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日本幼儿教育专家森重敏曾对母亲的育儿态度与幼儿个性的形成的关系进行过许多研究,他把母亲的育儿态度分为四种类型: 第一,“细微的干预”型:指母亲总是啰啰唆唆地要求孩子的行为举止或者对孩子所做的事追根问底,即总是拘泥于孩子的细微之处。第二,“垂直的亲爱”型:指母亲对孩子温和慈祥,能耐心地听取孩子的欲望和要求。第三,“情动”型:指母亲的情绪态度表现强烈,比如经常打骂孩子或训斥孩子。第四,“水平的亲和”型:指母亲和孩子的地位平等,能和睦共处,做孩子的知心朋友,和孩子对话等。森重敏认为,上述四种育儿态度对幼儿个性的形  相似文献   

以682名中国、日本和韩国3岁-6岁幼儿家长为调查对象,对幼儿语言表达和理解的发展进行跨文化研究。从幼儿语言发展的主要内环境(幼儿性别、年龄)和主要外环境(母亲的工作、母亲的育儿知识、母亲对丈夫的态度、母子关系、母亲的处世态度和母亲对孩子的态度)两个方面探讨影响幼儿语言发展的主要因素,得到以下结论:(1)中日韩三国幼儿语言发展有显著差异;(2)幼儿语言发展在不同的方面表现得不均衡;(3)在不同文化背景下,母亲的教养行为是导致幼儿语言发展差异的重要原因。  相似文献   

<正>幼儿教育随着当前经济发展和人们生活水平的提高,被越来越多的家庭所重视。幼儿园教学的游戏化,是良好地促进幼儿身心发展和性格养成的教学方法。本文通过分析幼儿园教学游戏化的特征,对幼儿园教学游戏化实现的途径给几点建议。在幼儿时期对孩子的教育,影响着孩子今后的成长和发展,影响着孩子的性格、意志力等品性的养成。幼儿园的  相似文献   

"母亲教育一旦受到动摇,它给孩子带来的就会是整个生命的崩溃,因为母亲所给的是生命的教育!"母亲对孩子的了解是从胎儿时开始的,任何人都不可能像母亲那样对影响孩子的外部环境如此清楚,也不可能对孩子的一举一动有如此深切的把握。长  相似文献   

以农村家庭为分析单位,采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,选取农户家庭进行抽样调查,遵循实证研究和系统分析相结合原则,进一步探讨农村家庭母亲文化程度对农村家庭教育投资的影响.结果表明:农村家庭母亲文化程度对子女奖励、干家务、假期安排、学习态度、教育选择等没有显著的影响;农村家庭母亲的文化程度与农村家庭关心孩子的方式、方法有直接的联系,母亲的文化水平直接影响到农村家庭对子女关心方式的选择;随着农村家庭母亲文化水平的提高,农村家庭关心子女的方式也会由简单、直观、肤浅向复杂、深入、细致的方向发展,由表面化向实质性的方向发展;同时,无论农村家庭母亲文化程度高低,农村家庭在教育投资选择方面,大多都存有重男轻女的性别偏好.  相似文献   

通过对新疆地区7所幼儿园914名4~6岁幼儿的父母进行教育观念的测查,结果发现:(1)父母教育观念受儿童年龄及父母年龄、性别、收入和学历等因素的影响。(2)随着儿童年龄的增加,父母倾向于赞同对儿童的严厉教育。(3)母亲比父亲更加赞同对儿童的赏识教育。(4)收入低的父母比收入高的父母更赞同对孩子进行严厉教育,(5)学历低的父母比学历高的父母更赞同对孩子的宽松教育;学历高的父母比学历低的父母更赞同孩子主动探索知识。  相似文献   

有的母亲喜欢边看电视,边给孩子喂奶。这样做,对孩子的成长很不利。日本小儿科医生伊藤助雄曾在1983年对日本5所幼儿园的523个4~5岁的孩子及其母亲作过调查,发现在幼儿园中情绪表现很不安定的孩子,他们的母亲在妊娠期一天看电视超过5个小时的达46%,在哺乳期  相似文献   

《一位母亲与家长会》是一篇充满震撼力和穿透力的小小说,其思想之深刻,表现方式之巧妙独特,语言之质朴、洗练,令人一读之后,叹为观止,不仅对母爱有了更形象更深刻的理解,而且为文章的叙述技巧所倾倒。在具体写法上,该文有以下几个突出特点:一、教育的扭曲和母爱的伟大作者通过描写幼儿园、小学、初中、高中四次家长会,用最简洁的笔墨勾勒了孩子的成长历程。每次家长会上老师对孩子的评价、母亲当时的反应以及母亲对孩子的态度都是让人鼻子发酸的。作为母亲,谁不挚爱自己的孩子?第一次家长会,幼儿园老师对母亲说“你最好带他去医院看一看”,…  相似文献   

