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体育教学不同运动项目对大学生体育态度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以大学二年级学生为研究对象,以体育态度量表为工具,通过田径和篮球项目来进行实验,对比分析不同运动项目对大学生体育态度的影响。(1)篮球项目的学习对男生的体育态度在身心健康、审美、精神解脱三个维度倾向上的得分都明显提高,田径项目的学习仅在精神解脱一个维度上产生了显性积极变化。(2)篮球项目对女生的体育态度在社交、追求刺激、精神解脱、自我磨练四个方面有显性积极影响,田径项目仅在精神解脱一个维度上产生了显性变化。在对体育态度的积极性影响方面,篮球项目明显好于田径项目。  相似文献   

刘伟一  熊佳英  辜德宏 《体育科技》2013,(6):147-149,152
通过问卷调查法、逻辑分析法、比较分析法,考察了大学生体育价值观念在价值认识、判断、取向三个维度上的特征.研究结果表明:三个维度都存在年级、学科和性别的群体性差异.在体育价值认识维度,二年级学生、理科生、男生更注重体育课的教育功能,二年级学生更注重体育知识和行为的内化,理科生更注重操作层面的学习目标,文科生更注重文化层面的学习目标,男生乐于对体育进行全面了解,女生则偏重于关注体育对自身的效用;在体育价值判断维度,理科生更注重体育课带来的身体舒畅度,文科生更重视体育知识的获取度,男生更重视体育知识的获取度与集体参与度,女生更重视身体舒畅与精神愉悦度;在体育价值取向维度,一年级学生、理科生、男生更能习惯整齐划一的组织形式,二年级学生、文科生、女生则更期望有一种相对松散的组织形式,一年级学生、女生的课堂行为更容易受同学的影响,二年级学生、男生则更容易受教师教学能力的影响.  相似文献   

<正>女生对体育活动的态度往往会经历三个阶段:在小学和刚进初中时,女生与男生一样,喜爱体育活动,尤其喜爱跳橡皮筋、跳绳、踢毽子、拍皮球,做各种游戏和表演等,在这个阶段应不失时机地着重对学生进行体育基础教学。到初中三年级,大部分女生都已  相似文献   

辽宁省大学生体育态度、兴趣和动机现状的调查与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在辽宁省普通高等院校中,抽取9所高校中的1035名在校大学生为研究对象,运用综合的研究方法对大学生体育锻炼的现状进行研究。结果表明:辽宁省大学生对体育课和体育活动的态度总体来说是积极向上的,但男生的态度明显比女生更积极;辽宁省大学生对体育劳务消费的态度总体上是积极的,但女生的态度明显比男生更积极;来自城市的大学生的态度比来自农村的大学生更积极。大学生的兴趣爱好非常广泛。其中篮球、羽毛球、足球、游泳、乒乓球、跑步是大学生最喜欢的体育活动内容。锻炼身体、增强体质仍是大学生参加课外体育活动最主要的目的。  相似文献   

以往对体育环境的评价基本都是从环境本身出发,通过硬件和软件的对比对环境的优劣进行评定。文章从大学生主观角度出发,将高校体育环境各组成部分作为因子设计问卷,对江苏省的十所高校大学生进行随机调查。通过调查发现,高校的体育环境的硬件环境要好于软件环境建设;男生对高校体育环境的接受程度要高于女生,女生对体育环境要求高,比较挑剔,接受程度低于男生,特别是在利用学校资源获取体育信息方面明显落后;三年级学生对高校体育环境的评分最高。  相似文献   

采用文献资料调研、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,对浙江省高校体育院(系)学生的专业态度及其受社会的体育认同度和专业教育的影响程度进行研究。结果显示,浙江省高校体育院(系)学生的专业态度积极性较低,女生专业态度要积极于男生,随年级的升高,学生的专业态度反而下降,入学前训练年限长、有专项特长学生的专业态度较为积极。体育院(系)学生专业态度低的根源主要在于体育的社会认同度较低,并与学校的课程设置和培养措施中忽视学生个人专项特长有一定关系。  相似文献   

