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从历年刊文量、研究内容等视角对国内外语类核心期刊的多模态话语分析载文进行统计与分析,结果显示:多模态话语分析刊文数量呈总体上升趋势,研究对象涉及语类广泛,研究内容呈多维度特征,但存在重复研究、研究不足、研究空白、国外理论评述和应用性研究多本土化研究少等特征,总体而言,中国多模态话语研究的还处于初级阶段。  相似文献   

与发达国家相比,我国在多模态话语分析方面研究起步时间比较晚,甚至目前依然处于起始阶段,相关的论文一般都集中在多模态话语分析的理论框架阐述和在英语教学中的应用方面。通过研究电影语篇,文章对多模态话语分析在电影语篇中的关键作用进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

Halliday提出的语言元功能理论不仅适用于仅含语言的单一模态语篇分析,同样适用于多模态语篇分析。音乐视频是多模态语篇的典型范例之一。通过分析音乐视频是如何通过概念功能、人际功能及语篇功能来实现其多模态意义的构建,证明了运用系统功能语言学的语言元功能理论赏析音乐视频的可行性,同时拓展了语篇的定义,推动了多模态语篇分析的深入发展。  相似文献   

文章以韩礼德的系统功能语言学(1994)和社会符号学理论(1978),以及克瑞斯与勒文的多模态语篇分析模式(1996)为理论基础,以纽卡斯尔市警示牌为例,解读英国警示牌多模态话语意义构建。研究显示:英国警示牌的意义生成不仅限于语言文字而是与版面形态、图标和色彩等多种符号相互作用、共同参与完成的。英国警示牌的整体意义建构模式反映出英国民族深层的文化内涵。  相似文献   

This study is a multimodal discourse analysis of an initiative advertisement of the New Cayman released by the official website of Porsche,Follow the Code of Curve,based on the three-dimensional conception of discourse by Norman Fairclough.The research finds that the social trend of commercial advertising is becoming focusing on people instead of products.  相似文献   

随着多媒体技术的产生与发展,如何将自然话语同多种模态结合起来进行分析解读是现代语言学,尤其是话语分析研究领域的重要课题。我国多模态话语分析研究主要涉及理论探讨、视觉应用、口语语料库建设、教学应用等领域。文章分析了我国多模态话语研究现状问题,并展望了未来研究方向。  相似文献   

多模态话语分析理论与外语教学相结合的教学模式是近年来话语分析领域的重要课题。本文以有效教学为视角,旨在通过对大学英语教学中的多模态话语分析研究,提高大学英语教学的有效性。  相似文献   

As the tools and modes of literate practice continually emerge, so too must our critical approaches to understanding their expression. While media production has been praised for its potential to provide youth a voice to challenge dominant narratives, various questions remain as to what happens at the multimodal levels of composition in terms of critical engagement. This study uses mediated discourse analysis to examine adolescent students’ use of multimodal resources for purposes of critical positioning in ways unique to the multimodal dimensions of composing radio and video documentaries. Research findings reveal students’ active use of multimodal resources to both draw audiences near as well as push them away for purposes of pleasure, analysis, and critique. Implications for research and teaching include attention to the movement of shifting social positions as critical social practice.  相似文献   

近年来,多模态语篇分析逐渐成为语言学研究的热点之一。文章运用图像概念意义的分析框架阐释我国当代多模态教科书的图像特点和图文关系。研究结果表明,各学习阶段教科书的图像和图文关系存在的显著差异,背后受到语域因素的影响,同时检验了该模式应用于汉语多模态语篇的适用性和可操作性。  相似文献   

信息科技的发展促生了诸多新兴多模态话语形式,这些话语的纷繁与复杂使得多模态话语的跨学科研究成为必然.目前为止,多模态话语跨学科研究还处于初始阶段,虽然多模态话语分析与社会符号学、交互社会学、认知科学、人类学、民族学、传播学、哲学、计算机科学等学科的融合研究取得了一定的成就,但也暴露出跨学科研究维度不够宽广、研究深度欠缺、实证研究较少、跨学科团队建设和人才培养滞后、国内研究匮乏等问题.基于此,文章建议未来的研究应关注与多模态话语研究相关的跨学科团队建设和跨学科人才培养,重视微观研究与实证研究.  相似文献   

马菡  袁继红 《海外英语》2012,(18):230-231
话语分析是研究语言本质、语言与社会文化的最直接、有效的工具之一。话语的基本属性应是多元性,多模态性,而语言只是其中的一种。以西安世园会会徽会为例,通过用多模态话语建构意义的途径和方法尝试分析会徽体现和折射出的中国传统文化。  相似文献   

多模态话语分析是以系统功能语言学为理论基础,将语言和其他相关的意义资源整合起来进行分析的一种研究方法。广告语篇动态地建构了不同的社会性别角色。文章将从历时对比的角度出发,以福临门天然谷物调和油系列电视广告为样本,用多模态话语分析的方法研究该视频广告,以此来对广告中所构建的社会性别角色进行分析。  相似文献   