我小的时候,父母亲分居两地,我是在托儿所、幼儿园里长大的。世事真有惊人的重复!我们夫妇分居两地,我的孩子——赵小佛也在托儿所、幼儿园里长大。抚今追昔,思绪万千,我要从心底里喊一声:感谢你,幼儿的第二个母亲! 小佛出生五个月,就进了托儿所。当时,我没奶水,托儿所的阿姨们不厌其烦,一天数顿为他调制奶糕。小佛四岁进了幼儿园。这孩子生性好动,非常调皮,我们做父母的往往不胜其烦。小佛班上的老师对孩子的爱抚、教育,真让我们这些作父母的自愧不如。她们循序渐进,动情善诱,因材施教。小佛喜爱画画,老师就注意培养,只要小佛较认真地画了一张,老师就把画贴在墙上,让孩子  相似文献   

儿童对个人事务的自主权对其自我的发展、自主性的增强及个性的形成有着重要的意义。本研究对大连市区371名幼儿教师进行了问卷调查和访谈。结果表明:(1)教师区分了个人事务、道德事务和常规事务;(2)教师在各事务领域给予幼儿自主权限的程度差异显著;(3)教师在各事务领域对待幼儿的方式差异显著;(4)教师给予幼儿各事务自主权限的程度在教师工作年限、幼儿年龄等因素上的差异不显著。  相似文献   

This study examined relations among mothers' hostile attribution tendencies regarding their children's ambiguous problem behaviors, mothers' harsh discipline practices, and children's externalizing behavior problems. A community sample of 277 families (19% minority representation) living in three geographic regions of the United States was followed for over 4 years. Mothers' hostile attribution tendencies were assessed during the summer prior to children's entry into kindergarten through their responses to written vignettes. Mothers' harsh discipline practices were assessed concurrently through ratings by interviewers and reports by spouses. Children's externalizing behavior problems were assessed concurrently through written questionnaires by mothers and fathers and in the spring of kindergarten and first, second, and third grades through reports by teachers and peer sociometric nominations. Results of structural equations models demonstrated that mothers' hostile attribution tendencies predicted children's future externalizing behavior problems at school and that a large proportion of this relation was mediated by mothers' harsh discipline practices. These results remained virtually unchanged when controlling for initial levels of children's prekindergarten externalizing behavior problems at home.  相似文献   

Maternal rearing behavior was examined in relation to children's reparation for transgressions and altruism as bystanders to distress in others. The children were 1 1/2-2 1/2 years old. Mothers were trained in techniques of observing. They recorded their child's reactions and their own behaviors in everyday encounters with expressions of distress in others (sorrow, discomfort, pain). Distress was also simulated by mothers and investigators. Mothers' empathic caregiving was rated during home visits. Mothers' affectively delivered explanations regarding the distresses their children had caused to others were associated with children's reparations for transgressions. Such explanations were also associated with children's altruism when they were bystanders to another's distress. Empathic caregiving by mothers was positively associated with children's reparation and altruism. Findings are discussed in relation to theories of altruism, conscience, and child rearing.  相似文献   

The present investigation was conducted to predict children's loneliness and social satisfaction growth curves from changes in their peer victimization status. Toward this aim, 388 children (193 boys, 195 girls) were interviewed at five points: as children entered kindergarten (in the fall) and spring of kindergarten through third grade. At each assessment, data were gathered on the frequency of children's peer victimization and degree of loneliness and social satisfaction. Groups were formed on the basis of timing and duration of children's victimization status. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to test several hypotheses regarding the nature of victimized children's growth curves. For instance, consistent with the Onset Hypothesis, the trajectories that emerged for children who moved from nonvictim to victim classification showed increasing levels of loneliness and decreasing social satisfaction. In contrast, findings for the Cessation Hypothesis were mixed, which suggests that children moving from victim to nonvictim status do not necessarily evidence significant improvements in loneliness or social satisfaction. The somewhat disparate trajectories that emerged for loneliness and social satisfaction are discussed.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated the impact of child deafness on mothers' stress, size of social networks, and satisfaction with social support. Twenty-three hearing mothers of deaf children and 23 hearing mothers of hearing children completed a series of self-report questionnaires when their children were 22 months, 3, and 4 years old. When children were 22 months, more mothers of deaf children reported pessimism about their children's achieving self-sufficiency and concerns about their children's communication abilities than did mothers of hearing children. When their children were 3 and 4 years old, mothers of deaf and hearing children did not differ in their reports of general parenting stress, as measured by the Parenting Stress Index (PSI). Likewise, mothers' ratings of satisfaction with social support were not affected by child deafness, nor did they change developmentally. Mothers of deaf and hearing children did differ in the types of support networks utilized. Mothers of deaf 22-month-olds reported significantly larger professional support networks, while mothers of hearing children reported significantly larger general support networks across all child ages. Mothers' feelings of stress and satisfaction with social support were very stable across the 2 years examined. The results suggest that most mothers of deaf children do not feel a high level of general parenting stress or dissatisfaction with their lives and support networks. However, mothers of deaf children are likely to feel stress in areas specific to deafness. In addition, because parenting stress was highly stable, special efforts should be made to intervene when mothers of deaf children are expressing high levels of stress.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to attempt to understand some of the reasons for the high academic achievement of Chinese and Japanese children compared to American children. The study was conducted with first and fifth graders attending elementary schools in the Minneapolis metropolitan area, Taipei (Taiwan), and Sendai (Japan). 1,440 children (240 first graders and 240 fifth graders in each city) were selected as target subjects in the study. The children were selected from 20 classrooms at each grade in each city and constituted a representative sample of children from these classrooms. In a follow-up study, first graders were studied again when they were in the fifth grade. The children were tested with achievement tests in reading and mathematics constructed specifically for this study, the children and their mothers were interviewed, the children's teachers filled out a questionnaire, and interviews were held with the principals of the schools attended by the children. In the follow-up study, achievement tests were administered, and the children and their mothers were interviewed. Background information about the children's everyday lives revealed much greater attention to academic activities among Chinese and Japanese than among American children. Members of the three cultures differed significantly in terms of parents' interest in their child's academic achievement, involvement of the family in the child's education, standards and expectations of parents concerning their child's academic achievement, and parents' and children's beliefs about the relative influence of effort and ability on academic achievement. Whereas children's academic achievement did not appear to be a central concern of American mothers, Chinese and Japanese mothers viewed this as their child's most important pursuit. Once the child entered elementary school, Chinese and Japanese families mobilized themselves to assist the child and to provide an environment conducive to achievement. American mothers appeared to be less interested in their child's academic achievement than in the child's general cognitive development; they attempted to provide experiences that fostered cognitive growth rather than academic excellence. Chinese and Japanese mothers held higher standards for their children's achievement than American mothers and gave more realistic evaluations of their child's academic, cognitive, and personality characteristics. American mothers overestimated their child's abilities and expressed greater satisfaction with their child's accomplishments than the Chinese and Japanese mothers. In describing bases of children's academic achievement, Chinese and Japanese mothers stressed the importance of hard work to a greater degree than American mothers, and American mothers gave greater emphasis to innate ability than did Chinese and Japanese mothers.  相似文献   