采用自编的"高校体育类硕士研究生科研现状调查问卷"对10所高等师范院校的531名体育学术型硕士研究生进行调查,旨在了解其科研现状,并探讨对其科研造成不利影响的原因。结果表明:学生科研现状不容乐观,社会和学校对学生的科研教育和科研能力培养力度不够,学生良好科研兴趣和态度的培养力度有待进一步加强,学生从事科研活动较少,科研能力不强;学生的科研动机中存在较多的不良动机,对学生科研造成不利影响的原因来自社会、学校和学生自身等多方面;社会、学校和导师对男生和女生科研能力的培养方面不存在明显差异,男生和女生的科研能力相当,女生在对科研重要性的认识、科研兴趣和态度方面明显好于男生;研二学生科研兴趣和态度情况明显差于其他年级学生。  相似文献   

王雪东 《健与美》2024,(3):99-101
兰州市作为甘肃省的省会,教育人才资源集中,而安宁区汇集了众多大学生,学生氛围、教学设施、师资力量都处于优势地位。本文采用文献资料、问卷调查、实地考察等方法对安宁区大学生的体育态度进行多维度分析,并分析影响体育态度的相关因素。旨在通过研究安宁区大学生体育运动参与度,以期提高大学生整体健康水平,为兰州市其他高校提供理论依据。以安宁区大学生为研究对象,通过《体育态度量表》《大学生体育行为问卷》等方法对安宁区大学生进行研究分析,具体研究结论如下:兰州市安宁区大学生整体体育氛围呈现良好态势,在行为态度、目标态度等维度,男生相较于女生更为积极;在行为控制维度上,女生较为积极,各维度间存在性别差异;大一同学的体育态度高于其他年级,同时也有着更多的体育锻炼行为,大四学生则表现出更好的体育习惯,有着更加稳定的主观标准;同时,体育态度的差异还存在专业间的差别,表现为理工类更高,文科类较差的现象。  相似文献   

采用心理测量法,对云南省彝族和汉族大学新生的体育态度进行比较,发现彝族和汉族学生普遍认可体育活动对身心健康的促进作用,来自城市的汉族和彝族男女学生在体育态度均未见明显差异,来自乡村的彝族女生在身心健康维度上明显高于汉族.此外,彝族男生比汉族男生更加认可体育的社交功能.  相似文献   

运用《锻炼态度量表》,对1001名大学生的体育锻炼态度和体育行为现状进行了调查和分析。结果显示,运动项数与男生的行为态度、行为控制感无显著性差异;与女生的情感体验、行为控制感无显著性差异;此外,无论男、女生,除女生的主观标准外,其他维度与运动频率间均有显著性差异。总体来看,女生除主观标准得分高于男生外,其他维度的得分均低于男生,但男、女生对体育锻炼均有较高的目标态度。积极的体育锻炼态度只有在学生充分认识和行动统一的基础上,才更容易形成。  相似文献   

湖北省新农村建设中农民参与体育活动的意愿与态度调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
摘要:采用问卷调查、实地访谈等研究方法,从性别、婚姻状况、年龄结构、经济收入、文化程度、职业身份等6个人口学变量考察了湖北省农民参与体育活动的意愿与态度。结果表明:湖北省农民参与体育活动的主体意识日益增强;农民对发展新农村体育的意愿主要受文化程度、家庭年收入、婚姻状况3个因素的影响,其中文化程度对其影响最大;从农民参与体育活动的意愿与态度来看,男性较女性强,未婚者强于已婚者,离婚或丧偶者最弱,在年龄结构上彰显出“中间小、两头大”的特征,文化程度和家庭年收入状况与之正相关,职业身份则与其存在一定的相关性。提出了加大“农民体育健身工程”的宣传力度、注重培养“消极群体”的积极的体育活动意愿与态度等建议。  相似文献   

