构的迷惘。男权意识规范女性话语势力的强大,是赞成女性话语建构迷惘的主要原因。  相似文献   

柔石的小说在叙述女性时透出男性话语,忽视了女性的主体性.全知叙述者的频繁使用构成了男性叙述的权威;外部视点的采用又将女性放在客体和被看的位置.这种话语的形成有其内在的原因.  相似文献   

《永远有多远》是以女性话语反映女性生存经验,同时以女性叙述策略解构男性中心尤其作者让人物走出男女尖锐对立的温和结尾,显示了作者真正成熟的女性意识。  相似文献   

E.L.多克托罗的经典之作《比利·巴思格特》颠覆和解构了传统的女性形象。文章借助福柯的权力话语理论分析了小说中被置于边缘语境中的女性人物,认为比利为主导的男性话语遮蔽了女性人物真实、自主身份意识,隐含父权制权力对女性身体和话语的双重控制,而多克托罗通过女性形象的重塑,实现了对此权力控制的消解和颠覆,展示了叙述世界的主观性和不可靠性。  相似文献   

卢沛 《现代语文》2007,(5):93-94
女性文学中交织着几种话语权威:女性主义、男性中心、政治意识、传统话语。细读作品,我们总会找到这些话语权威的交织。  相似文献   

身体在伊瑞格蕾(Irigaray)的“女人话”(parler-femme/female language),西苏(Cixous)的“女性写作”(ecriture feminine/women's writing)和克里斯蒂娃(Kristeva)的“符号界”(the semiotic)理论当中都占有重要位置。但前两者所强调的女性话语依然是建立在本质主义的女性身体基础上的,因此在颠覆男性-意识/女性-身体这个西方传统二元对立项的同时又无形中使之强化。克里斯蒂娃则摆脱了本质主义的身体,倡导回归母性空间和身体性的符号界。这就取消了原有的二元对立,使女性话语成为男性和女性都可以介入的反男性中心话语和理性主义的表达方式。  相似文献   

以评价理论为语篇分析工具,通过分析媒体服饰话语中态度资源的使用揭示此类语篇中男性和女性社会性别身份建构的差异,从而解构语篇中隐性的性别意识形态。  相似文献   

中国古典诗歌的传统一直是强调政治道德的男性话语占据中心位置 ,神话与爱情作为弱势话语在李商隐诗歌中呈现出女性特质。这种女性话语具有一种对于世界的重构能力 ,使得传统诗歌中的儒家政治道德景观发生了某种微妙的变化  相似文献   

爱丽丝·芒罗的短篇小说以不动声色的女性叙事话语反抗了男性中心主义叙述方式.在女性视角的观照下审视男性和一切他者,改变男人讲故事,女人听故事的局面,对写作中的"菲勒司"中心主义具有反拨和解构力量.隐蔽的"女性声音"湮没了传统的男性叙事声音,进而男性和以男性为中心的社会也被重新审视和定位.  相似文献   

对比《红楼梦》和《简*爱》,可以看出它们非纯女性主义文本的实质前者是体现了男性话语的优势,是对男性话语的再现;后者虽为女性文本,但最终女性意识从自觉走向屈服,实现对男性话语的回归.真正的女性主义文本应以女性真实的体验为前提,避免对男性话语的模仿和回归.  相似文献   

掌握了一门程序设计语言后学习其它的语言课程,应有意识地进行对比。文中重点从数据结构、语言工具两个方面比较了C语言和PASCAL语言的异同并进一步指出:在学习进程中贯穿对比思维,可达到事半功倍、温故知新的效果。  相似文献   