The role of parenting styles in children's problem behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Aunola K  Nurmi JE 《Child development》2005,76(6):1144-1159
This study investigated the combination of mothers' and fathers' parenting styles (affection, behavioral control, and psychological control) that would be most influential in predicting their children's internal and external problem behaviors. A total of 196 children (aged 5-6 years) were followed up six times from kindergarten to the second grade to measure their problem behaviors. Mothers and fathers filled in a questionnaire measuring their parenting styles once every year. The results showed that a high level of psychological control exercised by mothers combined with high affection predicted increases in the levels of both internal and external problem behaviors among children. Behavioral control exercised by mothers decreased children's external problem behavior but only when combined with a low level of psychological control.  相似文献   

This study investigated mothers' stress as a predictor of her instructional strategies for promoting peer relationships in preschool children. Forty-two low income African American mothers responded to structured interviews on the teaching strategies they frequently used to facilitate peer interactions of their two to three- and-a-half-year-old children. Mothers' stress was measured by The Parenting Stress Index-Short Form. Using regression analysis, three stress predictors of mothers' strategies to promote peer relationships were examined: parental distress, difficult child, and parent-child dysfunctional interactions. The three predictors of stress had a differential impact on mothers' instructional strategies. As stress increased: (a) when teaching their own children, mothers more frequently used strategies that reduced antisocial behaviors and less frequently used the strategies that promoted pro-social behaviors towards peers; (b) when teaching their children's peers, mothers less frequently used strategies that would directly benefit these children. Educational implications of these findings for stressed parents, professionals who work with stressed parents, as well as those professionals who teach parent educators are examined.  相似文献   

As part of larger intervention study designed to facilitate the transition of Head Start children into kindergarten and the early elementary grades, we assessed parents beliefs about former Head start children's abilities and values in several activity domains—academics, sports, and social skills—during the children's kindergarten ten year. Parents' expectations for their children's future also were examined. One hundred and twenty-four parents and 155 children participated; all children had attended Head Start, and the sample is ethnically and racially diverse. One group of children and parents received the additional services, and a second group did not. Parents, were quit optimistic about their children's prospects for the future. There were ethnic differences in parents were quit optimistic about their children's prospects for the future. There were ethnic differences in parents' beliefs about children's abilities and future prospects in different areas. Parents beliefs related both to children's attitudes toward school and to their performance on mathematical and reading achievement tests.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed data from the Jyv?skyl? Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia to investigate the factors to which mothers of children with and without familial risk for dyslexia attribute the causes of their first-grade children's reading achievement. Mothers' causal attributions were assessed three times during their children's first school year. Children's verbal intelligence was assessed at 5 years and their word and nonword reading skills at 6.5 years. The results showed that the higher the word reading skills the children had, the more their mothers attributed their success to ability than to effort. However, if children had familial risk for dyslexia, their mothers' attribution of success to ability decreased during the first grade as compared with the ability attributions of mothers whose children were in the control group.  相似文献   

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