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一、大学教育的两难矛盾中国大学发展到今天,面临诸多的“两难”:如坚持经典的大学理念与完成现实的大学功能(培养人才、科学研究、直接为社会服务);大学教育的价值取向与市场经济的价值取向;大众化教育与精英教育;知识“爆炸”式增长与学识专深。另外还有诸如育人与育才、素质教育与专业教育、人的全面发展与个性发展、构架知识体系与培养能力、教育的循序渐进与跳跃式发展等等。其实这诸多的两难,在西方发达国家,都已经历过,只不过对中国大学来说,感觉来得太快,缺乏渐进的思想准备,显得有点束手无策。不难分析,中国大学目前出现的诸多两难…  相似文献   

一、大学教育的两难矛盾 中国大学发展到今天,面临诸多的“两难”:如坚持经典的大学理念与完成现实的大学功能(培养人才、科学研究、直接为社会服务);大学教育的价值取向与市场经济的价值取向;大众化教育与精英教育;知识“爆炸”式增长与学识专深。另外还有诸如育人与育才、素质教育与专业教育、人的全面发展与个性发展、构架知识体系与培养能力、教育的循序渐进与跳跃式发展等等。其实这诸多的两难,在西方发达国家,都已经历过,只不过对中国大学来说,感觉来得太快,缺乏渐进的思想准备,显得有点束手无策。不难分析,中国大学目前出现的诸多两难原因固然很多,但可以把这些两难归到一个主题上,那就是“育人”与“育才”。  相似文献   

多年来,上海市金山中学立足本校实际,围绕教育教学这个中心。努力构筑“智慧链”——智慧教师、智慧学生、智慧课堂等,取得了显著成效。学校曾荣获全国精神文明建设工作先进单位、全国特色学校等称号。  相似文献   

当下语文课堂,师生多是在“零度情感”状态下对文章进行纯客观地解读,致使语文课缺少灵气、缺乏情感,导致学生情商不高、心理素质低下等问题。为构筑语文课堂的情感风景线,教师要努力建构课堂氛围,用以激“情”;加强朗读训练,用以入“情”;提高问题意识,用以生“情”;引入课堂辩论,用以见“情”。通过“情感教育”,让学生的知、情、意、行得到高度地统一。  相似文献   

在陈平原先生那里,今天的中国大学不是一个既成的实体,里面还包含着诸多被压抑的可能性,以近百年的中国大学为话题,既是专业研究的延伸,有其学术发展的内在理路,也带有明显的现实关怀.其新著<历史、传说与精神--中国大学百年>(香港:三联书店,2009年)叩问了中国大学的来龙去脉,其实是关心现代中国从哪里来、往何处去这个大问题.在陈平原的大学研究中,文学始终占据着一个相当特殊的位置.这里所说的"文学",不是指一门专业技能,或在分科体系中日益边缘化的文学,而是作为趣味,更确切地说,是作为人的基本教养的"文学".从这个意义上说,"文学"就是"教育".只有站在作为教养的"文学"的立场上,才可能给出大学一个总体性的前景,才可能打通百年中国大学的气脉.  相似文献   

当今社会呼吁和谐,所以我们要构建和谐社会;教育的真谛在于实现人的社会化和个性化的和谐发展,因此教育上的和谐曼重要,所以我们也要努力构建和谐课堂。如何构建“和谐课堂”?我认为应该从教师自身的专业素养与职业修养,环环相扣的课堂设计,以及和睦得当的师生关系三个方面入手,做好点点滴滴的准备工作,构筑和谐课堂。  相似文献   

高尔基曾经说过:“文学就是人学”,文学浸润着人类社会的诸种生命样式,“物色之动,心亦摇焉”,对作品表层感性文学形象的感悟必然会拨动学生的情感之弦,将学生引入文学的场内,还原“形真”、“情切”、“意远”、“理蕴”天然融合的高校文学课堂,变有限的课堂教育为无限的终身式教育。  相似文献   

民办高校外国文学课程面临课时少、任务重,难度大,学生文学积淀浅,课堂形式单一的弊端。面对此状况,笔者运用现代教育手段蓝墨云班课,引入中国大学MOOC网课优质资源,开展线上线下相结合的混合式教学,达到了提高课堂效率、深化教学内容、提升教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

文学是语言的艺术 ,这是传统的文学理论对文学本质的认识。文学的世界 ,的确是语言构筑的审美世界。但同时人们又发现 ,在文学创作实践中 ,文学语言却实际上遭遇到了“言”与“意”的矛盾。这引起了理论家和文学家的关注。事实上无论那一种讨论和研究 ,都是旨在努力拓展对文学的认识和发掘语言艺术的魅力。因为人类的所有的努力和追求都是且只能是在有限中达于无限。  相似文献   

首批120门“中国大学资源共享课”上线首批120门“中国大学资源共享课”6月26日在“爱课程网”(www.icourses.cn)上线,向公众免费开放。课程包括高校公共基础课、专业基础课和专业科学课3大类,涵盖理学、工学 、文学、法学、经济学、教育学等。  相似文献   

The incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is increasing in the United States. The rate of diagnosis, combined with the trend towards more inclusive classrooms, means that general education teachers will most likely be teaching some students with ASD. In their teacher preparation course in special education, pre-service teachers learned about characteristics of students with ASD by reading literature with positive portrayals of individuals with ASD. In conjunction, pre-service teachers received instruction on teaching strategies to use in the classroom for students with ASD. By combining good literature with instruction in inclusive teaching practices, teacher educators can model the use of disability literature in the classroom to the benefit of all students.  相似文献   