For migrant students enrolled in a postsecondary institution where the language of instruction is not their native language, experiencing anxiety using a new language can manifest in their daily social interactions, and lead them to avoid using the target language, thereby undercutting their academic and social adaptation. We propose that this vicious cycle of language anxiety and intercultural experiences is influenced by language mindsets (i.e., beliefs about the extent to which language learning ability is fixed versus malleable). We conducted three studies (N = 581), including a social interaction task, a double-blind randomized experiment, and a preregistered cross-sectional survey, to test the role of language mindsets on English-as-a-second-language (ESL) students’ rejection sensitivity, perceived rejection, self- and experimenter-reported contact avoidance, willingness to interact with peers, and the amount of time in using English. We found that fixed (vs. growth) language mindsets were linked to negative perceptions of language-based rejection and self- and experimenter-reported contact avoidance. Importantly, growth language mindsets mitigated perceived language-based rejection and encouraged future communication among those with low (but not with high) perceived English competence. The findings highlight that growth mindsets contribute to the resilience of language minority students during their university experience, especially for those with low English competence.  相似文献   

认识公文语言的基本特点,对于培养公文语言的感应能力,掌握公文写作方法,有十分重要的意义。本文试对公文语言的基本特点作一些探讨。  相似文献   

The present study conducted a systematic review of the item response theory (IRT) literature in language assessment to investigate the conceptualization and operationalization of the dimensionality of language ability. Sixty-two IRT-based studies published between 1985 and 2020 in language assessment and educational measurement journals were first classified into two categories based on a unidimensional and multidimensional research framework, and then reviewed to examine language dimensionality from technical and substantive perspectives. It was found that 12 quantitative techniques were adopted to assess language dimensionality. Exploratory factor analysis was the primary method of dimensionality analysis in papers that had applied unidimensional IRT models, whereas the comparison modeling approach was dominant in the multidimensional framework. In addition, there was converging evidence within the two streams of research supporting the role of a number of factors such as testlets, language skills, subskills, and linguistic elements as sources of multidimensionality, while mixed findings were reported for the role of item formats across research streams. The assessment of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills was grounded within both unidimensional and multidimensional framework. By contrast, vocabulary and grammar knowledge was mainly conceptualized as unidimensional. Directions for continued inquiry and application of IRT in language assessment are provided.  相似文献   

本文从北师大五年级语文教材的语文教学理念入手,分析语文中的思想并与实际结合,让学生从教材内容出发,既结合当时的情况,又关注当今现实,从而使学生提高语文实践能力。  相似文献   

This study explores new data from 2008 on language proficiency and labour market outcomes in the context of South Africa's language-in-education policy. We show that the economic returns to English language proficiency are large and higher than those to home language proficiency for the majority of employed South Africans. This helps explain why there is little incentive to switch to an African language as the language of instruction in schools. However, we show also that African adults are significantly more likely to be proficient in English if they are proficient in their home language. This finding supports the arguments of additive bilingualism, which identify the benefits of extended mother-tongue education for the acquisition of second-language skills.  相似文献   

科学语言和艺术语言如鸟之两翼,一起组成了语言的整体。科学语言和艺术语言各有特点:科学语言是供认识的,艺术语言是供欣赏的;科学语言遵循“定法”,艺术语言寻求“活法”;科学语言“以理造言”,艺术语言“以情造言”;科学语言语义稳定,艺术语言语义多变。  相似文献   

提高C语言教学中的案例设计水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C语言教学长期以语言的语法为中心编写教材、教辅以及组织教学环节,忽视了案例在C语言教学过程的重要性,导致C语言难学难教。将枯燥的语法融入到生动的案例中,以案例驱动理论教学的关键是改变目前案例设计中的各种不足,案例的设计应从层次性、综合性、规范化、熟练度、实用性等方面考虑。  相似文献   

城市中少数民族居民语言使用状况的调查研究正日益受到学界的关注。苏州作为一个有着2500年历史的城市,居住着众多的回族人口。苏州回族居民的语言使用情况,颇值得关注。通过对苏州回族居民的语言使用状况、语言能力和语言态度的分析发现,苏州回族居民的普通话能力和苏州话能力较高,回族民族别同用语能力较低。  相似文献   

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