监测和提高心血管系统的耐力水平是当前我国高校体育教学的一个重要目标,也是《国家学生体质健康标准》(以下简称《标准》)测试内容的重要组成部分。心血管耐力评价标准使用台阶试验(改良后的哈佛台阶试验)和中跑(1 000m/男,800m/女),两者在《标准》评价下是同一模块内容,也就是可以进行等同测试。研究的样本采自我国东部的一所综合性大学,使用了平衡样本,样本数N=978,其中男女各489人,将测试结果在《标准》的评价模式下,采用百分制得分计算,然后使用描述性与推论性统计进行分析:男性平均得分中跑75.85±14.886和台阶试验66.34±17.145;女性分别为74.30±15.323和72.35±9.374。独立样本T检验表明,男性在台阶试验上的得分差异性显著(p<0.05)强于女性在中跑得分上的差异性(p<0.05),通过配对样本T检验,我们发现男性在中跑上的得分与在台阶上的得分具有非常显著性差异(p=0.000<0.01),女性无显著性差异(P=0.014>0.01)。实验结果表明:等同测试的项目的台阶试验和中跑在评价标准上并不相同,研究试图在实验数据的基础上运用统计学方法,修订本模块测试标准,为决策者提供参考。  相似文献   

农民运动行为及生命质量的健康促进策略研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
探讨农民运动与健康的知识、态度、行为和生命质量特点,为相关的干预研究提供科学依据.对浙江省6市1地区1 117(男551,女566)名农民的生命质量与体育锻炼因素间的关系进行了研究.结果显示:男性农民的生命质量高于女性,并存在显著性差异.造成这些差异的主要原因是与体育锻炼因素不同有关.运动与健康知识、态度、信念和行为对农民生命质量性别差异影响较大.结果提示,在新农村体育建设中,应重视对农民相关体育知识的宣传与教育,转变思想观念,激发锻炼热情,促进和提高其生命质量水平.  相似文献   


Pedometers have been identified as a tool for health professionals to promote physical activity. This study, which aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of wearing a pedometer on general practitioners' attitudes to promoting physical activity, was a pragmatic, multi-centred, randomized controlled trial within a primary care trust in England. The participants were 102 general practitioners (GPs). Eighty-five (48 males, 37 females) of the GPs completed pre and post questionnaires, 43 of whom were in the intervention group. Statistical analysis revealed no significant changes between the control and intervention groups for attitude to engage in physical activity (t 83 = 1.13, CI ?0.362 to 0.099) or attitude to promote physical activity in their patients (t 83 = 1.7, CI ?0.593 to 0.045). A higher volume of walking was significantly correlated with a more positive attitude to engage in physical activity (r = 0.58, P < 0.01) but not with a more positive attitude to promoting physical activity. Wearing a pedometer had no significant effect on GPs' attitudes to engaging in physical activity or promoting physical activity in their patients.  相似文献   


Nine males and nine females were used as subjects to test the null hypothesis that there would be no significant differences between the performance of college age males and females on three motor tasks. Star tracing, tapping, and rotary pursuit were the tasks used under two conditions: (a) while looking at a mirror that would cause a reversal effect, and (b) under standard conditions without looking at a mirror. Results revealed no differences between males and females on the tasks performed without a mirror. However, the females performed significantly better on the same tasks while looking at a mirror.  相似文献   

中国成人肥胖的发展轨迹可能与美国和欧盟的非常相似——肥胖率迅速上升,研究发现,在过去的20年中,中国男性的肥胖率(BMI≥28)增加了近4倍,从3%增加到11%,女性肥胖率(BMI≥28)也已翻倍,从5%增加到10%:男性腹部肥胖(腰围≥90cm)已由8%增加到28%,女性腹部肥胖(腰围≥80cm)也由28%增加到46%,、肥胖会导致医药费的增加、生产力的损失及受教育方面的损失、、文章认为,导致肥胖增加的群体的能量不平衡都根源于饮食和体力活动两个方面,并提出了有效的肥胖干预计划.  相似文献   


Using an extension of Webb's concept of professionalized sport attitudes, it was explored whether the type of significant other and degree of parental psychological support were related to professionalized sport attitudes (win/skill orientation) or to nonprofessionalized sport attitudes (fair play/total participation orientation). Comparisons were made between 1236 economically disadvantaged boys and 1096 economically disadvantaged girls enrolled in the summer portion of the National Youth Sports Program, resulting in the following findings. Males demonstrated a more professionalized sport attitude than did females. Males perceived their father/male guardian as the most important significant other whereas females perceived their mother/female guardian as the most important significant other. No relationship was found between the type of significant other (mother/female guardian, father/male guardian, teacher/coach, or friend) and professionalized sport attitudes for both boys and girls. However, parental psychological support factors were found to be related to professionalized sport attitudes for males but not for females. Explanations for the demonstrated relationship between parental psychological factors and professionalized sport attitudes were discussed which included support for the growing concern that parents may be in part responsible for developing “winning” and “skill” values in youth sport participants. This adult intervention, however, presently may only be significant for male youth sport participants.  相似文献   