藏羌锅庄具有健身娱乐、民族教化和文化交流价值,民族地区高校体育教改为其进入课堂提供了契机,作为一种资源提供了引入民族地区高校体育的有利条件根据终身体育的需要,依照体育运动规律及教育发展规律,在民族地区高校课程中引入少数民族特色体育项目,一方面能促进高等体育改革,另一方面能保护藏族羌族非物质文化遗产,促进民族传统体育的现代化转型.  相似文献   

This forum explores contradictions that arose within the partnership between Teach for America (TFA) and a university teacher education program. TFA is an alternate route teacher preparation program that places individuals into K-12 classrooms in low-income school districts after participating in an intense summer training program and provides them with ongoing support. This forum is a conversation about the challenges we faced as new science teachers in the TFA program and in the Peace Corps program. We both entered the teaching field with science degrees and very little formal education in science education. In these programs we worked in a community very different from the one we had experienced as students. These experiences allow us to address many of the issues that were discussed in the original paper, namely teaching in an unfamiliar community amid challenges that many teachers face in the first few years of teaching. We consider how these challenges may be amplified for teachers who come to teaching through an alternate route and may not have as much pedagogical training as a more traditional teacher education program provides. The forum expands on the ideas presented in the original paper to consider the importance of perspectives on socially just science education. There is often a disconnect between what is taught in teacher education programs and what teachers actually experience in urban classrooms and this can be amplified when the training received through alternate route provides a different framework as well. This forum urges universities and alternate route programs to continue to find ways to authentically partner using practical strategies that bring together the philosophies and goals of all stakeholders in order to better prepare teachers to partner with their students to achieve their science learning goals.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine student perceptions of the learning environment in their program major and general education classrooms. The participants were 870 undergraduate students majoring in engineering, fine arts, education, economics and nursing programs at a university in Thailand. We found significant differences in the perceptions of the classroom learning environment across various disciplines. Engineering and economics students perceived the learning environment in general education classrooms as more cooperative than the learning environment in program major classrooms. Fine arts and nursing students perceived greater involvement among students in the program major classrooms than in the general education classrooms. Our findings contribute to the body of research on inter-disciplinary differences in classroom learning environments in universities and the ways in which these differences may impact student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Many challenges associated with distance education and technology integration initiatives focus on faculty issues and concerns. This article analyzes these difficulties by identifying from the literature current trends affecting faculty, faculty motivators, and faculty challenges. Then, following this review and analysis, the article presents seven strategies for university administrators and faculty to consider as part of their own strategic plan to mitigate faculty concerns and ensure program success. The seven strategies discussed include the following: (1) enable colleges and departments to accept more responsibility for distance education activities; (2) provide faculty more information about distance education programs and activities; (3) encourage faculty to incorporate technology into their traditional classrooms; (4) provide strong incentives for faculty to participate in distance education; (5) improve training and instructional support for distance education faculty; (6) build a stronger distance education faculty community; and (7) encourage more distance education scholarship and research.  相似文献   

建设高等教育强国是《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》对高等教育发展的部署与要求,研究型大学在高等教育强国建设中扮演引领高等教育发展、创新示范等角色。研究型大学应紧抓建设高等教育强国机遇,通过实施以现代大学制度建设、提升人才培养质量、建设高水平师资队伍、提高科技创新以及影响力为主要内容的发展战略,尽快建成一批国际一流水平的研究型大学。  相似文献   

文化育人是大学教育的应然诉求,其育人功能体现在对学生的引导、规范、熏陶和激励等方面。社会转型期,我国大学呈现出功利化和实用化办学趋向,行政化管理严重,偏离了大学应有的文化价值,使文化育人陷入困境。在无法控制外部环境变化的情况下,大学文化育人困境的自我诊治策略是坚持育人为本,倡导素质教育;重塑大学精神,克服功利主义;倡导文化自觉,建设制度文化;建设校园文化,创新育人载体。  相似文献   

A growing body of research explores theoretical models of teaching for social justice in P-12 classrooms and in teacher education. However, many of these models fail to account for the relationship between teachers’ social justice frameworks and their classroom practices. In this article, I use vignettes drawn from a recent study of secondary English Language Arts teachers to illustrate how differences in social location and sociopolitical emphasis affect teachers’ approaches to justice-oriented curriculum, pedagogy, and social action. This article concludes with implications for teaching and teacher education, including strategies for using these findings in preservice classrooms.  相似文献   

采用文献资料和逻辑分析等方法,从构建大学和谐体育的理论基础着手,分析了大学和谐体育的内涵特征,以及影响大学和谐体育构建的因素,结果表明:构建大学和谐体育不仅是构建和谐社会的重要内容和必然要求,亦是其自身顺应时代的要求.  相似文献   

进入"十二五",随着新一轮基础教育改革的兴起,教师教育得到国家和政府前所未有的重视。教师教育发展为地市级教育学院开辟了生存发展空间。为迎接新时期难得的发展机遇,应对与之同来的困难和挑战,地市级教育学院要全面谋划,创新发展。本文就此提出了新时期地市级教育学院的发展策略:实施开放办学、实施标准引领、构建具有自身特色的培训课程体系、建设专业化的工作团队、探索多元化的服务模式、搞好教育基地建设、打造现代化的教师教育网络平台、实施精细化的组织管理等。以此强化教育学院内涵建设,打造自身核心竞争力。  相似文献   

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