以韩礼德的系统功能语法和Kress&van Leeuwen的视觉语法框架为理论基础,对2013年2月6日央视《新闻联播》节目播出的"光屁股小男孩抢镜李克强"的新闻进行了多模态语篇分析。分析重点包括:语料的文化语境;情景语境;语料的再现意义、互动意义、构图意义。其目的是揭示电视新闻是如何通过镜头画面在动态多模态语篇中构建意义以及多模态解读对理解新闻事件不可忽视的作用。研究也证明了多模态话语分析理论是系统的、全面的、可行的解读动态多模态语篇的好方法。  相似文献   

教育话语分析是指通过对教育话语的考察与分析,探寻教育真理、指导教育实践的过程.教育话语分析强调在历史和社会两个向度上开展教育研究,在解读话语意义的同时考察教育话语与社会的演变与互动;教育话语分析采取批判和多元的立场,洞察教育话语背后的力量与真实性,强调话语研究的语境与解释性.教育话语分析的基本过程包括话语主题的选取、话语生成与作用机制分析、话语解释与指导话语实践.教育话语分析作为一种新的研究范式,有利于凸显教育研究的实践旨趣,促进教育研究的人本化,以及强调教育研究结果的语境化.  相似文献   

Roberta Taylor 《Literacy》2012,46(3):156-166
Children's classroom talk and the connections between talk and text are current concerns for teachers. A deeper understanding of what child communication entails can ensure greater pedagogic support for the processes involved in text production. This article reports on a research project using multimodal discourse analysis to investigate child‐to‐child interaction in class. This research sought to uncover what multimodal analysis can reveal about the collaborative and creative meaning making, which children employ in spontaneous classroom discourse. Creativity here is understood in terms of everyday creativity in language. Instantiations of video‐recorded classroom communication between children have been closely analysed using a framework based on a functional view of interaction, specifically the work of the textual meta‐function. Attention to cohesive devices of intertextual referencing, idiom and metaphor as well as repetition and reference through a multimodal lens has revealed the ways in which all modes work in an integrated ensemble to make meaning. Examples in this article of the ways in which children ‘mess about’ with multimodal semiotic resources, employing them intertextually in metaphorical meaning making, have been taken from a Year 5 mixed primary geography lesson on the water cycle.  相似文献   

在自然话语中,言语与其伴随手势一起构成了最基本的一种多模态话语。由于手势研究的多学科性及相关数据难以收集等,至今对各种模态的符号特性等仍未有统一的研究方法。基于此,以“教师手势在英语口语课堂新词教学中的支架作用”为例,对自然言语及其伴随手势的一种多模态性研究方法的具体研究步骤进行介绍,可为从事此领域研究的学者提供相应素材。  相似文献   

兴起于20世纪90年代的多模态话语分析已成为语言学研究的热点。作为信息传播的主要渠道之一和重要的平面媒体,报纸集文字、图片、颜色、各种图形、版面布局等各种多模态手段的运用于一身。例如,《人民日报》就在焦点热点事件报道中融合各种多模态元素。本文以Lim的整合的多模态模型框架为基础,聚焦于《人民日报》世界杯报道的一个版面,通过对多模态的诠释以及对各个模态的话语意义和语法关系的分析,对该版面进行了多模态话语分析。本文深入挖掘了的语境意义,并剖析了各个不同模态如何相互协调,从而将信息传递给读者并达到预期效果。  相似文献   

We consider how research participants engage alongside researchers as choreographers of data generation and highlight the everyday practices of researchers and participants in motion within and across time and space. Data for this case analysis were generated during a two-year qualitative study investigating multimodal literacies, multilingualism, and literacy teacher development. We utilized microethnographic discourse analysis to analyze a video excerpt from a classroom observation during writers workshop in a fourth-grade bilingual classroom. We sought to understand how the teacher’s and students’ discursive moves during the event tactically disrupted the researchers’ agenda in the moment and complicated attempts at data analysis. Our analyses illustrate how the teacher multiply situated herself in ways that trouble dichotomous framings of teachers’ work, such as traditional or nontraditional, as well as dominant conceptualizations of qualitative research, such as data “collection.” We end with implications for interpreting and representing research findings.  相似文献   

多模态话语研究能够为高级英语教学实践提供有益的指导。结合该课程实例展示了多模态教学的设计程序,以及设计过程中如何考虑话语范围、话语基调和话语方式3个要素。同时,探讨了通过多模态设计要实现的教学目标,即帮助学生深入理解课程内容和提高学生的多模态交际能力。在具体的课堂环境,恰当地使用多种模态教学,可以更好地完成教学任务。  相似文献   

Unlike a conventional reading of Bourdieu, this article focuses on his work with regard to the transformation of social structure. In the context of a rereading, from an educational theory perspective, the article proposes an approach that allows for the linking of empirically informed social theory, on the one hand, and biography research oriented to educational theory, on the other. Education, here, is generally conceived of as habitus transformation. For reconstructing the societal conditions of the possibility of education one needs to go beyond the habitus theory and its focus on actors and groups of actors. From the perspective of a theory of practice as proposed by Bourdieu, the concept that comes to mind is that of social field, largely neglected in the theory-of-education discourse. Based on a combination of biography analysis and discourse analysis is, then, presented as a perspective for a relational theory of education. The article aims to outline an empirical reconstruction of transformation processes between habitus and field.  相似文献   

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