Females, as compared with males, have a higher proportion of injuries in the foot region. However, the reason for this gender difference regarding foot injuries remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate gender differences associated with rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot kinematics during running. Twelve healthy males and 12 females ran on a treadmill. The running speed was set to speed which changes from walking to running. Three-dimensional kinematics of rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot were collected and compared between males and females. Furthermore, spatiotemporal parameters (speed, cadence, and step length) were measured. In the rearfoot angle, females showed a significantly greater peak value of plantarflexion and range of motion in the sagittal plane as compared with males (effect size (ES)?=?1.55 and ES?=?1.12, respectively). In the midfoot angle, females showed a significantly greater peak value of dorsiflexion and range of motion in the sagittal plane as compared with males (ES?=?1.49 and ES?=?1.71, respectively). The forefoot peak angles and ranges of motion were not significantly different between the genders in all three planes. A previous study suggested that a gender-related difference in excessive motions of the lower extremities during running has been suggested as a contributing factor to running injuries. Therefore, the present investigation may provide insight into the reason for the high incidence of foot injuries in females.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of sex and fatigue on knee extensor peak torque (PT), muscle stiffness (MS) of the vastus lateralis (VL) and knee joint musculoarticular stiffness (MAS) in young adults. Twenty-two male and 22 female recreational athletes participated. Males were characterised by higher relaxed [pre-: males 364.43 (52.00) N · m–1, females 270.27 (37.25) N · m–1; post-: males 446.75 (83.27) N · m–1, females 307.39 (38.58) N · m–1] and contracted [pre-: males 495.07 (71.04) N · m–1, females 332.34 (85.42) N · m–1; post-: males 546.37 (90.74) N · m–1, females 349.21 (85.55) N · m–1] MS of the VL, and knee joint MAS [pre-: males 1450.11 (507.98) N · m–1, females 1027.99 (227.33) N · m–1; post-: males 1345.81 (404.90) N · m–1, females 952.78 (192.38) N · m–1] than females pre- and post-fatigue. A similar finding was observed in pre-fatigue normalised knee extensor PT [pre-: males 2.77 (0.42) N · m kg–1, females 2.41 (0.40) N · m kg–1, post-: males 2.53 (0.54) N · m kg–1, females 2.26 (0.44) N · m kg–1]. After the fatigue protocol, normalised knee extensor PT and knee joint MAS decreased, whilst relaxed and contracted MS of the VL increased in both sexes. These observed differences may contribute to the higher risk of knee injury in females and following the onset of fatigue.  相似文献   

Women are known to be less fatigable than men in single-joint exercises, but fatigue induced by running has not been well understood. Here we investigated sex differences in central and peripheral fatigue and in rate of force development (RFD) in the knee extensors after a half-marathon run. Ten male and eight female amateur runners (aged 25–50 years) were evaluated before and immediately after a half-marathon race. Knee extensors forces were obtained under voluntary and electrically evoked isometric contractions. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) force and peak RFD were recorded. Electrically doublet stimuli were delivered during the MVC and at rest to calculate the level of voluntary activation and the resting doublet twitch. After the race, decreases in MVC force (males: ?11%, effect size [ES] 0.52; females: ?11% ES 0.33), voluntary activation (males: ?6%, ES 0.87; females: ?4%, ES 0.72), and resting doublet twitch (males: ?6%, ES 0.34; females: ?8%, ES 0.30) were found to be similar between males and females. The decrease in peak RFD was found to be similar between males and females (males: ?14%, ES 0.43; females: ?15%, ES 0.14). Half-marathon run induced both central and peripheral fatigue, without any difference between men and women. The maximal and explosive strength loss was found similar between sexes. Together, these findings do not support the need of sex-specific training interventions to increase the tolerance to neuromuscular fatigue in half-marathoners.  相似文献   

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